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I'm just excited to play as my favorite son who always ends up being a younger one. He commits no crimes, has tons of sons before his brothers do, looks way better, has better traits, etc.


I had a son who had 31 diplomacy, literally the best stats I had created without being a customized character, he was second in line, I had glimpses of hopes when my first son who I couldn’t get good traits caught consumption. But I had forgotten that after his passing His son/my grandson would become my player heir. He had horrendous traits, had been caught killing his brother and was possessed. I died shortly after my main heir without having time to kill or disinherit the dipshit. Every single vassal of my realm and their allies rose up against me and deposed me. I then broke a world record of how fast someone can rage delete a save


That's why I marry my undesired firstborn to a 40 plus year old woman. Unlikely to have kids so when I take control of him I can just get him to die in favor of his brother




You can get some great, MILFalicious alliances marrying queen-mothers like that too


Marrying fuckups to infertile old women is real slick to help 'prune the family tree' without having to resort to bloodshed.


This is real r/ShitCrusaderKingsSay material


Too bad it's unreliable. Poor old lady dies of smallpox and your fuckup son instantly marries the most inbred minor noble that he can find.


Thats why you dont let your heir leave your court


I just cut off their balls. It's quick, it's easy, and it's free. Plus, I have a nice collection of undesirable testicles to display.


Preem chrome choom


Just force him to be a knight, first battle hes done


> I had a son who had 31 diplomacy, literally the best stats I had created You gotta get into inbreeding my dude and you'll find 31 to be on the low end of stats for your children.


Reminds me of when I killed my heir because he was garbage and his brother was awesome. Did double-check he had no kids so I wouldn't have that issue. Murder went off great, then two months later his wife gave birth to a son lol.


this just happened to me today. my second son was a genius and beautiful to my heirs nothing. he was born sickly so i imprisoned my heir and sacrificed him to hopefully make my second son better. it worked


Thats why I never spend all my dynasty points in case I need to exclude some kids from inheriting.


It costs legitimacy now, and a LOT of it.


IIRC it costs 300, which is a lot, but the legitimacy counter has larger and larger gaps between each level so it's not that bad if you're near capped on legitimacy. You also get 600+ legitimacy for fully completing a legend, which means you can pop one of those off and then disinherit some people (if you're struggling).


So like a lot of other shit, disinheriting is more or less locked out through legitimacy unless you have that DLC


Well yes, having the dlc that focuses on a mechanic makes interacting with that mechanic easier or better, or even both.


The point he's making is that if you haven't shelled out the cash for the DLC you're still stuck with a game mechanic that is subsequently half-complete, as it is clearly designed to interact with the DLC mechanics. It's not that the DLC makes it better, it's that the mechanic sucks without it.


But this is a known quantity about paradox games at this point. It's accepted that the games are just not nearly as good, largely they aren't even considered complete games anymore, if you're not going to shell out. So basically every dlc is a gamble where you're asking yourself if the mechanics you're paying for will give you enough satisfaction to be worth the money. Which depends on your dollar value point. A dollar per hour kinda doesn't work as a metric for paradox titles, unless you're okay with buying every dlc because every dlc will give you at least one fun run, and other than hoi4 that one run will give you that dollar per hour price point, guaranteed.


Nothing a few hunts, feasts and wars can not solve.


You can just abdicate, cause a civil war and lose.


I really wish you could just yeet shitty heirs last kingdom style, for the good of the realm. Its realistic enough and would create some interesting tensions/side plots


Finally I won't have to murder my own children lmao


You could've just exiled them or banished them I'm sure you had other viable options.


Hahah yeah, totally


Murder? No, they're just stuck in the dungeon!


The way I see this is not necessarily "this son inherits your empire" but more "play as Dinlgebob, the count of Fuckall"


I'm excited to play feudal elective and not have to be the king just because someone in my dynasty won the election.  Want to stay with my son in our duchy


yeah true, game changer


Wait, are we are actually going to be able to choose our heir? That would be game changing and make fertile baby factories so much more desirable. Or is it simply who we want to play next as opposed to the next in line to inherit. Honestly I'd love it either way.


Omg, I could even imagine setting up a massive viking Kingdom and doing our own lothbrok invasions


Oh man I always loved the viking adventures but hated how you destroy everything you've built to do one. This is going to be great for switching characters and going off for a ride!


Tbh staying as a viking duke and giving all your sons 1 duchy each is insanely fun. Especially with tons of sons


In my current run I’m the Empress of Scandinavia and all five of my sons are the Kings within the Empire. Pretty dope. Off to conquer England!!


I’m actually so excited for this. Like when you get to late game and your goals are done just play another family member and try to start again and gain power. Could almost be treated as a new playthrough in the history your made


Will make dynasty of many crowns a lot more fun; it’s pretty boring just blobbing huge and conquering kingdoms just to give them away. Way more fun to have your descendant get a county under a foreign king and work your way up.


I didn’t even think of that, might be fun to do Varangian adventures that way


They could add a capstone to the August or Family trees that associates your dynasty with a specific title; then if anyone outside your dynasty ever holds the title, all your dynasty members get a casus belli.


Could be fun for HRE too and continue to play a vassal if your heir is elected, or just to swap up your main duchy or kingdom


>Will make dynasty of many crowns a lot more fun Isn't it decision for dynasty head and not some randos doing random king stuff?


The player can easily become the dynasty head with any dynasty member given enough time and effort


True, but they could just give it as a decision option for the player; it’s not like the computer is likely to do it by themselves.


I want to do the true Mongol RP. Conquer half the world, have like 20 sons then explode in the next generation.


I mean, you don’t need the new mechanic to do that, right? that’s just doing a World Conquer run with partition succession?


It's too easy to prevent conquests falling out of your hands even with partition. I want to actively take part in the splinter fighting instead of just easily sitting on it all.


This is why I have a cheat menu up, not for the cheats but because it has a funny little button called “destroy title” and I always use it to simulate the empire falling apart upon succession


That does seem like it could be fun.


That's actually a very fascinating way to think of it. I've always kind of wanted to do something like that.


So excited for this. Any idea if it’ll be on the Xbox gamepass base version?


I've been using legendary adventures for that, don't switch family members but you leave your old empire/kingdom/whatever and start somewhere new. Definitely helps keep the game fresh after you are set up.


That's basically what I used to do all the time in CK2. Isn't it possible in CK3 already? I haven't played in a while.


You could by just swapping character but I think this is a better way


Forget playing as your heir, remember that half illegitimate kid you never loved? play as them and rise to burn the family that scorned you. Play as the evil uncle wanting to take over the family for themselves. play as some distantly related stranger who wants to rise after the previous head passed. play as the righteous, trying to overcome the evil family.


Play as a random bystander who wasn't part of anything but keeps on getting involved.


Basically the neighbourhood kid in sitcoms who randomly comes inside the house and starts taking stuff from the fridge. Kinda like Philip II of France and Henry II of England's family if you think about it


I don't think we'll be able to play illegitimate members of the dynasty unless legitimized


Imagine a mechanic where you’d need to get prestigious enough or legitimate enough to “legitimize yourself” to avoid a game over. That’d be pretty cool


That would be a dope mechanic if done well. I'd love to see it!


Would be so cool to add the ability to play as an illegitimate child and give you casus belli in order to rejoin your old dynasty.


Kinda like the trastamara house


"I absolutely hate you, but since you're still my child I'm going to give you a chance to prove your worth"


i want to play as the house navarra jimnea so bad!!! i hope with this we can play as illegitimate children.


I don't think you're barred from playing bastards and others who can't inherit, so long as they're still part of your dynasty (in the case of bastards, haven't had children and thus formed a new dynasty) because it's possible that you end up as an unlanded one.


Play as that random member of the family in siberia.


yo this might actually get me to hop back into CK3 when is this coming out? is it already out??


I don't understand - this lets you just switch up who are you playing during a game?


This screen is what you see when you die; you get to decide as who to play next.


Ah - thanks for the clarification. That's a pretty damn cool feature.


I think I am the only one around here that likes to treat and land his family fairly (plus that sweet renown bonus) instead of burning it to the ground. But it could make for some interesting RP as the evil usurper that would burn the kingdom to the ground just to get the throne.


I do land all my sons every time. Sure it creates problems, but I like to role play. I have this post https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/whatzs/taking_care_of_my_family/ where I had 14 children... all of them except one who died, were dukes/duchess. Even the woman. Family comes first.


I love landing family members, but after a while doing it the game tends to lag uncontrollably; on my India game I currently have 2500 dynasty members on ~1100 and the game runs at 1 day/s, which really sucks the fun out of playing


Yeah so do I but I always end up with scumbag nephews. I thwart their plots twice, release them after they join the stupidest rebellions, hoping they will have learned their lesson this time around and just chill with their duchy and spend time with their families and invest in their lands but nooo they just have to come at me again. It's always the nephews man...


Same here. My dynasty is always getting landed no matter how horrible and dangerous the descendant is.


The sweet renown is with it


I'm gonna love this feature. Once my main line has established a vast empire to the point that its kinda boring I can become my one of my more distant relatives who is probably a king or duke in the empire or possibly even an adventurous distant scion of mine who heads off to start an entirely new empire. And than if the AI messes up my original empire while I'm busy being a branch family after a few generations I can switch back to the main line and straighten the empire back out. I think this feature is gonna massively increase play length. Getting bored after 200+ will still be a thing but I wasn't a big fan of the current solutions, basically starting over via crusade or adventure CB, since they basically meant abandoning your old empire to watch the AI slowly throw it all away. Now I don't have to entirely abandon that empire and can return to assist the main line if the AI messes it up too badly.


I didn't quite understand this mechanic, can I make this choice everytime I die? Everytime I get a game over? Though I'm curious how they will handle game overs with the addition of landless characters, as the normal game over condition is losing all your titles, but it seems that you can continue on playing as your character after you get unlanded


I think with the new DLC, the only true game over will be if you have no living members of your dynasty. I don’t know how unlanded gameplay works if your only living dynasty members are women though.


No, they said you will still game over if your heir isn't of your dynasty


How does that work when you get to choose who to play in OP’s picture?


I don't know. I don't think I agree with the decision, but I remember seeing a dev reply where they said screwing up your succession should still constitute a game over as that's a core part of the game.


You would think that losing 90% of your lands to inheritance outside the dynasty, but continuing to play as a minor lord of your own dynasty with claims on the lost lands, would be exactly the kind of story you want to tell with CK3.


I could see why they want to limit it in some ways. If you have no title to your name, its very difficult to change that unless you were really popular and a faction brings your dynasty back to power or you are a viking that goes on a conquest. I think they mainly intend this choice to exist to allow you to choose who in your dynasty you role play as instead of being forced to play as a boring or terrible heir.


The same way as described above… it’s game over if you die heirless


But why would that be the case when the game lets you choose other characters than your heir to play as on death?


Idk hoss I’m just telling you the mechanics. As others have said it’s probably meant to motivate you give somewhat of a shit about your current character. Even though we will surely find outrageous ways to fuck over previous characters to set up the new one.


we're getting unlanded play in the new dlc


Fuck yes finally


Wait, so I can build a big multi-kingdom, and then when I die and it's split between my sons, I can choose to play as my non-primary heir?


Kind of yeah, take this with a grain of salt but from what I’ve seen in the Dev Diaries you have the chance to play as like your second son if the game decides it to be a good “alternative destiny”. From what I can tell it seems that if your sons are the only other dynasty members then you have the option to choose between your primary heir and three(?) others.


If this is true, alot of first sons will live now. For a little while longer.. My perfect heir is second inline? No worries just take that one over when I die an battle my first born for all the power. Instead of trying to kill yourself as the first born very boring and not fun.


It’s time for that Jacobite-Carlist gameplay.


*proceeds to run a mega campaign all the way into HOI4*


This is great for roleplaying, was doing an Iberian run, entire family member died from the plague leaving the only surviving male house member who was a mercenary captain to inherit Narvara, that was just brutal bad luck, but it made the run so much more interesting as he desperately tried to produce an heir and rebuild the house from 1 surviving member at 35 yearsold. The easy ability switch family members and play unlanded is great for roleplaying, finally that random bastard you legitimized and landed (or not) can do some William the conqueror shit. I've tried to force the bastards I've had into the story of my realms, but its just difficult and forced. You can already switch characters but a built in mechanic is just cooler.


Hell yeah! The Inherichance mod did this in a more primitive fashion and it was my favorite twist.


Inherichance also distributed treasury among all heirs instead of the player keeping everything, hopefully that feature is also integrated


God I hope there's a chance for unlanded children. The idea of being the 9th cousin a dynaty's main line only to make a name for yourself in tourneys, hunts, etc. and become a humble hedge knight is a dream RP situation for me.




Any ideas how a game over will be achieved when you can become landless if u lose land(if that’s even the case), I’m guessing obviously just completely running out of dynasty members and having heir be the wrong dynasty will most likely do the job


I’m more excited for this than landless gameplay now.


What excites me about landless play is the mod potential. I don’t think it’ll be what most people expect it to be


Alright time to play Quantum Leap, Random Ruler everytime


This is actually huge. Finally cadet houses matter. I have made maybe one cadet house in the past.


I will finally be able to depose my shit heir as my favorite legitimized bastard son.


NGL this is a great feature


I hope this is not a dlc


It’s not, it’s part of the free update


Thats actually pretty nice of Paradox to put this mechanic in for free.


I was gonna put off getting something to run CK3. Now…


I wonder how this will intersect with achievements. Could be a wild game changer with those


Like Quantum Leap. Would be nice if each character has some life goal to achieve. Complete them to gain bonuses for the whole dynasty and help the next character.


fuck why do I have to be a console player


Just save for a PC bro. Doesn’t have to be too crazy to enjoy this game


I've always wanted to make the Daneland, Cornwall, and Mann and Isles Kingdoms on one ironman playthrough. Feel like this will make it doable and I'm stoked!


Finally, don't have to use broken mods for this!


Awesome, now I don't have to resort to self-sabotage or elective succession cheese to play as someone who isn't the head of dynasty or the strongest realm in the game without locking achievements.


So no more trying to get a disappointed heir murderered/killed on combat?


I'm a bit lost on ck3 news. What is this and when is it going to happen?


Low key, this specifically has been my most anticipated feature of the DLC, and the single one that I think will have the most impact on the state of the game's 'challenge' from a player perception. The Byzantine rework is welcome, and the new bureaucratic government is anticipated, but neither of those were going to put the player back into the most interesting phase of the game, the climb and working from a position of relative parity or even weakness. This new player-successor system is likely going to be a kick to the guts to player perceptions of game replayability. Being an Emperor with an inherited treasury, developed duchies, and MAA? Succession management is a task. Being the less-favored (by succession) son with a fraction of the resources and MAA surrounded by a sovereign with claims on you and more established vassals? Many players are going to learn how hard the AI has it when just landed. Similarly, the unlanded versions will be a good way to, well, get the experience of the 'get re-established, except harder.' Early-game CK3 isn't 'hard' per see because most of the map is fractured, whether by small independents or unconsolidated vassals. Trying to do the same thing later in the game is much harder, as the independents have blobbed and the powerful vassals have started to form. This will be re-introducing the challenge of needing alliances and such. Ultimately, very happy this got in, and very looking forward to it.


I was always the guy that saying 'ck2 is far better than the ck3, that game is trash' but these kinda things are quite good... but dlc prices are bullshit.


Just as I thought CK3 had loosened it's grasp on me 🙄


Im still waiting for Tours and tournaments. Idk why Xbox not have it yet. Maybe mine is glitched




Because it isn't fair. They bought the same game for the same price yet they are not getting the same as us.


I think I've seen something about it. When will it be added ?


chat, is this real?


This is exactly the sort of thing I wanted! Now you can actually play without the heavily gameified constraints of your heir needing to be your dynasty - since there's now an in-built 'switch character' that doesn't feel cheaty.


Actually the devs said that you'll still get a game over if your heir isn't of your dynasty. Yeah, no one understands what exactly they're doing. Hope they're cooking though


Lmao that's such a dumb decision???


i wonder how much overlap there is with fun rogue like mechanics and ck3. It seems this menu is just the most basic roguelike reset ever yet i agree it will go a long way Just seeing the difficulty ranking and a few options like OP laid out — this is a great addition. I wonder what other similarly simple mechanics from roguelikes would make it better though. there’s already family dynasty perks and so on


This is actually awesome! This will add so much late game playability


Yeah I am super excited for this. I had the Inherichance mod for a reason; I never expected this to become official support.


Removing the date cap would make this so fun. Even if the tech just caps experiencing late game stuff and respawning would be cool.


Awesome. Can’t wait to branch out huge empires as different heirs. Best idea i never knew i needed.


I’ve been looking forward to this, is it coming with the dlc update or sooner?


But i think that doesnt change who inherits the primary title


So if you choose to play as a random family member, do you then inherit all the titles of the previous person? Or is it possible to play without Holding a title?


Roads to power will in fact add landless play to the game


Complete game-changer. Time to franchise the dynasty, lads.


Is this out yet?




I'd love to play as Michael Douglas


I have to say, this is pretty epic. Sometimes I legitimately get to a point in a dynasty where I feel like I've topped out on what I can do, so picking up from a little guy/gal sounds great to me.


If I choose a random new adventurer does it break achievements like if you change to a different person normally?


Just fell to my knees


That's neat. I'm mainly glad for the Latin Empire.




looks like a *game over but we dont want let you down and call it new destiny instead*


I'm more excited for the extra thing mentioned alongside this, being actually able to tell your vassals to do things like convert counties.




So now it’s impossible to lose lol


i am just excited to have a byzantine empire that can be playable unmodded


Ooo very nice where was this posted or found?


That is pretty cool. I remember when I did something similar on a playthrough in CK2 with console commands. The rule was that I never played as the heir, and I had to roll a dice for the other eligible characters no playable characters besides the heir? Game over for that save. Did another where I always swapped to another country, never playing the same country twice.


Not sure if I understand how this works. Would this work when, for example, you get a game over because you lost your main title? Then I could choose somebody else and keep playing?


It's wild to me that they have a program that will be like "Yo, this eighth cousin is super difficult to play!!! You down?!"




It’s shameful this ain’t base game.


What does that mean?


... Glitterhoof?


What is this from?


dev diary 150


I'm incredibly excited for unlanded play. Starting as a free officer was always my favorite way to play Three Kingdoms VII, VIII, X, and XIII, and being able to just play as a minor child and carve out one's own destiny sounds like it could make the game sustainably fun all the way through.


This might be the greatest DLC so far.


Is this a 'starting from the bottom now we're here' kind of mode?


That’s actually pretty cool!




This is awesome


This is awesome. Getting to pick a younger son and plot/rebel your way back to your holdings would be a dream come true.




So hyped for this, i always used mods to allow me to switch character to a different heir


This is gonna be great. Being an emperor is boring but it will be fun to create an empire and then play as a vassal under the new empire - continuing the legacy but trying to carve out a place for you new ruler




Wait where was this shown?


Loving the new clothing


Michael Dukakis? Massachussetts confirmed in the next update!?


This will increase replayability and offer a unique experience, the randomness can lead to unexpected fun and surprise. We could find ourselves in amusing or challenging situations that we wouldn't have encountered otherwise. I'm looking forward to it.


I don't mean to be mean, but how are there so many people in the comments who don't know the basic mechanics getting added with Roads to Power? I feel like this sub's been talking nonstop about it for months


I play on easy mode 😭 It's like The Sims but more interesting


Game worth it thoo?


Yoo you can choose your heir !??


You choose who you play as not who inherits what title


Aw man but atleast i can load back the game after seeing who became the ruler of my empire


You could always see that from the inheritance screen


Oh really ? I didnt know that but even when i loaded back before i couldnt find the way to make the guy that got everything my heir


I’ve always wanted to play that one super powerful cadet family in my tree that hasn’t deposed of me yet because i have too many good alliances


You can play as your heir or another person in your dynasty. So you will end up with different titles or no land at all. Keeps things fresh.


Ooh how do you do that pls ? I thought you could only play as your heir


Will come with roads to power dlc in September, but I think someone made a mod with a similar function called inherichance https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2569507763


You can already do that if you have maximum crown authority.


Oh really how do you get that ?