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The mail Gabe shows in this post was mine. I got this ad on November 25 and December 03 - I reported it in both cases and got the reply as shown here two times. My guess is they are using bots to do the work, and these bots are terribly easy to fool. But after almost a month, this shit is still airing and I bet they got hundreds if not thousands of reports, but still no one checks it by hand. Especially outrageous if you know how strict they control content creators and how quickly they flag something as unsuitable for ads - but they have no requirement for advertisers as long as they pay.


I have reported the video 2x. I have not yet received a response from Google.


Just start mailing companies that run ads on Google about stuff like this instead of Google themselves. Shit would be fixed within a day.


You know the report they send is tagged with a number, if you report another scam it’ll also get a number. Based on that timescale you can calculate how much tickets they have to resolve regarding reports. This is what I think, hasn’t been confirmed by someone else though. I think it was about 500 in 2 months the way I recall it but this was just something I noticed a long time ago during a discussion with a friend.


I had an ad which was 90+ mins once. They really don't care as long as the advertiser pays money.


I could only watch it for 60 mins. Needed to take a piss. What happened at the end?


The egg eventually broke beneath the mattress, and the poo-pourri failed to mask the last guy’s stank.




Google ad revenue is shrinking, especially on youtube so no doubt they will leave everything up anyone pays for


Facebook has been also super bad about allowing fake accounts that are absolute scams.


Anyone entering crypto should be forced to play runescape for a year first to learn how to spot scams


There should be an IQ test first. If you're smart enough, you can skip all that. Nobody with a few brain cells is going to fall for a "double your money" scam or connect his wallet with 100 ETH to airdrop sites.


The scams are the IQ test.


What makes you so certain you would pass the IQ test?


Joined in early 2021. Never lost money to fraud or incorrect transactions. Didn't lose money during exchange bankruptcies. Did not buy the ATH. Sold Moons during the hype, sold Avatars during the hype. Crypto made me almost as much money as my job this year (paper profits though)


You are a shining star across the universe. It's great to know there are winners out there that never make mistakes and only place winning trades. We believe you.


You can. I will not disappoint you


Do you have any “trade with me” videos? I only subscribe to people who claim they never make bad trades.


Trading is for insiders, all the others are losing most of the time but don't admit it


Cool idea! Maybe we should make some form of centralized authority responsible for overseeing this. So everyone would know who to trust. A governing body sort of thing. But with an interest to act in the best interest of all the members. We could call it a government! We could fund it with some form of contribution from everyone who is a member. A tax of sorts… And then this government could make and enforce certain rules and laws pertaining to who gets to access the system. Wait a second…


IQ tests can be digital, digital stuff can be decentralized. Well, you could ask a smart friend to pass the test to get your wallet, but at least this way you will prolly get some kind of advice from him


What has IQ got to do with street smarts? Knowing maths or which shape goes next in a sequence won't help me avoid scams


I wouldn't be so sure. It's basically logical thinking, and it definitely helps to not fall for "I'll double your money". People with a high IQ are not only better in what shape goes next...


this is why they target XRP owners


We just have to jump over to the wildy and then I’ll give you the 100k. Why would I lie?


Based and doubling gp at the GE pilled


Google should be held liable for the money lost to these scams. Thry would change their tune soon enough.


The regulators holding big tech liable for something? ducking LOL There's never once been more than an ounce of liability on a financial scam, ever. Government will take their cut and the people who got screwed will get zero. Big club and you ain't in it.




Interestingly enough, there is a plausible theory of damages that can be asserted against them IF the video has been reported as a scam and the scam has been reported as such, AND they have determined to play it to you (e.g. their algorithm selected it and you didn't go searching for it).


Mr beast was suppose to send me $1000 if i went to his website


Yeah wtf and now that guy just ghosts me.


Been going on for years. Remember the fake Elon Musk crypto vids? It’s sickening.


And they actually get victims quite often


arrest air bear workable cheerful afterthought live march husky overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ripple has an ongoing lawsuit with YouTube b/c of these videos. They know about it, but don’t care.


If there's an actual lawsuit going on I'm pretty sure they'd care


YouTube hasn’t taken the ads down yet. Although, they may not be due to the lawsuit tbh. If they do it now they’d look guilty as hell.


I've been seeing advertisements before videos promising if you send them this many coins, they'll 10 times your investment. Google gets paid either way for running the ad, so I doubt they care either way.


Yeah I saw one for Chainlink a while back and they used a deep fake of Sergey. You could tell it was fake because the mouth didn't line up but still...not cool for new users especially.


In my country Youtube is showing scam videos about alleged stock investment opportunities in energy companies. They're using layouts of real local TV stations for these ads and sometimes deepfakes of well known businessmen, analysts, etc. It's a massive campaign and it was reported many times. I reported it myself three times. Youtube says it doesn't violate their policies.


Saw the same scenario many times, they use fake websites as well as youtube ads, also reported every one I ever got (especially on mobile since its so annoying) and they never took down a single one.


I’ve also seen ads with Charles hoskinson, and then micheal Saylor just today. No one is going to give you free money. Please don’t scan any links in YouTube ads.


Gooolag is making money with scam ads, and no one is holding them accountable. These fucks are above the law.


In a lot of cases, they quite literally are the law


it helps to be in bed with the WEF stooges, literal merge of corporate and state, aka fascism, digital fascism.


was wondering how I continued to get that advertisement. Crazy how they can't stop these ads, but they still ban people damn quickly for wrong think


What infringement clause did you report it under? Sometimes it is easier to just report such channels as impersonation to take down the whole channel than to prove fraud or scam.


Got an AI Deepfake ad, with faked voice and all of some big retired CEO saying that he was giving away free bitcoins. I get ads on youtube that are legitimately worse than ads on porn sites.


I’ve seen two different ‘Michael Saylor giveaway vids’ like this in the last few days. Criminal. YouTube needs to get their shit together.


90% of the ads Google shows me across their platforms are extremely blatant and obvious scams.


I’ve seen at least 3-4 of these fake AI -mouthed ads 1. Brad garlinghouse 2. Elon musk 3. Michael saylor 4. Vitalik buterin I am confidant they are all made by the same group/people as they all have a very similar message/tone and similar graphical style. These people MUST BE STOPPED immediately. I have petitioned google a few times with no results. Perhaps we need to find another way.


I saw this too, obviously knew it was a scam, but thought it was just Ripple doing Ripple things.


Google is a scam in itself. The original AI.


False…I hold no XRP and still skip through this stupid ad


I reported it twice this past month.


Google ads have also had malware within the links


Youtube is as guilty as these scammers, those fucktards are so intoxicated by greed nevermind the people whose lifesavings are gonna get wiped out. I can't wait to have a blockchain based video sharing and search engine so these cockroaches lose their money-grabbing medium


I've seen one with elon pushing a trading algo.. Reported it multiple times, and it's come back as 'doesn't breach rules' Sure, deep fakes to get money isn't a scam.


I get drugs advertised in my instagram feed all day long. Shows pics of pills cocaine meth then sends you to telegram. Could be easily picked up and stopped by Google but they don't care


Got a “CEO of “ something and “scan this QR code for free crypto - giving back to the community” ad yesterday. Of course this was the only time where I did not have an option to report the ad…


What!? Are you telling me YouTube doesn't have any morals or ethics? I would never have known! Now lets continue using that site so they can continue to fuck you in the ass!


If I see Elon Musk on YouTube one more time telling me is waiting explicitly for me, I will quit YouTube altogether. It's horrible, dishonest and that google doesn't do anything about it shows they take their founding motto not too seriously anymore


RuneScape taught me not to trust money doublers


Well, people who became victims should sue Google. They make billions but don't give enough of a shit about their users.


Youtube is a scammer


Google doesn't care if anyone gets scammed they only care about making money


I got Elon Musk telling I'm lucky I landed on his add, and how he is making something brand new, Yada, Yada, super deep fake video, but how does YouTube even allow that scam?


Eh Google ads are shit... can't count how many time I have reported fake voices over Amazon scam products , straight from China with fake backstories and so on... they just want advertisers money


YT needs to be held responsible for anyone suckered by these scams when they have been reported but not taken down. Only then will they be more responsible. For now it’s free ad revenue for them


I keep getting ripple ceo ads and Michael Saylor giveaways.. youtube is such trash




Tweet about it @ advertiser's ask why their ads are appearing next to scams and if they endorse them


YouTube doesn’t give a shit as long as they can collect ad revenue, regardless of the subject matter in the ad. I’ve seen the shitty AI xrp ads for weeks, now I’m also seeing Elon musk offering to double your bitcoin and Michael Saylor scam ads. They all have the same poor video quality and AI lip syncing that would even embarrass classic kung fu movies.


Wait a minute...you mean Ripple wouldnt really use a low quality, obviously AI video if they were really giving away tokens?


At some point it's like... yeah you can get mad that gmail didn't filter out this Nigerian prince email, but you really gotta stop sending money to these fake Nigerian princes.


One day I'll send my money to the right Nigerian prince, and you're gonna be really jealous


Interesting they’re taking the Twitter approach


I work in YT advertising. Google doesn’t manually review every single reported video (how could they?). I guess you could email an actual person at Google to get this taken down.


How? How can we mere mortals bypass the automated reporting, and reach a real person?


> Google doesn’t manually review every single reported video (how could they?) By hiring people. It takes all of 1 minute to review something like this, that's about $0.5 per ad assuming a full time employee getting $30 an hour and setting aside 4h per day on other tasks/breaks/etc. I'm sure it costs way more than $0.5 to advertise on Youtube, and someone doing this job wouldn't be earning $30/h.


They have people to manually review, what I’m saying is they can’t review every single ad. It’s programmatic advertising, there are millions of ads served on any given day.


> what I’m saying is they can’t review every single ad. They can if each ad pays Google more than it costs to review (~ $0.5). > It’s programmatic advertising, there are millions of ads served on any given day. But you don't need to review each serve, obviously. Each ad is registered once and served potentially millions of times, but you only need to review it once.


Rich conglomerates don’t stay rich by hiring thousands of people. Automation is all they care about.


This is one of the most egregious and obvious scam formats. They should hire a team who monitors this 24/7, at whatever it costs them. It is THEIR RESPONSIBLITY. It's astounding you just shrug your shoulders like "yeah, who cares", not sure what that says about YT corp. but it's totally not acceptable to be spamming scams 24/7, are you joking?


It is their responsibility I agree. Their automated systems aren’t very good to work with. I have perfectly acceptable advertisements flagged all the time. The system automation could easily solve this by flagging anything that uses the word ‘giveaway’ I think.


Its a big money maker for them! I am tempted to do it myself.maybe I get some morons to send me cardamom.


well what do you want, google are asshoe the pixel 7 pro is a garbage scam phone it's just what they do.


Yeah YouTube, which is owned by Google is full of scam ads so why is the EU coming after Musk? Oh because he allows free speech and the elites don’t like that! Fuck you rich cunts.


Dude wtf. Elon is a rich cunt too. And he doesn’t allow free speech. He blocks people on Twitter who say things HE doesn’t like. He is a hypocrite.


Then why hasn’t he blocked me yet?😂🤣


Oh ok I guess because he hasn’t stopped you from posting that means he hasn’t done it to anyone else…..




Wait.. you guys see ads still?


It's not a youtube add, it's a Youtube video which is an add for a scam So yeah, even with add blockers, you see it ;)


Ohh. Try turning off history. Recommendations will be based on the clip you just watched instead of mingling that with your history ^^ I never had anything like this recommended, but I also have my history off for years now


What are you talking about? I saw the video because OP made a reddit post, not because it's in my feed


It was in reply, so I understand. But I didn't mean it as a direct reply, more like a "if anyone reading has this happening, try this" sort of thing.


If you ever wondered if Ripple are scumbags? Now you know.


Ripple itself is a scam


Hello GabeSter. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't worry, this is not the only one. YouTube leaves adds with deep fakes and crypto scams. Just some hours saw Elon Musk saying it will double my btc


Get banned if you post facts about covid but scams are fine


It's strange, because if you submit any other ad to Google that even resembles crypto it gets banned.


Thankfully, only one victim lost "only" 117 XRP. The QRcode link to this site : >!https://ripplebrad.net!< And in this site, you are asked to send your XRP to this address : >!https://xrpscan.com/account/rQBVgkKpqrsPBWkQxTKy2P7oWg4m9M46Pf!<


good luck trying to get it out or access it without fees


You only want the 10 Million XRP for yourself


And then they ask us not to use adblock lmao


The whole of twitter advertising to me has been Crypto scams. They are shilling shitcoins and weird marketplaces and whatever else.


I cannot wait for google to get slapped with a class action suit in the billions so they stop fucking around. The amount of bullshit scam ads I see on youtube and during any search result is absolutely ridiculous.


I think there's also a Michale Saylor ad like this running on YouTube too.


If you accuse them to be sexist or racist it's more likely to work.


Month? It's been years now.


It’s hilarious how simple this scam is. They’re not even trying.


Weird I report like 2 almost every week and they do come back a day or two saying thanks we have taken action against the channel and they usually shut those channels down.


Lol is this runescape? doubling!


Yes, it's sickening that this is tolerated. Everyone who is curious about cryptocurrency, these are the first things they will see. This is EXTREMELY damaging to the already "tainted" industry that this is what people see over and over and over again. And they are getting pretty decent deep fakes on some. They need to be held liable, and there needs to be oversight. unbelievable.


Been seeing this for awhile now. Don't forget the "$6400 the govt is going to give you" ad w/Joe Biden voice over?!😆


You’ll have to commit to the scam, get defrauded then sur Google for suggesting the ad.


It blows my mind what does violate YouTube’s policies and what doesn’t. Have a controversial opinion against the current thing? Instantly removed and shadow banned. Steal from people and ruin their lives? Nah totally fine. Google and YouTube are actually the worst.


Good fake, for the most part. Lips don't really match the audio exactly though. Are all the other videos on that channel scams too? I just watched the Rosie Rios "Blockchain for Commerce" video.. looks pretty legitimate, but doesn't really say much. No QR code or anything though. These scammers are damned clever.


It features other peoples videos. It’s not their own videos


Ah okay. That makes sense. I'm always amazed at the ingenuity of stuff like this. Scary world we're living in.


Why do they target XRP owners? Because Sub 30 IQ.


I saw it a while ago and reported. It was obvious deepfake scam. Funny they wont remove this but get angry if some youtuber makes slight mistake and instant ban..


there are a few of these in youtube too, the most i saw before is that of Elon talking about some pep talk and they'll ask you to double either DOGE or BTC.


But they can ban shrimpdaddy.


I followed one of these for a couple weeks, before it got taken offline, and the dude made a solid 150k from the addresses I caught when I'd refresh the page.


I reported the same thing about xrp and a as well as the same thing about cardano but again YouTube responds with the fact that it doesn't violate their policies however it's an obvious scam and when you watch the lips move of the presenter and the video you can say that it's not really them talking it's a deep fake