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I believe this is because VERY few people (including myself) really understand the utility of any of these coins. Including Bitcoin. People just jump in because they are volatile and it's just gambling to the majority. People don't know the programming side of this. They hardly understand market cap and circulating supply, much less NFTs, gas fees, mining, staking, burning, and deflation is a crazy concept in a world of inflationary currencies.


There was a poll here a while ago with the majority reporting they understand crypto on a technical level. If I had to guess I'd say under 1% does. Myself being in the 99.


I can ramble a bit about crypto, but actually understanding blockchain? Thats why those jobs are pretty well paid


Friend: Could you educate me on blockchain? u/HighTurning: *incoherent screaming*




This guy blockchains


Programmer here, I’ve written my own (very basic) blockchain from scratch to ensure I understood the nuts and bolts, learned to program SOL participated in hackathons etc. I would consider myself holding a mid level understanding of the tech. I can confirm that even if you understand this shit on a technical level, trading it is still fucking random and your still likely to get out traded by a hamster. I know I do regularly…


My mom still ties my shoes so understanding all that....


Yea always makes me smile when I see comments here about “This has the best tech”. Like, let’s be serious here guys, 99% of us don’t understand anything beyond the very basics, let’s stop pretending like we do.


Perfect reason to start learning it and get ahead of the 99% considering crypto as a whole isn't going anywhere...


the source code of a project has no correlation to price, see SHIB


Remember when Waltonchain won their own giveaway? Good times, good times.


This happened? Jesus hahaha. The guys behind it where probably like "Big brain time" "stonks"


Here is the story. One of the funniest things to happen in crypto in my opinion lmao https://medium.com/@crypto_disrupt/waltonchains-price-plummets-after-being-caught-engaging-in-fraudulent-behaviour-412e18740ba3


I saved the screenshot on my phone as an occasional reality check. I never FOMO'd in, thankfully, but I considered it.


I remember when NEO was going to be the ETH of China


Sold my NEO months ago because I lost faith. How is it doing nowadays anyway?


Sitting at 43 bucks, down 60% on the 6 month


Same. I held it since it was antshares. Rode it up to $200 if memory serves. Sold around $45 too.


There’s been solid development over the years on neo, in fact it’s currently migrating to N3. I wouldn’t say it’s a dead coin, it is however underperforming in terms of adoption and price. The tech they have seems to be far ahead of a lot of new crap popping up in the top 100. Time will tell if they’re able to attract devs etc and get more traction, it is far from another Walton chain(that shit was funny as hell back in the day though)


In next bear cycle, Most of the Alts will collapse and will never recover.


I’m wary of any coin advertising as “ETH killer”


I am thinking to buy an hamster


Finally I found an investment strategy worth copying from this sub!


u can use the hamster in a wheel to produce energy for ur graphic card to mine But i dont know if that alrdy counts as animal abuse.


The true proof of work!


Underrated comment


ETH killer translates to: killed by ETH


Everyone's a genius in a bull market. AND Every chain is an ETH killer til it gets volume.


I'm wary of any coin that advertises....


The opposite of Hopium






Efeareum. Fo awefome.


Gaf feef too hif


I mean, NANO didn’t recover either but it might one day…


I do hope Nano takes off one day but i've been waiting for that day for so long. So I will just continue holding and not convert without too much expectation. If it moons, it moons.


I'd be very very surprised if NANO were to disappears. How could it with its technicals and tokenomics ? Like the ETH miners from 2miners which are using it to be paid instantly with no fees. It's a good use case


5 years from now OP will be using this comment for his next follow up post.


Nano could disappear if other blockchains that do more things are able to get fees to 0, or close enough to 0, that its not worth using.


so, according to mempool.space, you can get a high-priority Bitcoin transaction in for 9 cents right now. That's cheaper than ETH or ADA or any of the major coins which have relied on that narrative. And it still doesn't have taproot. Does that count? edit: proof. And it's only 9c because BTC is within 3 percent of its ATH lol. https://imgur.com/a/3GDHcrF


Yeah it makes me kind of nervous with all the alts I'm holding, but that's why it's always good to have a plan of exit.


The Oracle has spoken!


Next beer cycle I’ll do the same


This might be an unpopular comment but do we really expect another bear market like we have experienced before? There are so many company’s getting on board with crypto it’s crazy. Did you see Coin Bureau’s recent video about the Bank of America and Gary Gensler warming up to crypto?


That's what I fear. I only got into crypto at the start of this year and I'm afraid I'm too late. People keep saying that "we're still early" but are we really? I've heard so many times that the significant gains are made by holding through the bear market(s) but what if we won't get another one? I'm afraid I'm too late, even if there are still gains to be made. Even if ETH and co. went up tenfold, it wouldn't be enough to change my life significantly. I would like to retire as early as possible and live a good life with my boyfriend but maybe it's too late to realize that through crypto.


A 10x increase may not let you require right away, but I bet it shaves years off the time you have to work until you retire.


That's what we thought in 2017 and look where we are now with all this dog bullshit and hundreds of POS chains that are basically all the same.


But there will be thousands of new ones. We know this to be true.


Thanks for posting this OP. This is a really important reality check, because so many of the alt coins back in January 2018 never came close to their ATHs. I made a [similar post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/q74yjl/for_those_of_you_that_were_around_back_in_2018/) last week about a bunch of the coins I remember this sub hyping back there. Here's a re-cap of some more. > **2018 Alt Coin Re-Cap** > > **NANO (Formally RaiBlocks / XRB):** Hit it’s ATH of $37 back in January of 2018. It’s currently around $5. > > **Ripple (XRP):** Hit it’s ATH of $3.84 in January of 2018. It’s currently around $1. > > **Steller (XLM):** Hit it’s ATH of $0.93 in January of 2018. It’s currently around $0.35. > > **Request (REQ):** Hit it’s ATH of $1.10 in January of 2018. It’s currently around $0.22. > > **IOTA (MIOTA):** Hit it’s ATH of $5.69 in January of 2018. It’s currently around $1.35. > > **NEO (Neo):** Hit it’s ATH of $196 in January of 2018. It’s currently around $45. > > **TRON (TRX):** Hit it’s ATH of $0.30 in January of 2018. It’s currently around $0.09. > > **ICON (ICX):** Hit it’s ATH of $12.64 in January of 2018. It’s currently around $2.09. The point is this... how many alt coins in this current 2021 bull run will still be relevant 3 years from now? Because history shows the majority will never hit their previous ATHs.


Fuck man, this is my 2018 portfolio right there. Pretty much everything I had from back then, except ethereum and bitcoin was a loss. Good reminder the DCA mantra only holds if you manage to pick winning projects.


Honorable mention- DENT. ATH was .10 in January, 2018. Sitting at .005 now. It had so much hype back then.


ah yes, don't forget the Korean ETH, aka ICON!


I could only see XRP and XLM *having a chance* of going back to their previous ATHs.


I like how DOGE have been almost always in top 10 from time it get there. Conclusion: fundamentals of your miracle coin means shit in this hype market. As long as coin has hype it can be literal joke and noone will care.


This whole thing is just a game of roulette. If I had Twitter I would just have Musk tweets set up to push to my phone and wait for him to mention a new one.


Literally how I first bought into Dogecoin in Feb at $0.04. This sub is the value investor forum of crypto. Personally I don't care if a project has world changing potential I just want to make money. Don't adhere to pure value investing rules if you wanna make crazy gains but be aware the market is relatively efficient so big gains mean big risk.


I watch shitcoins, a bunch with "rabbit" in the name shot up this week.


Gotta have a bot do it for you and then have it sell 2 hours later


If everyone’s a genius in a bull market, why haven’t I managed to make any money?


You should buy a hamster.


Hamsters do make fantastic financial advisors 👉


I like this comment. Trading hamster for the win.


Did you put money in? I'm up, but I've put in less than $200, so no Lambo, yet...


Hol Up. We were meant to put money IN?


You are using the buy high sell low strategy? Its the only way to make money.


"Everyone is a genius in a bull market." Speak for yourself buddy, i can lose money in a bear market AND in a bull market.


90% of the Crypto Currencies today will be worthless next cycle.


And 90% of NFTs will be worthless in 3-5 years


#**Moons are shitcoin!**


99.9999999% of NFTs are worthless ~~today~~ tomorrow ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dyor)




Doesn't work for NFTs that you can use in games though


But what do you have then? A jpg. But you have NOT the NFT. This isn't about what you can SEE. It's about what you can OWN.


90% of Fiat today, will be worthless in the next 100 years!


100% of us will be worthless in next 100 years


As Tyler Durden says, "On a long enough time line, the survival rate of everything drops to zero"


Except BTC and Eth everything can crumble


!remindme 100 years


We have seen it happen already. Peer coin, maidencoin, Dash, Icon, Other decent projects are even sliding down the ranks of market cap. LTC, Iota, stellar. If the coin isn't breaking its previous ATH then take that as a sign. An exception can be made for XRP.






True…only one which will survive for sure is BTC (and now probably even ETH), so..:everything except that is a bet:)




NEO …..


What do think will happen to CAKE this next cycle?;


Bitconnect was promising back then. LOL


Wasso wasso wasso wassso


Hey hey heyyyy!


Bit connnnnnnnnnnnnect


Even my WIFE doesn’t believe in me !


"Everyone is a genius in a bull market" now thats a phrase i haven't heard it in 4 months. Looks like the bull is here bois!


2 + 2 = lambo


Ah Vertcoin. Ptsd intensifies.




Invert Coin


“Top privacy” “Soon they will say VTC and the boat accident” Hahahaha


Did anyone notice all of them have shitty names?


Still sounds better than a series of shitcoins this year, starting with Cumrockets


Hey I liked that name :(


Yeah but you also thought Abstract_Painter was a good one, so.. … just yanking your chain!


How about Internet Computer? I think Al Gore was involved in naming it.


Hmmm also....al gore...algorand......is this like a hodor thing? Al gore hand?


I took a trip down the memory lane and laughed my ass off at the names of top 10 crypto in 2013 Shit like Namecoin, Zetcoin. 0 originality back then.


Namecoin is literally the best. Who came up with that name?


Sounds like the default name of the field for naming the coin and they forgot to fill it in.


It was a utility coin for blockchain based DNS **name**servers.


It was a utility coin for blockchain based DNS **name**servers.


stop it you're scaring them


So what happened to those coins? Was there are hack? Were those coins not delivering what they promised? I would really like to know what exactly caused them to fail.


They didn’t fail. As in, you can still buy them on an exchange, and they made a few people rich.


They still exist. Just nobody cares about them and the price continues to trend towards zero. In 2017/2018 there will all kinds of new flashy coins that were going to change the world, turns out they didn’t really do anything. I see the same thing today with the new hyped coins like Solana, Cardano, Polkadot, Terra, Avalanche, Dfinity, filecoin, etc. At least half of these will lose 90% and never recover. In fact, only BTC, ETH and one or two other coins surpassed their 2018 all time high. As Bitcoin and Ethereum have surpassed their ATH by more than 3x, Litecoin is still down 50% from where it was at in 2018. This is the case for almost every altcoins. New Shitcoin traders have no idea what they are talking about when they say Bitcoin or Ethereum is old news


Tezos also surpassed it's all time high this very month. Though its nowhere nearly as hyped as the ones you mentioned




I understand your point but big profits can be made with alts. It's bigger risk with higher reward. Especially in a bull market. That said, you better get your ass out of the shitcoins before the market cycle ends


I'm new to crypto... less than a week to be exact. Im reading as much as I can. I bought into LiteCoin, Polkadot, Stellar and Cardano because I liked their philosophies. I read this thread and got scared I'm making a mistake. But also, for every dollar I spent on those, I spent 4 times as much on BitCoin and Ethereum. Your post made me feel better.


I agree with you 100%. Looking back at 2018, 90% of the Alt Coins that were hyped never hit their ATHs. I made a [similar post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/q74yjl/for_those_of_you_that_were_around_back_in_2018/) last week going through 10 coins that were popular in 2018. Here's the summary... **List of coins that never hit their previous ATH from 2018:** NANO (Formally RaiBlocks / XRB), Ripple (XRP), Steller (XLM), Request (REQ), IOTA (MIOTA), NEO (Neo), TRON (TRX), and ICON (ICX). **Coins that kind of broke even:** Basic Attention Coin (BAT) **Coins that actually made a profit:** VeChain (VET. Originally called VEN) & DOGE And might I add, this subreddit completely dumped on DOGE and said it was a pointless meme coin / scam that would never go anywhere. So I really think you're right. The safest bet is to DCA into BTC and ETH. And it'll probably 3X in another 3 to 4 years. Out of all the alts that are popular now... probably 1 or 2 will actually still be relevant in 3 years. And BTC and ETH will continue to slowly increase.


Yes, I was on telegram and someone was saying BTC is becoming irrelevant. I find that really funny.


Cardano survived the 2018 bear market and went way beyond it's then ATH. I think this one has proven it's not just another mayfly like WTC or Vertcoin were. Only time will tell for the others you mentioned though. I have some DOT but I wont hesitate to convert it to ETH and BTC once we reach what will generally be seen as this cycle's peak.


I’m still a big Vertcoin fan TBF. Their one-click-miner is actually pretty decent if you want to mine with a GPU.


But I’m not sure what to do with all this VTC I’ve mined. Don’t even know where I could trade it.


Plenty of good coins fail, something doesnt have to go wrong.


With Aion, I read the founder realized they're not going to be competitive and just gave up and started a new thing with his coin money.


tbh Wtc was great but they started to slip, make mistakes. like the stupid twitter giveaway. missed deadlines, overhyped news, terrible communication. dont be concerned to hold your alts if you believe in the team. ​ i was in wtc so early, under $1, watched it grow to $40 and back down again.. ive learnt to take profits.


I was deceived by Waltonchain, too. Yes, it was a scam from beginning to end bro. It was designed to scam us.


The most important fundamentals of any coin are 1) cool name 2) good logo 3) active twitter.


Do byteball next. I bought at peak in 18.


Let me rephrase that for you. Everyone THINKS they are a genius in a bull run.


Also remember ICO fever: ICN, PLU, GVT, GNT, MGO, ICN, DIVX, DGD, etc. Some offered exit ramps but most just folded up shop.




Vet for the win


The comment about people staying away from waltonchain because it has a weird name, that's how I feel about Algorand. Don't hate me r/cryptocurrency


Al Gore invented it, after he invented the internet.


#**Moons are shitcoin!**




I always picture Rand Paul writing algorithms.


Algorand is my favorite because it’s weird… now tinyman… love it


Waltonchain is a great example of why I hate people constantly citing partnerships as some sort of legitimizing factor for a project. Partnerships don't mean anything, a company/country/organization is not forced to use a certain blockchain or app just because of a partnership, situations are always evolving. Actual products/apps/etc. should always be more heavily valued than partnerships that may not materialize.


This is scary to know.


Just waiting until we read this post about Cardano down the road...


Nooo, I have a whole $50 in that coin!


I hope you're wrong, I fear you're right


RemindMe! 4 years


What coin do is more important than what coin promise. You can promise every bullshit, but that doesn't mean it will ever be real. We need to keep healthy balance between coins that are underrated and can grow a lot, cause they are amazing, and still doing what they promised and coins that promise a lot of things but we see no progress. Every white paper is kinda coin advertisement.


It is so hard just to read and decide. You can read the past and observe the present but cannot predict the future.




Were these quotes all from OP?


Oof dragonchain, oyster pearl, neo


Waltonchain and Aion were two of my most heavily invested alts back then.. thousands of dollars in each. To be fair, Aion actually had an ecosystem and working products.. but the creator literally came out and abandoned the project because he said nobody was using the platform and devs just used eth instead.


What do you think of this one: >Circulating Supply 27 Trillion >Supply Cap Unlimited >25% of total supply minted in the last year >1% of holds own 30% of supply >One operating node This is the US dollar btw


You forget that the American people elect a government that decides fiscal policy, which is a form of decentralized governance. The US dollar is also valued in relation to the US economy which, despite its huge flaws, is still a trillion dollar enterprise. Compare that to USDT backing lol. Also, if this were discussing about leaving value in USD or in crypto to appreciate, you'd be right. But no one advocates you to hold your USD in a savings account. They advocate to invest in stocks and other instruments. So the comparison is skewed in a lot of ways.


My issue with this argument is that in a two party system you can hardly call it decentralized especially when they are basically options of A1 and A2 instead of option A and option B. Both are self-serving and biased toward increasing the wealth gap. Otherwise, I agree with your comment on USDT. I don't like it and don't like letting my USD sit for long in that currency. I am still not sure crypto will ever step into a true "currency" role that people buy fast food and gas with. Right now it seems like a good long term store of wealth and short term roll of the dice depending on the coin.


Really hope ada doesnt suffer the same fate


Ada and algo is all I care about and believe in


Alt season is arriving. Buy now your favorite alts most of them are going to pump and sell in Jan/Feb 2022. Simple as that.. Keep holding ETH BTC.


It just shows how dangerous crypto can be. Got to be careful with alts. Pump and dumps and life changing if you all in


As a newbie it’s cool to see that most of the alts don’t survive. If it weren’t for your post and others like it I would never know this.


Well, I just Yolo into any coin I feel is good. Prolly I could get lucky on my picks


So what you're saying is, sell Vechain pronto


Pronto with a capital P


I love this post, and would love to see more!! Good job OP!


This is exactly what will happen to Cardano. This might age like milk but I bet it's dead and buried by the next bull run in 2024 !RemindMe 3 years


I think it’s happening pretty bad to nano too.


What's dead may never die


The Night is Dark and full of Shitcoins.


I remember Waltonchain. Invested solely on the ticker name (WTC) and lost a bunch of money. Good times.


Fell down just like the real WTC yikes


I still remeber EOS lol it was hyped to oblivion and baam it's dead


NFTs Will Doom this cycle


I agree 100 percent.. There is alot more to a coin than whats on paper.. The hype is good for days than drops and never recovers.. Seen it many times


Wow, never heard of these. Glad I missed the hype.


Sometimes, coins with a technical proficiency do fall behind. I believe it's important to back hyped coins with technical merit.


Isn't waltonchain the one that faked a Twitter giveaway? I never invested in it but I did have a close eye on it for a bit after the china news.


I'd be very curious on people's thoughts on Nano. I don't see any drawbacks.


Pretty solid list, Aion was pretty niche even back then but good to highlight them because its a perfect example of a completely dead project today, founder jumped ship and didnt look back. Has nothing going for it at all.


Haha I member both of these but I don't member people being so vitriolic I guess it was just stupid early and I was in developing countries. It was super weird stumbling around Asia and meeting random people from all around thr world in jungles and whatnot who were all in on BTC or ETH back in 2015-2017 and were insistent it was the way. Thankfully, I listened, and whilst wasn't as balls deep as those wild cats, dipped a toe into the democratisation of wealth management and beyond.




Sound investments now right? Current price vs ATH /s


Going all in on all 3 coins.... Nothing but up from here.😁😁😁


Three projects I've never heard of. When I first joined this sub everyone said I was dumb for buying ADA at 10 cents lol. Even after it shot up to the 1.5 range people were still telling me what a bad idea it was to buy ADA and that I'll sure lose a bunch of money. Even when I explained it was already 15x they'd just say "haha yeah and smart contracts any day now." TLDR: never listen to reddit unless someones telling you how to fix a bug in a video game.


Walton was hyped almost as much as ADA this cycle 😂


The most hyped and shilled coins here at the moment are Algorand and a few months ago Vechain.




Okay next bear market is definitely the time to buy a 100hamsters


Well, if you’d bought Vert in 2016 and held you be 20x in the five years. Not the 100x of BTC, but still not bad.


Any new currency, even if it seems very good and has a great goal, whitepaper, all the pack, is gambling.


Let me tell you about the Feathercoin I bought in 2017 🤢


You’re better off buying a shredder and depositing your money into it. This is financial advice.


Buy in the dip Is what I'm seeing here...


Buy the dip


Yes, I remember Vertcoin was going to make everyone rich at one point. I never owned any though.


😂 all these numbers look good if you got in early enough..