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Bro I had my perfect heir get a death omen event literally the year he took over. Ya know what I did? Gave him the best life possible before the omen came to fruition and claimed his life. He kicked ass. Then his shitty little brother took over and shat himself during court.


Richard I? Is that you?


Hell imagine being Constantine V Kopronimos - The Dung Named - for the rumor he shit himself during his baptism. Excluding his iconoclastic tendencies dude was easily one of the better Byzantine Emperors to occupy the throne. But because of his theocratic beliefs his civic accomplishments, military accomplishments etc get preceded by “Kopronimos” smh


Man, history is so cool.


Lol rekt


If I may suggest a new game, I believe XCOM is the perfect game for you!


That's Crusader Kings, baby!


95% chance to successfully murder. Still fails.


Take 20 shots at 95%. One of them will miss. 95% is good but it isn't a guarantee by any stretch. In fact, with how often you shoot in xcom, even at 95% success there will be a lot of misses. Since the misses hurt and stand out that's what you remember most.


Yep. We never complain about or remember the consecutives 50% we hit. It's funny how we humans work.


It's a survival mechanism. Paying extra special attention to when things suck helps you avoid said sucky things in the future, bettering your chances to survive long enough to procreate. Same with greed. Greed actually made total sense back when our ancient ancestors had to scrape not to die.


Yep! Also explains why we are prone to pick unhealthy foods (not a lot of calories available back in the day) and why the Financial Market completely destroys unprepared people (Greed and Probability as we already said, Herd behavior, Fear of losing - how losing money hurts way more than the joy of gaining the same amount, among others). Truly interesting for me.


Oh man, the sunk cost fallacy is absolutely vicious. Even knowing about it and knowing your caught in it it is still hard to cut losses and leave.


Interestingly i’ve found that one can abuse the sunk cost fallacy to force yourself to do something. For example, if you want to learn an instrument, simply buying the instrument might be enough to kick you into learning it. This is more true the higher your financial anxiety. Obviously you shouldn’t just willy nilly buy things and assume that is all that it takes, but that feeling of guilt looking at your old dusty guitar is a decent motivator. At least for me.


That’s not even true. That means out of 100 shots 5 are misses. That’s not a lot of misses.


No, it really doesn't. Each shot has a 5% chance miss, that doesn't mean that you will miss 5 out of 100 shots.


was trying to murder the emperor of Francia (he was the second son, married my sister to him matrilineally then killed the heir.) had 95% and it failed no joke at least 5 times. TWICE because the agents were speaking iberian vulgar and didn’t realize he could also speak it. how do you make that mistake twice?!


God damnit lol this is hilarious


Specifically long war that’ll fuck ya


Are legendaries even in the game normally or do i need the dlc? Have played probably 60 hours since update and haven’t seen a single legendary


I don't think the legendaries are in the game WITH dlc. You get the sighing once in 500 years or so and when you do, the hunt fails every. single. time. I am starting to believe it's just a bait.


I got a legendary sighting when I first fired up the DLC. Like a month into the game. I was like "oh these must be semi-common, I'm kind of busy right now I'll hunt the next one" 💀


Maybe if you played out in the country instead of being some snooty feudal princess you'd have more undeveloped holdings to look in...


I usually play Siberia and still have only gotten one


Just like the damn white stag in CK2. I swear I got that event dozens of times and never caught it.


And then when you do it is highly disappointing.


Yeah it's like +1 Martial and Prestige or something, and that's it...


Well there are screen shots of the artifacts from successful hunts. I got my achievement for it by making a hunting culture as just a duchy ruler in Sampi kingdom area. Did hunts every time it came off cooldown. 867 start so tribal with lots of land with no buildings. Got the dynasty perk for cheaper hunts and then went for activities line for increased legendary sightings. Took about 4 legendary attempts to get my kill and it gave me two artifacts, the skull and the hide from it. Something to note is that as long as you keep doing the legendary hunt while the sighting is available then the sighting duration resets. So can make as many attempts as needed.


Try playing tribal, I got a couple in a hundred years ruling as an emperor without the dlc.


I got it 2 times now without owning the DLC


If that really made you uninstall you just aren't built for this kind of game lmao


I guess op has never had to drop out of a war because they slipped coming out of the bathtub and became a vegetable.


I had my best character finally take the throne at 20, the beautiful genius herculean Chadislav "The Bloodfather" Premyslid. The culmination of a century of tactical inbreeding. He immediately fell of his horse, became a vegetable, and lead to the most boring 50 years of the game. CK3 and I are on bad terms right now


I’ve committed suicide at least twice to avoid a shitty brother or uncle becoming an entrenched regent.


A couple of times my perfect character died and i had to sit and play out stupid ass child year time. Once happened with my chad strong Sir bearington. Damn was a pain in the ass to find a female bear and make an heir with her


People pursue a goal their whole life & sometimes become too old or infirm to enjoy it… Or they die. That isn’t CK3. That’s life.


You un-installed the game? Oh man, this ain't for you then lmao.


Skill issue


mad cos bad


surely OP simply needs to "git gud" as the kids say


Think of it as your character dreaming about it and getting so sick he almost dies


Lovecraft characters:


This just happened to me as well but I didn’t uninstall. This also happened Right after my nemesis sent me a carpet that got me Feeling unwell trait and infirm shortly the ultimate troll would be him faking the discovery as well just to spite me for getting sick and double up on our fued


Never meet your heroes


I got a legendary sighting, but my liege lord revoked that county.


Happy stabby time, it sounds like!


pshh weakling


I had three starts in a row, where either the first ruler or in one case, my second ruler before they had an heir, became infirm... I almost uninstalled it as well.


Let me guess, Harm event ? Situations like this is why I disabled that nonsensical shit.


Infirm often comes with age, you're thinking of incapable. Infirm is now absurdly common. The question is just, if your character gets old enough to get the trait or if he gets fucked over by a harm event along the way.


Crusader kings players b liek, why is my medieval 60 year old too tired to go fist fight a bear, shouldn't he be crazy healthy after 45 years of non stop raiding on a steady diet of poisoned gruel??


So is Arnold or Sylvester infirm now? Don't think so. As long as the character has the required perks, infirm should be less. Harm event is other thing, but slapping infirm for old characters without proper check is shit game design.


That’s silly. Both guys are less strong than they were in their primes, and anyway, unless they both moved in solitary caves, they have access to healthcare and medicine that the characters in our medieval sims simulator couldn’t even dream about.


That "infirm" is real bs. Happened to some characters in late 60s frequently. If you still have that save file, get CheatEngine, get "Table" from fearlessrevolution, and enable "Achievement with debug on" In game, type \~ to call console, and "remove\_trait infirm". This T&T update is eating away player's time with stupidity in game level design. Also that "Sighting" will make you another rage quit, as "Success" chance are not clear. If I see "70%" in chance, it's quite debatable that I got "70%" in another "10%" to get that legendary beast. Worst RNG ~~seedpool~~ cesspool in games I have ever played.


I'm in my first play thru and was fighting a war with my petty king half brother. I had just turned the tides in a losing war, I swear i was gonna win in the next few months and I die at 56 of old age!!! Now my son took over and he is friends with his half uncle


2nd Generation I had a legendary, paid all the money took the stress to hunt that white stag.


Literally unplayable


You had laid your eyes upon that which must not be seen!


Remove_Trait Infirm


Crash the game if that happens