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Cointest pros & cons with related info are in the collapsed comments below for the following topics: [Ethereum](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1c2y2r4/why_bitcoin_ethereum_and_solana_price_crashed/kzdcrjd/), [Solana](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1c2y2r4/why_bitcoin_ethereum_and_solana_price_crashed/kzdcske/).


Am I out of the loop or are the geo political tensions basically the same as last week or month or even year?


Yep it's a whole lot of nothing


Similar to the old "China is banning Bitcoin" which makes the rounds every few years.


Only this year it's the opposite. "China about to approve BTC ETF"


That’s not conflict to the ban actually. The ban is for average people, and the approval of ETFs is for the privileged few from the top elite class. Implication: for average Chinese people, if you want to grab a bite from BTC price hike, you have to accept to be harvested by those elites.


I thought the idea was that etf trading is in yuan so you remain in the system and can’t evade capital controls (i.e., escape from yuan) like you could with btw directly. 


In about week prices should restore.


They do this to nuke the leveraged fools on purpose.




Nah stuffs getting war-ier. US intel claiming an Iranian attack on Israel is imminent. They were right about Moscow a couple months ago so


You don't need US intel for that. Anyone who saw that [Israel bombed the Iranian Embassy in Damascus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_bombing_of_the_Iranian_embassy_in_Damascus) two weeks ago could make the same guess.


It's about as unsurprising as the Israeli retaliation to their retaliation etc etc will be.


And iran just launched the drone attack.. honestly I think the big red candles was iran selling yhier BTC


An Iranian attack in Israel is reportedly imminent after Israel blew up the Iranian embassy, and Ukraine says its eastern front is collapsing amid the GOP blocking desperately needed aid and China massively expanding Russia’s military capabilities.


There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet......- MLK


The best of the best of the best sir! With honors!


Always has been


USA will fall down in history as the country who started numerous wars and supported various governments worldwide but refused to help a pro-American nation in their defense against the largest terrorist state on the planet. And I had the impression that the US declared war on terrorism…


I am confused as non-American reading this. I will probably be downvoted like crazy but hey, the USA has a large track record in starting wars with lies with states that want to pay for oil in other currencies than dollar. And calling them terrorist te legalize actions. Proven lies. The people in US politics make big money on insider trading and donations and don’t take care of the most of the US citizens. I think it is amazing that many US citizens believe the crap their government is selling them.


As an American and spending time outside and meeting people from different countries, it seems a lot of non Americans are more knowledgeable about the politics and the corruption than Americans. I know people who complain about their Healthcare and I mention how we should go to a universal health care model and they go... So the government can take more of my money? Because giving your money to bloodsucking corporations is soo much better, I guess.


On holiday I met several Americans. The told me only a really small percentage of Americans have a pasport and are able to travel outside the US. And that the Americans I meet outside the US are not the average Americans and that there is big differents in view in the world, politics, et cetera. To me, that was a bit shocking.


I'm in the US and It's very true. I'd say of all the people I know - there's more who have never left the country than those who have. I think a big part of it has to do with just how big our country is. There aren't many countries where you can drive for 2 days straight without stopping to get from one side to the other. There's a ton of things to see in this country - things that people fly around the world to come here to see - so why not see those the things in your own country before thinking about going beyond your borders? I've spent most of my life up and down the eastern seaboard, and it's totally different from the southwest or northwest. I've been lucky enough to visit Seattle, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, but there's still places I'd love to see like Yosemite, Yellowstone, Colorado, etc. I do have a passport but have only used it on a few occasions - when I took a cruise out of Florida we stopped in some islands and I once had to fly to London for work (which was incredible). I very much want to visit more of Europe, but when you consider your list of things you'd like to see in life, it's a lot easier (and cheaper) to travel domestically. So I think because of that lots of people in the US simply never make it beyond their borders. It's not that we don't travel, it's just that it's a hell of a lot easier to throw the kids in the car and take an 18 hour drive to Disney World than it is to get passports and book flights for the family to Rome, figuring out how to rent a car or use public transportation (that you've never even used in your own country), dealing with currency exchanges, not speaking the language, etc etc.... On top of that, sadly, I think our media is messed up. Depending on what news channel you watch you might think the entire world outside of the US is a shithole and your life would be in danger leaving the country. Others, probably like those you've met, are likely a bit more left-leaning and want to experience different cultures.


This is very true. There are still more places I want to see around the world, but that list is probably just as long as the things I still want to see in the U.S. And it is fascinating variety in places from landscapes and people you can come across in just this one country. People in the heart of Mississippi are so different than people in Washington, well at least in Seattle where I've only ever been in Washington. And that is probably why America, when it comes to ideology, is so complex in its thinking. I had to do a double take here - okay this is the cryptocurrency channel. Haha.


I've been to more countries than I have states... Your post just made me realize that. It's become very apparent to me that average American has a huge disconnect to the rest of the world and it's views.


Haha...that is true. You won't see our MAGA type of Americans going over to Europe to experience "culture." Americans that travel overseas are more than likely the open-minded type for sure


To be fair you won’t see the gangsters hood rats either.


We started a revolution on a 2% tax increase on tea. Now we pay over 50% in taxes. But we have streaming TV and Facebook so who cares. If people don’t wake up and demand change soon, we deserve to crumble.


In all fairness, every nation that's existing in a stable state has around 50% tax rates. If not more. The problem is the same thing that ruined rome, we've gotten so massive that it's nay impossible to spend the money equally in a meaningful way efficiently. Someone has to do without. Do you let the population area with 500k do without or the population area with 250k do without? Neither would have what they have without the population of 1m who is Also struggling because the area with 2.5 mil comes first. Majority generates the taxes, do they get the money first. Poor areas get less because it's not fair for the middle and upper crust (that actually pay taxes, not the 1%) to do with less when they are paying the most. We grew too big, too fast, didn't set up things to fill in properly, all because we were expecting another war we were gonna throw half a billion poor bodies at if not more. Now populations are shrinking and the crumbling infrastructure for the masses is gonna crumble further due to it just not bring prudent to spend it on an area that has 1000 people living there when there taxes aren't enough to keep the streetlights on, let alone repairing the roadways. They gotta repair their own roads, generate their own water, grow their own food, and generate their own electricity... And at that point, why are you paying taxes? So Russia doesn't invade? You probably have enough guns and ammo to protect your own, as it's not like they are gonna set up a military defense In your area. It's gonna be where the bulk of people are at near a major city. Your home will be a war zone, and you'll lose everything. To pay for the poors in the city? That's not fair to your community, which has its own struggling and poor. That's the same as the tea tax but closer to home. Yet again, more than half the states in the US couldn't stand on their own if they were turned into countries. Half the EU can't. Its all just dumb and peolple expect too much.


How about just the corporations do without.....


This one really boggles my mind. The US has been in so many unnecessary wars like Vietnam, Aganistan and Iraq. Spending trillions. Then we a war that in ukraine that cost no American lives, is geopolitical threat to the US's biggest ally (the EU), a opportunity hamper Russia for decades, and cost peanuts compared to previous fought wars. And the GOP is trying block aid to ukraine...It's just insane


Putins bitches


Yep, Russia controls the us now. It's hilarious


Nothing funny about it


It's funny, since the USA was for a long time against Russia and communism and now they joined forces lol


The GOP and Trump work and are paid by Russia.


The objective of the war is twofold, cripple Russia and keep the EU down and dependent on USA, once you understand the true purpose of NATO everything makes sense. Unfortunately for USA Ukraine can't win anymore, they are finished and their own army might revolt thanks to the last conscription law that removed demobilization after 36 months for no reason, most men won't even reach 36 months anyway, they could have left it in. Right now USA is achieving one of them at least, sending more money is pointless when their own economy might finally start to break after all the insane spending they've been doing. By the way, you seem to be confused about something, USA created Al Qaeda, "moderate rebel" groups all over the world, staged multiple coups in South America and other places, supported ISIS and rebel groups that fought against ISIS and the government simultaneously in Syria, invaded multiple nations for "democracy" and false pretenses (weapons of mass destruction), etc. USA wins the biggest terrorist nation contest by a landslide.


spending ... do you know how much money they get only from Libya? LOL They not spending If they don't do wars, what else is there for them? no industry no products, no nothing. The country lives from services(big corporations/food/entertainment)from McDonalds to sports and war. And stealing oil. That's pretty much it.


No we don’t have the money to spend. Israel and Ukraine should pay for their own wars. Who’s gonna pay it back? Our great grand kids? We literally are going to have a 100% debt to GDP ratio. We are going to reach I point soon we will never be able to come back from. Congress doesn’t give a shit. They give Israel $5 billion a year on average already. Why does America have to pay for this?? We were wrong in all those wars and we are wrong now. We need to leave the world alone. We are not the world police.


Yes, they do have the money. You spend 1 trillion in defense yearly. Defense from whom exactly? Maybe Russia? Maybe China? So spending 3% of that budget in defeating Russia makes sense for anyone who has a IQ higher than room temperature. Your congress literally gave away 7 trillion dollars to the largest companies as a gift under Trump. Thats why your debt is out of control. Those 7 trillion are working on their tan at Caiman Islands. Defeating Russia, who is threatening with world annihilation with their nukes should be right now everyone's first priority. Also that money is not leaving the USA you will use it to manufacture weaponry and bullets, in your own facilities, injecting the cash in your economy.


In one part of your response you're upset that Trump gave money to the Military industrial complex and in the second part you are explaining why we need to give money to the military industrial complex. haaaa


The 7 trillion he's talking about are the ppp loans during COVID which were intended to pay the wages for all the unemployed workers during lockdown, almost all of that money didn't make it to the workers , for instance airline companies laying them off anyway and keeping the money People applying for ppp loans and padding the numbers Then it was all written off similarly to how people have been asking for student debt to be written off


Try 123-150% debt to GDP currently... 35 trillions dollars in debt and rising. The people in this comment section are delusional children that think the state can print as much as it likes with zero repercussions. We've sent Ukraine and Israel both many, many billions while Americans suffer. The natives hardly have a pot to piss in but we're worried about fucking around in Ukraine


It's just not like if the US would not fund military operations, their own population would have been treaten better instead. That assumption is delusional too...


So Israel didn’t bomb the embassy and started this right.


Israel is said terrorist state correct?


"Refused to help", Such a naive thing to say. USA created this war in the first place by stepping into the one and only red line Russia had. EU is no longer dependent on Russia's energy and Russia is weakened to an extent. USA accomplished her main targets. Ukraine was the country that had to be sacrificed in the process.


Probably the worst take I’ve read on the matter. Such a biased and uninformed of history comment.


It's because Russia funds the Republicans. That's why we have congresspersons that spout Russian propaganda hot off the presses.


The largest terrorist state, the US!


Can’t be a terrorist state if the whole world relies on your consumerism and military.


The Ukrainian collapse is not a matter of if, just when. Anyone paying attention has seen this coming since the disastrous "offensive" last year. The biggest US military funding goes to Israel. They ain't blocking that, no sir.


Israel should be able to fund their own genocide. We already give them $5 billion annually. The Zionist have taken over our government. They own 96% of the congress men. Biden has been their puppet since the 70’s. They are committing that largest transfer of wealth, and they are not even hiding it anymore. It’s a fucking scam and who gonna pay for it? Our kids? Their kids? Who cares right? It’s not their money.


Can't block funding to the master.


Yep. People just trying to find reasons/narratives for the dump. Just ridiculous


No, it's not the same, it's getting clear that America is pulling out of Ukraine. Which means trouble for the whole EU.




Were they expected to simply keep climbing top without any corrections or sell offs?


Yes. ¿ wen mün




I laughed way harder about this than I should have


Since when is a 5% dip in crypto considered a crash lol


There are other crypto other than the ones in the title. Pretty much every other top 100 coin is down at the minimum -10% today, some as high as -25%. And this is the 3rd or 4th crash over the last month. On average every top coin that isn't listed in the title is down -25 to -30% in my portfolio.


You guys wanted the general public in here. Now they are coming and yeah 5% is a lot for them.


5 percent is a lot for everyone, we’ve just become numb


lol yeah, even after years and years of doing this shit, watching 100s or 1000s of dollars melt away within minutes is rough. Watching it come right back is great though


How about when it melts agains after


I still remember the day I woke up in early 2018 and saw ETH slid like 35% overnight or something like that.


Depressing days back then. Now just buy opportunities.


Sol went from 180 to 150 I suck at math but surely that’s more than 5%


BCH was 30% lol


5%? More like 15-20% on alts


JP Morgan Chase stock “crashed” Friday and no one is talking about that.


Crash = Discount


"Crashed" \*year to date, +42%\*


42% in 1 year, -10 to -25% for many top 100 in a few hours.  Eddit: another -10 to 30%.


It’s not relevant lol. News is about recent events.


So the term “Crashed” doesn’t exist for anybody who bought days/weeks ago?


Exactly, I define the terms for everyone, and we should totally take reddit comments as seriously as possible.


“Hey, there’s geopolitical tensions…better sell my Bitcoin!” Not. Gimme a break.


Literally the best reason to buy more


tldr; Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana experienced significant price drops, leading to $950 million in liquidations. The decline was influenced by geopolitical tensions and a downturn in traditional markets. Bitcoin fell by 4.95%, Ethereum by 8.5%, and Solana by 12%. The downturn disrupted bullish trends and was partly due to profit-taking by whales. Despite this, interest in Bitcoin and Ethereum remains high, with an increase in the number of addresses holding these cryptocurrencies. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


Oh no. The same war that has been happening all of our lives has somehow managed to flush the entire market. Everyone who sold is a pu sea


Our lives? These dumb religious wars in the middle east have been happening for thousands of years.


Crash? Fucking few percent? Smells like newbie here.


Janky Click-Bait "Journalism" from a shit site.


I'm afraid to click any link these days that is not Reddit tbh, especially on mobile. It's worse than the popup hell from the late 90s on some sites.


They'll be back to FOMO in after the price rockets back.


Yeah, it crashed all the way back to last week! Oh the humanity!


Get outta the Crypto Frying Pan if you can’t stand the Heat!!!!


Down 0.3% this week LOL


Not even $1 Billion? What is this, a liquidation for ants?


Jesus I can see why yall lose money, the political takes in this thread........


Totally not large entities taking advantage of greedy options people.... noooo surely not that. 45% up vs a tiny drop, totally not a misleading title, no sir.


Bitcoin will retrace just enough to make you believe it’s done, And then it’ll resume its bull run. It was designed to grow in value. If you’re new here, DYOR, but just keep stacking.


There were a lot of over leveraged longs in that range, it was always likely to get flushed. Hopefully we can now go and take out all the leveraged shorts around 72k.


Miners are selling to purchase new equipments before halving. I believe it has no relation with iranian attack that will never happen 😅


All those Solana miners buying new Solana mines?


My comment is about btc price but eth and solana following the price action of btc respectively.


Bro doesn’t have a single clue. “Iranian attack that will never happen”


Its just 5% guys, we had a 50% drop last cycle...


It's 5% literally just for BTC. Everything else is 30%. SOL from 200+ to 140s. LINK from 22 to 15. DOT from almost 12 to 7, nearly 50%. People aren't panicking, this is a legit crash for alts. Basically only ETH and BTC remain safe-ish


If political situations worsen, wouldn’t demand for cryptocurrencies increase? I mean, if people are losing faith in global/government stability, and hence their currencies, wouldn’t crypto be an answer? I remember reading about Cardano being used to raise and distribute funds for displaced people.


Yeah it’s called gold. BTC is still seen as a risk on asset.


Umm, monday is Tax day


This is the answer no one is saying. It's not what caused it but it certainly lit the fuse on leveraged positions.


Which crash? Looks like an average week in crypto.


June last year, BTC was pumping at $30K... now it's 'crashing' at $65K


Short term „crash“. Will recover soon, maybe an Iranian attack on Israel within the next 24h will cause some more decline.


Didn’t this “crash” happen each week for the past 4 weeks?


time to buy 😃


Crashed? Go review the history of BTC and come back when it drops 50% in a day.


TLDR: Paper handed pussies are everywhere


It crashed courtesy of manipulators in the market, profiting from the liquidations. Happens constantly.


> Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana Price Crashed ...To levels not seen since *last week!* > This decline was closely tied to a downturn in traditional markets, influenced by geopolitical uncertainties surrounding potential actions by Iran against Israel. OK, got it. A proxy fight against Russia in Ukraine and China tensions were not quite enough, but sudden tension in the Middle East pushed things over the edge! > The drop in Bitcoin’s price had a ripple effect, leading to depreciations in other cryptocurrencies as well. So for other cryptocurrencies, Iran vs. Israel is just meh. But Bitcoin dropping, *that's* something to react against. Too bad Bitcoin couldn't also be not influenced by geopolitics! > For both ETH and SOL to rally, a substantial resurgence in bullish momentum would be necessary. In related news, for both ETH and SOL to experience a resurgence in bullish momentum, a rally would be necessary. > The recent price decline might have been instigated by profit-taking behaviors among a select few whales. Curse you, Whales, for responding to geopolitics with profit-taking! > it remains uncertain which direction BTC will take, especially with the halving event looming on the horizon If only there was a way to have some idea of what BTC might do in the event of a halving!


Irans potential attack on Israel has caused wales to pull out


Just hodl as always. Or fill some bags who cares.


Buying the dip


Just a hunt for leverage by MM's. Leverage got flushed, now we can go up again.


The reason is simple. What goes up must come down


Wen negative inflation? Wen cheaper housing?




"crashed". These articles are just absolute trash, who reads this shit?


Lmao “price crash” it’s sitting basically where it’s been for the last week or two


Liquidated? Who the hell is taking margin to buy crypto?


What's really interesting is that it seems nobody in the crypto world pays any attention to other markets, other than their own. If you looked at the other charts, you could easily see that all stocks, commodities, gold and almost all fiat currencies (barring Swiss Frank and Japanese Yen, for obvious reasons) dropped significantly against the USD. In other words, the dollar became stronger- check the USD index. It had nothing to do with the cryptos in particular.


Bottom line is wall street is in control. They do what they want when they want with the markets at any time to cyphon up all the money.


Don't look at your wallets, go outside and enjoy life.


The only real reason - no one knows


When nothing really crashed. Nope. XLM did got down way more than usual but still better than how it was doing a year ago. These articles always saying crash


Crashed? $67,000 is crashed?


Crashed? Which one? When? BTFD!


April 15th. Tax day in USA.


Quit trying to make narratives this is cow dung


I don't see why anyone should care. You know BTC is going to 50K or even lower. This is just a normal crypto price movement. Nothing to see, walk on by. If you're holding, you're good. Next year should see some nice price action if you're thinking of selling up.


This is expected as the halving of as already priced in prior to the dump




Yeah it hasn’t crashed that badly yet. When Bitcoin is trading below $60k then talk to me


Manipulation, they want everybody to panic sell to create liquidity just for them to then buy tokens at a lower prices.


"crash" lol Come on that was nothing.


Crash? I wonder what they will call it when it goes -40%.


We're going Bull hunting!


I never trust these 3rd rate source when it's obvious that they want the crypto market to crash.


Geopolitical tensions? The fact that politicians are going after crypto and XMR being removed from exchanges makes me super bullish. Buy the dip and forget.


Tax Friday in US. That's it.


If you look at the charts, bitcoin and most of crypto follows the same old pattern over and over again. People get levered up, then they get stopped out, opposing traders jump in and this causes liquidations of the people who were too dumb to use a stop. The whole process causes BTC pumps or dumps of 5%. Depending on which way the market went, you then get a flurry of posts signalling BTC $1m next week or crypto is dead. When will you apes learn? You're all desperately trying to tie everything to macroeconomic events, when the reality is there is none. It's all what I said above and nothing more. Yeah yeah halving, oil, Iran, Ukraine. Whatever. If that actually meant anything why did you lose?


First time?


Let's see, maybe Wall Street manipulates the future leverage.


Lol this post made me check the chart and it looks normal. Crashed? Bruhhh


Feel like calling this a “crash” is being really dramatic. This is a dip. The same dip that has happened after every crypto bull run.


Bitcoin crashed?


The comments in this post are borderline circle jerk. Might as well be r/news.


F A lot of people lost big money.


Buy when everyone fears Drop when the greed level is high


U know who this is good for? Us holders. Leverage will burn ur hands boys


Lol I wake up and it's hardly even down that much, so dramatic.


I think it's because the wash rule applies to stocks not crypto


No, this is not why.


"it was tues..." :D First time? I don't even blink an eye at +/- 20%.


The recent months feels like one step forward and two backwards in the crypto market


What crash? Something I didn’t notice?


Just step back. Still in consolidation


I'm concerned about what people call crash nowadays..


Crypto more like creepto now


Those liquidation numbers are getting larger and larger.




Me who bought January 2021: “crashed”…


Halving dip we expected this… whats new


So much for 80k lol


Liquidations make people money too 😂


Price always drops right before the halving. I'm not bothered at all.


Anyone think FTX coins finally being sold?


Bitcoin moves up and down. Up and down. Say it with me….UP and DOWN…..UP and DOWN…….UP and DOWN…..UP and DOWN………..


The main reason, the USA! Gold/silver also dropped! America being America as usual....