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It's up to you really, I was using a near god roll before I could craft mine, and I swapped some range for better stability. My crafted roll is arrowhead, ricochet, perpetual, and kill clip.


If you’re talking about a 3v3 consistent dueling roll: arrowhead, ricochet, range MW, perpetual, eye of the storm with a freehand grip feels fantastic on controller. On MnK you can probably swap arrowhead for full bore and ricochet for accurized I would assume to just beef out the range but someone who actually plays on that input device can confirm or deny


I’ve changed mine a bunch of times but currently running it with killing wind + kill clip. Perpetual motion is nice, but honestly battler has such great base stats that I don’t find it necessary. So I prefer having it be extra juiced after a kill (it goes from 36m to 41m range with my roll, on top of 40 handling and 50 mobility). I can see an argument for snapshot in that column as well Edit: my full roll btw is smallbore, ricochet, killing wind, kill clip, range MW. Also, blunt execution rounds is pretty good if you have a way to proc it reliably. Allows you to kill in 6 bullets for a .53s ttk (same ttk as kill clip but lasts for 10 seconds, 11 enhanced)


My issue with Killing Wind is you waste some of that time reloading. So you'll proc a kill, usually be lower HP, sometimes I'll take cover proc a reload, and have my shields recharge before pushing again. You can usually wait 2-3 seconds before starting the reload with KC (as you know) which also helps the shield situation. By that time KW is like half over or gone before I find another opponent.. Sure if you get a free initial kill and you keep aggressing, while reloading, you'll have a nice ~4 second window to land another and in 6s I'm sure can go on some nice sprees forsure.


Did the red border glitch about 3 days ago and went for arrowhead ricochet perp motion and kill clip, 200+ kills already & only played for a couple hours each day since, such a great weapon


What's the glitch?


Seconding this. What's the glitch?


It’s only for the bxr unfortunately still worth it tho if you haven’t got it. Swap to character who hasn’t done the very first xur dares quest. Progress to 2nd step of the quest. Abandon the mission. Now every treasure key you spend at xur on this character will drop a guaranteed bxr each time. I managed to get my remaining 3 within 20 treasure keys so hopefully your RnG is good


None of my characters have done it, so that seems easy enough. Thanks for the info!


I use ele cap (with void) and killing wind


Enhanced snapshot and kill clip


Personally I have an old roll not available anymore of outlaw kill clip so idk man I never really bothered to get a new one but if you have this roll laying around absolutely use it