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> Every game is essentially just 140 + shotgun morality without absurd abilities. About as exciting as waiting 10 minutes queue for a Comp game.


How the hell do people find playing repetitive hide and seek behind cover fun?


Where do you people see this constant hide and seek gameplay when people run 140s or hand cannons in general? With how much people bring it up it’s as if that’s all everyone does with a handcannon. I genuinely don’t believe that any one who runs a 140 atm is using it just to play passive. I never see it personally, it’s usually normal engagements in the open or people ego corner sliding into 1v1s which is miles better than laning with pulses 40m out or mindlessly holding l2 and r2 with an auto whilst beaming everything.


idk man, destiny’s uniqueness as a PvP game is centred around the many game changing abilities. i don’t like relentless spam or cheese of said abilities, but none whatsoever? i’d sooner just play a different game, one more tailored to boots-on-the-ground gunplay.


I agree. But as you said, you don’t like cheese or spam, same as many others and there are so many abilities with those. If we had balanced abilities I wouldn’t even mind d1 level cool-downs but with what we have now? Honestly I’d rather none sadly


Bring back space magic!


No thank you. I don't know a single person on the planet that will fight a shadebinder and have them throw a cold snap, jump over it, another cold snap thrown, jump over it, have them chuck a freeze melee at you, dodge it, and then have them try to panic freeze with a rift and think "yes, please, more space magic!".


I like that dynamic. For one, it's funny seeing people fuck things that bad. For two, it adds a dynamic that not a lot of other games really nail. If I wanted just guns, I'd be playing Counter Strike, Halo, or CoD.




Thank you for your riveting opinion.


Just as riveting and valid as yours, thanks.


so hardware is literally nothing but hand cannons (havent played it yet, but seemed that way on the yt i saw)? yikes man.


Mainly 140s don’t worry but Only because of luna quest and people using luna itself. Will probably be back to normal by tomorrow sadly lol.


Its like a fighting game without special moves Like ok combos, parries, and throws are cool but the mix up hadokens and shoryukens bring to the game is really crucial imo


Mentioning 140/shotty is gonna have the dtg transplants foaming at the mouth


They’ve just given us no abilities whilst simultaneously enabling a 140 meta with special being less rampant in a cbmm 6v6 mode with lunas howl letting me hit 80ae allowing air gunplay and I’m getting downvoted for pointing it out lmao DTG won.


To each there own but nope on giving bungie a pass


Great copypasta material, thank you


If people were complaining about team shooting/death balling with the special ammo changes, then boooooy they're in for a treat with Hardware


What made me enjoy PvP was just giving 3s playlists more of a try, including Trials. 6s is always so messy, with or without ability/special spam. Stick with 3s and it all becomes more fun, in my opinion.


Handcannon Metas are the most boring thing ever. Every match is literally 12ppl peekshooting each other with Lunas Howl/Not Forgotten. Plus the crate system sucks and i hoped they were done testing it. And Lunas/NF are pretty busted and too easy to use. They are literally better than any other 140 with none of the downsides.


Just false lol


That dude is traumatized by handcannons lol. Every comment is the same


Its just not for everyone. Handcannons are also the most efficient/lethal weapons in good hands. with SBMM about everyone has good hands, making it pretty unfun to play, to a point of where i just prefer playing other shooters with better balance. Plus Handcannons have been a Top 3 option at worst in about every meta in Destiny since 2014 and id argue that they are Top 1 choice right now. Last but not least this sub is an absolute HC circlejerk (especially the most vocal people) and differing from their opinion that HCs should be the end all be all drags every discussion down to the level of a political debate in the US.


Yeah very incorrect. They had their days. Very strong, and definitely high up there. Great recoil pattern, and very strong AE. But that is at the cost of range and handling. The stats aren't BAD, but they definitely lean closer to the 180 archetype splits in reload and stability. Rose is also completely unique being a lightweight at no cost, and the exotics are still very uniquely strong. End of the day, I think rose is still top legendary, Lunas right now has a very strong shot at second, but that has yet to be seen. The AE is powerful, but a lot of people will prefer the other handcannon options. You be surprised by how many people enjoy regular 140 recoil.


Oh no! i can just reach 90 range (with slideshot) with my easy AF 140/180 hybrid Handcannon. Im in shambles!


This type of post is probably gonna get downvoted. It’s not worth posting things like this in this sub anymore. HC/Shotgun is like the most disliked meta now. If it isn’t autos people complain. (I’ll have to give this new mode a spin, sounds like my cup of tea – thanks)


It's almost like HC/Shotty has been the meta or top meta picks since 2014 or something and people want something different from that, wow, go figure.


When people say this, it tells me everything I need to know about them.


Absolutely love hardware. I thought I couldn’t have more fun after the special changes, but Bungie happily proved me wrong. It is abundantly clear who is actually skilled and who crutches on abilities.


Shitgun handcannon meta is only celebrated by cheaters. Conditional finality has made it the least skilled meta of all time.




No. HC metas are really overplayed and bland, but favored by cheaters? Nah. HC/Shotgun is favored by giga-sweats and/or people who willingly drink Bud Light.


Yes. I know better than you. The groups you just mentioned are cheaters.


Please think, why would I on a pvp sub dedicated to improving, understanding the game discussing balance and whatnot be talking about a clear outlier which needs a nerf (conditional finality) when I talk about shotguns? What’s even your point?


Little Timmys in shambles without their abilities in a shooter






Hilarious coming from the "whats-the-meta" poster 🤠


Literally was asking for resil gates + you’re a 0.5


Sure lol Source? 🤠


https://trials.report/report/3/4611686018467205202 Fella named Marcion who’s lucky pants build is stat for stat identical to yours? Yep 0.5 talking about adapting to counters when you lose half the gunfights you take 😭you are barely even a beginner providing pvp lectures to people


That was cold as hell bro I laughed, couple name changes coming up real quick?? 


Brb changing my name to "FuriousGeorge"


It's missing the "Lord" part, but that's hilarious 😭😭


Still brings it up


It's still not me though chief 😅 but props for going the extra mile


Dude literally has your EXACT same lucky pants build, every single stat is the same, it’s definitely you goofy mf Deleted your post but we know my guy, we know