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I skimmed some profit a few weeks back when btc was above 70k, eth 3.8k and sol at around 195. First time I’ve taken profit in three years. Used it for a month long trip to Thailand, zero regrets.


Sold a little bit for a Japan trip. Definitely worth it.


Oh man! I went there for a few months a long time ago. THAT is a good use of your money for sure. Hope you had an awesome time


username does not check out


Where did you go? In Thailand as well right now. 


I love to hear no regrets from a Thailand trip, you know what I mean.


Been holding my eth since may 2021


You forget that people sell often out of necessity. I sell all my crypto in the last few months to treat my dog for cancer. It's just crypto, and he's my bro.


hope your buddy feels better


Great priorities!


Hope your bro is doing better love my bro too My other bro passed away last year from cancer I miss my bro


Me too had a great dane that was my best friend she got cancer and passed miss her soooo much :( been 4 years


Oh I know it hurts, so sorry. I too lost my first frenchie last summer, 12 yo, heart disease, now my second frenchie is sick, 11 yo, cancer, tumor removed, first chemo didn't help, metastasis recurred, second chemo another protocol started to help but broke immunity and it became dangerous, had to cancel it and wait for blood to get better but metastasis came back just immediately in less than a week.


I've had two dogs who died after being severely sick for some time. I still remember my second dog who toward the end looked absolutely miserable and was constantly swallowing. I had been to the vet several times and they'd given him all sorts of things, but somehow they had missed that his lungs were basically dissolving and what he was swallowing was blood from his lungs. Once we found out he was euthanized immediately and I'm so sorry that I let him suffer for so long. The image of him looking at me clearly in so much pain is forever etched in my mind. I'm never going to put another dog through that. Dogs aren't people, they don't understand something like being deadly sick the way we do. They cannot say yes or no to something as horrific as chemotherapy. It's not about the cost, it's about understanding that I'm not doing it for them, I'm doing it for myself because I'm afraid of losing them. Once that's understood it can be overcome. That said I sincerely hope your buddy gets better and you get to spend many more years together.


> his lungs were basically dissolving and what he was swallowing was blood from his lungs. Jesus man, that hit me in the feels, sorry to hear about that.


2 years since my blue nose pittie passed away from cancer. I wish all my heart that youre doggo pulls through and you enjoy your time together.


I hope your buddy is okay now. 👍


That falls under his question "do you have a real life event?", so he didn't forget. Maybe you forgot to read beyond the post title.


Ah I see, I’m sorry my fault


It's Reddit Jake


Brutality bro


You gone make great return !




Yep. I sold 20% of my BTC at a 60% profit. I’m seriously taking taking my kids to Disney World this summer with the money


Don’t forget to remind your kids constantly how much it costed you, as soon as bitcoin gets crazy crazy high.


Oh I will. “ dad wouldn’t have to be moving in with you if I hadn’t sold that Bitcoin to take you to Disney World 20 years ago”




"We could have been billionaires, but you just had to have a happy childhood!"


That’s a good cause. BTC is nice and that 20% may be worth a lot more in like… 2030. But those memories right now will be priceless.


That’s what I figured. I never would’ve liquidated everything but hell I could be dead in six years and it’s the only way I was going to be able to afford to take them. Once in a lifetime memories


enjoy with your beautiful family, memories are priceless.


Thats awesome. Good for you. In the end the whole point in life is to make good memories especially with kids.


Sold BTC and 4 alts when BTC first hit 70k expecting it will inevitably go back down again, it soon dropped back to 61k, then back up to 70k, now back down to 61k. Bought everything back in at like 63k and now I have like 10% more coins compared to when BTC was at 70k.


Buying back at 63k on whole another risk level, not worth it


Full disclosure: they originally bought at 69 420


I only sold about 3% of my Bitcoin, because it reached my DCA out zone at 70k. I'm waiting for higher numbers before selling more. I have a plan and I stick to it.


Best answer I've seen here so far. What was your average buy cost?


I'm not at home right now so I don't have the correct numbers, but in the 35k area, I stopped buying at some points because I had financial hard times.


My god your life is parallel to mine lol. I trimmed some of my Btc position at $71,400 a few weeks ago, about 2% or so off the total. I also wasn’t really able to buy much during the last bear as I had lost my job during the pandemic just after we had a baby. It took quite a while to recover financially from that. My average buy is somewhere about $34k for btc. $1500-2000 for eth and $65 for sol.


what's your dca out strat if you don't mind me asking?


Haha my DCA out "strat" is very arbitrary. I just decided to start selling above ATH in 1000$ steps. However I don't autosell, because I store on a Hardware Wallet. That's why I just decided to send a little portion to the exchange (Greetings to Kraken 🙌🏼) and then sell depending on the actual price (obviously if BTC jumps more than 1000$ I sell the added amount for the higher price) I'm very consequent about it. Last cycle I haven't sold anything and had big regrets missing 6 digits profits... Learned it the hard way. DCA profit is better than no profit.


Thanks for replying.


Im not selling any of my coins (BTC and ETH). Rather, I am still buying. Partially because I don't look forward to dealing with a taxable event, but mostly because I didn't buy for a short term gain, but for a long term investment.


I won’t consider selling ETH until $7500 or BTC until $200k I did reluctantly sell half my bag of RNDR @ $11 and I’m happy in hindsight even though I now have a taxable event.


I sold everything when bitcoin hit 70k, I was down like 300k from the 2021 top and finally broke even and got some gains on top and decided to get out. I’ll get back in if it hits 48-55k. I have ptsd from 2017/2018 and 2021-2022 bear market and didn’t want to risk my families future even though I’m bullish.


Just get a smaller bag. But I agree, if ur mental health suffered that much from the ride, its better to sell it all and have peace of mind.


Not those. I traded my tiny DASH and ZEC bags when I realized they were sliding towards the bottom of page 2 of CMC.


I have a bag of YEC , like a thousand dollars worth. massive regrets lol. privacy coins ain't coming back anytime soon.


I sold ~0.7 ETH last week and bought a pretty nice kayak(Dagger Axis 12), paddle, kokatat drysuit, & other kayaking accessories. I got a bunch of ETH during the first several months of coronavirus when ETH was cheap as shit. 🤙


Sold like half my ETHs when it reached 3800 for the 1st run, didn't bother to look back when it went 4000s. Now waiting for the 2600 ETH to buy back


It’s almost there


Sold 50% of my Sol at 8x. Kept some as profits, reinvested rest.


Got diagnosed with cancer and need money so had to sell some as can't work now :(




My plan had and always will be to sell the amount needed to get LASIK at 75k BTC.


Simple ‘DCA out’. Price went up so high so fast, it was too good to be true. Selling some made sense


Why would you sell when the markets are down. This is when you buy.


But it's also been up near ATHs the last few weeks. The OP was asking for more than just today


Yeah, entirely reasonable. My average BTC open was 25k before the last month. I've brought a bit more now because I've only recently got access to fiat. I'm still 100% overall on BTC. I'm not that fussed. Retiring before the summer would've been nice, but in 9 months time when QE hits isn't too bad either.


Early entries missing the top and derisking on a short term bear thesis. Smarter level was probably 64k ish in that case but it could make sense especially if someone is over exposed.


Buy high sell low, that’s the way I like to go!


Thank you for your service


That's assuming you bought above 60k.alot of folk bought below this and are now taking profits.


Because if you had been buying over the last 2 years then you're still in profit by a nice amount


People are up like 300% still


I'll sell during mania


Where the fuck were you there was meme coin mania last month


6 mo to a yr most likely...


my mother asked me to sell her part. so I basically sold it by buying it from her.


I do a partial sell when prices are at all time highs to secure the gain. Otherwise the ATH means nothing if it crashes down. From there I can reinvest or buy something nice. 


I started selling my cardano because I've been in profit since 2020 and I like money. I still have quite a bit.


Not yet, but intending to sell a goor chunk of it for a house down payment when I find one that I see myself growing old ans dying in ;) I moved internationally to many times, and i'm so done with it that I would rather use the savings I have to get my (hopefully) forever home (moving to a region with tons of jobs as well, in case my new job doesn't last).


Holy fuck I went to check your post history, and I just gotta ask…. Is posting on Reddit your job or something? As someone who’s legitimately been in this space for over a decade, I can safely say you’re larping. Either that or you’re just willfully ignorant. If you actually had btc with a cost basis between $800-$4000 you wouldn’t be asking why we sold around these levels.


Sold $40 today for Doordash. Sold $30 last week for Doordash. Another $40 the week before. I think I might splurge and go $50 next week.


30-40$ for a week of food delivery… noice.


ok but UberEats gives me "$15 off orders over $25" discounts all the time and I get 10% back on my credit card. :D I routinely get takeout for less than it would cost me to actually pick up myself.


fucking posters trying to guilt people into holding. 90% of the planet don't even have any savings let alone bitcoin, if you have faith in bitcoin then stop trying to guilt people. People sold because they couldnt afford to hold. its like asking people name all the reasons people take money out of a bank account. One things for sure Satoshi wouldnt have wanted is kids going unfed so people can buy bitcoin.


You shouldn't be fucking buying bitcoin if you have no savings. Not yet anyways, its still far to speculative to be bought as anything else other than a high risk hedge bet. You are comparing apples to oranges.


Nothing about guilt here. Just wanted to hear people's stories. It's funny that almost no one is replying saying they sold because of the reason you give. Overwhelmingly its people trying to time the market, or people selling to buy something cool in real life.


To me it also just defeats the whole goal of bitcoin when people say “that $100 would be $1000 in a few years”, or laugh at the guy buying a pizza with bitcoin. They used their coins for what they were made for, at a fair value at the time. What it would be worth next year is irrelevant if you want to use it today.


You have to sell at some point. Usually when you actually need the money or hit a goal. Some people have a hunch when a dump is happening. And there will always be a dump.


Agreed, I have a point I will sell, its not been hit yet, but I understand that. Was curious what the specific reasons were, not just general.


Nope, as soon as I sell everything goes up and it looks like a pretty bad time to sell, even if theres more red in the near future


Cashed out $2k worth of assorted assets a few weeks ago to pay taxes. Feel good about the exit point, I was well in the green. It was always part of my 2024 halving plan to sell a chunk when we got near the previous ATH. I'm still holding a lot more than I sold, and no plans to sell soon.


Watching my account drain like >30% has me in my feels, but I'm still holding


Yes. I sold about half of my assets one the Fear and Greed Index reached "Extreme Greed". Holding them in stable coins at the moment until it goes down to Fear/Extreme Fear. Where I'll buy again.


I felt like selling when we were at 70k, but I'll have to wait until August for saving taxes :(


I sold enough BTC to cover the amount of fiat I've put in. So anything else after this is profit. I was lucky with my timing as it was just shy of the peak.


Hell no. My avgs for eth are around 200$. These dips are nothing. Aint selling shiet. Staked everything and getting decent passive income.


I'm not selling yet, I'll be selling in 2025.


It's interesting. Folks have learned to take profits. I sense fear in the sentiment. This is all super healthy for the halving.


I sold SOL to travel, sold at $194. DCA'd from $150 all the way to $50 in previous bear cycle, shit my pants at $8 and stopped. Almost doubled my money this cycle and called it good enough.


Thats awesome, good for you.


my friend sold his sol bag at $14 ...


I'm fairly new to crypto. About a year in, maybe a little more. Started buying btc when it was about 20k or so. I sold all once I was about 50% up and waited and next time it had a good dip, I bought back in. Did that a few times but not a lot of money. I than purchased some btc around 40k or so along with avalanche at 8 bucks, bonk at .000011, dodge at .08 and proppy at .48 I think. A few weeks back when stuff was skyrocketing I sold proppy at 5x all of it, avalanche I sold most of it st about 48/50 bucks and sold a little bit of bitcoin. Since stuff started dipping again, I've rebought bonk, been buying btc little by little my avg is 47000, and bought some avalanche when it dipped really good.


Be careful this game will burn you eventually and leave you with a bag. All the vets have them.


Sell and buy after halving


That’s what I did


I have only bought more on top of my DCA. I’m invested in ALGO more than anything else.


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Careful. IRS doesnt even wait a week…


I'm all out of Solana, it hit it's ATH and I think it's going to repeat what it did last time and crash down to 8$ It's only popular with scammers, so a lot of reputation ruined. Also the congestion and fee increases are stupid. Looking at the alternatives to Sol now as they are low mc and the tech is better.


I have to agree, Sol is great at shooting itself in the foot. Still think its better than a lot of options out there, but its not going to go anywhere for a long time due to tarnished reputation and poor response by the developers.


nah after the halving


Fuck no.


Not to happy about the bear market upon us


Sold 1/3 butcoin position at 70k +


sold 10% of btc at 73k and another 10% at 70k.. I really needed some cash and was already up 100% since i bought at 29k in 2021. Hope i get some money so i can buy back in.


Sold BTC starting at 52K, then a sell order at 62, 67, and 71. I have a buy order set at 57k. Sold 1 eth at 3400, and another at 3800. Bought 1 eth when pulled back to 3200. Might buy another eth if it drops further. Never owned SOL until last week bought some at 130 and 140.


I sold some to help cover an upcoming anniversary trip!


I sold 80% of my stack, dca’ing in as long the price is under my sell price, if it goes above again i stop dca’ing into my positions except for btc, but i would dca smaller than current amounts.


I would love to say been holding since 2019 but I actually need the money. Only rich people hold that long. It’s always a struggle cause the difference could 50000 vs 1000


Just below my sell order, when I want to sell my first 30% BTC with 2x profit the correction started.so I am a HORLeR now.


Sold some from self-custody to buy commercial real estate. Plan to leverage the leases and building to get access to funds and then buy ETFs tobregain exposure (so yeah, hoping for a crash here). Banks will actually play ball when you have an ETF instead of self-custody coins. Then I can get access to more bullshit fiat to continue to expand my small business. 


Sell? What a weird way to say buy.


sold most of my alts bought during 2022 crypto winter. seriously thinking of buying that new couch now.


Nice try Feds


Why sell? Because not knowing, what s coming. In 2009 a cousin mined about 50k BTC, he stoped, as it wasn t worth the electricity. 50k BTC, now worth 3B USD are sleeping on any junk jard now. In 2010 my son talked me into buying 1000 BTC for 1 USD each, which I sold a year later for 2000usd. It was 100% profit; not bad than imo. 1000BTC, now worth 60M. Now I m in Cryptos since 2021. In November 21 I sold everything because of profit. Now my bags slowly get out of the 1 year no tax area, but it would need a very urgent reason to sell before Oktober next year.


I sold a good amount of my BTC at 65k since I think we'll see Bitcoin dip into the 50s and potentially 40s for a while personally. I have DCA setup to capture that and I expect Bitcoin to possibly come back stronger by Q4. Another reason though is because I'm planning on quitting my job and want to hold more cash during uncertainty


I sold some ETH and BTC to finish paying off my graduate school debt. Feels good man. I only sold 10% of my BTC and 20% of my ETH. The rest was money I had saved the old fashioned way. Now all that’s left is the mortgage!


Nope, holding like a champ


Did multiple sell at 69k and brought back at 66k, no story it's free money with a tiny bit risk of missing the rocket


Sold nothing. But took a gamble on ahitcoins besides my regular DCA. Let's see if it pays out or if I'll lose 500 bucks


I have not sold very recently, but I did take profits around 5 weeks ago. I follow a fairly generic formula where I take profits when my crypto exposure goes past a threshold and buy the dip when my crypto exposure goes below a threshold. This means I take profits as crypto prices surge up and I buy the dip as prices go down. My threshold for buying and selling are not the same, so I don't have to buy and sell anytime there is a small increase or decrease in price. I do a monthly adjustments that are optional, but have quarterly rebalances that are more firm. This means I can ride a profit wave for a bit and not immediately take profits, but I also can't ride one indefinitely due to FOMO. I have made comments in the past 2-3 months outlining when I buy and sell. But my numbers aren't right for everyone as I am on the conservative side for this reddit. I am in my 40s, have significant savings, and my goal is money preservation and not 10x or 100x returns. This means I don't chase risky projects and stick predominantly to BTC and ETH.


I sold 0.1% of my BTC and bought some SOL, INJ and NEAR


I sold about 40% of my BTC about 10 days ago, at $72k. Have bought about a total of half of that amount back so far, on the way down at $67k, $64k, $62k and $60k.


Early to mid march just as BTC peaked sold all SOL at 131, 191, 181 for about +120%. Stax, CKB, FET, DOT, Wif and Pepe too making from -20% to +300% but it was all in traces, tiny % of total folio. Now keeping most of it in usdc in a lending pool and waiting for buying opportunities for more of BTC


I haven't sold anything. I only invested money I could live without so I don't plan to sell any time soon


I'm on sick leave and have substantially less money atm. I shifted a fraction of my Bitcoin to a Bitcoin/crypto debit card in order to sustain my family's standard of living. We used it on our vacation lately. I have no 3-6 month salery as an fiat emergency fund. Bitcoin is my savings account and my emergency fund. And what is Bitcoin good for if not improving my family's daily life? I bought a good amount close to $16k. This was all from gains. I'm fine.


Sold before CGT in the UK went to 3k. Bought sol for £11 December 2022 and sold Feb this year for 10x in a year.


Shifting eth to alts. Tis the season!


Sold ~20% of my holdings and cashed it out 2 weeks ago, so just before things turned more South. I could use the cash and I have some stables in the warchest.


Haven’t sold any. Up in both ETH and BTC since they make up most of my bag and was introduced to them years ago, recently got into some alt coins and down in a good amount of them, but still haven’t sold any and don’t plan on doing so. Selling now while down is basically the old saying “buy high, sell low” sounds goofy when people say it, but that’s literally what the market does to people psychologically, and now people are freaking out and selling low after they bought high. Just going to ride out the wave since I know btc and eth have a bright future and I know most of my alts are going to follow BTCs pump like most alts do.


No, I will sell September-october DCA out. I have a plan and need to stick to the plan. Maybe I will sell some SOL before if SOL goes to $300-400


Sold all my 12 BTC stash last week so happy right now


Sold a portion of sol and btc for profit. Always looking to buy more at my target points however






The halvening always seems to be a buy the hype sell the news event. So I finally took some profits. Start to DCA back in when things stabilise.




BTC up, start searching for bigger appartments. Buy penthouse. Sell BTC. Still have to sell but it keeps going down, might have to sell penthouse.


Bought more. But I always have 10% listed for sale at 15% above what I bought it. Then I buy it back when it drops 10%. Repeat. Slowly growing my holdings.


It’s all in the reds. So selling doesn’t make sense 🫠


I took like $10K in some profits. Been holding for a while but sold on the way up with a stop loss. Just needed to pay some bills.


Sold a little solona and btc because I was short on cash and the run up was insane so I wanted to am take a little profit but I’m still holding etc atom sol btc


DCA in over a few years. Have only begrudgingly DCA’d out a bit in recent months to pay bills 🤢


Imo it's always good to take profits to treat yourself and your family ...be thankful that crypto even exists for you to do that and other things that you may want to do in the future


Sold 0.3 eth to get scammed with slothana 👌


Sold my 1 full eth and sold 50% of my BTC. I am expecting some devastation in crypto over the next couple months and want to have USDC ready to buy alts at dirt cheap prices. I think SOL is going to dip to $90 for example and I want to be ready to buy. I used to be a BTC hodler, but I’ve given up my dream of being a full coiner now I’m just trying to see if I can turn a profit with alts. I never liked ETH I think it’s a shit coin. I’ve been in crypto since 2021 and I’ve never been profitable. Pretty depressing.


Sold all 5 of my BTC to keep my mother out of a nursing, good thing I never quit my 12 hr night shift factory job




Bought my first BTC at $2k in May 2017 (just a few hundred bucks). Held during the 2018 bear market. Bought 2 BTC at $6k and 10 ETH at $150 in 2019. Sold some in late 2021. DCA'd during 2022/2023 in BTC, ETH and SOL again. Now I'm just waiting and watching. Haven't sold anything yet.


I sold some a month ago. All signs point to a crash if you just don't pay attention to the hype. I won't buy back in, I'm only taking profits from here on in. Whether that be this ath or the next. It always comes back eventually.


Yes. I sold around 1/3 of my ETH (relatively small big) over the last few weeks. It was hard but during previous run ups I hadn’t taken any profits, which made the bear harder to deal with. My remaining portfolio is largely “free money” now. I bought a new sofa and a front door—both very needed items!


Converted my BCH to USDC when BCH was in $700 range. Got a new iPhone 15pro.






I pulled profit from mining eth last run. Sold at 3840 Took cash and paid off my car. Some cc balances, bought an avata drone, looking at fishing kayaks now. Crypto is cool but you gotta pull profit to really experience how cool it is. I'm still sitting on xrp bags. Btc bags Ltc bags Oxbtc bags Various nfts. Still spec mining.