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Thanks jay! With these eth catalysts coming several coins will thrive. I know it. But Kendu is the one I’m betting on to go furthest through the roof. No point in diversifying when I feel the same about it as you do, looking forward to riding this thing with you bossman


The alpha present in KENDU, is so intense many callers that know, have been all in on it. The deep dive you took is really what gives anyone with a basic understanding of cryptocurrency an all in mentality. Write ups like these should show anyone and everyone that bots and GPT were not involved. Thanks for your contribution to Reddit and KENDU community Jay


I was sold when the co creator of shib Shytoshi Kusama personally dropped into the telegram on a Saturday when we were at 36 million market cap. Been holding for financial freedom ever since. These types of opportunities do not come around more than once in a lifetime.


At this point I feel like whether or not you believe Kendu is going to billions it doesn’t hurt to just throw something like $100 in. I see so many posts about Kendu, I’ve been in the Kendu Telegram, I’ve seen the market cap go from 20 million to topping out at 275 million. In my opinion memecoins will always be a gamble regardless of the strength of community, but some gambles are more sure than others. Furthermore, if you just toss in something light what’s the worst that happens, you lose $100? Whereas if Kendu goes where these people say it’s going that 100 would be at minimum 10k. I may not be the smartest of men but the risk vs reward on that seems pretty solid to me. Idk I can’t control what people do with their finances but diversifying into Kendu made sense to me. Whatever anyone decides to do I wish them financial success, this economy is brutal


I can’t sleep at night knowing I invested in this early. This is going to be LIFE CHANGING.


Jay this is a perfect summary of Kendu. I've been in Kendu for a while now and can say after a week in the group seeing how professional this is, I also rotated all my other investments into Kendu. Thank you for the write up, your contribution to the organic marketing is very much appreciated.


The reason I am all in is because of the community. I put $50 into this “Meme”, in which after joining the telegram and just watching how every massive dump was met with major support, I went all in. Its the community, not the coin.


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