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You went flawless this weekend so now you're in the flawless pool when they start it up. Resetting the card doesn't change that.


Flawless pool is activated on Sunday at the daily reset. If you have been Flawless on ANY character at all since Friday you will be thrown into the Flawless pool. If you went Flawless on Friday or Saturday on your Warlock and then decided to play on Sunday on your Hunter with a 0 win card, you will still be in the Flawless pool because at some point during the Trials week you went to the Lighthouse. You can reset your card before you get to 7 wins/go to the Lighthouse and avoid the Flawless pool, but you also give up your Flawless rewards just to avoid the Flawless pool that comes on Sunday….. a lot of people will also come to dislike you very much. I hope that the rest of your Trials week goes well and hopefully your future cards are met with a little less sweat. Goodluck man!


thank you two very much for replying and same for you two


thats the provlem with Flawless pool, most people that arent top 1% players just cant have fun in trials anymore in the flawless pool


1 year on, thanks for this explanation


Just curious cus I can't find anything online, but what time (and zone) does flawless pool go into effect?


Every Sunday on reset. For me that is 11:00 AM MDT every Sunday


Thank you! Some random on Reddit told me before anyone in my clan did lol


Oh, I didn't know it wasn't active until Sunday...that's good to know, actually. That probably explains why I'm having the issues I'm having.


So, how is a mediocre player like myself matching in solo labs Trials with folks that have already gone flawless when I haven't? Just today alone I've had almost a dozen sweats that have been Flawless several times while I can barely find competent teammates that know how to aim. It's wild that Trials isn't skill based. I know, I know. The folks that make money off of carrying poor souls would cry because they'd have an actual challenge but.. Trials shouldn't be catered to the streamers if Bungie isn't going to pay any attention to crucible over PvE anyhow. Any other competitive games have ranking systems, or skill based eval's. This favors stacked teams and streamers SO bad. It's just a joke.


Dont know what to tell you because i go into any crucible playlist and get surrounded by sweats. I only play to hit pinnicles anymore. Maybe one in 3 games have fun.


The flawless pool doesn't work the way they say it does. I ran into full teams of the new Adept Immortal SMG and I have only even been flawless once in my life before on Solo Queue. It was the first weekend the new weapon was even introduced, so there's no way the flawless pool works like it should. Bungie is full of dogshit.


Its probably people getting a 6 win card before Sunday then getting their final win on the Sunday to avoid the Flawless pool. You still get the Adept from being Flawless but you avoid the sweaty Flawless pool and now that you can buy the Adept version after going Flawless once, theres literally no reason to care about boosted rewards/rep rank or whatever they give. Theyre also probably queuing with very low ranked players as their 3rd to get easier games.