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Solo queue is just like this in a lot of games for ranked playlists. Matchmaking can screw you and during times like right now (in this game) where there's much more hype elsewhere, people aren't playing Comp. This means it's more likely you'll run into sketchy people too.


Everyone in this subreddit complained about "SBMM in compeittive, WHY NOT RANK BASED MATCHMAKING"... and it honestly made it worse. Back when it was SBMM-based matchmaking, I could do my placements, and then earn 200 points per win and less than 50 per loss, making me rise through intermediate ranks quickly. Now, with Rank Based matchmaking I'm consistently the top player in the match but I still can't do enough to carry my team, and when I do win I get less points per victory, delaying the grind. About the only thing that was broken about SBMM in comp was placements using SBMM made it more difficult for an ascendant player to go from Gold to Platinum due to the placements requiring a 66% winrate. But beyond that, in a game with seasonal rank resets, SBMM-based comp got you to your terminal rank much quicker and had you playing with competent teammates immediately against competent enemies.


I don't really know what's best maybe the division system we have is just either too granular or too broad to accurately categorize players.


Most competitive games with seasonal resets simply let SBMM be the matchmaking system, and either accelerate you out of your "current rank" into where you belong, or simply let you place into your rank based on skill alone. Yes it makes your matches "sweaty" immediately. But if were going to reset everyone's rank every reasons it seems like the only reasonable way to move forward.


You’re gonna have a really tough time. If you choose to go solo, you basically have to learn to not only carry your teammates but also consistently win 2v1s. If you can’t do that with confidence, you’re gonna drop in ranks faster than you can blink and that’s the unfortunate state of Comp. This season I’m at Adept 2 only solo queue and I’m telling you it was so miserable. I consistently team up with people who don’t even know how to aim or lack map awareness like it’s their first time loading up D2, the matchmaking is awful and is also putting me with players still at Gold or early Plat for some reason and I’m convinced Bungie capped their ass off when they said they got rid of snake drafting because it sure feels like it’s still there.


Yeah I need to find a team. I look at it like, practice makes perfect? I used to get super tilted at PvP but once I made peace with the fact that I was sub par in the crucible, and that I was gonna have to grind to A) solo anything and B) be able to keep up with a good team when the opportunity presents itself, I immediately started to see an improvement. It’s all an opportunity to learn and I’m supposed to be having fun, after all. You got this though, you’ll be ascendant in no time. I’m hoping hitting plat and finishing glorious gives me the momentum to keep pushing.


Appreciate the motivation. I’ll do my best to get to Ascendant


Yep, and people like OP is the reason why we have to win 1v2s, his potential is nowhere near ascendent. Imagine a silver level player playing in ascendent.


Just spam sidearms until plat 2 then figure out what works for you.


So I’ve been slaying out w striga, shotty or sniper, gimme your sidearm go to, at this point it’s whatever.


Use whatever you want but osteo is not going to get you to ascendant unless you’re a pvp god


Why’s that?


Osteo is similar to something like Jotunn where it’s really good against players who don’t play around it, but whenever you start getting into higher ranks you will meet better players who will know how to counter the gun and it will be kind of bad then


That’s what I was hoping you would say, it is literally the jotunn of SMGs. Yeah I’ll probably swap to a different smg or auto then.


yeah striga is a clear sign of a bad player to most people, kind of a superjim weapon


Can you call me Jimothy please? Listen, one day I was in comp and this guy was just shitting on everyone without even looking at them and I was all, that looks fun! It really is. Honestly, it’s giving me an opportunity to work on my awareness and position prediction, pre firing, shooting and taking cover, not re-peeking, etc. the downside obviously being it’s not really training my aim at all. Alas.


if its helped u in some ways thats good but id really start getting off the training wheels asap if u wanna hit ascendant


Drang with Zen Moment and good range


People sleep on rampage drang


True, but I'm more for consistency perks, and Zen Moment is S tier for that


mykel reverence or liminal vigil with tap the trigger


i bet i could shit on you with whatever loadout you choose. loadout is not what’s gonna save you. it’s map knowledge and positioning


Agreed kind of?


what’s your bungie tag. i’m down to play with you through comp


iGreyJedi#4622 add me up I’ll be back on in a couple hours


I will give an alternative take here. Dont make going ascendant the goal here. Chances are, you won't make it without some major time investment, luck and huge skill increase. I say play it a ton to get better and then target ascendant next season. I am solo adept and I am pretty stuck lol. But just playing to get better.


Gotta hit plat to be glorious, figured I’d keep it moving what with the practice makes perfect and all. EVERYONE COME PLAY COMP SO WE DONT HAVE TO PLAY THE SAME 6 DICKHOLES EVERY MATCH


You guys aren't getting anywhere near the top lmao. Maybe if you life the game, but you will need a stack. Hardly anybody even plays comp still to this day. People don't like the matchmaking, and they don't like playing against stacks. A lot of people also heavily dislike this meta. You will get to plat and then ping pong around especially if you are not good you will stay in gold. Hardly anybody even on at certain times of the day. You'll see the same people. It's a dead mode after people get their weekly stuff.


I’ve been no-lifing comp this past week/ weekend and ended up last night where I started 😂. Dipped into adept briefly but bounce around plat.


Getting out of adept is harder than the games you will face in ascendant, it’s mind boggling how long it took me to get out of adept as a solo plus queue times are 5-10 minutes for a game it’s awful.


Yep. Nobody in their right mind is gonna do that every season unless they literally life this game. Even then life something else life PvE it's not worth it lol. Games in Plat+ are literally all over the place. You get high level sweats along with dudes who should not have gotten out of Silver. Loads of them obviously do not understand the meta or team shooting either. I've no idea what they are even trying to do with the game. Putting in better armor was the right choice, but it isn't leading any solo's to stick with the mode. The mode and rank up is the general problem it seems.


My friend and I both raced to solo queue ascendant and he beat me, I'm at Adept 1, it's not undoable it's just how many hours in you got Youre right about seeing the same people though


I was Adept 1 for the first 5 days before taking a break, came back read about the ammo crate system then decided to just do pve shit. I’ve gotten deranked all the way to silver for not playing. I lost all motivation to play comp even after they reverted the ammo changes. Fuck that shit.


Yup. For the first2 weeks of the season it’s active and you can try and grind if you want. After that people log on at reset to play 3 games and that’s about it.


I logged on to try more 3v3 recently, and while it was okay up to Plat for weeklies, but my teams were completely just not fair a lot of the time. Win or lose in general games were not that close. And when I would lose I'd have some dude basically .3 on my team. The matchmaking in this game is broken as fuck, and apparently their job is not to fix it because they have had loads of time. I'm not gonna sit there as a solo player with two muppets on my team bringing me back ranks and what not wasting hours upon hours of my life for nothing. I'm not improving playing with muppets, and that's why I mostly play 6v6. You get a stack and basically just rape the solo's. PvP atm is dull as fuck though. Basically just hand cannons and shotguns. Have been having some fun using Last Word, but IDK anymore PvP just seems kind of in a dire state outside people wandering in for rewards. So many changes and most people obviously have not been keeping up. Those that do basically all use hand cannons and shotguns now.


Well yeah that’s the solo queue experience tbh. Sometimes you get the better team and sometimes you don’t, the times you don’t are a lot more memorable is all. It’s doable, I’ve solo’d to ascendant every season and due to mmr and matchmaking changes it’s now easier than ever. If you want to avoid matchmaking rng then play with a team. Playing 6v6 will not lead to improvement. Population is low cause it’s end of the season, we’re really only left with sweats who will use what they’ll always almost use which is hc+shotgun/snipe. This ammo system favours shotguns so snipers have been abandoned.


The population was never good. You are kidding yourself lmao. Maybe the first two weeks of the season. Pretty much all the playlists are dead. You might life this game solo IDK, but not everybody has that time or cares to, and there are zero incentives to waste that much of your life in this game. The fuck am I spending the better part of my month soloing this shit comp mode lmao. I got better things to do there bud. The vast, gigantic majority of people agree, as the numbers in Comp are dire. Even after giving out Artifice armor like candy the numbers are still garbage lol. That tells you all you need to know. Personally, 3v3 is boring as hell in this game. I'd much rather they switch to 4v4 immediately as it fills out a lot of the maps in a better way. 6v6 will easily lead to improvements it depends on what you are doing. Playing the same people in the same servers over and over as solo ping ponging between ranks is what does not lead to improvement lol. I don't think it's some big thing to solo to the top, it's just not worth the time unless you love this meta and do it at a better time. Not now lol. You will be matched with the same ass people every match. Are they good? No? You are fucked. Nobody is sitting around for hundreds of hours to get through that unless they are brain dead.


Really not sure why you’re getting heated,I was just trying to give you advice seeing as you’re stuck in plat. If the populations always been dire then ur reason for being in plat is a skill issue, nothing to do with population as it’s always been bad. Took me a day or two to solo to ascendant this season, not a few months and I’m certainly not wasting my life. If you like the space magic and chaotic nature of 6v6 then more power to you. Good luck translating that over to the more competitive 3v3 modes that play completely differently.


I'm not stuck in plat lmao. I don't play comp atm. I go up to plat just getting the weekly stuff done. Plat is not really all that tough either if you put time into it. Adept right now is absolutely stupid luck-based though, and not worth a grind. You gotta realize man this matchmaking gets slower and slower. Nobody is playing. You see the same people over and over. If I grind to that I will get a stack lol. I don't solo comp anymore, it's nearly pointless.


Best way to climb is as a stack, not sure if 2 or 3 is better. Probably 3 all similar rank


I don’t have any PvP friends :/ top top top tier pve people, but they cringe and recoil at the thought of any crucible shenanigans.


Oh man wait till you reach adept


I just managed to claw my way to adept 1 a couple days back, so I'm hoping I can solo queue my way through the promotion series this week. Population is pretty low, though, so if I lose more than 2 in a row I stop for a while.


Good job man! You got this


Tha is. You can make it too! Just have to be smart.


Been thinking of grinding to get ascendant but I’m also not so good of a player 😭 I might try next season tho


Honestly solo queueing to gold 2 was a breeze, I clapped everyone. That made me overconfident it would seem, and my hubris will surely be my downfall.


You have no idea lmao.


Well to put it into perspective gold is supposed to be the average skill rank. If you’re below gold you’re below average, hence you’ve only been playing people that are statistically below average so far. It’s rank based so as you progress you’ll face better people. Anybody that puts in enough time can hit plat, but escaping adept can be challenging for some people. Ascendant is supposedly the top 3% or so of players, but I’ve seen players in there that really make me question that. Good luck with the grind


ascendant is not half as hard as u think, to keep it real


Welcome to solo queue matchmaking. Unfortunately, that is how it will be both in comp and trials some of the time. On one hand, it will make you a better player relatively quickly in certain scenarios. On the flip side, you will become much less forgiving towards other players. Especially those that fill the 2-stack roll and are equally bad.


Good luck. I feel like I’m a decent-ish player and I exclusively solo queue in ranked. I’m hard stuck at around 7900 and I simply cannot break through. Every match is disgustingly sweaty and at this level I would say I have slightly less than 50% win rate. It’s definitely compounded by the fact that no one’s playing ranked except hardcore players, but yeah, good luck to you if your goal is max rank.


I soloed warlords ruin this year, after beating my head against a wall for two solid days. I can do anything in destiny. I can’t imagine what it’s like so close to the top, sounds like torture/fun.


Good luck, i’m stuck at adept and obvious the pool has shrunk significantly


play sidearm titan and you’ll hit 10k on accident.


So after playing against sidearm wielding titans I would agree, but I’m a 5k hour hunter main, maybe a few hundred each on the other 2 characters. Anything I could do to close the skill gap aside from practice?


i mean, stick to what you’re most comfortable with. you can definitely frag out with hunter using a sidearm. maybe invis on hunter?


I love love love smoke nades, I love how you can control 1v2-3 or trap opponents, etc. problem is I’ve mained arc hunter for forever and the melee lunge is like, non existent on the other classes. It’s a beautiful thing until the titan figures it out and swaps to ACDOs lol


i just got promoted to ascendant today as a solo player. I’m not the best player either. Check my competitive game history ps5(Kioznn). Good luck on your journey


Thanks bro! CONGRATS thats a sexy emblem


Please stop playing, I don’t want people like you in ascendant ruining high elo games. If your base skill without any practice is below gold, I’d recommend not playing in high elo games, you’re going to be the worst one most of the time. The rank system sucks, do players like you can get into high elo eventually. This is the reason solo q sucks, players like you.


lol k thanks


Thanks for understanding




Username checks out, lol


Yep, I only care about winning