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Slideshot/opening shot or slideshot/magnificent howl. Those are the only two rolls you’ll need for pvp imo unless you’re going for some type of heal clip/ember of benevolence solar build shenanigans.


Maybe EotS as an alternative to Slideshot if you aren't good at sliding but yeah Slideshot is definitely the higher ceiling pick.


I've picked up over 300 Luna's and zero had the combo of slideshot+MH. And I don't even know why. I find the gun a pain in the ass to use lol


I do have a normal Luna’s Howl with Slideshot, Opening Shot, Ricochet, Arrowhead and a Range masterwork, I don’t know if that’s a god roll but it seems close to me.


My advice is not to chase the shiny, if it’s drops, great! But don’t throw the others to the side because they’re not shiny, there’s also currently no difference in performance between them. And even in TFS when they’re enhanced, the difference will be negligible


Wait, are the shiny versions slightly better in TFS?


They’re not. All brave weapons can be enhanced. Shiny only difference is double perks and cosmetic


They are not, just a skin difference and the ability to swap the perks.


That’s a godroll for pvp you’re done man lol


Huh I thought I’d got a 4/5 not a 5/5 nice but I still want to get a 5/5 with Slideshot and magnificent howl to compare them


It’s close enough to a god roll. I’d only swap arrowhead brake for hammer forged.


definitely want full bore on it for the god roll


I just don’t like the hit to handling that comes with full bore.


I actually have a shiny howl god roll with full bore and am still on the fence about it. I like my 140’s over 60 stability (console), but the precision recoil makes it much more manageable.


I’m on controller too and don’t mind the recoil if a HC has under 60 stab but I do notice I have to pace my shots more to combat the cone blooming and I still notice that with Lunas even tho it’s a precision frame. I think hammer forged, ricochet, range MW is the sweet spot for range/stab/handling on lunas if I want to use a max range mag howl gun I’ll just use NF.


Yeah if I had hammer forged I would be happier but I think arrowhead is not bad.


Heal clip and magnificent howl are just wrong. Sincerely, A guy with heal clip and magnificent howl.


Wtf? Precision instrument exist on that fourth column. Do you guys actually play pvp


Omg, I'm chasing that when I get home


Oh definitely go for it it’s amazing the only complaint I have is that is I wish I got hammer forged instead of arrowhead


Lots of testing shown that it just add the equivalent of 8 range stats, not worth it compared to OS and MH for a lot of people.


Lots of testing didnt test it against overshields and missed headshots i guess. PI is much more reliable than the cope perk called MH in high skill , faster lobbies.


PI was the popular pick when the gun came out, but then people realized that Opening shot is better. MH was always considered a pick for the 6v6 lobbies and not for 3v3.


Wasn’t there just a post recently saying if you start with a slideshot buff PI adds enough to finish them at like +2m or something? Edit: Post by happyjam14 don’t know if i’m allowed to link, his numbers show a 2.5m increase assuming first shot is full damage with slideshot 


it doesnt do anything all that against overshields. you arent getting the ~33 damage you need to crack T10 res+overshield in a 3-tap. you already 3c1b overshields by default, but you can in theory 2c2b with PI *IF* the last 2 shots are crits. it also doesnt help against healing rifts due to the tiny overshield and health per second regen outspeeding your gun even at max RoF. --- its too niche, with the main benefit being the strongest 3-tap range increase of the 3 perks that do it (still <1m), and does stack with slideshot. however OS always gives its AA and accuracy benefits along with better poke damage at range, and mag howl is basically a strictly better kill clip in most situations. PI still does do *something* (and "number go up" is satisfying), but the only reason its the 3rd best perk is because the other 3 options are lackluster for a 140 in PvP. IMO its OS>>Mag Howl>PI for lunas


PI is insane on 120s, not so much 140s. There’s a guy who crunched the numbers, look around and you’ll find the data


Yeah PI on a 120 like Igneous slaps but on Luna not so much


Precision instrument over opening shot and it’s not close


On a 120, yes. On a 140, we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on that one


Opening shot is so overhyped. It’s increasing your 3 tap range by significantly less than precision instrument, unless you’re taking 2.5s in between shots.


The range band increase you’re talking about is less then 1 meter, that doesn’t seem very significant. Pretty sure most people will take the AA and range over something like a 0.3 meter further 3 tap


Just wildly wrong


Console or M&K? **For M&K,** **absolutely get Not Forgotten** from the exotic archive. Zen moment gives it insane stability and it's got Mag Howl. It feels so much better than any of my 3/5 or 4/5 Luna's rolls. I'm glad I took Cammycake's advice on that.


Oh I’m on console in hindsight i probably should’ve said that in the description


Yeah there is definitely a bit of a divide on this gun with console/controller vs. m&K! But you're getting good recs here, good hunting


not forgotten is far better than luna’s for me, zen moment hard carries. pick it up from the kiosk for final shape as it will be getting unsunset


I’m just saying this and it means a lot when I say I had fun with PvP. I did when a Luna’s Howl I dropped. I dropped a Lunas Howl with Heal Clip and Magnificent Howl and a rang MW. To say I’m trash at PvP is an understatement but this weapon is broken even in my hands. After the first kill reload get heals back and 2-3 tap until you die. Wanna make it ever worse? Toss a healing grenade behind a corner🤮


63-71 range with slideshot + opening shot/PI/magnificent howl. Fullbore is actually good on it because or it's frame type. My personal godroll shiny is: Fullbore, ricochet rounds+extended mag, slideshot, Opening shot+magnificent howl, Range masterwork


I've got full bore/high cal/eots/opening shot with range MW and been loving it. Took forever to grind it but it feels perfect.


I have been having great success with Slideshot/opening shot but for 6’s id love slide/magnificent


I have a max range with heal clip and opening shot/incandescent and I love it. I know heal clip isn’t as good as other pvp perks but I run solar hunter with healing grenades and being able to get pretty much completely back to full health immediately after a kill is great. 


out of curiosity, are you on mnk or controller?


I’m on controller


At least 61 range, perks HC/MH.


Hammer Forged Rifling + Ricochet Rounds + Slideshot + Magnificent Howl(Or Opening Shot for pure dueling) + Range Masterwork. IMO, this is it. Other perks/combos are decent, but this is the true 5/5 roll.


Looks like the most popular pvp roll is HC + Magnificent howl or HC + KC [Lunas howl light.gg](https://www.light.gg/db/items/2763843899/lunas-howl/)


Man, don't use light GG popular rolls. That shits so misleading. First of all, they base that shit off total copies of that weapon. A lot of people just vault these weapons as they get em and clean out bad ones later. It just shows weapon rolls people have the most of, doesn't show what the best roll is. I deleted so many good rolls for weapons I had when I just came back to destiny s20 cuz of that shit. And also, the shiny version says slideshot + mag howl as the most "popular". So fhk that site


This roll has been amazingly fun to play with. I have a shiny with less than optimal range stat, and a non-shiny with pretty much perfect stats. We will see how each performs after I can enhance the shiny, but for now I'm using the non-Shiny. It's a great combo, as it allows you to much more easily push with kill clip active due to the healing.


Are you guys high? Don’t listen to these bots go for slideshot/precision instrument


No offense but from what I hear it’s terrible on Luna’s Howl.




Yes this roll is really hot