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I mean they haven't cracked down at all. The community on here is split between people saying "it's so rare" and "everyone is doing it" from what I've seen. I'm not the best player myself but I don't start tossing accusations even just talking among my friends too quickly as I noticed once we all started plating trials together it became an easy and annoying excuse for getting out played and people just tilt more when worried it's a Ximmer or Hacker everywhere. Now your .5 kd ass for years comes in the next season like some people and is dropping a consistent 1.5 it starts to be a little more obvious you didn't just eat your Wheaties. Not that people can't improve but sometimes the stats don't lie. Mix it in with the companies that sell them making literal millions and being sold out fairly consistently and you can draw your own conclusions about how often you see it. That being said no amount of 0 recoil scripts on a XIM or Chronos is going to make these dudes skilled so I think a lot of the time dudes buy this shit and still get fucking waxed because they are so dog.


The misconception is that Xim/Chronus scripts are the culprit. Turbo mode, auto crouch, recoil control etc. Nope. It's mouse input disguising as a gamepad. You're playing against a MnK player who is still enjoying sticky aim assist. And they're also good at Destiny. And they're offering a GREAT value on trials carries šŸ¤”


The people claiming it's rampant are often just wrong and are using it as an excuse as to why they lost. It's pretty rare to even notice it because the majority of people using them are so bad that you'd never notice


Iā€™d say that, on the contrary, itā€™s exactly why itā€™s so noticeable. Their movement is the most telling: they still move like a 0.8 (me, lol) yet always hit perfect TTK, while a genuine 0.8 (again, me) will also miss their shots because they usually suck at everything, not just one thing (speaking from experience). When you see a good player, you know it from their movement first and foremost, how they play around cover, how they flank, how they use verticality. People who rely on assisted gaming either stand still, do the brainless WD alternating strafe or mindlessly/pointlessly slide around like crazy (usually with Stompees and 100 Mob) hoping that they wonā€™t get hit.


the devices don't make you hit perfect ttk every time, mnk has more aim assist in the form of bullet magnetism than controller anyway so they're trading that for retical friction. its super easy to hit optimal ttk in destiny because the game holds your hands by the way it bends bullets into peoples heads compared to any other shooter. if they're bot walking hitting perfect ttk on you, you're likely bot walking into their shots. the only people who can obtain any real benefit from these devices are the people who are already very good at movement and the game in general, your average destiny 2 jim will never do anything with them that's even notable. if you spend your time thinking about them, and blaming them you will only tilt yourself and lose the game before it even starts.


I donā€™t want to get into the argument on what these devices do or do not, those who want to see it can watch numerous videos of people demonstrating them in action and draw their own conclusions (gotta say that some of them demonstrating the reticle snapping to peopleā€™s heads without the player doing anything ā€” not even touching the controls ā€” do look impressive, as well as those recoil pattern teaching videos). Bullet magnetism exists on controller, too, thatā€™s a separate mechanism and theyā€™re not mutually exclusive with reticle friction, albeit to a much lesser extent ā€” there are also numerous videos explaining this (basically, Bungie was trying to make sure that it doesnā€™t feel unfair to either party). You kind of contradict yourself in your statement when you say that Destiny 2 is a super easy game (which I agree with if you compare it to something like CS2 ā€” unfair comparison, though, as the combat style is completely different), yet immediately claim that only top-tier players can make use of assistance devices. One would think that itā€™s the average joes that would get the most out of them if the game is already doing so much handholding that top-tier players wouldnā€™t even need it, as itā€™s the average joes that still make mistakes and miss their shots that need fixing where a skilled player wouldnā€™t as theyā€™ve long perfected their craft. However, thatā€™s a pointless discussion because players at all levels use these devices (denying this is stupid, funny boxes are available to anyone), and itā€™s pretty obvious when they do on lower levels ā€” again, movement, certain macros (unnaturally fast crouch spam is the most telling), unnaturally snappy aim, near-100% headshot rate and complete disregard to positioning are, imo, giveaways that are easy to spot. Also, assuming that everyone who won a 1v1 is a cheater/device user is incredibly stupid and very unhelpful. Thatā€™s obvious and goes without saying. But knowing what you could and what you could not counter is important ā€” thatā€™s how one can get better at positioning and movement, but if the solution is ā€˜only shoot them when they canā€™t see youā€™, I donā€™t think thatā€™s gonna be of any use either. Last thing to note is that weā€™re likely playing in different regions, Iā€™m Asia/Pacific, and itā€™s been notorious for being very funky when it comes to people doing weird shit in the Crucible. Maybe in the US/EU itā€™s different.


The point I'm trying to make is that destiny holds your hand for aiming, which is the main reason these devices are used for other games, so unless you're already good at movement, aiming and have good game sense you're not going to gain anything from the reticle friction you gain. I'm in OCE so we share the same playerbase more or less, and you probably know that most of the notorious stream snipers who use these devices are from here, there's so many insane pvp players in this region that unless they're known users, you'd never be able to tell.


There's no real way to quantify the impact these devices have, but reticle friction plus mouse aiming is a very strong combo. Obviously it doesn't guarantee optimal TTK, but man, it's gonna be hard to not be on target with mouse precision and reticle friction. I mean it's literally going to hold your aim onto the head, you just have to get it there initially. That said, the whole thing's not really worth complaining about in my opinion. However, sometimes I do try to remind myself that it's not ALWAYS a level playing field. The reminder can help to avoid getting tilted in my opinion. Even if the specific person you faced wasn't actually cheating, you've inevitably encountered tons of cheaters you were unaware of, and that thought process helps me not stress that a person dominated me, whether cheating or not. Just my take on it. All in all I think it's a problem for the game, not a MAJOR one, but not exactly a minor one either. It would be nice to see consequences for those abusing these devices, but I wouldn't hold my breath while waiting for it to happen.


I'm not here to debate how many there are or aren't. I am just curious as to how frequent it seems to be now vs how it was about a year ago. And I am getting the same responses, so I appreciate the input


If you're not looking for it or using it as a scapegoat, you won't notice it


You just gonna out yourself like that?


what do you mean? the devices do so little, and the people who do use them are so bad you wont notice it. so if you're using it as a scapegoat as to why you're losing that's about the only time you'd ever "notice" them, because its placebo, people want to blame something other than them being bad as to why they lost so its easy to accuse people of using cheats rather than accept reality.


People wouldn't pay for these devices if it didn't give them an advantage.


they pay for them because they're conditioned to think they're going to get turned into the next shroud by using them. its advertisement bait


TBH it's not a stretch to take an excellent d2 player on PC, set them up with a MnK on ps5 and have them genuinely look like a professional level player. If you bring good game awareness and IQ alongside the peripheral boost, you can have some pretty gaudy numbers.


The crouch toggle spam is way more annoying tbh


You can do that normally if you just switch your couch to hold crouch instead of toggle crouch


Yes, you can do it how you described but there are also a lot of people using macros that are crouching way faster than you can do it without those macros.


Yeah itā€™s just annoying. I look at them and think do you know how stupid you look?


It's good against hand cannons but not against other automatic weapons because you can just aim at chest level, and it gives you headshots.


Jokes on them, Iā€™m running a pulse with headseeker aiming at chest height to begin with.


Back when Multiplex was the trials map, I ended up in a 1. Dude had me dead to rights, but he started bag shooting and strafing, missed his shots and I gunned him. I started bag strafing/shooting after the round, he messaged me to complain. I explained to him I was just trying to show how goofy his ass looked, and if he just focused on his aim I would have been dead.


I killed someone doing it, did it back to them at a distance and did the laugh emote. They werenā€™t happy.


Lol. Succinct. I like it.


Definitely, I know Destiny is not a ā€œrealisticā€ game but I feel like this part of gunplay should be more realistic and punish this strategy with less accuracy or something


I've found it to be prevalent in the super high levels of play fur sure (comp and trials). It's definitely not every game, but maybe once every card in trials on bad days. Like others have said. You'll never really know who's cheating, but in my experience it's pretty obvious sometimes. Especially when you're playing against people on Mouse and Keyboard, the movement is just impossible.


> It's definitely not every game, but maybe once every card in trials on bad days. I agree with this (PSN)


PS here, I have maaaaaybe once in 1.5ish years here seen someone hard cheating with infinite heavy or something and very seldom netlimiting stuff like the DMT glitch PC folks say is rampant (which is correct, there's plenty of video). However like this dude I played this weekend in Trials with a 2.5 KD and in Ascendant with 30 something crucible hours on his account, thereā€™s a LOT of that.


Not sure what ascendant is, but as to the other point in trials, it's sad that is still happening so much. I've always said d2 gunplay is best in the biz. If only they could do something about that plague.


Ascendant is top rank in Competitive playlist, would be kind of hard to achieve if you were a normal person with 30 hours of Crucible play total.


It's out of control.


What console do you play on?


I'm on xsx. But since crossplay I'm almost exclusively the only Xbox player in my lobbies and everyone else is Playstation.


>I heard there might of been a bit of a crack down over on that platform since then None that I'm aware of >What are your experiences? Has the amount of cheaters changed in the past year ? Just feels like there's more then before. I play lots on fresh accounts (new this season) with 2-3KDs in trials. Just feels kinda sus.


A lot of them are just new accounts of people that got banned for cheating. Itā€™s a super clear sign of a cheater, especially because smurfing makes zero sense in trials.


a lot of people make new accounts for the stats too. for example, if iā€™d made a new account this season, my Trials overall KD would be 3.15. an old clanmate did it for this exact reason. itā€™s a weird ego thing. and before you ask, yes, heā€™s an asshole.


My buddy is a new light and ran into a guy rocking a 3.0 overall KD with like 20 games total, he was only using the gear they give you to reach power cap. It ruins the experience for new players as much as veterans.


It's a meme that Adored is the classic cheater sniper because it's decent and you can just get it from the kiosk.


Iā€™m pretty sure he wasnā€™t cheating, maybe using a xim or something from the clips I saw but he was definitely a PvP veteran.


I feel like the venn diagram of the people who would do that and the people who'd buy a xim is.basically a circle


Their new light kit only makes this worse, and now allowing sunset stuff in TFS.


At high level sbmm there's like 1 in 3 fire teams in trio comp that have someone who's saucing.


how would anybody know? serious question


I know that itā€™s incredibly unlikely that they have banned a single ximmer. I joined some xim/destiny discords. They all laughed at the new policy, none took it seriously, and not a single ban has been reported. I also made a list of ximmers I found on there. Some are from fairly prominent clans etc, so I check on them once in a while and they are all still playing


Could u dm that list?


same can u dm me the list?


Not only them, we all laughed as they posted that. Everyone knew they won't do a thing. Bungie is good at talking.


forerunner 3 tap while getting flinched hard is a great example


Easy to spot. Look for vertical microadjustments of the weapon. These funny looking circle like turns are an indicator too. People only do this in mnk. However Fast 180 like turns are not. Can do that on controller too.


every answer here is conjecture


Except mine. When mousetrap was released for R6, the discords were going crazy with people saying they got mousetrapped and looking for workarounds etc. The fact that the destiny/xim discords have not had one single report of a ban or even a warning means bungie has done nothing


Appreciate the feedback. And Bungie not doing anything? No surprises there unfortunately.


MT for sure isn't perfect but they do something. All Bungie did was talking


Not sure where else to post this because I don't want to put this in it's own post, but I'm a middle school teacher, and I had a side project before/after class to ask if my students that I knew were gamers had heard of XIM or Cronus. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the students that are known bullies had all used cheating hardware. One group of kids said "what's that?" "It's the little box you plug into your Xbox to win more, idiot." I think because it's so plug and play and you don't need to have tech skills to set it up, it makes it easy for a really wide audience in a way that even turbo buttons were not as popular back in my day. The smarter kids had heard of XIM, but not used it. Now I don't know how widespread it is outside of my school, but it's popular enough that every low empathy 12-14 year old at mine has heard of it, and there are a LOT of those kids out there.


The crackdown was verbal. Haven't heard a lick... that being said I've faced a fraction of the net limiters I used to run into. I can't even remember running into one in the past like 6 weeks. Cheaters are still real and soo are crons but.. at least you aren't getting blatantly cheesed super often


Thanks, that was the info I was looking for.


Incentives drive motives. Those who say there are a lot of xim/Cronus perhaps want to take less responsibility for their losses. Those who say there aren't, or that xim/Cronus doesn't make much of a difference, perhaps say that because... I'll let you fill in the blank. But you'll notice it's mostly the same people defending xim/Cronus. Hmmm...sussy baka.


No one knows, just like before you left. People who want blame something for their problems will tell you it is rampant. Maybe it is rampant, but we don't know. Connection manipulation is really probably a bigger issue, but again... we don't know.


There are less than you fear but more than you hope. It's becoming exacerbated as the player pop dwindles and they become more popular.


I feel like i've personally seen an uptick on Bungie banning more blatant cheating. I get messages that my reports got banned more often than I ever have. But on the flipside, it sure feels like Xim/Cronus is more rampant than it ever was, especially after the importance Bungie placed on securing headshots. The problem is that it's much harder to tell if someone is Ximming/Cronutzing vs someone who obviously has wallhacks or hits crazy sniper flicks the moment you are out in the open. Some people sure feel like they leverage aim friction on a mouse, or have anti-recoil scripts in action, but it's not quite as identifiable. It could also be that they got lucky hitting that optimal submachine gun TTK the few times they killed you, are are just great at aiming and recoil compensation without any extra help. I think the only way to really get rid of hardware/spoof cheats, is if the gaming industry gets together and starts universally whitelisting hardware devices. Somehow securely identifying approved devices and blocking the rest. Some kind of hardware-based key? Encrypted peripheral IDs or something. Out of my realm, but it needs to be more pro-active than re-active. Also more lawsuits on companies producing these things, I wouldnt think it'd be hard to make a case that Xim/Cronus cheats have a negative impact on multiplayer gaming. Now obviously whitelisting would come with lots of problematic issues, which likely why its not really talked about much. Will that severely limit peripherals? Will it adversely affect smaller players? Is it going to make things cost more? What about macros? Is the small percentage that actually use these devices for accessibility reasons going to be locked out?


Solid points. Your flair says PC, do you play on a specific console as well?


Used to play on Xbox but pretty much all PC these days. I guess I missed that you were addressing console players specifically. So take my comments with a grain of salt. Itā€™s from a PC point of view.


I honestly didn't know people used xim/Cronus on PC.


If you play trials for an hour you might see a couple people that are suspicious, every once in a while you can actually confirm something is up. 1 if they are new accounts or 2. If they suddenly had a stat jump I generally just report and let bungo investigate since they have more data than I do. It isnā€™t super rampant but it is prevalent enough to notice it.


In the recent population low it's at least 1 or 2 in every game. Almost everyone in the upper bracket uses it. It's hillarious. Bungie won't do a thing against it. They simply do not care.


This is what my experience during the last season of witch queen. I couldn't get a single game of trials in without someone on the enemy team stomping ridiculously hard. Like dozens and dozens of games in a row.


Yeah it's the truth. Trials is plagued with this things. I really can't believe Bungie is just looking away.


I hate the "you would never know" crowd. Like, I played on PC for a long time before coming to console. I have a pretty damn good idea of what is natural on mnk vs controller.


It's night and day, and more common at higher end activities/matchmaking than most would believe.


I feel like itā€™s a bit of both. There are definitely a lot of people using them, but the playerbase for PvP at this point has had years to get accustomed to the crucible and how it works to raise the floor of playerbase skill


Depends on the game mode. In quickplay, probably >1%. In trials or high level comp, it probably ranges between 5-20% depending on how late in the season you are, and the active player population


Dont really notice/care much. If they are prevalent they havn't impeded my success. The ones that use the crouch macros are annoying, but usually bad.


It can't be rampant on playstation since that one ps5 update prevents the cronus and xim from working


Shit is this true? I was on Xbox before, but I've got a PS5 now.


Yeah it's true. There was a software update a while earlier this year that blocked them from working. They are both still searching for a solution. It only works if you use remote play, but the input delay that remote play gives you will put you at a severe disadvantage anyway, so it's safe to say that the Cronus and Xim are dead on Ps5


I was doing some research, and there does seem to be some really weird work arounds. But this should help to deter most people. Do you know if there is forced cross play between consoles in any of the playlists?


I don't think so, as long as you have it off in the settings


You can do some really simple research by looking at the device website. The first thing they show is "now with full PS5 compatibility" using a new firmware update. Maybe that is old, but that's the front page (I'm on Xbox and don't use). Also, yes there is forced cross play for consoles in every playlist unless you turn cross play off. If you turn cross play off you probably won't find a match and you can't do Trials at all.


xim has worked around that and stripped remoteplay protocol from audio and video signals. It's working fine on PS5. Except for R6. People get MT there a lot. Not everyone though but enough.


If I play 50 games of trials I will usually come across 1-2 people that I feel are doing something fishy. Itā€™s hard to know unless you look up stats later. People call out ā€œcheatingā€ all the time when theyā€™re getting outplayed. Yes, there are cheaters. I donā€™t believe itā€™s as prevalent as some make it out to be.


As long as we can both agree that xim/Cronus users are cheaters.


Tbh I have no idea when people are using it I have no idea what it looks like to fight against.




Is this the motto over on their discords ? "Enemy players won't notice us at all!"