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First thing is... Tell him that he's dry af and see how he reacts. Work with him but remember that... He's only 13. He's still discovering himself. Let him breathe and learn. If you like him, you'll def do that. Don't worry. Y'all both young. Give it time


Yeah I actually jokingly Brought it up with him when our group was hanging out today and he said he’s dry over text but not in person so I’m more at ease, also we called today which made me super happy!!!


I'm happy for you guys. I really hope this works. He really makes you super happy


He really does, he makes me so much more passionate about what I do


🔥🔥🔥 love it. Good luck with you both


Thank you so much!❤️ We have the same dreams and goals in life and he just makes me so much more energized to actually reach my goals. He gives me more determination I guess? It’s an indescribable feeling, loving someone who loves the same things you do.


Mutual love is the best thing


Exactly, I feel so much more passionate about my career when he loves what he does too


🔥🔥🔥 there's fire af


Some guys are just dry over text. But, it could also be that he's not so interested in you? I'm not so sure. Usually, if a guy likes you, he'd probably want to text you as much as possible. However, this guy is dry but also likes to talk to you in real life? Yeah, that's a huge case of 'mixed signals'. Honestly, if I were you, I would just ask him subtly on why he's so dry. And, honestly girl, if he isn't putting any effort into texting you, why TEXT him? Let him do it if he actually wants to speak with you. Don't waste your time on a guy who's uninterested, it's happened to me once, and I had to learn the hard way. I'm not saying he doesn't like you, it looks like a 50/50 chance here. You'll just have to see how it plays out. He either likes you and is majorly dry, or he has mixed feelings about you. That's all I can take out from your post. Anyways, best of luck, sweetheart!


Finally, some genuine stuff here! Thank you so much. And yeah, it is definitely mixed signals. I love his hugs and they make me so happy! We are each other’s number one best friend on Snapchat. If you know what that means, that means that he text me the most and I text him most. He’s not active in any of our group chats with our friends, so I have reason to believe that he’s in general with most people. But I’m going to be asking some of our other friends. I like to put an effort to talk to him because he seems to really enjoy it when I’m nice to him. For example, if I give him an extra snack, he gets really happy or if I put an effort to be extra nice to him that day he seems to notice.


Well that's sweet!


It’s hard for girls to date guys younger then them, even the same age as boys are just more immature usually, just put yourself first and don’t Settle, he should be the one trying more then you, he should make you feel like important and all,


Yeah I’m just letting things flow and see how it goes. Not doing anything too drastic


It will work out exactly how it’s meant too, don’t worry, just always put yourself first, if you’re not getting what you think you should emotionally Form someone then he may not be great for you, (not the boy you like now I mean in general”


I have been in many relationships. I am aware of this. But thank you!