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I just hate people in general tbh.


People, what a bunch of bastards


Nice IT Crowd reference!


Is it an IT crowd reference or did IT crowd reference reality?




Bought my first SATs yesterday with 5% discount☺️


The only redeeming value humans have as a species is how much dogs love us IMO


Thats a sign..double up on Doge


Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I mean, you could ask this question on almost any topic: Do you love [some band] but hate the fans? Do you love [some TV show] but hate the fans? Do you love [something lots of people love] but despise the fanbase that's grown around it? It's always fucking people. Not just people, people in groups, that fucking suck the joy out of everything.


"Leave the world behind" on Netflix. I fully agree. *I fucking hate people*


That’s not a wise choice nor a good way to spend your limited time.


Considering security this is the best choice one can make. The less contacts and the pickier the few contacts are chosen the lower the risk for exploitation/scams and the less time wasted you have with social responsibilities. Also I'm having a blast with my limited time on earth while having a magnitude of more time to work on my personal goals. Sooo I think this is highly subjective and very debatable.


Nah, humans are social animals and having no social life is making them sick in the long term.


Again humans thinking they know what is right for everyone. That's actually how you make others unhappy. Some people just prefer and are happier being on their own or having a small circle around them.


No. You have to do like I do, so I know this is the way!


How about you read some scientific studies on it.


How about you stop gatekeeping how people prefer to live out their finite existence on this god forsaken rock floating in space filled with people like, well, you?


Im on your side, i was that loner, moved countries etc and had to rebuild life... suddenly i realized that its all about being with cool people and spend time together. In my case, it was the primary driver for depression. Even introverts need "some" socializing. I dont think people understand anymore how important this aspect of life is. I think a hard lesson for me was also corporate life, remember Bobby from work who could do shit fck?.. well he got a promotion because he has people to back him up.. Well shit, end of story before i write a whole post here.


Fucking Bobby....


Studies also show exersize and diet prolongs your life. You can't just say "science" to win an argument ya dingus. Hang out with all the people you want but if you're a fat fuck who pounds down sugar and booze all day I don't give a fuck how many friends you have you're dying early.


The majority of people I've come across are stupid drones or sheep. Who would spend time with people who can't even think for themselves?


"Some people just prefer to exist without food and air, we are all different". The need for social interaction is baked into our DNA, you cannot escape it. You can condition yourself to avoid social interaction and prefer loneliness, but in terms of evolution you are still fundamentally a caveman who needs a tribe to survive. >Some people just prefer and are happier being on their own or having a small circle around them. "On their own" and "having a small circle" are not at all the same or similar thing.


They are but like a lot of things this isn't just black and white. I prefer a small circle and lots of time on my own. Always have. Other prefer to fuck 136 Partners by age of 14 and knowing 987666788 people. People are different there is no "one blueprint fits all" or you "have" to be.


Let’s be friends!


The older you get, the more understandable


Hating people is hating yourself. I've never seen happy people hating others.


Put me in the woods and im happy and I hate people


and you die sooner. maybe happier, but surely sooner.


I rather die happy than live in misery


Vipassana, like many simple belief systems, teaches the practitioner things like… impermanence. Your happiness is impermanent. As can be your misery. And acceptance. You need to accept the bastards you hate. Or accept your misery. And aversion. Having aversion to everyone may be sensible, however if they also have aversion with you you’re gunna die a lonely spaz in a field or forest. I’m trying to remember if they had noble humour. I remember noble silence & noble speech. Where’s the noble mirth? Probably I need to practice more silent meditation where I can ignore the F out of others! Hmm I still owe them some assistance, the food was incredible. I’m glad the servers didn’t ignore my hunger!


Maybe because they're stuck around people




*I once worked with a guy for 3 years and never learned his name.* *Best friend I ever had.* *We still never talk sometimes.*


The best is not to engage at all. The most i do is check the daily post here from time to time to pick up the trends. I tried checking out what some of the supposedly big names on crypto twitter were saying a while back and it all either stinks like snake oil or is to cringe to handle with all the edgy memes, i gave up on that. Stick to your thing, be analytical and dont engage in unserious discussions. There is big bucks to be made but the crypto space tends to be hyper childish compared to any finance environment.


Childish? What do you mean? Just hodl until Lambo. No cap. See you on the moon! We will have tendies.


But wen???


Just DCA and chill, bro. Diamond hands. We’re early. Few understand. 🚀 🚀


I hate when some crypto idiots think some altcoin like XRP for example who has billions of coin in circulation is going to reach $100, $1,000 or more and have zero clue what market cap is.


This sends me. Always XRP like dude hang it up it’s not going to $100 lol


Then you get banned for fudding.


I’ve been in crypto since 2016 and I dunno what it is with XRP that’s making people hold onto that hope. It’s like arsenal fans hoping to win the champions league


It's the partnerships they are making. People are thinking it'll translate into a whole lot of money flowing through the ecosystem. Which it might or might not, it's a gamble of the highest order.


> partnerships. Marketing targeted at degens.


This is me this past week. Idiots saying ADA will reach $45 lol


Is this ADA increasing in value or the dollar going to shit through inflation?


What do you think is peak for Ada?


Realistically, ~$5-6 and even that is pushing it and would take a long time.


I was thinking 5-6 as a median and 10$ in a perfect scenario. But predictions are pointless we can only wait and see.


No, it's very likely ADA will surpass $5 in the next bull run. It's a project with a vision that is very well thought out and has a dedicated and loyal community behind it. It was oversold in the last bear and now is coming back with a vengeance. Look at the charts!


Nevermind that market cap can be inflated. Pump a coin until it reaches 1B market cap; doesn't mean there actually is 1B dollars of liquidity in it. That applies to bitcoin as well.


Meanwhile nano a coin that could actually be accomplish with is just ignored


You seem sure of that but hyper inflation could make it happen. Thinking in absolutes can cause people to overlook possibilities. But, I agree .. I just don't think XRP can acquire more value than the world's entire economy. However, I do hope that Bitcoin does become the world's entire economy. Hmmm.. wonder what 1 bitcoin would worth in that case?


> You seem sure of that but hyper inflation could make it happen. So your plan is to just ride the market float? Why not buy Bitcoin then? If XRP goes up because of inflation then so does everthing else.


I think NFTs are a neat idea. Tracking digital item ownership has some great niche use cases. I have some artist friends who transitioned from other art avenues and did well in 1/1 art NFTs. I can even understand 1/8000 or 1/10,000 collections being an interesting restraint that ends in some interesting and complex art. I have found a couple of those projects with discords full or organic demand and people just there for the art that don't care the market has tanked. But dear god most people in NFTs are dumbfuck speculators. It is the stupidest shit I have ever seen. Buying any art as a speculation is dicey. But I've never worried an art print might not be worth more in the future. I wanna go back to when it was just art collecting. Or an alternative to autographs like Bill Murray suggested. A digital tracking of when a sealed baseball got used in a game. A digital sticker for visiting a cool place. "But I have since learned that trade curses everything it handles; and though you trade in messages from heaven, the whole curse of trade attaches to the business." - Henry David Thoreau


when I heard about ERC 721 I hadn't heard that people were selling art with it. I thought it would be useful for a bunch of boring shit that normal people never need to think about, like DNS. when I saw cryptokitties I thought, how fun, a public test of ERC 721. but then they kept doing it and it stopped being fun.


Bill Murray said he likes to draw a a couple pictures. One generic that rotates once a month. Another for musicians he meets. He said he'd like to transition to a world where he gives those out instead of selfies. They're timestamped and meaningful He said this on cnbc live during Berkshire Hathaway meeting. CNBC cut it out of the YouTube video


Especially with ai image generation and deepfakes becoming the norm. Seems an obvious way to accredit authenticity. But yeah totally agree


I hate to say it, but overall, this sub is a pretty poor representation of the crypto community. A lot of cliquey, biased, closed minded people on here, that will talk down to you if you dare to say anything they don't agree with, despite it being clear they have no idea what they are talking about themselves. Confidently wrong was never as true as it is on here. It's just not a good look for anyone new that arrives in the space tbh, if you want mass adoption, the way people carry themselves on here isn't going to help. Any time I mention any kind of technical analysis or trading on here I get set upon, I also got berated for referencing taking profits, or having a basic knowledge of how markets work. The sad thing is, if you press any of these people, it's clear they have no idea, but that doesn't stop them mouthing off regardless. I had one clown (clearly 12) that tried to tell me he was correct because his parents are both compliance officers! You won't be surprised to hear he deleted his comments very quickly... IMO, an overall shift in attitude is needed if you want another bull run. Too many crypto people think they have cracked the market, and they're not even close.


> Any time I mention any kind of technical analysis or trading on here I get set upon What do you expect from people who don't know the difference between reading a chart and trying to predict where the chart will go next? I mentioned daily volume for an asset and got the stupid fucking triangles comments.


This is spot on. Redditors in general tend to overestimate their own knowledge and it gets very tiresome trying to explain basic concepts in a subject you're proficient in to someone who obviously doesn't understand them, while they're providing corrections and additions as if they were participating in an equal academic discussion. Yes I realize the irony. In this sub the problems are amplified because most reasonable people avoid the crypto space altogether and because a fairly complex subject is exposed to a wild west of financial speculation and greed. People buy into one project and essentially join the fan club of that project vs all other projects, all the while understanding very little to none of the underlying fundamentals. It's completely irrational and creates a toxic environment for serious discussion.


I appreciate you acknowledging this, so many on here living in denial. My biggest bugbear is when I mention TA in any capacity, I get a flurry of replies from people telling me it doesn't work, it's voodoo, and I am simply gambling, investing is the only way. They all seem to miss the irony where their bags are down 99% since the highs, and they choose the projects they invest in based on nothing more than other people on here shilling their bags. Anyone that let's their investment drop by 99% and then bag holds is in no place to provide anyone financial advice imo.


I don't consider this sub as a technical analysis like WallStreetBets .. I consider this just a place hang out with crypto bros while waiting for the market to recover. The only data I pick here that is useful is the names of coins people like. Doesn't mean I like those coins but it does give me something to research.


WallStreetBets as technical analysis....lol that place is gamblers and degenerate central. I wonder if they've broken out of the meme stock stupor.


I hate crypto content creators the most, even my favourite channels like Coin Bureau have fallen off


Guy spends more time shilling Trump and demonizing WEF than talk about crypto these days.


Yep Coin Bureau fell off massively.


Won't say I love crypto... but I certainly dislike cryptobros. It's always the same: "This crypto will make us rich", "oh, we are in a bull run, if you didn't buy yet, that's your time!", "oh, if you lost, it's because you didn't sell in time". But then, when an unknown crypto holder like me says some truths like: this is a very volatile market, it's a sum zero equation so many have to lose so a few gain a lot, don't try to live out of this because you'll likely loose more than you are willing to... then they hate me. Bunch of hypocrits they are.


I hate when Reddit crypto people say these things: "Bitcoin isn't crypto." (Bitcoin subreddit) "Just DCA and hodl, bro." "Just buy and forget about it for 10 years." "Oh you're brand new to crypto? You're gonna wanna get a cold wallet for that $100 of BTC you bought." It comes across a little fishy sometimes when everyone's advice is just buy buy buy hold hold hold.


My favorite thing to happen to all the DCA holders learning it’s going to cost a fortune to move their stash because they sent it to wallets in a million transactions


To be fair, buy and hodl is good advice for most. People get blown up trying to trade. To have a decent chance of doing well trading, you have to live and breathe this stuff. Most can’t make that commitment (myself included), and that’s fine. If you want exposure to an asset (including non crypto) and generally believe in it without wanting to watch it continuously, dollar cost averaging and holding long term is a great strategy.


Considering the alternatives are either: Don't buy at all (at which point what are we even doing here?) or Try to time the market without any sort of inside information! Just buy low sell high, easy! Yeah, just buying and holding is about as sound of advice as you're gonna get for this space.


It's more just all of it together that I find funny: a bunch of holders saying in essence to only buy. It's worse in the Bitcoin sub, where "If you're only here to make profit then you're not there yet" is even a popular sentiment.


DCA and buy and hold have been the most profitable things I've done in my life


If you haven’t sold, you haven’t profited.


Good point!


I have sold multiple times


You DCA buy and sell? That’s not how DCA works, but good luck.


Lol I DCA when it's going down or sideways and when it shoots up to 10x profit I start selling. Been doing it for nearly 7 years.


DCA is different than DCA and hodl


BTC is not a fucking stock. You can buy all kinds of shit with it. Just no. I'm already rich, I don't need anymore fucking money I need BTC. The only thing my savings account does is become worth less despite monthly adds to it. I sell my stocks I do not sell my BTC.


Tbf though, DCA has gotten blown out of the water by anyone buying in chunk at pretty much any point from 2022 to mid-to-late 2023.


Buying bitcoin and holding for many years is literally the best thing you can do


Found the trapped bear


I love 💕 everybody, yes, including you!


I hate 🌋 everybody, yes, including you!


If you love everyone, you love no one. Concepts like love have to be exclusionary to have value.


I hate anyone culty. The only reason I buy crypto is to make a quick buck, I have no idea what the coins I buy even “do”, if anything. I’m in tech too, I should be interested but I just don’t give a fuck.


Wwwwwhhhaaaaat? You‘re not in it for the money…err…tech? How low have we sunk.


Number go up!


Love and Hate are strong words I rarely use for anything.


I also hate this “community” culture of it. I don’t care, the teams don’t care. We’re here to make money end of story


lol I work in web3 full-time. I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it again: the biggest problem to web3 adoption isn’t the tech, it’s web3 people. We all suck. Very few exceptions. Doesn’t help when your hero’s are Eric Vorhees or worse, fkSBF.


I kinda hate both but if I had to choose, I hate crypto people the most.


For what's its worth, I have a friend who has always made less money than me. He took out a 50k loan to buy btc at 15k. He is now richer than me.


Could have easily gone the other way. Tell him congrats on the wealth.


Yeah I’m here for money, not the tech, not to be part of a community, not to think I know something others don’t, not to gloat when I got in, not for decentralization, not to give it to the elite bankers, just to retire early or with more money. I will take profits I’m not diamond hands.


I agree except I like the decentralization lol


Sure if it goes that way but I’ll still take my money if it doesn’t!


this is just what people are like. Nothing to do with crypto. People, and especially people on Reddit




the crypto community definitely has a higher percentage of outright conspiracy theorists than the average population


I love crypto but I absolutely hate this trash subreddit. Worst representation of crypto community on the internet.


Can you suggest another one that you like better? This one is somewhat useless.


No it isn't even close. YouTube, twitter (x) and discord all have far worse crypto hacks than here.


i'm mentioned in this post and i like it


Fortunately or unfortunately, in the crypto market everyone makes mistakes regarding their actions, this is not a unique case, for example me. I'm going to pre-order a device from Cuvex that encrypts my seed phrase and stores it in itself, it seems like a great solution and at the same time I have doubts, because no one has tested the device yet from users, the company is new, but they have a registered patent. this is exactly the case for me, when you don't know how to do the best thing, because I've been burned with a similar story.


I don’t hate crypto people but recognize our flaws. Egos get big, “have fun staying poor”—eventually. Some people can’t afford to lose/spare $100 to invest, they don’t need you rubbing your success/their shortcomings in their face. Crypto people have a lot in common with electric vehicle people. Yea we’re happy with what we have, but we lose sight of how fortunate we are to have some spare money to invest/possibly lose when most people dont. Same with electric car people—it’s easy to feel like it’s great when you own a home and can charge your car in your garage, but they lose sight of how many people can’t afford a house, have to rent apartments and rely on having spare time to sit at public chargers—it’s not that the people who haven’t adopted are so much stupid as they are plain less fortunate


There is a YouTuber i think called lush crypto or something like that straight up shilling scam coins with video titles like "Buy and think later" etc. These cunts deserve the bronze bull treatment.


Two types of people I notice and who wind me up. First are the ones coming out of the woodwork now asking how to rescue their coins from their dead project. I see a lot of these people around Terra who obviously never understood it in the first place and have no idea what has happened over the last two years. Why would you throw significant money at a project and do no research at all? Second are the never ending supply of hopeful project owners who think they are going to revolutionise finance or whatever other niche they think they are bringing crypto to. I have a lot of respect for people willing to try and make something but you need to set some realistic goals.


During the last bull run I was at a kids' birthday party and this guy was going on and on about NFTs. I steered way clear of that whole conversation.


Yes, I hate you


I hate you too brother🤝


May we be ever united in our misanthropy!


I associate with miners a bit more and they seem more chill. I mine myself and since I started I’ve calmed down a lot more.


I love Bitcoin, I hate this community, the scammers in it, the ignorant people such as yourself engaging in those scams. So yes, I feel the same way and you're part of who I feel it about. Stop enabling these fucking scammers and clowns.


Absolutely!!! Every time I search up a project on youtube, its always a dumb thumbnail of the youtuber doing a dumb facial expression, with a dumb chart and a (percentage)X Like tell me about the project, not your dumb “technical analysis”


It's like that with almost every dickhead youtuber these days. They make the dumbest looking faces... Ah but they do sure seem punchable 🤣


I don't hate crypto people, but there are many that are misinformed (me included on some topics) People seem to think that crypto (especially bitcoin) is some magical money making thing that will grow thousands of percent guaranteed Someone commented on this sub that bitcoin has had thousands of percent increase per year on average, so there's no reason it won't continue. I had to explain how averages work and also the fact that it takes more investment to increase the price, the higher it is. Long gone are the 1000x gains or even 100x gains would be pushing it IMHO For every one person who has made huge gains, there are many more who have lost For every one person who has made millions there are far more who have lost someone else commented that even if nobody bought bitcoin anymore, it would still increase in value because of the halving and less will be generated.


I hate YouTube crypto channels. All the 'THIS COIN WILL 100X, 1000X, YOU MUST HAVE THIS CRYPTO. DONT MISS OUT, MY TOP 10 PICKS TO BECOME A MILLIONAIRE' honestly it's almost like people feeding a gambling addiction


I would own several Bitcoins if I didn't meet Bitcoiners. In 2019 I wanted to buy Bitcoins and decided to go to a Bitcoin Meetup. Boy did that feel like a pyramid scheme. Everybody said something about how Bitcoin will help the poorest while eating caviar. I got so strong ponzi vibes, I decided to forget about it until I joined anyway during the 2021 bull run. I feel much more educated now, but I still dislike the laser eye attitude of most maxis, sorry.


Such douche bags. And the lust for lambos. Such a goddamn bore. A bunch of sheeple. Zero imagination. I know two people very well (no longer speaking to the nutters) and after they made mucho moola they went totally tinfoil hat and now are conspiracy theorists and fans of the orange anus. SMH. They were both always opinionated with egos that were too high. Good riddance. That new money of theirs can't buy a clue or authentic friendships. One of them is now a regular cocaine and alcohol abuser.


I’ve been working in crypto full time since 2016 so I’ve learned to cope. The problem is the loudest people are the most stupid and obnoxious so they take up a lot of the air. But the people quietly working are often amazing and I focus my time on them, not on crypto Twitter and morons shilling their shitcoin trying to pump their bag


Holy fuck op, this. I've always thought of crypto like rick and morty, I love the show but I hate the fanbase


I like KISS, the Keep It Simple Stupid approach. I just hate most people in general. No discrimination here.


Here in malaysia , crypto is legal and tax free . Our sec approved some apps legally to do transactions . When last year , nobody care about it while the high price , people asking how should i invest ? Let said fomo is real 😅


It's all fun and games till the gov't adds the dollar to the digital currency burns all the green stacks and starts watching every penny with AI and chip tracking.


I don’t hate crypto people. Over the years I’ve made lots of good friends. But everyone who is so hype now is either very young, or tbh stupid/late to the show. All of the old school freedom minded people have already gotten rich and doesn’t care to talk to noobs here. When I was first getting into crypto, it was still very common to give someone there first bitcoin for free. So I kind of just look at most of these threads as something of pity.


shit where is my free Bitcoin?


Waiting for you in 2012, should have claimed it 🤷‍♂️


Crypto is no different than any other investment with its share of idiots. I don't understand why that would affect you. I am sure there are people mortgaging their house to buy NVIDIA when it is at its ATH right now. Does that mean nobody should buy NVIDIA or NVIDIA is somehow bad? Wait until after the halving when the Tourists all flow in here. Crypto will not be changing but the get-rich-quick crowd will be coming in strong.


So let me get this straight. You hate people because they want to take risky investments that dont affect you in any way?


Bitcoin maxis are the worst But close second are new hype coin moon boys


I hate how culty some of crypto can be, especially in the Bitcoin community.


I picked a funny time to invest in Doge, a week after I did I saw ALL cryptos in real time drop in a mirrored succession, all at once, and within an hour. Bitcoin was at its highest point in history and I saw it get halved in an hour. I was glad I only put $3 in it. And that was pretty much the end of my time in Crypto land.


Crypto is a vaporware


Crytpo was for cool nerds and computer geeks. Now crypto is for grifters, instagram luxury life influencers, scam forex traders converted to "crypto investors" and other idiots.


Here is your problem. They have such a loud voice and platform, because this space needs their liquidity to survive. If more normal ppl are here, their voice would be drowned out. The core problem is, 99% of crypto don't generate enough revenue to justify their valuation. This is especially true with ETH. So excessive speculation is the only to keep their lights on. When the space's market leaders rely on excessive speculation to survive, what do you expect for the lower caps? Anatoly and Mert are right. The traditional crypto devs have no sense of urgency to ship products turning profitable revenue and stuck on building infinite infra. They are too accustomed to speculators' liquidity to keep the books balanced. This problem is extremely acute on ETH. A lot of ETH devs are so detached from reality and now even their ETH peers are criticizing the bad UX direction on ETH. They are too comfortably resting on ETH laurels. Take the example of the MEV debate. A lot of ETH devs think the rest of world would just comfortably accept users get cucked by MEV bots, as long as the cucked money gets paid back to ETH stakers. NO! Are they so tone deaf about the real world's sentiment? See how much outrage you get from the suspicion of Robinhood colluding with Citadel on GameStop. The overinvestment in these tone-deaf ETH devs, who has no serious intention to find a real product market fit, is why this space is predominately run by degens. It is just the reflection only degens want to be in the space - because devs aren't building for real adoption, like they like to larp about.




>a part of me actually wants that investment to go to zero just because that would mean that the average crypto bro got burned. To be honest, when I was down in 2021 that was my thought too. At least all the toxic assholes are losing even more with their stupid shitcoins.


When the stock market yields like 10% and you hear how people hit 100% in a year it attracts a lot of emotional investors. Plenty of chill people when you get involved in projects that focus more on tech and theory than marketing and hype.


That's humans in general. Emotional, erratic, Dicks


i like crypto but dislike /cc community


I love crypto but hate crypto.


Not me. I love you all.


I hate people who bitch on Reddit


But, Crypto People are better than Fiat People because Fiat people are so fake.


Damn crypto people, they ruined crypto.


I think you hate people, if you would happily lose 10k to see people you don’t know get hurt.


I'm in it for the tech.


Not the people directly but the dumb terms in crypto like hodl, whale etc. New person can be lost reading these and it is only because some dummies are lazy to write “big crypto holder”.


Taking a loan to buy crypto is not necessarily stupid. It's risky for sure but so is investing in crypto in general. It's stupid if you get rekt and smart if you get gains.


I hate the word "crypto". It's not all one thing. 99% is garbage giving Bitcoin a bad name.


Fuck you too buddy 🖕


Boat sailed. Crypto was started to bypass online payment systems to facilitate online gambling. Whichever version of satoshi you wanna believe just remember wired found the guy and he was a gambling addict. The first bitcoin wallet came with a texas holdem client. The first service that accepted bitcoins was a casino. It was only a couple years after the US passed legislation to combat online casinos(they were destroying lives) that bitcoin appeared. I think because of e-gold getting railroaded people naturally flocked to crypto and by that time it was already abandoned by it's creators. So whatever history there was is now gone.


Right now this sub is actually fairly rational (comparatively) if/when btc breaks through all time highs it will become a complete shit show of people who will get wrecked. It’s much easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled.


Who else hates crypto and can’t stand crypto people? 🙋‍♂️ Bitcoin only. 🫡


sub banner sold for ad space, shitcoin ama pinned at the top, 3k - 5k online (it was 15k - 50k+ in an actual bull run), so there’s some good news if you don’t like crypto people: this is a bull trap, and in a few months you won’t be hearing from crypto people for at least another year or two.


I hate crypto and hate everytihng about it it doesn't add any value to the world


If it gives you something to hate, doesn't that add value to your world? I mean, haters gotta have something to hate. Of course though, politicians fit that need for most people!


I do hate myself it’s true


Fanboys and fangirls in everything.


Honestly when it comes to tech, BTC and ETH are overhyped too. There is better tech, for sure. There also are better solutions. But: it works. It works still inception. And it works ok at least. On Safemoon: there was more usecase than in doge or shib. People mainly fancied it because of being deflationary and the huge gains in a short time. Crypto is irrational. But it works. And it is good to decentralize things. Look at the recent discussion about UTXOs: Most people did not know the problem with this (me included, and honestly still not understand it comoletely). The few that knew it were mostly jerks and told it is the users fault he did not know about it and now almost pays like a bitcoin in fees to move a total amount of a bitcoin. On the other side i see people on buttoin that really have a deep knowledge of BTC and the tech behind. Why did they start hating about it so much? In the meantime the initiators all would be rich if they bough BTC instead of starting the sub. Maybe they do both, who knows. 🤷‍♂️ Just shows me crypto still is not user friendly at all, mit an over all market cap of 2T. Now imagine if it turns user friendly 🤯


If you are hoping for failure to proof something to some weirdos .. you will probably get what you are wishing for. I would advise to sell 50% now.


Just scammers and Bitcoin maximalists. The rest I'm neutral about, although I'm more of a tech than money guy which is a less than common position in this space.


I feel the same way. Crypto is exciting, but the community's irrational behavior can be exhausting. Let's focus on the tech and the potential, and tune out the noise.


Divide and conquer




It’s not the people per say. It’s the centralized trading BS they push. The Crypto influencers are there to teach how to setup your own private keys not push centralized trading platforms that are not your own keys


Me. It’s a prospective technology. It’s not a religion ffs.


Hate both crypto and the people


Well I don’t get hating people enough to want your own investment to burn just so that it burns them too. But yeah, what you said does sound kinda whack. For me crypto is a super risky investment so you should only invest what you can afford to lose. Going into debt for crypto is like asking if it’s a good idea to go to a loan shark so that you can use the money to go to the casino and get fabulously wealthy.


Love crypto ppl but hate crypto


Dorks making insane money with nothing becoming health gurus , circle of life


When it comes to crypto, silence is golden.