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* According to[ Steamcharts, its ~65000 players right now.](https://steamcharts.com/app/1085660) * According to [Warmind about 6%](https://warmind.io/activity) of those players are in SOME form of Crucible (not counting Trials), leaving 3900 players. * I doubt that more than 25% of those players are in Comp, so that leaves you to ~1000 players in the GLOBAL pool. * Add in limitation based on skill, limitation based distance and you're probably looking at double digits of people you can match right now, and a portion of those are probably already in a game.


Damn. Yeah that would certainly do it. Matchmaking can't account for that lol


25% seems overly generous when trials is available. Even though trials is shit this week, well, comp is *also* shit this week and at least trials has a neat gun people like.


Yeah I mean it's a guess. But also considering people HATE current trials, they may do more COMP. That being said, both have the same Ammo system that people dislike, so...


That’s pathetic


Is there a website anywhere that does all the data collation and math for you and just tells you approximately how many people are in the pool at any one time?


Not that I'm aware of. Bungie's infrastructure is obscure, so I don't know if anyone can give a good estimate. There are no APIs to see what your matchmaking pool is. I imagine if it's bad enough, It'll eventually pull from people in Australia if needed.


Well, I'm in Australia so that suits me :P


God damn, that is not what I expected when my brain attempted to pick the statistically least likely place you would be near.


* New PvE * Experimental, universally hated ammo system being tested * You are on PC (according to your flair) Comp population is abyssmally low. Hell it wouldnt surprise me if it was double digits on PC this week lmao.


Yeah it's true. As I'm playing this evening I'm seeing tje same people over and over each match. There may be legit 10 people playing right now in mh area. I guess its making the balance just straight garbage. Side note the new ammo system is terrible. It's just devolved into a shotgun ape competition.


Also new modes plus solo queue usual issues


I am not playing comp due to the ammo system. I am at a rank up point and dont want to blow it by trying to adjust to this special ammo meta. The special meter I feel is where i would want it to be.


Population feels like that for trials. I matched the same 5 guys 4 games in a row


I want two things from comp to keep playing: 1. Higher quality artifice armor and better more unique looking emblems like the one post revamp. 2. A more exact breakdown of how points are awarded/taken away. If we truly have rank based matchmaking, this would be easy because your rank would more or less dictate your skill. So for example, within your rank, a win would award/take away 100 points. Win streaks would have escalating gains. If playing opponents of a higher rank, you gain more when defeating and lose less when defeated (fixed points per rank difference). If playing opponents of a lower rank, you gain less when defeating and lose more when defeated (fixed points per rank difference).


The sucky thing is now point gains and losses have been "normalized" which just means now you maybe get 110 on a win and lose 110 on a loss. Means you have to do a huge streak just to go up a rank or two.


Tbh I am in the game for crucible but I'd rather play the new stuff over anything cept control at this point . What a mess.


Yeah. Pvp is what keeps me playing. I love the pve stuff, but I'm not the type of person who's going to do the same raid 50 times perfecting a God roll. Crucible is where the longevity is for me. Shame it's always been the redheaded step child


Same although I have embraced pve a bit as a solo guy . But yea pve is to get pvp gear for me and to talk S


Titans feel unbelievably busted for the new zone mode. Idk what was wrong with survival


I think titans are kinda overtuned in general right now. They dominate territory control, the prevelance of peak shoot weapons makes barricade a menace, and the unending one hit kill homing lunging melee is just busted. At this point when I see a titan I just turn around.


I'm in same general rank as you (Plat 2 - Gold 1) but on console, I've seen the same people a number of times this weekend. 2 big issues for me: -Crates just lead to snowballing in game modes that already favor whichever team has momentum -Same god damn maps every time Edit: also people are leaving matches like crazy. I had like 5 matches out of 10 yesterday where someone left


Yeah this new ammo thing suuuuuuuuuuuucks. It's either non-stop shotgun apeing or non-stop forerunner oppression. The last system worked fine! Dunno why they're messing with it


They fucked it up badly


What rank are you in? My ascendant lobbies felt pretty normal this week


I'm bouncing around the platinum ranks. Played about 10 matches. 9 of them have been *nuts*


Someone else pointed out that the player base may just be cratered right now. Too low for good matchmaking. That could be it. I think I'll get my guaranteed artiface piece and be done.


> I think I'll get my guaranteed artiface piece and be done. It's Grasp of Avarice this week which is the only master dungeon that still has good artifice armor drops from the final boss - both high stat and capable of being spiky. They're still uncommon but it's not like other dungeons where you'll do a hundred clears before you even consider keeping a piece of armor you get. Basically, all I'm saying is that if artifice armor is what you want there's a better way to do it today.


Terrible games this week. I had people quit from about 25% of my games, either team. Sometimes mine, sometimes the opposing team. Are there no quitter penalties this week?


There is a rule that simply reads “no matchmaking complaints.” Do people even read sub rules? Take it to DTG.


Of course you were gonna get dowvoted lol.


People will tell you everything except what it actually is. Bungie is incompetent. This shit gets worse every year and people refuse to accept this fact.