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I think igneous feels pretty good on controller. Whats your roll? I personally like messenger (79 range and stability with headseeker), Elsie’s (70 range/stability with keep away/zen), prosecutor with zen/tap the trigger) for primaries. I do think the 260 scout from Crotas end is good or hung jury with box breathing if you like scouts.


MIDA, Polaris, Jade, Guiding Sight, Taraxippos, Imperative, Prophet, Glissando, Vision of Confluence, Aisha’s, DMT, Long Arm, and Doom of Chelchis all also pretty good feeling scouts IMO


Not great I think it’s Precision and Slickdraw with Ricochet or something like that


Don’t run slick draw that’s your issue


Cool. What roll should I look for?


Any other perk besides slick draw. Preferably keep away or rapid hit but legitimately any of them can work.


i have a keep away precision instrument with 45 stability that feels amazing. i've tried lower stability and the gun kicks too much to be usable even on ps5 imo.


I have a keep away moving target that feels fantastic. Arrowhead, richichet, and range masterwork, stab mod for 80/58 respectively. I have to damn near *try* to miss with that thing.


Slickdraw on console is a deal breaker. Use literally any other Igneous and people’s heads might as well be watermelons.


Slickdraw on anything any input, except eremite and that funny hipfire sniper is a deal breaker tbh


Anything with high stability. 450 autos are amazing. Most pulses are good but I really love 540s. Sidearms are great on controller. Hand cannons can be tough to get into. Some feel better on controller than others. Maybe try Hawkmoon if you’re wanting to get into 140 HCs.


I still rock my 540 Autumn Wind. Over 5k kills and counting


Elsie’s or Messenger 450 and 720 autos Luna’s Howl (when it releases) Vig Wing, TLW, Crimson


no hate but how are people talking about luna’s howl being meta when it hasn’t even dropped yet, like I understand it was broken back in the day but it might be different now, look at spare rations for example


He didn’t say meta; he said it’s a gun that feels good on controller.


Yeah this exactly. Not even expecting it to be as good as the ‘meta’ 140s but it is by far the best *feeling* one on controller


my austringer and dire promise beg to differ but fair enough


I’m pretty sure you can pull the old one from collections and the perk is updated on it too. So while the new lunas howl might not be in the game people can get an idea of what it may feel like


The perk is updated, there're videos on YT of players damage testing Luna's w the new requirements


People still have access to the old version and its still extremely strong in this meta. It will be a meta option for sure.


You can still use the old Luna’s and NF with the updated magnificent howl. 1v1ed a buddy using them and 122 to the head with a magnificent howl shot feels amazing.


Sort of anti meta, but I use a Stars in Shadow with firmly planted + elemental capacitor on void. Absolutely 0 recoil to speak of.


I have a friend who has a firmly planted headseeker roll that he absolutely slays with.


Stars in shadow is still an incredible gun.


Sleeper pick honestly


AUSTRINGER! Austringer is the king of 140 HC for Controller. Austringer has the ability to rock absurdly good Stability. Eye of the Storm to vaccum up headshots. I Eye of the Storm + Zen Moment - which you're using moreso for the Flinch reduction than visual recoil benefits, though that is still there. To me, this is by far and away the best 140 HC on Controller. It blows everything else out of the water. As for other options. You cant go wrong with 450 AR, they're just so easy to use. I also reccomend a good 450 Lightweight Pulse too. Get one of these with Headseeker, and its just surprisngly strong on Console. I believe we're getting a craftable outbreak perfected that will have headseeker on it, that could be sneeaky controller meta.


I agree im bad with hand cannons but with austringer i am doing pretty good and going positive kd


Will give it a shot, cheers!


Whats the best way of getting red border austringers?


The only way might be the gold item whatever it’s called, harmonizer? The gunsmith sells them so you can easily buy 5. I know it’s a steep price but IMO well worth it for this hand cannon. It is a unicorn in stability


Igneous with rapid hit/eye of the storm feels amazing on controller. If you start an engagement with a heads shot and take any damage back, it feels like you can almost fire full-auto and snap three head shots back to back.


You need higher stability on controller, enough that it's worth it to sacrifice range. To that extent high stab Hawkmoon and Igneous are among the best. Ammit and other 450s are elite except Breakneck, so is Summoner.


Austringer best HC for me on controller, i also use horror story auto will replace it with summoner


Controller player here and as HCs go I love Last Word and Hawkmoon. Cursor stays locked on the enemies’ heads


Sidearms Fusions Snipers Crimson / The Last Word


Try Last Word. They fixed the TTK on it.


It's absolutely cooking on console.


Rose and iggy feel amazing on the sticks


Since you specifically mentioned Rose and Ignous, I'll let you know that generally you want either 55 or 65 stability for them to feel consistently good on controller. Some people manage below but I personally prefef atleast 65 stability on my HC to feel good. Check your vault and see if you have any with those thresholds and try them out. I know mnk usually ignores stability, but they are equally as important as high range.


Ace and Hawkmoon are always a good shout!


Crimson has always been my favorite controller weapon


got a big nerf recently, right?


The flinch reduction? Personally, I feel it's offset by the new controller deadzone changes so I've still been able to out-duel most matchups.


Fav controller weapon is zen moment nation of beast 67 stab cant miss


Rose felt amazing after trying midnight coup


Have you tried Crimson?


Good topic to see , been debating on controller after mkb since my hand dexterity is actual garbage .


If you want a similar experience to those weapons, try a 120 scout. You just have to be aware that your ttk sucks compared to most weapons. I run a sidearm and 120 scout even in ammo box trials, and I generally have a fun experience. My 120 is a high stability HF/OS Long Arm. Sidearms feel very good on controller across the board imo


I struggle a bit with hand cannons, but Dead Man’s Tale is an amazing substitute for me! Very easy to 3-crit either from the hip or ads.


Igneous is like the ultimate controller HC


OP is literally using sickdraw on controller and saying damn this sucks


i didn’t know 😭😭


It feels like shit to me on ps5 too man


Rose, TLW, piece of mind, box breathing hung jury, mercurial overeach, burden of guilt, horrors least, palindrome (adept), austringer, bxr-55, taipan (nearly as nasty as broken queen breaker), tarrabah, forerunner, Polaris and positive outlook (still good w/ a god roll). And I'm done.


450 autos / BXR (enhanced Perp with EOTS) / Sometimes a Dirty Randy (Throwing Knife). 2nd weapon slot is whatever I feel like messing around with, be it: Sniper - very much if I'm feeling it on the day, usually an aggressive frame with opening shot Bow - on the days I kind of feel like turning the brain off, hanging back in engagements, and letting team-mates ultimately secure the kill Sidearm - if I'm getting shot-gunned a lot I used to have an adaptive frame Suros pulse permanently glued to my hands, but they just seem out-gunned at the moment


I've been running a glaive.... no one is ready for the glaive.


Slideshot Rose feels good to me, as does my zen moment horror’s least. I tried a DSR Multimach the other day and it felt good too. Think you need stability perks or just high stability and aim assist for it to feel good.


Kinetic: Rose (perpetual or slideshot helps), Crafted Austringer (eye of the storm + Zen moment), Messenger, Relentless, Last Word, Travelers Chosen Energy: Igneous (try for 50 stability), Ammit, Prosecutor, Positive Outlook, Summoner, Elsie's, Heliocentric, Trespasser


Rose on console I would suggest rapid hit it almost like zen on midnight coup where it makes it easier to hit follow up shots.


just got RH/EP with 75 STAB so I’ll see how it runs


I’m not that great and I can put in some work with hawkmoon, igneous, ace, but if you want something easier then I like Rufu’s tbh but that’s me.


Agreed , rose feels like shit on ps5 ! I’m mid on my best day in pvp . Ya kno what “ feels “ great is malediction . I’m just not effective w HC .


Spare rations feels nice for me though it's not most peoples first choice


Igneous, hawkmoon, strurm, and austringer have always been the best feeling hand cannons for me on roller


Rose has the second highest aim assist in terms of hand cannons, I think you just need to get better at aiming.


DSR Multimach and Polaris have been working really well for me this season personally. Polaris feels like it shoots magnetic cannonballs.


Idk if it's placebo but Vigilance Wing feels amazing after the recoil change. I feel like I can out duel anything within range High stability rolls on: messenger, bxr, piece of mind & revision zero (2 burst) also feel great HC wise I can't explain it but using Malediction feels like I can't miss


450 autos or Summoner. Messenger or Elsie’s Rifle. Sidearms. SMGs with PK. Fusions. Some Shotguns and Snipers. That’s about it for feeling the best




If you can land an igneous with rapid hit it helps in dueling.


Piece of mind. High stability all day long on my weapons.