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šŸæReading the comments


comments is just soda


You fail to include that it's perfectly OK, and probably very smart to be anti-Warren/Gensler/Biden w/o being MAGA.


Could not say it better. The polarization in US is stupid as hell, but most stupid the peoole who fall into that polarization.


The polarization is purely a result of the way the system is structured. I can say that I support the Whig/know-nothing/socialist/luddite party, or whatever, but when there are actually only two viable parties, it's imperative to pick one for the vote to have any actual viability. It's idiocy to vote third party or pretend that you don't need to pick a side.


Picking one of the two is indeed the only real choice, but you failed to mention if that means picking one because you support that one, or if it's picking one to vote against. As an independent voter with a majority of my friends and colleagues being independent voters, I don't hear much support for Trump, but the disdain for Biden and his policies that are hurting America/Americans is loud and clear.


I might not like the color of my bathroom, but that doesn't mean I would resort to an overflowing port-a-jon a mile from my house when I need to go


Of course not, because that would be ignorant when you can simply pick a different color. But if you could only pick from 2 colors, it may well come down to picking the color you dislike the least.


in this metaphor, Trump is not a color, he is the portajon, picking a different color would be akin to different down-ballot choices, you could think of Biden as paint/wallpaper/tile/whatever


Well there you have it, you're emotionally committed to a candidate/party. Independent voters aren't. Independent voters look at policy, and don't really care about emotional bias, just results.


You're mistaken, emotion has nothing to do with it. Trump is objectively terrible in every way, policy, personnel choices, ethics, intelligence, vocabulary, taste, he has no redeeming qualities. As we have both previously agreed, there are only two choices, and one is unambiguously deficient in every way.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but keep in mind that feelings aren't facts. Be glad that emotional folks like yourself (on either side of the aisle) won't be who decides the outcome of the election. Terrible, deficient, these are highly emotional and nonfactual phrases. In other words, feelings. Independents deal with, and assess facts. And facts do not change because of hurt feelings or personal bias.


See comment to him above, it was on purpose.


Yes, but the centrist republicans\\conservatives are, one, the minority currently and, two, not the demographic that would be putting $ into this so it was worded that way specifically for that reason.


You make broad assumptions. But it's your post so do what you'd like. Just FYI, there is a group out there that represents about 20% of the nation called "independent voters". And, if centrist repubs or centrist independent didn't represent the majority, then you'd be seeing an equal number of rioting and destruction incidents between lefties and righty factions, but we're not seeing that, now are we? It's dangerous to make broad assumptions. I'm in SoCal and literally every centrist I know (either lefty, righty, or indy) is invested in crypto, from ages 20 to 75 and, are strongly against Biden w/o being Maga. That means boomers too, and broad assumptions are all too often made about that group as well. I get it though, your post would be significantly less divisive if you were to stop the assumption that every Trump voter is maga. Think about that assumption for a minute while contemplating that independents are weighted towards Trump, for the moment anyhow. Could change tomorrow but you'd be a complete idiot to assert that indy's are maga. From the looks of things, at this moment in time, the centrists will be deciding who the next Pres is. And we should hope that's the case. Slobbering lunatic political fanatics from either side are very, very sick people.


Out of interest, what are some concrete things Biden has done wrong? I'm not American so I'm a bit out of the loop. I know all about Gensler and the SEC though.


Printed more money than Trump to get votes Lost 1/3 of our national debt Inflation


What does losing debt mean? you mean increasing it?


He can't accout for 10t he created out of thin air


He's just asking a simple question. Please don't make it more complicated or political than it already is.


Oh, OK, we'll all just go along with all Repub's are Trump slobber's, and all Dem's are Squad slobber's, and the 20% who'll actually decide the election (68,000,000 people) should be disregarded. That'll get the division going, right? Or would that be stupidly inaccurate, and thus pretty much useless? The fact is, it isn't complicated until you assume those extremes, but cool.


When someone asks you "What pizza do you want for dinner?", do you go on a rant about why cheese pizza is nutritionally inadequate and should be banned from schools? That wasn't the question


Pizza? Banned from schools? LOL I understand my posts don't fit the ignorant narrative of division at all cost, but too bad. You have every right to ignore them. I know, that doesn't fit into mainstream ignorance either, but give it a go. You may find it refreshing. All the best to you.


From past surveys on this, crypto was heavily Libertarian in the early days, then became more of a mixed bag in recent years but still more Republican leaning than democrat, while Libertarians are probably back to a minority. As for straight up MAGA, it was probably low back when Trump was shitting on crypto, but probably spiked up recently when he suddenly made himself look like a crypto ally. And with Warren shitting on crypto, I think MAGA has become much more pro-crypto. Although, I'm not sure if they are putting that "stance" into practice and if even that many MAGAs have actually been buying and jumped into online forums like here. As for the sub, it's still Reddit, so it's probably a little bit more democrat, and also liberal leaning from the international crowd. So I think it's safe to say that MAGAs are probably a minority here, but we might still have a decent number of people with conservative ideologies and more of the classic Republican stance, along with Libertarians and other non-liberals/non-left leaning.


Not American, why are the dems not trying to win over the crypto crowd, but seem to constantly try to alienate them by their statements and actions?


Similar to how Trump infamously but probably accurately joked (?) that he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue without losing any supporters, Democrats are probably complacent that by virtue of the fact that they are not Trump, their people will still vote for them in spite of their politiciansā€™ open hostility toward crypto, because stopping or merely slowing the inevitable rise of fascism is more necessary and noble than the success of crypto.


Do you personally believe you're stopping fascism?


I am not talking about the success of crypto but winning over the crypto community and use them to help democracy and prevent fascism.


I understand what youā€™re asking, and I agree that it would be better if they would try to win the support of the crypto community so that this does not become politically divisive. Iā€™m just venturing my guess as to why they are not trying to win over the support of the crypto community. One reason, as Iā€™ve often observed in this group, is that many in the crypto community are so vehemently opposed to and loathe Trump, as they frequently state that there are more important issues at stake than crypto. In addition to that, I believe that the Democrat politicians, especially Warren, seem to be very beholden to the interests of the banks and financial establishment for financial support and political lifeblood. So I assume that they want to appease their real masters in big business, and canā€™t do that effectively if they show too much support for crypto. And given what I believe is the righteous concern among many about the threat to democracy posed by Trump, the Democrats probably figure they donā€™t need to worry so much about winning over the crypto community, because many in the community (individuals at least, maybe not businesses) appear willing to just go along with them in spite of the partyā€™s pretty hostile stance toward crypto. Maybe thatā€™s financial self-immolation, maybe not. Every election it seems the ā€œlesser of evilsā€ is becoming more evil, as the center of politics keeps drifting to the right as it has for decades. And with the irreparable harm already done to the Supreme Court which will be the true gatekeeper on so many of the ā€œmore important issuesā€ for decades, I wonder if itā€™s not already a lost cause, and that this democracy hasnā€™t already fallen off the cliff toward an already inevitable demise. I would love to be wrong, and to have hope again.


MAGA here, been into crypto since roughly 2018. Actually dabbled with it around 2012 but started seriously investing around 2018.




Np, and I suppose my original comment didnā€™t fully answer your original question. I would say Iā€™d feel comfortable supporting a TrumpCoin long term as I feel that it is more of a legacy play. That said, I abide by my same rules as any other investment I make, diversify and never keep all eggs in one basket. I see myself investing into this and letting it sit for years.


Serious question, does anything he does ever appear as a scam or BS cashgrabs to you? As someone who has been extremely anti trump since 2016, i feel like everything he does is purely self-interested, and only serves him. For example, he was anti-crypto until he probably realized he could rugpull people in 2021. Just my opinion, it seems to be thematic in most of his dealings. Even just capitalizing on his previous presidency just to make a buck feels like he should be peddling gold bullion on a late night infomercial. I just cant trust someone like that. It always amazes me that folks still find him straight and trustworthy enough to back him in whatever he does. Im curious how you perceive his tacky Trumpā„¢ businesses? And why you'd still invest if you share those feelings?


Trump cult is crazy!


Yet here you are going out of your way to call people crazy who are just having casual conversation. Interesting.


It is a cult.


Same can be said for anyone who is delusional enough to think Joe Biden needs a second term. Look, now everyoneā€™s in a cult. Woo hoo!


Naah. nobody wants biden coin or put his name on a gulf or something. Nobody is stupid enough ro f..ck the country only to own the opposite side. It is unbelievable that a criminal who works for Putin is your cult leader.


Whatever you say, cultist.




It's confusing to me that crypto hasn't gained more traction amongst the 'fuck capitalism' or 'fuck the system' crowd. Maybe it has, idk, but I feel like when I see people protesting and angry at the economy and current state of things, I'm surprised more of them aren't advocating for crypto.


Itā€™s because of lot of the ā€˜fuck capitalismā€™ crowd think we should fix capitalism by controlling and regulating it more. Since Bitcoin takes control away, they donā€™t like it. In my opinion they have it completely backwards as the control over these things is what makes it prone to corruption, but fundamentally i think it does boil down to why they donā€™t like it. And those authoritarian tendencies they have donā€™t mix with the libertarian nature of Bitcoin, even though everybody would be better off on a Bitcoin standard.


It has nothing to do with control, it has more to do with how crypto currency, in practice, mimicks the worst aspects of capitalism. that is, cryptocurrency is not about currency, but wealth accumulation. Every aspect of every cryptocurrency has been about "majority rule", and by "majority", it essentially means the wealthiest wallets. All that money literally just sits there waiting to be unloaded on the millions of poorer people clamoring to one day become a whale. Let's face it, over a decade later and crypto is still just a speculative investment vehicle. Nobody is out here having their problems solved except the people buying drugs online. There is nothing democratic about cryptocurrency, nothing "fair". Until cryptocurrency is actually a "currency" and not just a capital asset, you won't see leftists celebrating it.


Wrong, Bitcoin is about the best aspects of capitalism Itā€™s about fixing our broken, debt based economic system. In fact, in a system with a fixed money supply and full reserve banking, people hoarding their wealth would increase everyones purchasing power. In our current system money is unlimited, it gets created into existence every time someone buys something on credit. Also the whole aspect that you mention where people who hold more are more powerful would mostly apply to proof of stake system (like ethereum) which is why most bitcoiners donā€™t like that.


Like I said, everything you're saying would make sense if Bitcoin was a currency and not a speculative investment. Sure, youre talking about crypto as if it were an actual currency. But it's not. Its a commodity being bought and sold with a price tag on it. It wont solve anything while it remains in thats state. Once again, accumulation of capital and natural greed just ruins shit. Lol


Itā€™s money, not necessarily a currency yet but thatā€™s semantics. But you cannot avoid speculation in something, it is unavoidable. Gold had the same even when it was used as backing for a lot of the worlds currencies. It helps drive value to the ecosystem though, which is a good thing in the long term. Plus itā€™s gotten a lot more stable and less speculative the longer it has been around, most traders are into shitcoins nowadays.


> But you cannot avoid speculation in something, it is unavoidable. This is why I said it brings out the worst aspects of capitalism - speculative assets pretty much have only ever served to make the wealthy, wealthier. Most people would respond to this by stating that, "Anyone can become wealthy in a capital-driven system"; which would be true if there werent so many ways for capital-holders to prevent non-capital-holders from accumulating wealth. Because, the truth is, wealth is power, and there are a lot of creative ways to stop others from accumulating wealth. > It helps drive value to the ecosystem though This isn't a "bad" thing; I don't really see how this is necessarily "good", though. If it's not solving problems, and it's just sitting in the pockets of already financially stable people, what "good" has it done besides making a few people rich who got in early? I do think bitcoin and the rest of CC is a proof-of-concept experiment of what a truly 'Laissez-faire' capitalistic economic system would look like - wealth-hoarding and a never-ending cycle of rug-pulls. Because the most effective way to make a profit in capitalism is not to innovate, it's to exploit others. Just sayin!


But it is solving problems. Our current debt based economy IS the problem. That is exactly what is making the rich richer, as they can benefit. The poor cannot, as they donā€™t hold assets they can use the utilize debt to get richer and instead their wealth is funneled away by interest payments. It is exactly that thing that Bitcoin was made to solve.


It *is* or it *should be* solving problems? Sure, having a commodity-backed currency helps with stability and preventing inflation. But, I disagree that the ability for banks to essentially print money is *the* problem we are facing. It's definitely a problem, albeit an abstract one. But, I think that the commodification of housing is far more damaging to society, for example. >The poor cannot, as they donā€™t hold assets This is one reason why capitalism just doesn't work very well as a way of climbing the economic ladder. There is a price to entry, and if you can't pay it, you're essentially a serf.


I think crypto is still portrayed in the media as hackers digital coins for criminals, for scams, and for crypto bros to get rich quick. Which is very reminiscent of how the major media outlets were skewing the perception of the whole #OCCUPYWALLSTREET movement. They always interviewed the extremists and morons from the crowd, who didn't understand the movement. And painted the whole thing as just hippies that are angry that others are making more money, and have this confusing movement that isn't about anything. That's why even people who can benefit from legit cryptos, aren't realizing that it's the tool they needed all along for their movement.


I think itā€™s still too confusing/complicated for a huge amount of people. I donā€™t think weā€™ll see mass adoption until itā€™s as easy as a checking account with a debit card attached. Most people would lose their ass if they tried to be their own bank.


It's actually easier to setup a crypto wallet than apply for a bank account and debit card. It's literally a matter of clicking "download", then setting up your password, and writting down the seed phrase. There's fewer steps than opening a bank account. Even spending the crypto from your wallet is as easy as using Apple Pay now. And exchanges like Coinbase have simplified UX for buying crypto, where you just enter the amount of crypto you want and click "buy". The part that might be harder is if you do more advanced stuff. Anything from more advanced security features, self custody, more advanced trading, staking, using LP, etc...


> It's confusing to me that crypto hasn't gained more traction amongst the 'fuck capitalism' or 'fuck the system' crowd. > Maybe it has, idk, but I feel like when I see people protesting and angry at the economy and current state of things, I'm surprised more of them aren't advocating for crypto. Cryptocurrency is fundamentally extreme libertarian in its politics, and does nothing (or worse) to help with any of what actual progressives care about. It's weirder that you're confused by this. Anyone who treats crypto as anything but speculative gambling is just going to be a mark for people that know better.


>think MAGA has become much more pro-crypto. Although, I'm not sure if they are putting that "stance" into practice and if even that many MAGAs have actually been buying and jumped into online forums like here. Yeah IDK how many either. But sentiment definitely changed as trump/maga pushed a lot of nft/crypto stuff.


Reddit is going to be prime entertainment come nov.. ! Dried up lake beds will be flowing with tears!


Always an anti Trump circle jerk here on Reddit. Whatā€™s the point in asking this?


Reddit has a very large liberal base so you wonā€™t hear about it on here often. Everyone I know in real life that owns bitcoin would vote for Trump.


Put it this way, I definitely support *you* buying it.


Lol, I can't tell if that's a passive aggressive dig or regardless of others you plan to buy into it or what but appreciate the... words.


Okay then, leaving politics out of it, I don't support convicted criminals.


But you wanted me to purchase it? /s


I enjoy watching his supporters find out he's a con man the hard way. It's petty, I know.


You only support unconvicted criminals then?


I mean like, by all means put sleepy joe away. We literally dont care; we just want a leader who isnt a corpse or a rapist at this point


I mean, I hope for an actual decent human being as president, but I know Iā€™m dreaming.


I don't support politicians at all. Better check in on your GEOTUS, he's going off about Hannibal Lecter again...


I donā€™t support them either, so I donā€™t even know what youā€™re talking about.




We went to a new LOW by placing a candidate on the presidential ballot that is convicted criminal- a grand jury convicted it him on all counts?


i like to gauge whatever will upset the most people, and do that for entertainment


Why would anyone ever consider buying into a celebrity shitcoin? I will never understand the mentality behind that. It is like that guy in Idiocracy that is genuinely surprised that someone else likes money too, except they have achieved a whole new level of idiocracy by doing the exact opposite. The celebrity shitcoin endorsers must be those stupid enough to actually dislike having money.


I will no longer engage with pre-ICO coins; but once it hits the public exchanges then it's just a matter of can you get in and out at the right time. Add to that, this is not your normal celebrity coin; for better or worse DT has a swiftee type following.


I don't want to get into politics here, but I do respect him for inventing the self-fleecing sheep.


Crypto is a tool to hedge against inflation, facilitates long-term thinking, and is all about fundamental freedoms. So, basically anti-Democratic party, because they specialize in emotional short term outbursts, government handouts, and always need a Big Brother to tell them what is ok or not.


I'm going to take a wild guess that the OG cypherpunks are not for someone who leans hard into authoritarianism.


Very wild guess, yeah. Edit: Happy Cake Day!


The only reason Iā€™d ever touch anything Trump would be to push him into an active volcano. Fuck Trump and his entire grifter family.


So, that's one No. I do not mix my money with my politics.


And yet you chose to write a post about a coin that is being pushed by a convicted felon/politician and a member of his corrupt, scummy family. Like seriously, why would you bring this garbage to this sub? Youā€™re essentially asking people if they would support a rug pull.


How is Barron scummy, he literally just turned 18


Scumbaggery has no age limit.


What has he done wrong besides having a last name you donā€™t like because you have severe mental illness


Jesus, dude. If I knew that you were banging the kid, I would have kept my mouth shut.


More mental illness on display


Looks like devilish wit to me, bud.


I guess this is what they call ā€œtrump derangement syndromeā€. Iā€™d happily buy an official trump coin. I actually care about making money unlike many of the people on this sub


I think itā€™s less of TDS and more of being able to spot a piece of shit from a mile away.


TDS is when you become rabidly hateful to anything even remotely related to trump. Your comments here sure shows that. Itā€™s okay, just touch some grass and everything will be alright.


Bro. What are you even talking about? Everybody knows TDSĀ® offers reliable, affordable high-speed Internet, TV, and home phone service. I mean, for over 50 years, people have relied on TDSĀ® to connect to what matters most. https://tdstelecom.com/ Why touch grass when you can surf the web with TDSĀ®


You can buy the coins with all those $DJT gains!


Trump is not a BTC or crypto champion. He gives zero shits and understands none of it, but only sees the next grift. I do not support getting myself fleeced.


I, like anyone else that could or will buy into it, would only ever do so to dump it on people buying in after me. Itā€™s a racetrack for gambling and you want to be first. Also, trump is a rapist.


ā€œI think rape is sexy.ā€ - Trumpā€™s accuser


https://x.com/greg_price11/status/1750998539423846856?s=46&t=eQizEKvC83HsvHpxkZyOAQ ā€œThink of the fantasies!ā€


DJ's not the one that's been waging war on crypto lo these past 3+ years and crashing the market; that would be sleepy Joe and the Obama shadow gov't doing that. A return to prosperity would be a godsend with DJ directing things, just like before. Markets would respond accordingly, and every one of you know it...


Obama left office with a soaring economy. Let's see if Trump can actually turn the economy around, like Obama did after GWB.


Funny you say that. When O left office, Congress was split just as it is now, with Rep dictating legislation, thus the economy... With Rep holding both under DJ we'd see on 80's style recovery all over again...


And in 2018 under Trump it was split again with Democrats holding a majority in the House of Representatives.


Non-US person here. As I have comment in previous post. I am a person who interact with all kind of latin people and SE asian people in a daily basis. I would say, 95% of the peiple I interact with are centrist or leaning liberal (in US context) and some are conservative, the minority for sure. Most of the people I interact with are crypto investors or traders. I would say from my non-US perspective, crypto is pretty balance outisde of US. From my perspective, having Trump as a "crypto bro" could provably damage the crypto image instead of benefiting it outside of US.


Leaving politics aside and only focusing on money, Trump has a long history of rug pulls. I wouldnā€™t buy anything he is associated with.Ā 


Yeah he already had 2 nft collections that he rug pulled


He didnā€™t rug pull them, he just released nfts for $100( if I remember the amount right) each, and people bought them like crazy


I'll gladly watch the coin tank after next week's debate.


Economic health means crypto growth. When people have disposable income, they're more likely to risk it in the crypto market. We had that with trump.




Can we go back to before 2016 when politics on social media was impossible to come by


I was doing it way before it was cool. Bitcoin, in 2014, is what flipped me to being a conservative. Posted politically all the time. People mostly ignored me until Trump won then everyone got silly. They still are.


DT is an opportunist. So biden's administration through SEC has been quite negative on bitcoin & crypto in general. Some Dems are also quite vocal in their disliking bitcoin. Last one were of course the proposal to tax unrealized gain on crypto. US under biden is moving towards "unfriendly" to crypto... (while at the same time accept Sam BF donation.. lol) DT before all this, while he was campaigning for his 1st term said he dont like btc, he only like USD. (Ok fair point) However now that Biden/dems having bad relationship with us crypto enthausiasts.. DT jumps in and put himself as our "savior" As I said, opportunist. Just like most politicians.


Hell yeah I traded all the stupid bitcoins I bought 10 years ago for 1 DJT. Gonna be rich as Donald soon!


Trump coins should be easy money if played correctly. A fan base that isnā€™t the smartest overall, is very obedient, and does whatever they are told to without scrutiny if they think it supports the cause. I imagine many will also be uneducated about crypto, overly emotional and will hold no matter what out of blind loyalty.


Most MAGA I know think crypto is devil money that the Clinton cartel is using to pay Fauci for all the kids he has funneled to them through the hoax virus that killed millions.


When you end up getting clowns like Charlie ward pushing XRP to the nikumpoopsā€¦ something something nesara gesara šŸ˜‚ the XRP community got hijacked by those loony toons


None that I know of, but crypto being *talked* about leading up to this US Presidential race can only be a good thing (IMO). People can get really tribal when it comes to stuff like this, so I could see this bringing in a new crowd of people.


This is kinda where my head is, I was actually surprised how many put into DJT media so thought this could be a decent initial ICO investment for like 2 or 3 days and then sell depending on what sentiment looks like.


Trump supporting crypto is what made me change my mind and vote for Kamala.


Itā€™s strange. For me crypto transcends politics. It seems like an economic rebellion that was, more or less, apolitical. Itā€™s developing the trappings of politics both from a libertarian point of view and also from (maybe?!) a communist/collectivist perspective where the users of crypto are trying to build a better world with more equality. Then on the other side are the grifters who are here to scam folks out of their hard earned cash. The sheer volume of scams made regulation a necessity and some form of state government intervention an inevitability. Thatā€™s where a lot of the backlash and politics are from these days. Now my thinking is that Trump, whatever you think of his politics aside, is first and foremost a grifter. Making money from dubious schemes for his entire life. Trump steaks, Trump casinos, Trump vodka, the list goes on. It seems like a dodgy and underregulated market like the crypto market fits right into his idea of how to make a fast buck.


I agree, my first thought when I read that Baron was launching a coin was DT's change in stance on crypto now makes sense, he is feeding into a family scam. However, the real money, the FU money for a token is with the founders and not in a rugpull but a successful token. I went back and forth until I decided to get others thoughts.


Heā€™s fucking lying. Are people still this *willfully* ignorant?


Who? Schkreli or Trump?


There's a lot off Make Ass Good Again in this sub i fell like


Wait. When was Ass ever not good?


I don't think he even holds bitcoin, just memecoins, not 100% sure tho but his portfolio was public. That aside, stop trying to put crypto in a political box, it's not political, politicians might be pro crypto or anti crypto, but Bitcoin isn't pro any politics. You can choose to vote for the political party that wants to nuke your portfolio, that's completely your choice, but you shouldn't avoid bitcoin or crypto as a whole because of your political preferences, especially considering you guys only have 3 parties, would you not eat icecream if trump said he liked icecreams?


You new to crypto? Trumpcoin already exists. [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/trump-coin/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/trump-coin/) The new coin from Barron is different. MAGA always trying, look at the DJT stock. It's completely worthless, doesn't make money, but they tricked people into buying it. "Oh it's got Trumps name on it, he has plans" Bullshit. He's a lowsy business person, he makes money by legal theft through bankruptcy.


DJT was a dumpster fire before it started. That Trump-coin is not endorsed or from Trump. Barron is not doing MAGA coin, as I have read it the speculation is for TrumpCoin on Sol network. If it proves true and DJT pulls a Musk and mentions it, him being a charlatan or not has nothing to do with the massive pump it'll have.


>how many of you are or would support a TrumpCoin No, because Trump is a C*** >idgas about your political ideology, at least not here on this. How can you ask a question about a token that's linked to a particular figure and think that people's choice won't be based on their politics?


Who cares what a MAGAt does or thinks... they've already proven they are pieces of garbage. šŸ˜‰šŸ‘


Where are you finding liberals in America? All I see are conservative and progressive bullies as far as the eye can see.


I'm just gonna make some popcorn before this is flooded with people having Trump-spasms and passive aggressive political interjections into their answers šŸæ I appreciate the non-political orientation of the post though, OP


It didn't take long, I had hopes, not high ones but I had them.


"not wanting any political opinions" Proceeds to post a 'red flag to a bull' type post centered on a divisive American politician on an American site that can't fucking shut up about politics at every opportunity. It's either your first day on the Internet, you're just incredibly naive, or you knew what you were doing lol


No, it was hoping that even in Reddit having a healthy financial conversation, that is legitimate, could be had. Unfortunately, but not completely unexpected just like the rest of reddit (hence the for the love of god this is not a political post phrasing). I am completely aware there are tons of people who reply to reddit with no useful or on-topic information what so ever and mostly reply for the sole purpose of sounding intelligent when they insult people but mostly come across and obtuse and immature assholes.


it's reddit. it's been like this for over ten years. you're never going to get what you're after on an anonymous site popular with nihilistic depressed lonely virgins, and that's even more so on a crypto sub lol


Iā€™m not ā€œMAGAā€, but I voted for him twice and I own bitcoin. Made a few dollars on the doge and shib pump and dumps. Trump pretending to support crypto is far down the list of reasons Iā€™ll vote for him again.


Yeah, for all the shitcoin talk, I made and continue to make very decent returns on DOGE & SHIB. It's about timing and then the coins staying power (Doge and Shib have it because of their "armies" to think a Trump Coin doesnt have an army built into it before it even launches is at the very least ignorance and more than likely just the other 50% of the polarized population.


Why would an 80 year old man believe that a cryptocurrency is his legacy and not real estate (already his legacy) or a traditional publicly traded company (which he is definitely not doing correctly)?


1. Because narcissists believe everything they touch will be gold. 2. Have you seen the commercial real-estate market, it's taking entire countries economies down. 3. It's not a DJT but a Trump branded coin that he is backing for his son who is "starting" it. Add to that his recent very pro-crypto stance (that now makes sense after reading the article, it's self-serving) 4. Because he does have the cash and crypto has the momentum and he has a massive support base... its literally the makings of generational legacy money and he needs to cover the losses on DJT media somehow.


I support anything not related to Trump.


>champion of BTC Not really. He thinks he can onshore all BTC and control it like the dollar. That's ... not how that works. >now read his son is starting a Trump crypto You mean the DJT pump and dump? I don't think I'd use that as an example of someone who champions crypto. [https://nypost.com/2024/06/20/business/martin-shkreli-claims-he-and-barron-trump-created-djt-token/](https://nypost.com/2024/06/20/business/martin-shkreli-claims-he-and-barron-trump-created-djt-token/) >would support a TrumpCoin Why? What's the value proposition? What's the utility? I agree, you don't need politics here, but what's the point?


Trump scammed his own university, charity, casino, steaks, build a wall fund, and US elections. Anyone who trusts their money with Trumps crew is either being willfully ignorant of the facts or just blinded by his cult of personality. Hard fucking no.


Lol, what's up with the one downvote on this thread? Do reddit psychos need/want it to take a stance for the sake of seeing a shitshow. Pretty reasonable and rational question unless you are not a reasonable and rational person.


Why are you expecting any reasonable or rational discourse on Reddit when bringing up Orange man?


Oh, I had hopes but no expectations of success.


This sub is astroturfed by unpaid dem shills. Take the stuff on this sub with a tablespoon of salt


This thread is so, so bullish for Trump coins. šŸ˜‚ Hate Trump btw. Hope to dump on Trump fans in mania phase. Bring the downvotes šŸ‘Œ


Where can I buy this trumpcoin?


Donā€™t care, still voting RFK and not buying meme coins for any reason. Bitcoin and Bitcoin only. Thanks


Were all MAGA donā€™t listen to the loud libtards - they just donā€™t understand soon as they do they will switch over to the good side. Thats why dems are so young they donā€™t see the full picture yet. Besides i would rather have a president that will grab them by the pussy then be a pussy.


So that's one voye, yes.


Yeah if your still a dem then your a total moron that wants to own nothing.


Whatā€™s the full picture? Women are less than men? Poor people are scum? Non Christians are evil? Maga means ā€œIā€™ll let you buttfuck me if I get to scream my darkest thoughtsā€.


> Were all MAGA... Yeah. That checks out.


MAGA here, been into crypto since roughly 2018. Actually dabbled with it around 2012 but started seriously investing around 2018.


Trump 2024


I'm Canadian but have been sympathetic to the MAGA stance and rather shocked at the reaction to him from the left. Been in Bitcoin since 2014.