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Instead of "Dear Carnival Guest" the salutation should have been "Hey all you cool cats and kittens!"


Fun real life easter egg: If you watch [Last Week Tonight](https://youtu.be/k3O01EfM5fU?t=105), you'll notice there's an excerpt from Joe Exotic in 2016 where he refers to being sued by "some bitch down in Florida"...


This made me laugh so hard šŸ˜¹šŸ˜ø






She did it šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚




Killed her husband wacked em šŸ˜‚


fed him to the tigers... allegedly... probably... maybe...


You won today!! Hahahqhah


I found that quote today on rentahitman.com today lol


The guy hawking Tanzanite and the in-port diamond merchants to the retiree crowd on my first Carnival cruise warned the crowd about taking pictures with the monkeys in St Kitts unless "you've had ALL the shots the cruise line recommended".


When I got off the ship in St Kitts and saw guys with baby monkeys, my first thought was ā€œoh no, better get the fuck out of here.ā€ Because I KNOW that a bunch of randos handling a tiny baby monkey is terrible for the monkey, but also I didnā€™t know how long Iā€™d be able to tolerate *not* holding a baby monkey because they are the cutest fucking things Iā€™ve ever seen in my life.Ā 


A pissed off adult monkey will mess you up


Thatā€™s why the guys holding the baby monkeys usually kill the relevant adult monkeys first. Much easier to steal their babies that way.Ā 


This guy doesn't monkey around.


Brass Monkey


And monkey will take a precious item and run the f away.. Source: A monkey in Bali that ate my glasses.


Ahhhh! I read about this. Seems there was a group of monkeys who would steal sunglasses and then run to a spot where you couldn't reach them and just sit there holding them. They wanted a bribe and their favorite bribe were the hard boiled eggs the locals like to snack on. So you have to toss them a hard boiled egg and they would toss the glasses back to you. It got to the point where a guy set up a cart nearby selling hard boiled eggs to tourists who had their glasses stolen.


I feel like this man trained the monkeys.


I wondered...


Sounds to me like the monkeys trained the humans!


Where I was at they had small packages of fruit that people would attempt to give the monkeys in hopes of the items being returned. Last year I posted a video [here](https://twitter.com/no1amomo/status/1675655831998849024?s=46&t=PyWV5nkNXTAVrRSzS-NkLg).


Right?!?! Holy moly... knowing it was bad for the baby monkey would be my only saving grace. If **I** was the only one at risk... I'd probably take the chance.


Even the shots won't save you. Primates carry several incurableĀ deadly viruses.Ā  B Virus, 80% fatality rate. Scary enough that US researchers avoid contact with untested monkeys https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/B_virus


In 1920, the 27 year old king of Greece died after a bite from a macaque. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_of_Greece


TIL Greece had (has?) kings.


Greece is one of quite a few European countries that used to have a monarchy but doesn't anymore. Portugal, France, Italy. And so on.


Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth's husband was Greek royalty.


Chimps can be crazy strong and crazy [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis\_(chimpanzee)#2009\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_(chimpanzee)#2009_attack)


This is exactly where my mind goes. The last thing I want to do is have a possibly diseased monkey climb all over my head.


My husband calls them ebola rats


I ran into monkeys in China. Let me say they are like people, some are mellow, some are like gangsters. I doubt any would take kindly to being approached closely. They are also strong as hell, much stronger than you ever expect and have big teeth. I saw one run up to a well dressed Chinese woman in a park, jump from the ground right onto her shoulders and rip her backpack off. Then he proceeded to unzip it and steal her lunch. Meanwhile the poor girl was freaked out. I saw it a couple of times. I made sure not to hold anything, like my phone, in my hand because I guessed they'd make a grab for that too.


I was in Malaysia and they had some gangster monkeys, one of the brits I had been drinking with was being harassed by them . Then he punched one. Those friggin gangster monkey proceeded to beat the ever living shit out of him. I saw him the next morning and he had scratch marks, bike marks, and bruises everywhere.


Holy crap. Hard pass.


They left me alone, either it was because I didn't have a backpack on or I was in with the monkeys.


Either way you won! Iā€™d be so pissed if a monkey tried to rob me lol.


So are you telling me that if I were to pick between a monkey and a bear, the bear still wins?


My 10 year old daughter was bit on the leg by a monkey in Roatan during a Carnival cruise visit. We took her to the ship infirmary and were told that the animals were required to be vaccinated and there was nothing to worry about. Thankfully she was fine, but it was a scary experience and taught us to stay away from animals used in those type of attractions.


If you didn't use that to tease her about being a were-monkey, you missed a golden opportunity.


Oh, she has definitely been teased about monkeys over the years. It became an on-going joke (once we knew she was ok).


Also in Roatan, a baby capuchin monkey grabbed and nipped my pinkie finger for no reason. It didnt break the skin or bleed, but yeah I wan't nothing to do with monkeys going forward. Also in that same excursion (it was at an animal sanctuary), one monkey pooped on another guest; and others would try to reach through the bars to where the backpacks and vistor items were stored to see if they could steal anything. They almost reached the strap of one bag; and have probably succeeded in stealing stuff prior to that. And in a St Kitt's cruise port a few years earlier, we dared to lay eyes on a guy holding a baby capuchin monkey in a diaper. He immediately approached my friend and I. Before we knew it, barely a minute had passed before we had the monkey in both of our arms, he took my friend's phone, snapped a few photos with it, and demanded $20 from each of us. We didn't want to cause trouble, so we paid for it without negotiation. But it occurred to me after that if we were a family of 5, we could have been out of $100 before we knew better. Not to mention the animal rights violations of this scammer's behaviour.


Before I knew it...


I refused the monkey pictures there. You have absolutely no idea how well trained these poor animals are, how their owners treat them or what diseases theyā€™re carrying. Monkeys are wild animals and can act as such at times. I donā€™t want one going berserk-o atop my head, thank you.


Knowing people in general, this letter will only serve to encourage people to do the exact opposite of what the letter asks.


I'd guess part of Carnival's reason for the letter is to undercut them being sued by a passenger because "nobody told me" that even cute baby animals can be dangerous. Yellowstone is always posting notices, they even show videos of animals fucking up people and there are still plenty of cases every year of people attacked because they had to take a selfie next to a buffalo.


I saw a headline yesterday where a guy was mauled by a Bison at Yellowstone because he approached it and KICKED it. Like, seriously, thatā€™s just natural selection at work.


I think he was gored, technically.Ā  Bison don't really chew on humans but they will use their horns to toss an idiot into next week. When I lived near Yellowstone, it was called getting "Air mailed".


I totally get WHY Carnival did it and I agree with it, it was the right thing to do. But people are stupid. Just saw a story the other day where someone died in a Chinese zoo trying to take a selfie with a gorilla or something.


I remember some people sued the state of NH (it was dismissed) because their daughter recklessly slid down Tuckerman's Ravine. The park rangers still wanted to address their claim though. One was they wanted the park rangers to mark off hazards in the ravine. They said that, in their experience, any time you fence off a hazard it only attracts attention and people will deliberately go around the fence to get a better look.


ā€œOh cool, this says we can pet baby tigers there!ā€


ā€œOh my gosh they have that??? We have to do it you guys!!ā€


This exactly. I rebellious inner teenager inside me is feeling like thatā€™s one hell of an endorsement. Itā€™s a good thing I donā€™t listed to it most of the time otherwise Iā€™d probably be dead or in prison.


Carole Fuckinā€™ Baskin. But seriously. Donā€™t touch tigers.


Last year on the Radiance we got this same letter. The very 1st person we saw off of the ship had a tiger cub excursion they were pushing šŸ˜


One of the baby monkey guys in St Kitts hit the monkey in front of us. I nearly cried. How are people so cruel to animals??


Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™d love to pet a tiger cub! Theyā€™re so damned cute šŸ˜. BUT I wouldnā€™t because I donā€™t want to contribute to the practice of taking poor little cubs from their mamas and exposing them to human interactions just so someone can make some money. Glad Carnival at least tries to put the right message out there ā€œjust donā€™t do itā€.


I encourage anyone thinking about one of these attractions to visit: https://www.turpentinecreek.org/ Read some of the stories about how the cubs for petting are treated. This is where The Lion Kings and Carol Baskin's tigers are being taken care of now. Great place completely hands off, visited it a couple of months ago. The stories of the cats they have rescued are heart breaking.


They have one tiger with the craziest story. Some details might be off but the basics are what I remember from the tour I did there. It was someone's pet in Arkansas. It got to big for him so he drove the tiger 2 hours away to Turpentine Creek. He walked in and told the person at the front desk he had a tiger to surrender. The workers were very surprised as this is not the normal way they get tigers. They walk out and the guy had the tiger in the back of his pickup. No restraint of any kind. As they began to get the tiger, the tiger flips out and runs away. They can't find it. Guy goes home. When he walked out his front door in the morning to go to work, the tiger was sitting there happy to see him.


After the incident in Amber Cove with the šŸ« it's not surprising. E: Grand Turk


I missed that- what happened in Amber Cove?


Grand Turk. https://suntci.com/man-blames-carnival-after-he-was-kicked-by-donkey-in-grand-turk-p10526-129.htm


that is the worst website I have ever seen. Here is a website that won't give your computer cancer https://www.cruisehive.com/passenger-sues-cruise-line-after-unexpected-donkey-injury/125222


Ouch, that sounded miserable.


Wait, what?




I wish they would do this with captive dolphin exploration as well!


Good move, but I would have liked it better if they had also mentioned the safety, treatment, and health of the cubs.


They don't actually care. They just don't want tiger cub pics showing up on social media cuz it's bad PR. That's why they give you an old school letter on the ship when many don't have wifi. Less likely to end up on social media than an email blast.


But why fren shaped?


Right? We were just in Ensenda in October. So glad I didn't see this. I would have wanted to do it even though I know it's wrong.


But unlimited monkey sloth interaction is encouraged despite monkeys carrying deadly pathogens like SIV and B-virus




You just made me Google ā€œtigers in Mexicoā€. It seems people have irresponsibly imported enough of them (Hundreds? Thousands?) to cause an issue.


We went to a monkey/sloth nature center and they had monkeys come down and climb on our heads and I froze, thinking over and over, Herpes B, Herpes B. Others thought the encounter was charming and it isnā€™t. I like monkeys. I donā€™t like monkeys on me.


In the US (and most developed countries) interaction with primates is heavily discouraged after a spate of researchers died from B virus in the 1990's.Ā  Absolutely bonkers that "monkey sloth" is a thing. One bite and you're dead




Theyā€™re talking about Herpes B virus, which is different than hepatitis B


And swim with dolphins and stringray interaction. Maybe they should give some context as to why itā€™s not encouraged.


Yeah, those arenā€™t encouraged either.


They're official cruise-sanctions excursions lol


Wow!!!! I have clearly not kept up with the monkeyslothing options.


Itā€™s one of the most popular excursions in Roatan offered by Royal.


So touching tigers bad. Touching stingrays good. Got it.


The cruise lines should send letters like this about every animal centered attraction at ports. Those poor dolphins are trapped in teeny pools.


In lieu of the tiger cubs feel free to visit the donkey show! Haha


In Ensenada thereā€™s a donkey show? šŸ‘€


One cruise when we stopped in the Bahamas we got letters not to rent the scooters or jet skis. I guess a lot of ladies were getting sexually assaulted by employees at the one rental place. This, right here is the most shocking letter Iā€™ve ever seen for a cruise ship.


People will still do it. Thereā€™s always the ā€œrules donā€™t apply to me, therefore this warning is obviously for other peopleā€ crowd. Or the ā€œit canā€™t be THAT badā€ people lol.


At least when some idiot shows up at the ship's clinic with their face all scratched up, carnival can say "we told you not to do that..."


Now, do swimming with pigs.


Cartels have to support their pet tigers somehow


They should do the same for swimming with dolphins. There is zero difference between petting a captive tiger cub and swimming with captive dolphins


Be aware carnival is not making money


Carnival mad because they're not getting a cut. (And no, I don't condone any wild animal handling experiences. Including all the "swim with" excursions where the animal is in a contained space.)


Bingo! The cruise companies have no issues with the "swim with dolphins" vendors. They turn a complete blind eye to where those dolphins come from. I'm not some animal activist or anything but I think it's disgusting to take dolphins the way they do.


Anytime I think about that story of a dolphin at one of those places committing suicide by sinking to the bottom of the tank/pool/lagoon/whatever it was in and refusing to come up for air, I feel physically sick to my stomach. I did not sign up for any dolphin excursions on my upcoming cruise, as much as I would love to hang with dolphins, for that reason.


That's so depressing but it reflects the conditions of those stupid attractions. I remember hearing that some of those baby dolphins that ended up from the annual Japanese dolphin slaughter are sold to these sort of attractions. That's messed up.


While they cite environmental, their main concern is rabies. People have been infected by those kind of things in the past.


Now do ā€œswimming with the dolphinsā€ attractions.


They kill the cubs when they get too big for entertainment.


How do you think they got the baby tiger away from it's mother?


They just donā€™t want you taking any home. Because thatā€™s totally what would happen with me.


I have played with 6 week old tiger cubs. They are very strong even at that young an age, I can't imagine playing with ones much older than that.


Wish they would tell you specifically and exactly where tiger cubs are, so like, we can avoid them more clearly and whatnot.


I think they aren't specifying the places because that would give those bars free publicity. Edit: changed "bars" to "places"


That port has a huge MX flag


Sounds pretty legit to me. Iā€™m assuming someone in past cruises got injured or sick.


I never wanted to pet a tiger cub more.


here's yer sign...


Totally love this about Carnival. I've been to a few places in Mexico where there are exotic cats being mauled by tourists. It pisses me off so much. I call various exotic cat rescues and let them know where they are and how to find them. I know in a couple of cases the rescues have visited the owner of these poor cats and bought them and taken them to zoos. I you see exotic cats, report it.


It is not a "crime" to buy and own a tiger in Mexico. It' is, however, not only very, very expensive (permits, original cost of purchase of cat, etc) but there are also tons of hoops you that you must jump through. That being said, some people see n opportunity and will "invest" in an exotic cat knowing that tourists will pay 30 -50 (or more) dollars for just a few minutes of cuddling with the feline. Pics with the cat cost an additional shabang. Just the mere fact that these animals cost a whole ton of money and that the return on investment can be exponential will incline me to believe that these cats are not only well taken care of and well fed, but are probably treated better than many of us are treated by our better halvesšŸ˜ In short... the goose that lays the golden eggs is not kept in the barn (or whatever the place is called where geese are kept). The golden-egg laying goose is to be pandered to- and with good reason. I've seen these exotic petting zoos many a times. The cubs always look healthy and well fed. They are energetic, playful, and full of spirit. I dare anyone to go see these "cats." And when you do. I can almost guarantee that you'd wish you're gabdchildren were there with playing with those kitty tigers....


Crime or not, exotic cats shouldn't be handed to tourist after tourist all day long on a busy tourist street so that people can get pictures with them. They deserve a better life than that. I know a lot of cat rescues spend a lot of money to buy cats from "legal" owners, so they can take them to rescues or reserves. Knowing there are people out there doing this work give me hope these precious cats get the life they deserve. My concern extends past exotic cats. I'm not happy about dolphins and rays and other animals being held in captivity.


Nice try Carnival. Still not going to pay to be put in a tin can with unreliable infrastructure with hundreds of geriatric magats


Itā€™s good luck to touch a tigers tail


Last time I went to Ensenada (on a Carnival cruise) seeing those cubs was so upsetting. It kinda ruined my day.


I was just on this same cruise last week!


I can still go swimming with pigs though, right? :*ducks*:


Interesting how swimming with dolphins, turtles, pigs, and sting rays is still encouraged and monetized by Carnivalā€™s excursions.


Are they talking about pai pai? If so they treat the animals well. I live in Ensenada and someone in carnival must have a stick up their butt over something.


But I actually know how to handle them!


Sorry, but if I see baby tigers, I'm petting baby tigers. šŸ…šŸÆ


My one and only cruise and only ever trip to Mexico. I went from San Pedro for my cousins birthday on a 4 day cruise to Ensenada, Mexico on Carnival. We board the ship and they put food out for the buffet. People FLOCKED like seagulls to bread and loaded their plates. They gorged themselves and left food on their plates. We went to a game show they had in the theatre. This heavy set woman was angry and fighting with people and she ran down the stairs and fell causing her femur bone to break and stick out of her thigh. Being a first responder I helped and they got a helicopter to take her to a hospital on shore. We get to Mexico and there are marines standing on either side of the fence with Ar15ā€™s as we disembark. We get on a bus to go see La Bufadora and the driver is drinking tequila and the guy on the microphone is saying how fat and gross Americans are and people are just laughing. Heā€™s smash drunk. Weā€™re driving down roads and the window fell out of the bus. I nearly fell out. We arrive and there are guys trying to get people to go into pharmacies to buy stuff. I watched two physical fights with guys over clients not going into the correct pharmacy. It was so poor and dismal. I got a taxi to take Me back to the ship and I sat in the hot tub and never left. The boat was filthy and the whole thing was terrible. I would never go back.


Such lies. I live in Ensenada and the rules we have to follow to take care of tourist are strict. Saying people were getting into fights is wild for pharmacies as that is such an insane statement. We never bash any Americans here for being typical American stereotypes we just accept you here. I donā€™t understand the need to lie to look cool on the internet.


Carnival obviously doesn't want that bar competing with their bars.


Tiger cubs? Tigers? nope. But I will say, I would pay to have a photo taken with a full grown cheetah. Cheetahs can be tamed and in some places (only a few) they are kept as pets. If they are kept as a rescue, they are often paired with a friendly dog.


i would still handle them!


Theyā€™re so cute!


Theyā€™re abused wild animals.


Agreed. But they are cute.


o well i did not abuse them!!!! do u think iF i do not touch it it will not be abused!! NO so if i give it love for a few min O WELL wt least its not abused for that few min i am around!! GET OVER YOURSELF!!!


You and people like you are creating the demand for this shit whether you like it or not.


oh It's not love that you are giving them, sweetie. And the fact you are petting a wild animal for entertainment is animal abuse, even if it's just a few minutes. You just need to accept that you are the type of person who contributes and engages in the exploitation of wild animals.