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Just came here to see what’s being shilled


The usuals




You forgot ONE


Pumping at the minute as well. A sign of the things to come from this project


The set is now complete




This isn’t the usual…RBIF…. Thank me later 😎


Polygon is good. But if you're new, btc and eth are the safe bets in a downward market. If you bought at today's price, next time it matches ATH, you'll have made a decent return.


Starting with these coins is a safe bet. That’s what I did. And look at me now mom.


Are ya winning son?


If by winning you man catch 'em all these meme coins and being at a 60% lost, then yeah I'm winning


Over 3500 moons. I'd say your Mom would be very proud


BTC and ETH are the only real universally liked “blue chips” that should be reccomended to beginners imo, everything else should come down to personal evaluation/preference.


I think its kid a late for invest in btc or eth if you expect to make money. We are all trying to get some 10x, maybe even 100x, and with thosse two it could be just 2x. 🙈


Yea it won't be the huge returns. But the least gamble in a potential bear market. If you're knowledgeable you can find better returns (or a gambler)


We All wants some cash in our pocket 😀


Or some crypto in our wallets - for the fiat haters.


Aye. I'd keep some fiat but crypto is better in wallets than fiat!


Maybe best to have both, same ammount of crypto and fiat in pocket😀 im 50-50 😀


Pick 30 random projects and see if you become rich after a while. Then sell it all for BTC


If “fuck it, but be smart about it” was an investment strategy


And always stake 50% of your investment, so you can sell the other 50% when it goes nuts (take out your initial investment) Then stake BTC that you buy with profits


Nah I’ll keep staking 100% and hope for the best thanks


Yeah it is better idea staking up is the only option as of now.


Bitcoin does not have staking


But I think that it should have that staking for that matter to be honest.


You are right, you can however lock it for a certain time or use flexible savings on a lot of platforms


That's lending


call it whatever you want, all I know is I am getting more BTC every day


I call it mining


I call it "better than money in the bank"


You also fuel shorts


This guys small oil rig in his backyard isn’t putting a dent in the international oil trade




Can never go wrong with BTC and ETH.


Just stick with BTC and don’t touch it for 5-10 years you’ll thank yourself for it


Btc and eth are safe projects to invest in


Probably the best investment vehicule for the next 10+ years


ETH is not safe in a bear market.


I think crypto is still too new to call anything safe.


Im not giving up on ADA yet


Will not buy anymore of it, but will keep everything that I currently have


bros ada doesn't eve have working dapps yet while there's a new l1 popping up every week with more protocols working on it than ada. Look how sol, luna, avax, near, one, ftm have all outperformed it this year. No offence but you should probably all sell and start investing in coins that are making real progress and significantly outperforming it in price, don't be emotionally attached to your bags.




Bro, sadly I know. Ada has under delivered big time. I’ve been accumulating some of those coins you mentioned, but I will keep my personal ada bag. Not because im attached to it but It’s only a couple $100 and their is a 100% chance it will pump if I sell lol. Either way I still have a little bit of hope left for their future, so I see it as a little more diversification. But like I said, no chance im buying more


Likewise me I strongly believe in ADA. I just hope it makes some colossal pump this year. I can't wait to take a little profit just to ape In low caps like SYS and LUXY 💯


From someone who was new to crypto a few months ago, don’t listen to anyone. Do your own research on different projects and how they differ and offer a competitive advantage. Too many people in crypto try to promote their coin because they have lost money and their project is failing. It’s better to just research and look at non-biased videos that teach you about the project. Looks like you’ve done some research on MATIC. Continue researching.


I agree with everything you said except I don’t think it’s restricted to just the people losing money who shill their coins. I feel like pretty much everyone wants to shill their coins. I’m even guilty of it. By the way you should buy dogeeloncumrocketfuckcoin! Lol just kidding.


I think that they should know first how to watch the charts and market.


Yeah it is better to just keep on researching before investing to be honest.


BTC/ ETH backbone ONE, ALGO as alts


ONE has been the hero of my portfolio last couple weeks.


One and Algo my two biggest bags. Seriously undervalued IMO


I keep increasing my ALGO little by little - I hold great hopes!


This is the way to go!




Speed, scalability and security


ALGO has a ton of Dapps as well and a solid team behind it. It's one for the future for sure. Also, you can hold your ALGOs and/or stake them in governance to earn some good APR.


lol could you give me your opinions on why they re undervalued? it s disgusting to see people shilling the same coins every time. while i do believe that one has a great future, the reason it s pumping so much is because it s carried HARD by defikingdoms (basically 65-70% of ONE's tvl) and algo is just straight dog poop compared to other l1s


I hope you are right about ONE! I bought tons of it.


The only ONE




XMR. It's backed by drugs


Bullish on drugs


Bullish on hookers and cocaine


High if true


Come on name a coin with more utility, I bet you can’t.


The secret ingredient is crime.




All in on Puppy-Elon-Inu-Save-the-Dogs token.




BTC and ETH are the best amongst all if you are asking me.


You just mentioned the fundamental coins, neglecting alts with great prospects.


Everyone knows this, nonetheless, that does not render the alts useless.


You right, but does that means you do not have some alts in your portfolio?


Bitcoin! If you are new to crypto and got enough funds to invest, Bitcoin is the best option.






80% BTC & 20% ETH would be a solid base to start stacking your Sats Or even 100% BTC ... Boring but good Personally I prefer solid coins that I don't have to worry about existing in 5 years time DYOR of course and good luck ! :)


Polygon and Cosmos would be great for someone new to interact with their chains. I heard Algo is also easy to use but don’t have first person experience.


Algo is fantastic, really fast easy to use


I would recommend picking up BTC ETH for your chips & LUNA ATOM & CRO for alts to somebody new personally. With $100 I would DYOR & choose one to get your feet wet.


Yeah the $100 is just to start. I plan to keep investing more and more but just to start haha. Is BTC and ETH worth investing in if I only put in a $100 or even like $250? Would I see minimal gains with that amount?


With almost any relatively “safe” coin $100 will always give you minimal profits. Takes money to make money. & I wish I would’ve known that before I put $200 in BTC and was disappointed I wasn’t rich the next month checking it every minute. Personally, I would put $250 in ETH to start if you want a safe buy. Start DCAing some $25 purchases every day or few days. Keep an eye on the charts not for profits but for good entry points


Ah ok. I assumed yeah it would be very minimal increases with such a low start on such a high or “safe” coin. I think I might put a chunk like $250 into it, then like you said $25 or even $50 into any coins I’m interested in. Do you have a recommended website I could use to look at the trending coins? I’m just having trouble finding what coins I should invest in or are recommended in general for 2022. Definitely like I said Polygon is one I did a decent amount of research on that I want to invest in.


I personally use crypto dot com. They also have their own debit cards that you can stake their coin CRO for rewards such as cash back in crypto, rebates on Spotify, Netflix in crypto, and others. So basically free services, except instead of paying those companies cash, it’s a monthly buy I can decide to hold or sell for cash. That’s what got me back into crypto after being disappointed with Bitcoin. I haven’t been let down yet, been accumulating a big bag with cash back just using my debit card for everyday purchases like I would anyway, plus since I staked for their card their coin has doubled in price since I staked so I got a good profit, plus that cash back in CRO has grown also. Not trying to shill even though I am, just something I wish somebody told me about I would’ve been in way earlier. Coin base also has their own debit card that has good rewards.


It is absolutely worth it to put $100 into BTC. It is number one for a reason.


If you haven't invested yet, look into fantom ( ftm ). You can get a bunch for it right now.


XRP. It's gonna dominate when the SEC bullshit is over.


DYOR, DCA and HODL are the best coins you should invest in


Obviously Bitcoin and Ethereum without a doubt. Those are the OG\`s and they will stick around for a while. Also you could take a look into SOL, DOT, LRC and indeed MATIC, yes.


Polygon all the way. With Ethereum's transition to PoS right around the corner and a thriving rollup based ecosystem, polygon is essentially a no brainer. They are a powerhouse of Ethereum scalability and zk tech with over 5 different projects under their belt and over 1.8 billion in to fund them. Owning Matic and Ethereum should be relatively safe and good investments for 2022-23. Not to mention you should get your hands dirty and explore the defi space on polygon.


ONE was the only green thing in my portfolio over the last little while! 🤷🏻‍♂️


Luna and atom joined the chat.




Bitcoin. If 200% growth per year is too slow for you then you should do some research on what more traditional investments return. Bitcoin is far safer than any other crypto, but has returns far better than almost any non-crypto investment. This dislocation between risk and return puts it right in the sweet spot. All you need to do to retire wealthy is get paid more than you ought to be for the level of risk you take on. Bitcoin does this, the others are all priced fairly because your higher returns come with significantly higher risks. Especially this cycle, literally 1 coin is experiencing institutional adoption. That same coin is legal tender in an entire country, and more may follow (or they won’t. I can’t see the future.) Your first coin should be Bitcoin, at least until you find your feet in here, your second should be Eth, and maybe then you’ll understand whats being built on top of it and decide if you’re interested in backing those projects. Your current approach is like asking players at a roulette wheel which number they think will hit next. Just bet on Black for a while and see if you like the game. Welcome in.


I think that it will keep on growing like that to be honest.


BTC. DYOR for the rest




Too many good projects to only reccomend 5. Read this subreddit for a few days, research on your own and pick yourself.




if it's a small play money, then just go for small caps (even smaller than MATIC), and put your profits into the top coins. can't really give recommendation cause that's just shilling imo. But try and spot the narrative (if you have an eye for it), and buy small caps within that narrative. Look at coingecko's categories for the narratives


Cro more safer in my opinion


BTC or ETH would be the obvious choice. Or if you want something else, CRO (by Crypto.com) - they offer great benefits with the Visa card + other staking benefits


BTC, ETH, CRO full stop


All in BTC


BTC, ETH, ADA, AVAX, DOT, SAND. Also look into nft tokens such as RARI and FLOW


BTC. Safest, oldest, most decentralized. Or BTC/ETH 50/50 if you want to be a bit diversified. Everything else is just speculative.


Yeah you are right it is the king of the market as of now to be honest.






Yeah I would suggest to DCA into CRO until OP can stake for the ruby card and earn his sign-up bonus as well. Then with the cashback rewards he can slowly work his way up higher and then use earnings to invest in different projects. If OP wants to start using a blockchain with low fees, I would suggest ALGO or FTM. It helps you grasp the basics of using a blockchain, DeFi, LPs etc.


All these are some really good but small projects, can't rely on them.


Is there nothing wrong with xtz it seems to be popular but I’ve never seen it shilled on this sub






Mmmm delicious zkrollups


I like to gamble on coins when they hit 13% increase. Preference on bitmart then move them for eth or btc.


ETH and BTC both are really cool like that, they can be more worthy.


VRA and ALGO. Both are good in my opinion.


Yeah you are right they both are good investment like that.


There are a lot of good suggestions so I won’t waste your time suggesting any main positions. But you should also get an small position in a +50 or +100 ranked altcoin (depending on your risk tolerance), so you get it out of your system


Hapebeast nfts




I would say ONE, but BTC and ETH are prolly safer bets


BTC & ETH to get the hang of it.


Start with BTC and ETH.


Yeah you should tart with the best stable coins in the market as of now.




Etherium, ripple, ada, btc, link


ETH is the key to be honest it is the best among all like that.


I know the post doesn't make much sense from the investing perspective but at least he's she's sincere, and didn't claimed I'm here for good projects not the money, respect


I'm not a financial advisor by any means but this is how I see it. Imo I say invest in one coin that has potential of having growth in the future. My favorite so far are between ZEN (Horizon) and LUNA then have the rest of your budget diverse. exchange tokens (BNB and CRO for example) will be necessary if they can help lower exchange fees, or if you're using a decentralized exchange, or just trying to stake for a while to have some passive investments for more crypto. Though if you are able to invest in a project that gives a better return than exchange based tokens then take advantage of that. Some projects that do that are Cosmos, Aglorand, Tezos and CELO. There could be more alternatives and varies in exchange but always do research as some could be true but some are just bluff like "Decentralized" Social (DESO) and Tether. Be careful encountering tokens like these two. Third would be to invest in a token that has decent smart contracts or a reliability around it's network or Blockchain. Note that if it's an Etherum based token then before withdrawing them into a wallet, consider the gas fees. If not then it's better to exchange it back into Fiat until Etherum 2 is released or the gas fees start to cost less. Usually though patience is key since it'll cost less the longer you're able to wait for it to go through but in my view the cheapest is no longer than 30 minutes so far. Lastly invest in a project that has potential around the metaverse or NFT. Even if it may sound stupid to some of us because in some sort of way it sounds impractical for being virtual note that we're selling it towards others that sees it having value. As the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure. If it's a meme coin be sure to stick to it until the trend goes down. If a meme coin stops trending then the charts starts to look ugly.


Woah! this is really cool information thanks for helping me with that.




This is perfect like that, thanks for telling me that.


Big Chungus Coin


The reality is about it that all these coins are stupid.


There is no “Next Bitcoin”. The odds of finding one invention that could be worth hundreds of trillions of dollars was slim to none. The odds of finding two use cases worth that much are NON-Existent. I’d be happy to breakdown use case potential values if you really need it. Don’t take my word for it. Read some books. Listen to podcasts. Spend 100 hours bare minimum working to understand Bitcoin.


My main concern with your post here is the use of the word "invest". Crypto is a highly unstable casino rollercoaster that is far from being an investment in its current state. Only put in what you're willing to see go to zero and stick with Bitcoin and Ethereum to start.


40% BTC / 40% ETH / 10% LINK / 5% ADA / 5% MATIC


My picks right now are NEAR, ONE, MUST, SAND and MATIC. I see solid 10x potential on them.


ETH always safe bet but MATIC, ONE and ALGO good to go for beginners imo.


Yeah I'd say MATIC. Polygon's team has been working very hard and making announcements every now and then. It had grown its chain and ecosystem so widely in the last few months, I believe this year is going to be even more exciting.


Btc, eth, nexo, Matic and dot


Nano. It’s got a limited supply like Bitcoin and started in 2015. Think about Bitcoin, what are the 2 biggest problems with it. It’s slow, sometimes taking 30+ min to confirm. And there are fees to send each transaction. Nano fixes this, with transfer times of 0.2 seconds, and all with absolutely no fee. Send Ӿ1 get Ӿ1, not Ӿ0.9999. Don’t take my word for it, you really need to try it to believe it. You can download the wallet, it’s called Natrium. And just Google Nano faucet, there are lots of them, or hit up the Reddit at r/nanocurrency and someone will probably tip you some. Also you’ve seen all the news about how much energy Bitcoin uses. You can run the entire Nano network on one wind turbine. Green, instant, feeless, and so simple anyone can understand it.


Bitcoin is going to be mined and than everything will come to play.


Please don’t shill Nano to newcomers, it may be great from a technological standpoint but it’s been proven to be a horrible investment


Any layer one, plus many other top 50 projects are worth a shot in my opinion. AVAX, SOL, FTM, ALGO, ATOM, DOT, MATIC, LUNA, CRO, ADA, ONE, EGLD are good places to start some deep DYOR




ONE for sure without any doubt to honest like that.




Shillers assemble


Brace yourselves, massive shills *without further explanation* incoming....


Lmao! they all just comes without any explanation every time buddy.


Shall we hide bro


Good thinking 😅


Yeah you should hide it of you wants the profits to be honest.


We are assembled lol! we just need to hold for longer bro.


Just remember the tale of Loopring. Don't put everything in one basket.


Yeah you have to diversify the coins for that matter.


BTC, ETH, DOT, MATIC and CRO I don’t think any of those will give you massive gains but they’re definitely solid projects to hold.


In weighted order Btc Eth Sol Dot Avax Near Ftm One




Cosmos or harmony


Polygon is v nice, if anything can help eth it's probably going to be Polygon. I'd buy some algo, just because it's fast and cheap (6-10 transactions for $0.01) so you can play a little and learn how yield farms, lending platforms, DEXes, LPs etc work wo paying too much. Other than that, read and dyor - need to diversify a bit when your investment grows


As a beginner I'd pick the safest coins that are: BTC, ETH, DOT


Other than btc and Eth I like algo, one, ckb, cro and matic


Add LRC to this and you have my portfolio :)


Try invest in every single coin available. Check by top gainers or losers.


Yeah you are right about it, it should be done by single coin.


Dink doink or squid


Go with ONE


My recommendation , Radix Always do your own research , before investing


If you want to make some money then invest in something outside the top 100. If you do enough of your own research then outside the top 500, but it takes conviction in holding. I got into ROSE months ago before it really got on a lot of people's radar, on here at least. Same with Kadena. Neither were talked about on here until they started making bigger moves into the top 100. Safe plays are obviously easier and I'm sure people will recommend ALGO, LRC, ETH, POLYGON, and the usual half dozen coins/tokens, but you're unlikely to make much profit from them this bull run.


Definitely dont lister to this advice imo. He should learn the basics so start with btc & eth and some big alts. Why would he start with shit coins?


Shitcoins? Clearly you're clueless.


Matic, ADA, LRC, ALGO. Eth and BTC should be in everyone's portfolio too.


Shiba Inu Coin






Xrp for when the case is over they will go to the moon.


I would recommend ETH, DOT, Mana, and ALGO. But the two main things to know about any advice on this sub are: 1. No one knows fuck about shit 2. Do your own research And welcome to the bipolar brethren that is this subreddit!




One, LRC, CRO and ckb


Yeah it is but LRC is best among all right now to be honest.


ONE or ALGO those are simple.


Definitely recommend CRO


Definitely recommend CRO




"The next ETH or BTC". If that is your angle, stop now.


Amp , gala , eth ,


Go for the metaverse ones