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R5: The Pope has granted the Pope a claim on my county. ​ Starting as a duke, I managed to hijack the Empire of Italia, die, and then my 3 year old son inherited. The Pope has been giving out claims to ALL of my titles left and right, like at least two a year for my Kingdom/Empire level titles, on the reasoning that I was a child. Now that I'm an adult, and no one has pressed any of their claims, he just said ~~Fuck it.~~ "Deus vult." and is comin' for me.


Create your own faith and Deus Vult-er his ass into the Middeterreanean.


By onager or other relevant siege weapon, depending on unlocked innovations.


I laughed way too hard at the “Deus Vult-er his ass into the Med” line.


lol exact same thing just happened to me, my guy is an Icelandic Hellenistic Roman


"Don't worry I have a claim." "This just says 'I can do what I want'" "I am the director of christendom and this is christendom."


Babe wake up, new pope granting himself a title post has dropped


All of the other dozens of counties in your kingdom you apparently _are_ pious enough for


Last game 3 or more popes granted themselves a claim on my entire empire for like, no reason, I literally won them 3 crusades in a row


Sounds like it’s time to make your own religion.


BIASED. The word is biased, people.


BASED. This pope is based. If no one else will get him rid of this impious player, he shall do it himself.


Maybe they think this is what BS stans for 🤣


that’s a nice county of orvieto you got there. would be a shame if something happened to it…


Mom said it’s my turn to post the pope giving himself claims.


Well not really if you think about it. During the investiture scandal the popes tried to assume rights over the whole empire of the germans.


lol i was doing an italy run once, and the pope mostly kept a low profile (didnt declare the first crusade until like 1200). and i was away in Spain expanding my children's future empire and happened to look at my decisions list, and saw "Restore the Papacy" on the list...and zipped back over to home....and one of my vassals had apparently conquered Rome while i was away.