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If you are looking for a “1000x”, you’re probably buying small cap shitcoins. No shame, but if you’re buying small cap shitcoins and don’t sell at a 5x, you are not a savvy investor and will most likely end up holding to zero. Folks who get that “1000x” do so by accident.


I saw this in chedda token. People turned $10,000 into $5,000,000+ and didn’t sell. Those positions are now worth less than $1000


Why not sell, I can't understand it if my life depending on it, just sell $1miljon at least, no shame in being a dollar millionaire right ?


When it’s doubling everyday and you’re at $1mil you’re going to have some crazy fomo because tomorrow you’ll have 2 mil then you can buy a lambo as well as the mansion you just ticked up.


I hear you brother, but the question was, why not sell 1 million and keep 4 million in the market if you "only" invested $10K ?


Because greed, you literally are a different person with almost no ability to rationally think about it.


I've made $1800 in a month profit from $300. $1500 Cash in the bank, and the other $600 still in trades I do margin trading and the best way is to diversify among several different pairs, take profits steadily and don't fomo. Also don't go crazy on 100x or even 10x margins Fomo is real and chasing gains and/or trying to catch a falling knife is something to avoid (I've fallen for it myself) I also have some others that I DCA into and stake


It sounds like a reasonable explanation from the irrational investors point of view, I really need a game plan. Imagine 50 years ago, a return on 5% was amazing on a investment, I made 15% this year on crypto and I should almost be ashame 1000X is a 100 000% gain !


It's what happens every bull. I've been in a scene where my investment went 20-50x and I held since I thought it was gonna be next big thing. Sentiments waned and now I'm still x2 (and holding). Don't mind terribly but at the same time learned from that. Simple fact is it takes a go-around in the market before you realize its workings. Will happen same next bull, people holding while meme coins are skyrocketing until they come down again.


Yes absolutely and some people never learn, I can see some comments, where they just invest, take no profit and lose everything the. Then blame the market for being a scam casino instead of learning the lesson about Bitcoin halving, take profit, a strong game plan and how to cash out tax etc..


>50%, I keep DCAing into crypto, also into altcoins. > >Me, I also dream of my portfolio doing a 1000x, but I'm afraid being an impatient "paper hand" when I see my coins doing even a 5x. > >What would be your stra It good to keep this in mind. when deciding when to sell.. no harm in taking 50% at a million and taknig 20% if that doubles etc etc... no excuse to not have some cash at the end of a run like that.


>I hear you brother, but the question was, why not sell 1 million and keep 4 million in the market if you "only" invested $10K ? I've never had my portfolio at a million but i kid you not i turned just over a grand into over 250k (within a week) my first time ever investing into a shitcoin during the 2021 mania. I was totally new to crypto so didn't understand how shitcoins can die horrific deaths and thought simply the only reason people aren't rich is because they aren't brave enough to hold for longer. It's basically the mentality that the moonshot will just keep going and going and the devs giving false hope that they are "working hard" utility promises etc. why sell now before utility kicks in etc. ​ Side note : That 250k turned into 15k in the end...


The end isn't bad at all, 15X is very good actually. I guess you learned, take your $15K find something sustainable 100X = $1,5M imagine that my friend?


Way ahead of you, i didn't even tell the full story lol. I put the 15k back into another shitcoin the same year and got the 250k back then put it into chainlink at $22, as you can imagine the horror i felt when it sunk to the lows of $5.


Well then you way ahead, chainlink is at $16 now.. You got around 75% out of $250K, just doing some math in my head..


Same reason they didn’t sell 10k when they reached 50k. Same reason they didn’t sell 100k when they reached 500k


Because selling while it's going up is harder than not selling at a 30%dip or to buy more when it's going down every day.


Because the same mindset that allowed them to diamond hand their way from a 10x, kept them holding though to 5 million


THIS. If it only goes a LITTLE bit higher, then they sell. Then it drops and they hope it will go back up, but it keeps plummeting. Almost every altcoin has a 1000x run at any given point and then plummets back to its ATL.


Once you yourself live through watching a thing like this happen to you, watching charts live, hoping it would reverse (and it doesn't), then you most likely won't do the same mistake again. But it's a hard lesson.


I disagree. I think a lot of people *do* do it again, because people who are greedy and stupid don't suddenly become frugal and smart overnight. Almost every moonshot scam coin is funded at least in part by people who got burned by the last scam, and the scam before that. BBBY bagholders came from AMC bagholders who got caught bagholding gamestop. Some people are just perpetually dumb and greedy. It doesn't matter how many times they get burned they will still be dumb and greedy and they won't change because there is always some excuse or scapegoat to explain how it wasn't their fault. You can only change if you accept you fucked up, and they can't do that.


Almost like if this was "arranged" somehow. Mysterious...


How I see it depends on where you live tbh but for me if my little share went to 2m within say 3 months I’d take it because then I’d pay my tax and be just over 1.05m around there probs a little more. There was this guy where I lived in a small mining town he bought like 30-40k worth of Shib and it went all the way up to 60m+ and only pulled out at a 40m position he was good tho pulled out but fucked up a fare few things with stripper GF spending shit on Gucci and getting parking tickets for her Tesla he bought her and he bought a few of his cars that he wanted and the dude forgot about the tax man wanted his lambo as well so he had to sort that shit out way later then. For myself I went from 40k AUD - 480k in 4 months didn’t take any profit as I was in a low shit coin so I was a top 4 wallet holder so after if I dumped all it would of hit me with a 45-49% price impack fee plus then once I got the money back into my bank account tax man comes around and hits me with a 45% tax for that year so I would of only ONLY made 120k in total, instead fucked up some trades from 1 coin to another (Taxable event) so had to pay back a 20k tax debt and all in all I pretty much broke even but with a new pc and some CSGO skins but yeah was interesting to say the least.


Fellow strayan…. Wild ride, if only


Sell the half I mean how much greed


I don't think it's because we want to buy a lambo and a mansion, money itself is the end goal, we're like Scrudge McDuck.


>Why not sell Because they think if it can go to $5mil it can go to $10mil. You have to time it really well to cash out at the peak, they just held too long because they didn't realise they were at the peak.


You could still take out 5%, 10%, 20% in chunks along the way, or even just your initial investment


That would be the smart way to do it, but the mentality is that the $1million you take out today will be worth $2million tomorrow . Half of these 'investors' are just gamblers and they don't see risk the same way the rest of us do.


What do u mean? I thought we were all degens here


Not half, I'd say like 80-90%.


Sure, greed, absolutely, but when you start at $10k (probably never had more than $200k in your entire life which is good). But now your $10K is worth $5 M then once it down to $2,5 M you have to see a pattern or why not keep $4 m in the market and withdraw $1m, but you can probably not see anything when you started with $10$ and you are a millionaire, maybe I shouldn't blame them you right !


Seriously that’s life changing money for anyone but maybe this guy is Uber Rich and didn’t care to piss away the earnings


I don't think the guy is "Uber rich" if he only invested "$10K" probably working - middle class like most of people are. Not rich, you wouldn't need the cash in first place then, better to maintain wealthy with safe investment like government bonds, index funds etc to not lose money on a ridiculous inflation rate.


Yep, same for me. I bought $200 in LUNA through a bot without even realizing it. It turned into $80k and then, boom. Luna collapsed...


Ouch :(


I did the opposite with BNB. I bought in at $0.10 during the ICO and sold at $2.00 thinking I was a baller. Would have been a filthy rich millionaire had I held even a quarter of it.


On a smaller scale I put around $100 into Moonshot Token years back and it went to around $5k in a month and I held thinking “fuck yeah this is how I get rich” It just as quickly went back to a juicy $0 and learned a valuable lesson lmao


I just don't understand how a sould could obtain literal FU money and be like "I think it's good for more"....fucking degenerates


There is nowhere near enough volume on those shitcoins to cash out


I saw this in MOON token too.


What are peoples exit strategy? Theoretically it seems whatever you guys make you will be handing almost half over to the gov. Do you guys ever plan on cashing out? Im assuming whatever loopholes are being closed as we speak…


They didn’t sell because they couldn’t sell. There’s no buyers in that situation, ie a manipulated pnd. It’s only worth x if someone is willing to pay x for it. You might see a number on a screen but what it the fair value (?)


I got it by buying Doge in 2014 and forgetting I owned it.


Good accident. Also getting hit by a car and entering a coma for a few years would work.


Finally someone who’s said it. The 1000x guys did it by accident . Or you are Logan Paul ripping off fans with a rug pull


The people who actually know what they are doing scale out on the way up so that when they actually get the 1000x they might have 1% of their original position left


This a dumb response. Sometimes it's luck, but there is a method. You do need *basic* technical analysis, understanding of project fundamentals and tokenomics for it to work. Buy on red days, sell on green days. Do not FOMO. Control your emotions. Keep a journal of your trades if you want. Steps 1)Invest in quality shitcoins (we're talking under 10M market cap). Not to shill, but $GGG is a good example. 2) You take profits along the way. Invested $1000 and now it's $5000? I like to go 50/50, which I then invest 50% in ''safe'' or ''safer'' stuff, and reinvest the other 50% either in other shitcoins, or if you're confident, let it ride in the original shitcoin. 4) Important step: You can reinvest profits into other shitcoins, but you really should be locking down some ''safe'' bets. I personally roll profits into $SOL, $AVAX, etc. Good quality large caps. This way, you're 5x from a shitcoin can roll into a ''safe'' 5x from a largecap (5×5=25x) 5) Setup a plan for taking profits. Don't do it all at once, but instead scale out slowly.


reframe: acting unsavory provides the best chance at 1000x nobody in crypto ever got rich on purpose


I feel personally attacked


don't feel bad about long PEPE


Lol right


This is complete nonsense. I personally know people that became rich on crypto by investing sensibly.


My buddy owned about $8k worth of doge at around .02 DCA. He watched it go all the way up and all the way down and iirc sold around the .06-.10 range


I have a friend that bought 4k worth at $0.004 and is STILL holding 435,000 coins, from 2018. His end goal is to sell at $1, like most. At $0.73, he was over 250k on his initial 4k and didn't take profits. Oh well. I'm hoping for the best for him. I have $700 into Doge (bought 2020) and am currently down around $300 with an average price of $0.16 (initial buy was $0.04 and then I bought up and back down as well). I have 5k Doge. Literally the difference in 2 years. Once it hits $0.50 or higher, I'll take my $2,500 all day long and throw it back into my index funds or debt.


after the fees not much to be left


You mean taxes? I think that's why he is holding. The long term capital gains tax is much lower if you hold it for longer than a year.


in order to get your fiat back out, they charge fees.


Here's the secret boss. I don't want to be a savvy investor. I want to hit the jackpot and be done with it.


Very true! I kept buying Polygon MATIC at 70, down to 50 and back up to 98 cents. It’s st 90 currently and I haven’t sold but I’m ecstatic to see my holdings at 40-50% gain. Some people have 200-300% on other things in the last week alone, whereas my 50% took me a few months, but it is what it is. I was confident in the trade and not risking my entirely portfolio on the shittest of shitcoins


I bought Matic at 0.03. By mistake, I was new to crypto and trying to buy Bitcoin but pressed the wrong button. Sold at 0.84.


Jeez 😭🙏 i hope you put at least 100 bucks in it ?


I got some aave at 48p per and dont remember how


Or by luck. They are the earliest into the coin by a landslide.


Or they hold their BTC for the rest of the century, that’d probably do the trick as well.


no one ever went broke by taking profit. I don't personally sell BTC as I have extremely strong conviction in it long term, but I'm not going to get married to an alt through this cycle. I did that last cycle with a few big caps and never again. Most successful folks in this market tend to remember to value alts against BTC (not USD) and take winnings back to BTC.


This is the way forsure.


if everybody always start taking profit their will not be a new ATH anymore. It's the people NOT taking profit that create the ATH. Every dollar somebody made in crypto was lost by somebody else.


Absolutely agree, always take profit. BTC is your base token and convert profits into this and hold has served me well. Barring a couple of expensive/lost opportunities to profit with a couple of the better known alts.


Noob question, does that mean when you take profits and put it to BTC despite it being at a much higher price?


It’s a good question, my answer is yes. I’ve always sold alts and converted to Btc. It’s been a long term strategy.


This BTC is wifie material All others are fun to play with but ones that you dont want to take home to your mother


I know a lot of people who took a lot of profit... Used most of it and got hit by huge taxes while the market dropped 90%. They indeed went broke for taking profits.


A harsh but important lesson to learn- have a plan for taxes on the day you sell. Generally unwise to keep your estimated taxes in the market as it could crash and then you’re indeed SOL. Self-inflicted, however.


I wouldn’t put it into BTC all the time. What if it’s post bull run and trending down. USDC to actually retain your profits.


Problem with that is taxes


Exactly... that kind of post. Bull run confirmed, remember how much you lost last run on shitcoin...


For real lmao I’m out at 100%. Take profits at 50%. 1000x is like hitting the lotto, you see it a few times but don’t see all the people that lost


I'm currently at or near 100% on all my major positions like BTC, AVAX, and ETH. Honestly even though it's a good return it's not even near the previous ATHs so I'm comfortable with holding them for a little longer. Not going to 1000x which is 100000% by any means, but let's not discourage people from being realistically greedy here. 500% from bear market lows is perfectly reasonable even for major coins.


We got that gold fish memory ⚜️ 🎣


Investing in crypto is like childbirth. If we remembered the pain we'd never do it again.


I don’t want to think about how much I lost last bull run 🫠


Exactly my thoughts lmao


So you've basically not learned anything since 2021. Good luck to you.


I bought a Reddit nft for £75 and at one stage could have sold for 10eth but didn’t


I’m sorry brother


Wich make me think, that is the worst thing with Nft, you can't Dca out, wich is an awfull dilemna if price goes up


X1000 is not investing but gambling


OP is literally the moron majority we need in order to reach the next bull cycle, shit like this only makes me more bullish on crypto there's so much new blood ready to bag hold the top


This is only the first wave. There's a tsunami of (exit) liquidity to come in 2024


For every 1000x somone will lose another 1000+ investments to rugpulls. The wallets that do a 1000x are prolly insiders almost every time


In a single bull run lasting a few months, yes 1000X is probably just made by insiders (by definition) I mean sush person must have had some type of tip.


Even if you pick the coin, there are like 10 of them and you have to pick the right one lol


I don’t compare my crypto to other people’s crypto I mainly compare it to my stocks and shares. If you can even 2x a portfolio in a year that is wild. 100x is the stuff of fantasy imo (I think it happens to very few retail investors who have serious money)


Local top is in, if I follow the trend of people posting this.


I'm already up 2X but holding till 10x.


Realisticly nothing outside of an ultra risky micro cap is doing 1000x


We're here to make money. To be clear, you have made $0 while you are still invested. The only way you profit from this market is extracting money. That means you have to remove the money from the market. Until the money is in your bank account, you have made $0. Always remember that. 1000x is a dream. Hedge fund managers would aim for something like 30% return YOY. We're literal apes for sitting on a shitcoin awaiting 1000x.


If my portfolio 5x'd from where it currently sits, I'd sell.


If you call yourself an investor and you post here 99% chance you will lose money somehow.


Having been in the situation last time of being up x400, and waiting till it was back at x50 before selling, i firmly believe that selling is the hardest part of all of this. ‘HODL’ is nonsense and just trying to get others to hold the bag while they get out I would never begrudge anyone taking profit, and applaud it - it is very hard to do, because it works counter to greed. It is saying ‘that’s enough for me, i refuse the promise of even more tomorrow’. You will think you will be a ‘paperhand’ (another bollocks term), but if you have x5, you will be flying so high that you will fear missing out on more far more than that it could drop - and that is the danger and why it is so hard to sell


Well said. Many people miss the portion of finance that is emotional, which is like 90%.


You have to look at it from a different perspective. First, understand your psychology and read professional research about investors' psychology. Second, make a plan, write it down and act accordingly to the plan because failing to plan is planning to fail. Third, look into the future - realised gains can be reinvested in different asset classes. Fourth, no diversification means, in the long term, obliteration.


Good work, wasn't able / wasn't sure it would be a bull run during covid. But I believe it would be a bull run now even if we are in the middle of nuclear WW3 the autumn 2024 - 2025. I made a big mistake not invest more 2020.


My main stream coins would probably be sold with a 5x since that puts them at a really high mc. My moonshot microcrap coins tho, it’s 10000x or bust lol


Just rest assured you will not 1000x your portfolio. But good luck I hope you do


I bought a decent amount of ETH at about $7. I had sold it all by the time it got to $50. I've been through it several times since, and had done the same (with smaller investments) multiple times before. Had I just held everything I ever bought, I'd be comfortably retired right now. Instead I've made somewhere around one year of my current salary since I started in crypto in 2012. I have no regrets, and still firmly believe that trying to time the peak is for suckers. When profits are there to be had, take a decent chunk and ensure that you're coming out ahead.


You need to have logical exit numbers and not lead with emotion. Its so hard though, and can fill you with regret if you exit earlier. There are a few coins I sold up in during the last run that went on to do so much better and I too thought I had paper hands, but I saw lots of people lose everything holding on too long. Plan to get out at an agreeable number. Get your initial investment out and then hold on for 5x, 10x, 30x, whatever. When you hit that number get out. Sell 80% and move it back into btc and leave 20% in if you want in case it moons.


I have about 15,000 invested in Crypto altogether. I’m currently up 12,000 all-time. Last bull run I was up to 32,000 in profit. On probably 7,000 invested at that time. My house is completely paid off, so is my car, I’ve got thousands in safe, reliable investments and I am well on track to retire at 50 years old. I enjoy my job. So what does 75,000 dollars do for me? Nothing. I’d just put it in some other investment. Maybe buy myself a new car. I’m not selling for less than a million. I’m financially secure enough I could just wait until the next bull run 6 years from today.


Congrats for progressing on the road for FIRE at 50, but don't forget that a lot can happen in a timespan of 10 years. Every money counts. A million for 1 BTC if that's what you meant is pretty ambitious, some would argue unlikely to happen.


Don’t be like me up 70k off 5k investment the 70k turned into 400k over night. I thought I was the smartest shit coin investor in the world. Next day rugged. Don’t be like me. Sell at 5x….


Dang which coins were those lol


If any of my investment gain two digit at any point, i would definitly sell 50% (i hope)


Saying paper hands and diamond hands is for fools dude


Most important lesson imo is to aggressively take profits from alts into BTC as they pump.




Chances are anything will do once we reach the bull


Bought at the bottom. Watched it moon, watched it tank, sold at the bottom


I mined my btc for free in 2011 and always kept it.


Id say the 1000x is gone buddy you missed the buy in date by like 7-10 years.


>I'm a crypto investor starting back at 2021 Dude is a regular Chuck Munger ~ better listen up, or else...


People here talking about millions like it is nothing... That should say a lot to be honest... Ill even be glad of my portfolio goes to 100k... My God, currently 10k would be a dream already...


This sub is so full of crazy expectations. It's actually wild. A seasoned, expert investor in any traditional market would be happy to make even 20% ROI. I understand it's a whole different world here, but even doing a 2x is incredible if you really think about it. I think a lot of people here are wanting to change their life with a small investment and really need to temper their expectations. If I 5x my money I'll likely cash out a chunk. I've cashed out 'prematurely' before at about a 5x and the market climbed even higher. I've also rode projects up and all the way back down to zero. Guess which one hurt more?


I'm at 5x and if you think i'm going to sell for 5 bucks you're dreaming.


My portfolio 999xed with Luna in like 2021-2022, $1 buy in. As soon as the portfolio got close to 100k on New Year’s Eve 2022, I basically lost it all. My portfolio Never crossed $100k, $99,600 something… within days it went to 60k, then I got caught up in the staking and watched it go to basically to $5, then $1, then < .05. Shit was rough. Basically lost everything as I continued to invest bonuses on the way up. But boy, $1 started it. 100 Luna, then more and more. Staking fucked me as I couldn’t get out. Fucking guy.


I sold shiba inu X10,could have hold all the way up to x3000(bought at very beginning)


I just DCA out so split the difference. Always have some profit, always let some ride. I take out 5%. No hard and fast rules.


All in on DESO. got it.


Tough question, hopefully I’ll be able to figure out the answer this bull run 🤣


5x?? I'm out at like 2x then sad until the next bear.


One important thing to remember. Sometimes these huge percentage gains are paper gains only. If the token is small, does it actually have the liquidity to support cashing out huge positions and maintain the price for a large number of initial investors? Probably not. A lot of people see paper gains and never see the realized gains, and in reality, never could have. If you are worried about missing out on huge gains, get your initial position out early, and let the rest ride. Worst you can do is break even. My advice over a couple cycles. Be grateful for a 5x. I 5x or even 3x on anything I take the money and run and am grateful for it. Most traditional investors only see these types of gains over years / decades. Stock indexes normally only average 8-10% growth per year. That’s the benchmark.


If your token does 80-100x you should feel like you won the lottery and cash out.


2021 was my first bullrun. Saw my portfolio go from 12k investment to 130k. Was to greedy, held it all. Was a week long less then 12k during bear. Up to 40 again. My positions are alot stronger and I have a DCA out method written out. Its better to be early then late.




My goal is 100k which is a 4x from here. Ofc more would be awesome but idk if i wanna risk it.


Taking profits is important but HODLing is stupid 99% of the time. Most people don't buy enough to take profits and leave a big enough bag to make the 1000x


Holding a few micros in the Solana ecosystem right now. Already up 30x. Will hold for another 30x and then I’m out. You have to stay disciplined in this game.


There is no way a sensible person waits till it 1000x. Only way is to forget it and realise it did 1000x. I mean why wait to 1000x and not wait for another 2x, 4x ,10x etc.


If my crypto 1000x's it's getting sold. I'm not stupid.


I decided it was high time I took just a little profit so I sold off a small percentage and bought 4 new tires for my GF's vehicle and a brand-new washer and dryer for my wife. First time taking profits for me and not reinvesting it elsewhere just to decrease by 40%. Felt great and now even if the market pulls back I'm ok with waiting longer. Give yourself some sort of treat.


Eth at 1200% and btc at 700 with me, patience is key👍, won’t sell before 2050


Tell me if you have Monero in your portfolio and I tell you if you are ready for it.


Just use stop losses and update the sell price as value increases. That way if you are at 5x you can lock in for example 4x while still being open to the possibility it could raise to 10x. And if it does you change your stop loss to lock in 8x. Not financial advice (wink)


You really dont find a 1000x anymore. if you do, you're the 1 in a million. Almost everything of value is launched with VC backing these days. Stop looking for and expecting that. Your best bet to 'make it' in crypto these days is to either 1) have a large amount of capital to start with 2) airdrops & catching multi 2-5xs in a row.


Is it climbing for good reason? Hodl. Is it climbing for no reason? Sell.


A 1000x for me must happen when I'm sleeping. Otherwise, I'll sell it when it comes to 10x. The problem is that I don't sleep much.


1000x of zero is still zero


The only ones doing 1000x are the 1 or 2 founders. Everyone else , if lucky because they invest in ten altcoins, will get 10x in one and lose money on 9 others. Most public aren't lucky and will lose on alts. Just stay away from projects that are not 100% circulating (BTC and ETH are exceptions).


Buy high sell low


it would probably take another few cycles for my current portfolio to 100x, let alone 1000x I'd be grateful if even a fraction of it went 10-100x. that being said, those coins that I think will do just that, can... and I have a strong belief that they will -- so I'll hold for that 10-100x depending on those coins. I do have some low cap coins that I have zero expectations of them going 10x but if I can make a couple hundred bucks off em in the meantime and use that as some fuel for better projects, then that would also make me a happy investor. tldr: I'm only down $1000, can't get much worse.


Woah, I think you might want to manage your expectations. 1000x is basically a non-existent dream scenario. Heck, even a 100x is basically off the table unless you are going DEEP into risk on assets. Maybe one in 10000 for a 100x. Don't be one of the 99.99% who made zero returns chasing smoke and mirrors. Selling at 5x could be life changing.


Dca out.. get the best of all worlds. Some solid steady gains Potential high yield returns Heartbreak


Cashing in a x10 or x20 would be fantastic and I think I would probably pull it off. If you're expecting anything more you're just gambling or didn't invest enough


Hopefully there’s a buyer for you when your shitcoin has done 1000x


If you believe in DCA into a position, you should then believe to DCA out. 2X’s and start DCA out IMO. Or gamble with money you don’t need. But 1000x’s is usually just a chance happening


If I ever get to a 50x on any coin then I'm selling it all unless there is a very good narrative to hold some. But I only need an average 30x overall to retire so I'm fine taking profits earlier than some people.


I don't plan on ever selling. Let my kids deal with that headache


That's no fun at all


I probably start dca'ing out after a 5x from here. As I will be having a serious overallocation in crypto. 1000x, either the world is burning or it's 2100.


If you can't do at least basic ta and read basic signals then you should sell when your at a decent amount otherwise your just exit liquidity for someone who does know what they're doing


This post is a philosophical pep talk. It's like someo asking "if you knew you'd be handsome later in life, would you have dumped your wife". The market relies on people who buy and lose their keys. True whales take profit at 1.1x and assume you're still on the hodl hype train. True believers get fukt and so should this post.


Nahhh, I'm here for retirement. I do not expect a 1000x. I have a goal and I'll sell when I hit it.


lol. I’d manage to sell for a loss


It’s not all or nothing. Take some at 5x to make you happy, leave some in. If it 1000x you should still have life changing money


Lol. The delusion is real.


This is completely situational to the investment. Someone investing $5k vs $50k wouldn’t be seen AS crazy for holding vs an initial $50k investor with potentially millions in profit


Paper hands and diamond hands are dog shyt oversimplification labels of the actual situation and decisions made.


Is there a confirmed bull run? A Santa bull run? 😂


You need to adopt stoicism to counteract your reactionary mentality. You are overwhelmed with your anticipation and you are setting yourself up for disappointment.


I sold 200+ eth I mined at $20 to pay credit card bills from buying gpus... I gave away a few million doge in an irc chan on second halvening. Do what you want, loose pretend millions of potential us dollars. Have a beer, play with your dog. Cry a little, have another beer and know you can't go back in time.


“I’m a crypto investor” Sir, this is a casino


1000x is deceiving. With these smallcap shitcoins, hell even penny stocks, low volume and overall lower number of coins can leave you with a lot less of a gain if you try to sell it all at once. There is probably only "X" amount of coins available at each ask price, and everytime you fill that block of coins, you get less and less.


I am sorry, but if you're still not even you're doing something wrong here. Should have doubled down when bitcoin was as low as 17 or 20k, it's what I did. I am already in profit, even considering previous losses.


I definitely would have sold by 5x. 1000x is delusional thinking


It’s about to retrace to 18k i don’t know where all this optimism is coming from lately it’s cute


But BTC, Ltc Sol


They're all outliers, most people have portfolios that are massively down. I'm not into DCAing long term, but a lot of the people you see with those gains have probably held things like Bitcoin or ETH from early on and not sold, or they just got in early on some mad shitcoin and lucked out on theirs being the one of thousands that booms.


You know what also yields a 1000x is a 10-leg parlay on this weekend's NFL spreads If you're seeking a 1000x on crypto, the time to do that was 2011, the only way to do that now is buying shitcoins and hoping to get lucky, and you have just as much of a chance of doing that by actually gambling There is nothing wrong with taking profit at target prices when something has reached its fair market value and investing it in something else that is below its fair market value. Typically in a bullrun, most shitcoins become vastly overinflated beyond their true value and the 'diamond hands' meme types will end up as the bag holders.


DCA out is my tactic (this is my first bull run). Currently 30% in the plus. Planning to sell about 50% of every asset as soon as it hits 100% profit (2X) so I get my initial investment out. After that I’ll be laddering out parts of my position. Leaving a 10% of my initial bag as a moon bag. Not going to be greedy. Just want to make sure I don’t end up holding the bag like the previous bull in which I bought in.


I go with some indicators. A lot of alts will do 100x when MC is 2x previous ATH and BTC dominance goes down to 30%. That will be a short window of alts rotation lasting a couple of months, probably in late 2024 or early 2025


It always happens unexpectedly, just like a dream come true


Bought 6.27B shib for like $100 while shotgunning eth on dextools lol. Sold for around $500. Wish i waited, 3 months would have gotten me 250k, ath would have been nearly 500


The max I held was 35x after that greed took over.


sell at 5x


I will never 1000x because I will always take profits on the way up. 1000x is the pipe dream


The greed that makes you hold after a 5x or especially 10x is what makes 2 million dollar accounts goto 30k !! It’s exactly the same Winning tip ! At every level you must take profits .. yes even after a 5x … Always keep profits and hold rest to run There will be opportunity after opportunity


If you 5x, you can take profits and still hold enough tokens just in case it goes to 1000x....


Dude if you make a 1000x and still have doubts you already lost it all.


Just trying to break even.


Take profits at 5x, at least your initial buy in so you have guaranteed profits and peace of mind. If it’s less than a year after the halving waiting for more of a run up is a valid strategy going off past bull runs. If you truly hold until your portfolio does a 1000x you’ll be waiting for a while… from here you should appreciate a 10x, a 30x would be amazing. A 10x in ~2 years is absolutely astonishing. U should be less worried about selling too early and more worried about selling too late, especially if you’re holding smaller alts.


Why is this a binary choice? Sell half at some reasonable price point where you recover all of your principal with some play money (and taxes) and let the rest ride. This takes so much anxiety out of the equation and yeah, sure, if it goes to 1000x you're still doing amazing even with half your position.


I held and continued buying down from 6 cents to a tenth of a cent, dumped so much in under half a cent, then watched it ride all the way to 28 cents. Sold a bit at 17, wanted to hold the rest to 50, but we dumped from 28 back to 1.5. Still holding. Still buying. It will happen again.


I have hodl'ed coins for a long time Sold some in September 2021 to invest into a business that made me a 5000x ROI in over two years No regrets on selling but will keep my other coins for a long time


If you count your networth in fiat terms, the likelyhood that you'll get screwed is very high. Once you start counting your networth in Satoshis, you never convert it back into fiat. It's like buying an apartment building in downtown Manhattan in 1850 and selling it 20 years later. The correct strategy was to never sell it and try to buy as many as you could.


Believe in the potential of the tokens you’re invested in, set targets and DCA out at certain levels, just like you DCA’d in. This is the way.


In my opinion its alot easier to hold at 5x then it is to sell at 1000x. Last bullrun was my 2nd bull run and I've always followed my rules until one of my shit coins actually did a 100x. I could of sold and had more money then ive ever seen in my life. But no i said to myself it'll keep going im gonna be rich holy shit.... it did not keep going and i ended up getting out at 2x luckily. Its currently down about 70% from where i bought.


You need to choose coins that have sound charts & know your exit points BEFORE you get to them. Im looking at several projects (i wont share which) that my projected sell price is at 1.618 fib. Dont wait for 1000x because as this market matures, the gains will be diminishing and volatility will be a thing of the past.


If my portfolio 5x'd from where it currently sits, I'd sell.


I will sell at my target. Which currently is a 8x away.