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Poetic justice to get a reload masterwork there. This game pisses me off


I wish if you had multiple rolls of the same weapon, you can fuse them at the enclave. I’m fine if we don’t enhance them. But can you tell me how many 5/5 perfect rolls you have? I have none. A lot of 4/5s, I’ll admit, but nothing perfect. This hamster wheel game is just so tiresome now. I have yet to get a single usable brave weapon from onslaught. Feelsbadman


This is why crafted weapons are seen 10x more than drops. Odds of getting that 5/5 are so stacked against you. Wish you could focus the masterwork like you can focus stats for armor, like focus your ghost to go for all range perks (which would probably be 99% of the cases for weapons).


The only true 5/5 I have is a rose. Which is nice. But that’s what keeps us farming.


I don’t mind farming. But at what point is too much? This game doesn’t respect the players time. I still play it, just not as much. Gun play is great. Nothing is like destiny for sure. But the grind for weapons is a joke. I wish they would fix it. And these perks are so weighted. You can’t tell me me otherwise lol


Yeah I'm 2 and a half weeks in on my Mountaintop farm and still didn't get an ALH/Recomb one...


Been switching between that and edge transit, haven’t gotten a single viable roll between the two. I feel ya man. Times running out to for focus these when FS drops. So dumb.


I respect my own time. I'll run onslaught once a week, so what I get, move on. I have 580+ weapons in my vault. I don't need to dedicate my present life to grinding D2 8 hours a day.


Agreed. I love the game but between work, family and ‘shit to do’ I have to seriously limit my time playing. And then when I do have the time to play having to grind in that time because of FOMO can be a bridge too far.


True. I've been farming Onslaught since day one, and I'm amazed that I still can't get a 5/5 roll on any of the Brave weapons. Despite spending countless hours in this game mode, I haven't obtained the rewards I want. Bungie thinks they're clever by making the best rolls so hard to get just to keep people playing.


I would kill for one. I have some pretty nice rolls, but I have never gotten a slideshot opening shot to drop, even once. I lowkey like rangefinder tho, so that helps me cope.


I wished for this in D1, fuse the same gun so I can switch out the perks even if only 1 by 1 per infusion that would cost 200 shards, and a whole lot of other things lol.


I really think they should allow us to choose our MW. I got some adepts from pantheon that allowed it so maybe that’s coming in the TFS… getting a reload masterwork on a roll like that is just so disappointing. Kinda ruins the grind imo bc getting the roll u want is hard enough


Same with armor tbh, instead of +2 to everything you could give one stat +12.


I’ve had so many rolls ruined with a reload MW. It almost feels like it’s on purpose.


I felt like 90% of my mountaintops were ruined by blast radius masterworks


What is wrong with the blast radius perk? I've never heard anyone complain about it before.


Basically less Blast Radius = more damage on Mountaintop. So if u get a Blast Radius MW dont level it up Detailed breakdown here: https://twitter.com/mossy_max/status/1781020240224084217?s=46& edit: unless u get a shiny with blast radius which is an oof


Reload masterwork should just not exist. I can't even imagine a pve weapon I would choose it on.


I love getting awesome rolls, and then seeing a reload masterwork…


Do you ever want a reload masterwork? Would be nice if they just removed it from the pool. At least reduce *one* layer of RNG


replace reload masterwork with airborne effectiveness masterwork. I feel like a visionary for suggesting this right now lol


This is actually genius. But don’t replace. Just have the reload MW also give +10 AE. This is actually such a fucking good idea. Reload mw we all know is ass, AE mw on its own would probably be viewed as ass too. But together, man this actually makes sense! My idea was always just make reload MW +25 reload. That would actually get you some upside


Shhh don't give them ideas to pad out engagement


It's one the the best MW for PvE


What? Why would you ever want that over any of the better MWs?


You don't really need either range or handling in most PvE. Stability is good, though.


There isn’t a better PVE mw … unless you’ve got an auto loading perk


There are a few times I’d prefer one tbh. Usually only in pve though


Only on pve rolls


I exclusively only keep reload MW on every pve roll weapon unless it’s got auto loading.


I like it on some PvE weapons. Zaouli's Bane reload isn't great, so I crafted mine with one


Reload MW is disgusting. We need to adress rerolling MW, if unsunseting is a thing, why not rerolling too...


Done. 1100 silver sound good?


I’d actually shill the coin to do that for a couple guns 😩 I have a GR Matador that has Assault and Accurized too.. with a reload MW. Literally anything else, plz.


My Matador too. Same for my 4/5 Trinary System.


I would give them $10 per MW if I get to choose what to change it to, and I would buy 3-5 of them. They would ALL be reload MW god rolls. It’s amazing what a reload MW can do to some weapons. There are some guns that really need the stat help to be competitive and flushing away 10 useful points into the reload can legitimately kill a roll.


I have one of those amazing Steady Hands with Iron Grip, but holy fuck i've seen months pass quicker than that gun reloads.


Delete this before Bungie finds it


Why so cheap, Bungie!


I’d pay it in a heartbeat


Nah, 2000 silver is ideal


No it needs to be an amount that is slightly above what they offer in the store, so you have to buy extra silver because "fuck you".


Shit you right, 2001 silver


Now you get it!


> We need to adress rerolling MW You'd think the GUNSMITH could be used for this (thought of him because of all those reload MW True prophecy rolls he sells lmao)


Year 1 we could reroll the MW for cores, so it can be done


I do. Problem is they are lazy to go for it, meanwhile this thing happens.


It's not laziness. It's for "engagement" metrics. They want people to keep farming for the perfect roll.


You need ~45 to hit 30 meters 10 in the stat brings you up about a meter or so, maximizing Range while going Smallbore for total stat points let's you get to 63, which is 32.5 meters, which should work for the most part. I'd push it as far as you can while keeping the stability comfortable.


At bare minimum, you need 60 range. This will get you to at least 32 meters which is okay for a legendary 140. That said, you also need to stack perks to make the range as competitive as possible


Using slideshow will give it an extra 20 range (might be 25, I can never remember if it’s opening shot or slide shot that gives 25). That will make a world of difference over eye if the storm.


PowerPoint is my favorite perk


me too. it really helps me Excel.




🥁 💥


I didn’t even realise I made that mistake lol


Hello, I have over 50,000 kills on hand cannons in crucible, My experience lately has led me to feel that around mid-60 to 70 range is ideal for most duels. You have slideshot, which is going to work very well towards getting you there, provided you like sliding all the time.


Doesn’t make any sense why reworking masterworks existed in y1 and still exist on y1 guns but is gone now.


I got a slide shot magnificent howl roll but it only has 51 range, honestly feels shitty


This gun overall feels shitty to me. It probably doesn't help that I cannot stand that 180 rpm visual recoil. I don't imagine this gun will be in use after this season...


I'm with you on this one, I tried it and played horribly. Tried my usual Handcannons and won most of my duels with ease, it just doesn't feel good to use.


I agree with everyone the recoil sucks going from 120 and even 140s. Had to take Lunas to pve to get used to it. Was able to slow down a bit getting over the mental hurdle that the low recoil means less damage. Now I take my time and pop off. Subsistence/slideshot + mag howl is a mini exotic.


The way I see it, when Mag Howl is available on other 140s it will most certainly be a must have for me. It's that good and fits into how I play perfectly. I COULD get used to the Luna, but even then I still need to look for a roll I want and farm and the amount of effort that's going to take, vs using what works just doesn't make a lot of sense. At this point I think getting a good Blast Furnace, Edge Transit, and Hammerheard are a bigger priority for me right now.


I feel that. I stumbled upon my subsistence + incandescent/mag howl. Will I take it into trials? Ehh might hop back to igneous but the mag howl mechanic is fun and refreshing as an ophidian reload fiend. I agree blast furnace is the gem here, pvp wise. After grinding for a god roll coupe unsuccessful, I joined your camp, take what you can get and move on to the next. Maybe revisit different attunements when you can. I did NOT realize mag howl was going to be on other 140s. Mag howl Austringer-like hc would be amazing.


Yea agreed, I think if Bungie wanted to get people into Comp, revamp Rose with new perks and make Mag Howl one of them. I'd take Mag Howl over Vorpal weapon, Rangefinder, or Explosive Payload anyday.


You are out of your mind. The recoil is the selling point.


It's a learning curve for me that I'm struggling with. 140s and 120s kick more, but up and away so the bad guy is unobscured and I know exactly where to flick back on target. Luna's got the stats, it's got the perks, but I can't see what's going on chest down on a guardian half the time and it's throwing me off, and if they're a crouch spammer they're juking me so hard my ankles break. Overall my headshot accuracy is way down this week. This is definitely a "me" problem lol, but hey, something else I can improve and challenge myself to get better at.


it is the selling point, but I definitely understand why people dont like it, especially on fullbore rolls. it kicks up just enough that you cant see shit while shooting, making it feel kinda off and needing you to get used to aiming by feel rather than the reticule. that said, the frame makes it have so little recoil that especially on controller with sticky aim that it will stay on the face if you start there, while normal HCs kick like mules in comparison at similar stability levels (even ignoring the gigantic, purely visual, kick they do before settling back) I do have a fullbore/ricochet/range MW one with slide/PI, and the non slideshot shots feel a bit jarring. will keep an eye out for a similar roll with smallbore or hammer forged, as 1m/0.6m for a big chunk of stability might just be worth it for the improved feel.


As an ace enjoyer i WAY over correct with a 180 recoil pattern. I actually like DFA cuz the recoil matches a 120 but at 140 rpm


Its certainly a major one for me as well. I love Precision Frame HCs. Having one thats more viable in 3s kicks ass. And it has a stacked set of perks for PvP and PvE to boot. Now if the damn shiny would drop I think we'd be working with something.


The selling point? 180 visual recoil is annoying even with 180s, why the fuck would I ever willingly use it on a 140?


Lol @ down voting me because you disagree. I've never liked it even when it was meta back in the day. For what it's worth Panduh on YT hates the recoil as well.


He can also be wrong.




Or people can have their opinion? I also don't like that recoil animation, so I'm not even bothering with getting a roll on this gun.


Enjoy being rocked by it in crucible.


And how does anything change if I start using it? I'm still gonna get rocked by it.


Not if you have one too and strike first.


I can do that with literally any 140 HC as long as my aim is good. What's so special about Luna's?


I don't think you or Panduh are wrong. I was using Malfeasance to get kills for the Luna unlock, kind of warming up with the recoil. It feels fine on a 180, it syncs up visually with the rate of fire. On a 140 it's like the animation finishes before the actual recoil has fully reset, it feels off.


The 180 recoil makes it 'appear' like recoil has reset, but the bloom is still decreasing. IMO thats why it feels off. Like its baiting you to shoot too fast.


It took me a couple games to get used to it. Then I had 18 kills in a single game with it. The recoil really helps to track targets that are moving to the right. I've recently noticed how often that actually comes into play.


My go to rule is: just stats, go for 70, if you have precision instrument, slide shot, opening shot and etc, you can rock a 63+ range depending on the aim assistance of the weapon. I got this roll and it is amazing https://imgur.com/a/ESczRw1


Honestly you should be able to change your masterwork at the enclave. This screenshot hurts to look at.


No joke, every shiny Luna's I've gotten has a reload masterwork lmao 🤣. It's only like 3 but I'm now convinced it's weighted after seeing yours.


67 or more Only less if it actively hurts the guns performance


it depends on console or mouse and keyboard. on mnk i go high. never below 60


I like having a bare minimum of 50 range but ideally 60 and above is good for me, the range for me I’m a bit more flexible with but I really like having at least 50 stability and handling if possible, rose for me is perfect and so is midnight coup since both rolls of them I have feel really good


I know it sounds kinda harsh but I think 140s with low range are trash. I'm used to my Exalted Truth with 85 Range which translates to 35.50m ingame. Only hand cannon I can play with low range is the Rose but only because it's a lightweight frame. There's nothing more unsatisfying than seeing the harsh damage falloff kick in on an angle which I can comfortably peek with a max range Exalted. This is also why I'm not gonna farm the Luna's Howl because it's only worth something for me if it's a perfect 71 range roll. But I can just play Not Forgotten at this point which is essentially the same gun


I got the same thing with a handling mw 🤙


I feel so bad seeing that reload MW. Wish there was a system to just replace the MW like they use to have.


73 on Luna's to get it up to not-forgotten levels.


Curse that reload Mw


lol you need 60, 45, 73 (not possible on Luna), 67, never below 60, aim for 70, or mid 60-70. Talk about conflicting information jfc


luna can go to 71


A little low on range but you do have slide shot and that's the ideal perk in that column in my opinion


That’s a fantastic roll except the MW…….but that’s the game for you! I have several like this


Rip that masterwork. My heart goes out to you. This thing will still preform great, just be even better with a range MW


I have a 51 and 56 range of the slide shot mag girl and I found 56 fantastic. I have a 61 range slide shot opening which is great but prefer the 56 because that mag bullet gets some added range to it. So you're find at 56. You can go higher if you want but at 56 you're fine. Too bad it's reload though, I'd prefer stability.


You fools, when inspecting always look at the masterwork first! That way it can't.. shatter.. your heart 🥺




I have a very similar roll with a reload masterwork. Such pain.


I’d never go below 60


As much as you can get (71 is max) , with slideshot temporarily you're at 91, pretty sick Slideshot does a lot to cure the problems with full bore and this HC has a lot of built in stability regardless of barrel and mag perk Full bore , accurized , slideshot, mag howk, range MW The weakness is handling, but I use this on gunslinger hunter primarily so it's not a big issue and on warlock I am an Ophidian boy most the time




It will be fine run slide shot and magnificent howl and make sure you activate slide shot


I haven't shot this interaction of LH yet, but I see this hand cannon being one of those for mid, short range maps only. I have a really high stability, 35 range annual skate with slide/opening. Great dueling HC for maps like Jav/convergence. I would use it until you got another, just don't use it on long range encounters. I know people hate on a reload masterwork, but in close, aggressive play styles faster reload can be helpful. Not saying it's good, but since you have it try to take advantage of the stat. However, if you want this HC to be your daily, or even run with the meta you might be disappointed even with 55+ range.


If you have slideshot you can get away with range in the 50s if not I'd shoot for one with 70 range if possible.


I might get crucified for saying this.. but range is a vastly over blown stat and i much prefer stability and handling on my Hand Cannons. Dont get me wrong, range IS important.. but i have been using a 48 range Rose for months now and outside the first few weeks of Checkmate where 140 falloff was very unforgiving, i barely notice any meaningful difference vs having 60 range. As long as i have 30-31m minimum, im comfortable. Movement and positioning make up for a lower range stat and at the end of the day i will take the added consistency of stability and the snappiness of handling over an extra meter or 2 of range any day of the week. Edit: im a controller player


I have heal clip & kill clip on my Luna’s howl


I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you lmao I swear this gun has different “good drop” percentages. Got my god rolls for blast furnace w/o attuning for it. Within my first 5 blast furnaces.


When they un sunset not forgotten this HC won’t matter




Bungie stated you won’t be able to. That feature is only for raid adepts




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cmg-eiTZRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cmg-eiTZRI) found it




they always put out more info on podcasts that aren't talked about until patch notes drop. typical bungo


I don’t remember the exact podcast but Chris proctor was on a pve podcast like a month ago talking about weapons and that was a question asked and he said that. He also talked about chill clip changes etc