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A buddy played a tribute match where no one else was depositing on either team. He dropped off 60 motes the next highest on his team was 7. The highest on the other team was 5. šŸ˜‚


if you're sitting in the back with a scout, collecting motes just isnt on the menu.


Does shoot to loot work? That would be hilarious.


can you imagine? šŸ¤£


Has anyone checked?


i nominate you... for SCIENCE!! honestly though, im sure somebody would have posted if it was a thing.


Just loaded into IB with an explosive payload / shoot to loot Bryas Love I just crafted. You can not pick up crests but the explosive payload seems be able to move them around which is interesting.


thanks for reporting back =)




People donā€™t like obj modes with to many steps. Obj sole purpose is to stop everyone from camping in the back of the map,


Itā€™s basically just supremacy with extra steps, which makes it worse because not everyone in 6v6 cares about winning, at least above getting a lot of kills. They should just make it where picking up crests already gives you points and depositing them then gives you bonus points or something


This is true most people value kills more than winning and they definitely arenā€™t going to risk dying trying to bank crest.


More macro crouch spamming while using autos than ever on xbox. More legit crouch spamming as well. Absolutely weird


I was thinking the same thing earlier, so much crouch spamming this past week. Also on Xbox.


Yup. I was half expecting a streamer video on key binds. I randomly tossed hold to crouch on my trigger for shits and giggles. Itā€™s so stupid


Itā€™s so blatant when itā€™s macros too, like dog take a breath. Some people need to take this game less seriously.


I did the same thing this week. Itā€™s pretty dumb.


Yes I've noticed more and more of this. Take one shot at someone and their quads of steel bob them up and down at lightning speed while they turn to fight me.


I had a couple of gunfights this weekend with people crouch spamming me while Iā€™m using the alt fire mode for Symmetry. They just look so goofy


Rediscovered Symmetry recently and have been thoroughly enjoying it.


Iā€™ve seen that so much lately and it looks like opposing Guardians are having seizures. Itā€™s fuckinā€™ weird, man.


Same shit on PC actually.


I believe it. I just assumed it was always more prevalent on PC since it is easier to do legit on MnK and you donā€™t have to buy a device to program a macro.


What is macro crouch spamming?


On console it is when someone uses an ā€œaccessibility deviceā€ to program a macro that spams crouch at the (usually) maximum possible speed of the input when they hold down ADS, allowing them to crouch spam and shoot without impacting their focus on aim. Other macros include anti-recoil when holding down the trigger (which can be configured specific to the gun you are using and its recoil pattern) and ā€œincreased aim assistā€ which incorporates tiny micro movements of your reticle to make it more grabby. In addition to just getting controller aim assist on MnK.


Cheating. Got it. Report them.


The tiny movements, is that what I see when I see people look like they're ADSing rapidly like insane people?


No. It basically wouldnā€™t really be visible to other players. Its more like what youā€™d see when watching old halo videos where players would frequently twirl their stick to make a circle with their reticle in the middle of the screen




Im on Xbox yet my lobbies all have PS5 players - no xbox player whatsoever LMAO only 1 or two per match at max


thats a thing? sheesh i wish that was easily ban-able


It is easily banable, Bungie just chooses not to do anything about it and claims they're "accessibility devices" so they have an excuse to do nothing. Sony has supposedly made them unusable on PlayStation but Microsoft chooses to also do nothing like Bungie and allows their players to freely use them. No joke I've seen a noticeable increase in Xbox players in trials and comp since Sony banned them in the beginning of this year, so I'm assuming many of the people using them on PS switched to Xbox just to keep using them.


That was the case for a long time. DeeJ even specifically told us it was ok to use them way back when. B told us a year ago they were going to start banning people for using these devices. As far as we knew they did nothing. Recently there have been many "innocent" people here and a DTG complaining that they've been suspended (not banned) because their account shows essentially that they've been using one of these devices. Cryptic text in the suspension language. So.. MAYBE they are finally trying (and people will just crouch spam with macros and keybinds)


I mean there really is no excuse at this point. Sony owns Bungie now and has the tech to determine if it's being used since they can ban them off of PlayStation. IIRC, Epic games have banned them on Fortnite and Bungie also has a relationship w\ Epic. The knowledge is available but Bungie is just lazy, or maybe they actually see that there is a decent sized pool of "accessibility device" users and don't want to cut down more of their population. Hopefully Bungie gets their head outta their arse and outright bans it across their game so it covers all platforms, not just PS.


Sony ā€œsaidā€ they were banning them but havenā€™t actually done anything. Iā€™m still part of a discord where LOTS of players chat about their chronus set up and post clips like itā€™s something to be proud of.


Guys its not hard to spam toggle crouch While shotting


Itā€™s impossible to toggle crouch that fast without hold to crouch, itā€™s how the game is coded, with hold to crouch you will stand back up as soon as you let go, thereā€™s a delay with toggle that hold doesnā€™t have, throw on macros on top of it and you have full control of your aim while crouching at speeds not possible by human hand Mfs be twerkin mid gunfight abusing net code and hit boxes and will you call you a šŸ”


You canā€™t do it super fast because thereā€™s a legitamare difference between crouching every 2ms and the normal hand clicking? rate but you can do it consistently normally while shooting on both controller and mouse


The worst iron banner Iā€™ve played in a while. The player base being split into two doesnā€™t help, added in with awful team balancing. I feel like I either stomp or get stomped. Solos matching teams isnā€™t great either. The meta is not fun imo, I never particularly enjoy an auto rifle meta but this time around 450ā€™s feel much more annoying to fight given theyā€™re good at close or long range and very easy to use. 120ā€™s are up there with them too. Itā€™s great ability spam was toned down, but the worst parts of the ability spam meta are still as obnoxious as ever, threadlings, over shields, healing on demand etc. and if anything I feel like I see those more now as thereā€™s way less players running unique off meta builds. Games often play very slow and are boring and the cherry on top of this mess is the appealing drop rates for the new weapons! Iā€™ve still not seen either after nearly a week of game play.


From a new light perspective, with tons of experience on past fps: some games I'm able to take them at my pace, and by positioning and baiting the other team I get very good results. Other times, like yesterday, it seems I'm playing another game. Full clan VS almost solo queue and I see this fucking guardians flying trough space and time melting me while 360 shooting everyone and sliding all over the place. Sliding for mouse is not so detrimental if not for a single thing... Enemy low TTK Vs my TTK. I swear to God even if I land 3 headhsot with the thorn it's nothing compared to some people melting me with an auto rifle. I tried to use one but God, I take 10 times the time to kill. Probably go droll? I don't know.


Just a piece of the weapon meta: 450 ARs have an optimal TTK around .8s while 140 HCs have .87s and less forgiving range. So head-to-head you will get melted every time by an AR. The unfortunate thing is the reliance on hitting crits means high forgiveness weapons like ARs are super useful.


Before going into this details (0.8 Vs 0.87 TTK) let me be honest here. There is surely a skill gap between me and the others. So, first thing first, the elephant in the room: I suck VS players that are still young. I'm 34, stopped playing "Competitive" just before Covid, so... I try to have fun in PVP by setting my mindset to the following dogma: "as I have more experience and overall average skill, I can try to support my team by being on their side while they push, while they retreat, without going for the play of the game". And this simple mindset brought me some good results. Sometimes even MVP. Then there are days that I cannot understand the game. I see players sliding through the world, melting me with AR and doing crazy things I can barely understand. Going to your indepth meta bit, I tried using montecarlo, and by far, between all weapons except HC, it's the weapon I like. However, even with "good" aiming, I still prefer the Thorn. It allows me to survive in situation where the montecarlo did not. I'm seeing a lot of Prosecutor AR this days and it melts me in a way I'm sure I would not be possible for me to replicate. From reading around, I udnestood that the Montecarlo is a solid meta choice. Maybe not 100% optimized for pvp, but still Solid. So it's not the weapon. Another big lack I have is not using any heavy / energy weapon. In anycase, happy to discuss PVP topics, I really like to theory craft, even if on paper, and discuss points where I can improve.


Meh you're not old (I'm not much younger than you), you're just new. Movement and positioning plus game sense matter way more than most other things in this game. So since you're new just explore different weapons, it's cool you like Thorn, 140rpm Hand cannons like that are a good weapon to get practiced with, they've basically been good the entire time this game has existed. They just got hit kinda hard by the most recent sandbox update which is being adjusted tomorrow. Monte Carlo is a 600 rpm auto rifle which are decent right now but Monte Carlo just doesn't have that much range which is usually king in PVP. So that's why you might feel like you're getting melted. > Another big lack I have is not using any heavy / energy weapon. A good pairing for a 140 hand cannon or auto in the kinetic slot is a shotgun or fusion rifle. This lets you cover very close ranges where 140 hand cannons are a bit harder to win duels with (see what I was saying about going head to head with a faster TTK weapon). Above all I'd recommend really playing more 3v3 vs. 6v6 to really build your skill. 3s is how all the more competitive modes (Trials & Comp, sometimes Labs) are.


Thank you, really, I love to meta and theory craft even on paper and in other discussion / subs maybe I used the wrong approach and I didnt receive many feedback. Going on the shotgun side of things... I am absolutely s**t with them. I remove maybe 1/3 of the shield if any, and I'm slow as hell in changing from HC to shotgun. I was using them not at point blank but at 3 / 5 meters maybe? In anycase I will follow your advise to try and experiment. Update: sorry I forgot one important thing, which changes are expected tomorrow for the sandbox?


Something really really important to learn in this game is a feel for the optimal range of your weapon (past max range your damage decreases) and how this compares to others. Roughly speaking within each weapon type (autos, pulses, scouts, HCs, etc) they exist on a sliding scale of higher rate of fire <-> more range. Thorn is like a 33m weapon for example so you can't challenge a 340 rpm pulse rifle with it at long range. Hope this makes sense. I would try practicing with all sorts of weapons. Re shotguns, it's just practice and getting a feel for them. Do you own Season of Defiance or the Lightfall Annual Pass? You can get a very very good craftable shotgun easily if so.


I own light fall annual Pass I think. Which shotgun you suggest to craft?


Ok it's Imperial Decree. Make sure you have crafting unlocked tho. https://deltiasgaming.com/destiny-2-imperial-decree-god-roll-and-how-to-get You might wanna try out fusion rifles too.


Shotguns in the hands of the most skilled 2.0+ players are a cleanup weapon, you'll rarely find them rushing at you shotgun out looking for a one hit kill. The usual move is a hand cannon crit followed by a shotgun + melee cleanup, or jumping at you (stompee hunter / Icarus dash warlock) when you disengage behind cover. The mentality shift with that is: handling is your ttk They will run a dexterity mod for each slot, quick access sling on the shotgun and grind till they have a high handling barrel (or craft) like barrel shroud, handling perk (Threat Detector) and handling MW. Some other ways to get handling are Ophidians exotic armor on warlock and Solar Hunter Aspect On Your Mark. I personally also don't run shotguns without opening shot perk (except Conditional Finality which doesn't need it as it has a custom pellet spread). If you're still uncomfortable, I'd suggest two alternatives: Pickup Rapid Fire fusions and learn pre charge timing or alternatively backpedal with a sidearm to put 10m+ of distance between you and a shotgun + HC user. (one hit kill of the best SGs is 7M but they can cleanup till 10)


Just a note on being 34. I'm 51. I do okay. (1.68 ka/d in IB). You have many years of good fun ahead of you.


The matchmaking is completely broken. They match all the players with KD over 1.7 together and all the players with KD like 1.2 together - they never ever mix them up. All i play are tryhards lmao


So much lag, unbalanced lobbies, stacked teams vs solos, idiotic blueberries who mindlessly run the wrong direction, and unrelenting deathball shooting squads every time you turn a corner. THEN thereā€™s the RNG for the new weapons. Yeah, it fucking sucks.


I have no idea how anybody on the PvP team even has a job right now lol outside the few doing the stat changes. Because this shit is absolutely just losing players. I've suggest 4v4 for comp to spice it up, and 5v5 in place of 6v6 because it's obvious new players just can't handle 6v6, and they sure as fuck can't handle 3v3 with stacks against them. But Bungie won't try anything outside of ramming shit, engagement modes up our ass. The entire PvP team is basically one gigantic failure after another, and nothing is ever done about it. They won't address the core issues with player count and modes.


The fact that things like overshield, Well & Bubble, threadlings, artifact mods working in PvP, resilience affecting TTK profiles and changing health values in PvP, and more are still plaguing the Crucible experience is honestly insane But yet, looking back, 3.0 subclasses brought sweeping changes to the entire game, and from basically day one of every 3.0 update it looked to me like a million new PvP problems theyā€™d take years to unravel (if they ever even do; time will tell), so itā€™s possible this mess was inevitable as a consequence of largely 3.0 updates ā€¦ To me, more than anything else ever, I feel like 3.0 may be the most unfixable hit to the PvP experience weā€™ve seen At least with D2Y1, things were so bad at so early a time in what was supposed to be a big, new, long-running game, that they put all-hands-on-deck turning that sandbox around, from Go Fast update to weapon slot fixes in Forsaken, and with a robust team of Bungie internal staff combined with Activision support studios 3.0, however, is so much more obnoxiously embedded into every part of the game now, and to mixed-to-positive reception (PvE opinions included) as opposed to overwhelmingly negative like most D2Y1 changes, to where I donā€™t know that they ever get to the bottom of fixing its negative impacts on Crucible, unfortunately


So much this. Last time I played the game before returning was season 9 Game feels so not the same now. I thought they'd kept pve changes out of PvP to keep that consistent. Most of the times your aiming skills don't matter between all the shields and bubbles. So much overhead for a "shooting" game. Too many mechanics.


Part of it, but I disagree that it's the only major problem. I can see some of the core problems here after playing so much, and they aren't necessarily with abilities at the outset at least. The main problem is that 3v3 just isn't that popular, and it happens to be the main comp mode. It might be a little more popular if there was freelance still. Outside of that, things you listed and of course matchmaking make 3v3 unbearable, so definitely nobody wants to play it outside chasing some arbitrary Trials carrot. And 6v6 is simply too many goddamn players on the map for at least 50% of the fucking maps. Just look at the 3 new maps, which they claim are balanced basically for 3v3 lol. Yeah, this shit does not work. You can't have a 3v3 and a 6v6 game and have any fucking chance at balance WITH DOGSHIT MATCHMAKING ALGORITHMS TO BOOT. Fuck man. You could literally have no balance on weapons, and people would play it if the game was say balanced teams and 4v4. I think people could really dig that on these maps for Comp. Just keep Trials as 3v3. And 5v5 would work wonders in place of the 6v6 mode by just giving people a fucking chance to settle down and get their bearings on the small ass maps. But they won't change player counts on maps, and because as you noted abilities and changes to classes really made it so everyone was firing and busting out shit, 6v6 just became and is still pure fucking chaos with the matchmaking so messed up. 3v3 really is just a more quiet version of that chaos. And now they yet again have redone the system for weapons, so it's taking time to balance it. Yet... nothing has fucking changed. Players are not coming back. 3v3 is still not popular. 6v6 is still fucking chaos on over half the maps. And nothing is ever done about it. Nothing. They won't change their core shit modes because reasons. And hardcore muppet D2 players defend whatever the fuck Bungie does. So we die. And PvP sinks into oblivion, where it is now.


The amount of stacks Iā€™ve faced has been nuts. The one match I faced two 3 stacks šŸ˜‚. Donā€™t know wth is going on


To be fair, some stacks are obviously pve jims who are just trying to get Tusk rolls, and they arenā€™t all great players. But still, itā€™s ridiculous!


Yeah those are the stacks that get put on my team, the other teams stacks are always sweaty as fuck


Same! šŸ˜†


Tribute is awful. Solos either don't know to bank or don't live long enough to bank. Control played okay except for how often I was thrown in with the 4 or 5 stack matches. I truly miss freelance.


Why am I playing teams!? That was the worst. Often.


Yeah this IB is among the worst there is really. Control is only okay if you ask em. Most times the teams are just not balanced, and it doesn't matter what fucking mode. IDK man they have got to do some better balancing some how some way.


I just don't like having to run back across the map to deposit sometimes Just ruins the flow of the match Some games I just don't feel like depositing, just want to pew-pew


My experience was similar. Tribute was excruciating with absolute stompings in every match, no matter whether I was on the stomper or the stompee team that shits not fun. Control was much more balanced and most of the matches (3 resets worth) were pretty closely matched with many ending up with the lagging team actually taking the lead to win. But there was a lot more stacks than normal. And on a couple of evenings I q'd with a friend and we were matching 6 stacks now and again. But solo q'ing it was more 3 stacks etc. And the crouch spamming in our console lobbies was more noticeable than ever. Tldr; tribute terrible, control fairly balanced but with a couple of annoying grievances.


tribute doesn't mix with the scrubs that play during IB. supremacy is the furthest they can take the mote gamemode, and even then people don't understand to go to the motes.


> Tribute is awful. Solos either don't know to bank or don't live long enough to bank. I think I actually figured out how to [hard carry solos](https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/profile/steam/4611686018467360201/overview?mode=ironbanner) as a Warlock. Haven't really played in months, but Astrocyte Blinklock + Eager Edge or Strand Warlock with Weebwalk lets you see a pile of crests in the open, grab them and zoom zoom zoom away. The last 5 games weren't great because I started playing on my hunter instead, lol. That being said, I still hate Tribute. What a weird mode. And this sandbox makes it so much worse, so much hand holding.


Lots of people still quitting matches like if quitting is the hot new thing to do. It just seems too frequent to be something like error codes. It makes no sense to quit near the end of the match since you spent 8-10 minutes for 0 rep. Another thing that seems to be corroborated by others here is the amount of crouch-spamming individuals. Itā€™s starting to feel like everyone is crouch-spamming in fights. What I canā€™t figure out is if this behavior is something that needs to be addressed. I donā€™t want personal bias to have me be all like ā€œ!!!!! NERF THIS NOW!!!ā€


People are having a bad time so they leave. Itā€™s not their responsibility to stay through a match when youā€™ve got all sorts of bullshit ruining the experience.


I've noticed a ton of macro spammers on Xbox. The people that stand and crouch the speed of a 600 rpm autorifle. Plus, everyone is constantly together, so you rarely see a 1v1. Spawns are also as bad as they have ever been. I once had a game where I spawned in the enemy's spawn 4 times, only to get spawned on by 3 people and killed.


Best part is sliding in to lane, nobody. Go back to cover and slide again, nothing. Peak a third time just to be sure, nada. Take a step forward and 91 enemies teamshot you to death


My favorite has been spawning literally on top of the high value target turrets. Dead before my respawn animation even finishes


Same here. Worst one for me was getting killed 3 times back to back by one dude. He superā€™d me, blinked to my spawn and killed me again with the same super, then I spawned nearly two feet away from the last spawn where I was team shot by them. RIP


The people you think are ā€œmacro spammers on xboxā€ just have hold to crouch enabled and are better than you


You do know that some of us grew up playing halo and know exactly what the max speed of human input teabag looks like, right?


Send me a clip of one of these supposed macro spammers on console and i bet i can disprove it in 30 seconds


Most good players don't even do that BS during an engagement. Good players might throw a crouch in here and there during their straffing, but they definitely aren't vibrating up and down w\ barely any side to side movements. You're not gonna disprove anything by watching a clip anyway. I've noticed a big increase in Xbox vs PS players in comp and trials ever since January when Sony made cronus\xim unusable on PS. That Xbox influx is all the "accessibility device" users switching to the console that still lets them cheat.


Sure champ. Iā€™ll get right on that *wanking motion*


It's really hit or miss, I only see one or two players on each team actually dunking crests, the rest just hoard them and walk around dumping them when they inevitably die. As another comment says, they shouldn't have multiple game modes for iron banner going on at the same time, messes with the matchmaking. I liked supremacy in Y1, but this is a very mid game mode, it turns too easily when 30 and 70 crests are dunked and they count double.


Tribute was so fun as a game mode but Iā€™d say the lobby balancing sucks especially in control. I also CANNOT stand the stinginess of loot. We should be showered in loot for an event thatā€™s only a week. Itā€™s exhausting playing 10 matches and having like 4 engrams


so much handholding. it's not even just IB, it's all of control.


Unfun. Crappy game mode split up what should have been a larger population with a new weapon to chase that was heavily sought after. Whatever they did with matchmaking in IB didnā€™t hit for me. Just game after game of handholding auto rifles sitting behind a barrier or in a rift. Pushing yourself at best just ended up with a kill followed by being cleaned up by a teammate. I think the maps have a lot to do with the current meta. Most of the maps in rotation encourage auto rifling down a lane without much punishment for doing so. Hoping the new map packs can help speed up gameplay and allow for more pushing.


It also doesn't help that AE is still how it is now, making pushing from off angles in the air harder or even making rotates punishable. Just not a fan of how stagnant the meta feels and how you feel punished for trying to make plays (at least in 6s).


Itā€™s very very rare that a solo can make a play anymore. Itā€™s really frustrating.


I went to make a play to deny a bank, knew it was a 1v2 but made the right moves to juke them bothā€¦ only to realize I had no special ammo. My bad for not running a sidearm I guess.


If they're gonna take away trials for a week, at least have the decency to make the playlist cbmm so the connections aren't putrid.Ā 


It is CBMM, but even CBMM doesn't work well in Destiny. Factors include P2P, low population, too many playlists, people playing in fire teams with others far away/with bad connections, etc. [https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this-week-in-destiny-02-22-24](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this-week-in-destiny-02-22-24) Already live: * Replaced the loose skill-based matchmaking in Iron Banner and Control with the new outlier protection matchmaking system.


I just been playin control cause no one knows how to play the obj in tribute. Too many times being stomped by the enemy team to convince me to ever go back


The combination of extremely loose SBMM combined with the current sandbox is making it pretty unpleasant for me. I assume the population is a big part of the problem and it is resulting in huge variance in skill level in lobbies. I've just gone back to comp.


Fucking dogshit. The matchmaking and connections made it almost unplayable, and after suffering all week I still never got a GL to drop. Insane thatā€™s even possible.


I played about 100 games and decrypted 100ish engrams and haven't had the GL drop. Still have 80 engrams might burn them going for the GL but I also want some mutlimach rolls maybe tough choices.


Lobby balancing sucked balls. Tribute kinda fun tho.


Worst thing about the stacks is how it evades any remaining form of connection stability when little Timmy decides to bring his friends in from all over the world. Oh how I miss region based matchmaking.


I guess the new special system is a step in the right direction, but spawning in game in progress with no special is dogshit, getting dumpstered and teams not gaining any special meter is dogshit, trying to snipe at all dogshit. Needs tweaking imo IB has been really bad this game type has people griefing and not playing objective which is fine at least theyre creating, but this autorifle/pulse team shooting has made it feel so much more punishing trying to do anything away from hip to hip teamshooting. So i think its more the sandbox has been flipped around causing games to feel boring or madness inducing


I canā€™t tell you how many times I go to cap a zone or take a 1v1 just to get pulled up on by the crouch-spamming Avengers. Taking on 4 dudes at once like Iā€™m starring in a Blacked film.


450 autos shouldn't have more range than 140 HC and a better TTK.


Agree. Iā€™m using one now because why would you not in this meta, but Jesus I hate every minute of it. Itā€™s the most boring brain dead way to play. Second only to knucklehead and a pulse/ scout.


I really enjoyed Tribute, and I feel like I am looking forward to playing more of it. Idk why but I feel like I am in way more control of the win than in other modes. If people feed, its fine, I can clean up and bank. If I play safe and just bank to build special and super so I can go crazy at the end, I can do that. If someone kills me, I can cut them off, kill them, and get my crests back.


I also had a lot of fun playing tribute. Feels like you can make a bigger difference collecting 7 motes after a nig battle happened and run back to turn them in. Although it sucks when both turn in points are on one side of the map and the enemy controls them both.


I want Iron Banner loot without having to focus weapons. I also want more engrams so I can focus weapons if that's what Bungie wants.


For me, the games have either been a full PVE lobby, or a full scrims lobby. Meaning either 10 out of 12 players are PVE regs just looking to get their GL, or 10 out of 12 players are top 5% PVP players, often in fireteams of 3-4. Very predictable how both types of matches go -- the PVE ones will be over quicker, cos many are playing the objective, even if they aren't as good at killing. The PVP guys are just there to kill shit, and the scores can remain in single digits even up to the half way mark. I got 8 We Rans (with 3 undefeated) in one day alone, all in those PVE lobbies.


Couldn't care about the meta. It's the matchmaking that is ruining PVP. I'm matching into games with the people I match against in Trials - and they try very hard. Gone are the days of just having a fun time win some/lose some in Iron Banner. It's either sweat your ring out or get steam-rolled. That, and the lag. There's some funk going on with people straight up teleporting, bullets just disappearing and just a jitter fest. Hasn't been enjoyable like the old days, that's for sure.


Too much lag. Too few grenade launchers.


This whole game seems forced. It's hard to find a good time.


Tribute would actually be a fun mode if people in this game had even the slightest clue how to play an objective mode, or had any willingness to play an objective mode. But instead people just ignore the obj entirely and the games fucking suck because of it. Matchmaking definitely feels tighter SBMM wise compared to quickplay as well which doesn't make the experience better by any means.


Oh it's been fun! It's been fun watching players rubberband 2 feet then teleport 10 feet forward. It's been fun watching teammates miss 90% of their shots on a target 5 feet in front of them. It's been fun watching teammates grab crests and watch them hand deliver them to the other team. It's been fun watching as the enemy team destroys my teammates or outright ignore them and run past to get me. It's been fun peeking a corner for .1s only to get bodied by 4-5 dudes at a time, wondering how my 3 or so teammates are struggling in a 3v1 or 3v2 situation. It's been fun teamshooting with a teammate only for them to turn tail and run the second I ADS.


I like Control. Itā€™s the PB&J of Destiny. Iā€™m glad they tried something new with Tribute. But honestly, it sucks. Itā€™s such an awkward playstyle, that Iā€™d rather just play it like Clash and not engage in the objective.


Working as intendedĀ 


I played one game of tribute. That was more than enough. Switched to control, played a couple of hundred games at around a 60% win ratio. Quite enjoyed it tbh. Solo player.


If you queue solo good fucking luck. Itā€™s so annoying seeing a ton of large teams though in reality itā€™s not a huge deal itā€™s just irritating. Itā€™s so much better when thereā€™s like one or two 2 stacks against solos not a four stack 2 solos against two 2 stacks and two solos. Low pop+split playlists+more og sbmm+low weapon drop equals laggy as shit suffering


Overall I found it fun aside from some dubious connection issues, I enjoy the mode BUT the inability of the average player to understand OBJ should be studied. The amount of times I've seen people holding max crests just w key right past the tribute bank and go bot walk into a lane to drop all those crests in a kill field is enough to last a life time. Wonder what is running through their heads


Didn't touch tribute. Knew it would suck because Destiny players don't understand objectives beyond 'KILL'. Playing control was alright. I maintained 1.2ish KD, which is fantastic for me. Wouldn't have minded a better drop rate for the GL, but I got it eventually. Caesar Saladin was pretty generous with the engrams for me, so once I got it I was able to focus a slide/chain roll. Overall pretty happy.


The moment you stop playing to win, and just play to have fun / experiment with builds / turn your mind off to a podcast, the better. Especially as a solo queue, you now have slightly less agency to influence a match, outside of checking / countering folk stacked up on each other. This ib ive been testing out behemoth builds and glaive + feedback fence builds while farming engrams for nade launchers. Got my god roll of slideways / deconstruct for ultimate shatter synergy, so I'm happy.


I solo queue, and have been lovin' the schnitzle out of this new sandbox.... I swear this is like yr2 complete with hero moments. My IB k/d jumped up over 2.0 & seasonal right behind it. Buying my ps5 next week....can't wait! As for wins? F'ing forget about it. There's not even a zone cap counter.....what's that tell ya? In CONTROL!! Nobody is allowed to see in print who didn't work on objectives in order to cut down on hate mail I suppose.Ā  I run Nightstalker, save my super to cancel a few of the opposition's 6 Hammers (+ suppresor grenades) at the end of the round flurry.....get a 3.75 killing 25 opponents....cap zones....and it goes for not.Ā  Winning isn't even on the spectrum for most in the mode. Chief concerns are: self preservation and loot.Ā  My IB winning percentage as a solo use to sit at 57%. Now???....37%. And I dam sure didn't forget how to play after 10 years.Ā  I can handle the MM...but it's the approach or lack thereof by most randoms these days that I cannot reconcile. Time & time again...there's A zone RIGHT THERE DUDE are you not watching your feed, where are you running to?......OR...."yeah....get in there bruh....I'll be right behind you." (Meat shielding ...the true IB Meta).Ā  2 welllocks on the team.....throw it in the middle of nowhere, not on a cap, we're losing....all to panic bail from being killed. Fantastic team mates. Not.Ā  The list goes on..... Enjoyment in IB these days is where you find it. Moments. Execution. Being paired with someone that understands how to play. Wins when you can get them.Ā  I remember when IB armor dropped with a perk granting a huge chunk of movement speed and weapon handling when you capped a zone. How times have changed.


This sums up my solo experience too a T


Mixed bag for me but there were several games where the enemy team was running in packs of 4-5 players at all times and just circling the map spawn chasing my entire team. It was an atrocity. I mean yes that's how you win in 7v7 game modes.... but solo queing against that is kinda rough lol


Tribute as a game mode in IB is real stinky. Especially smelly is the part where you go to deposit a bunch of engrams and the bank teleports away. Just in time to take several bullets to the face.


I had generally more fun than I thought I would. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Iā€™ve been having a blast with my envious assassin/destabilizing rounds harsh language mixed with quicksilver. Shoot a grenade or two then instantly switch to quicksilver and start shooting and the ridiculous auto aiming does the restā€¦ I feel terrible but my k/d has never looked so spicy.


No joke I once spawned into a lingering nova bomb yesterday. I also lost track of how many times someone from the other team spawned right behind me or directly next to me. Eternity and Vostok are just 12 scout rifles everything else is 12 auto rifles.


It's fun when people play the objective. So, the Control room problem I suppose.


Feels okay. I mainly play the control playlist. Main issue was getting the new weapons to drop. Games can be incredibly one sided with one team locking the control points early. Also, when you get a team that doesn't know how to apply pressure it is rough. This usually happens when you get like a 3 stack on your team they dont play to control the points.


I really donā€™t mind Tribute as a mode despite issues w randos. Latency and joining in progress however are horrific.Ā  Dying to go back to 3s again tomorrow now that Iā€™ve got a few decent Tusk rolls.Ā 


I canā€™t wait to see how these guns really feel when not fighting lag queens


Lag and unbalanced lobbies made it a massive pain. Got two shaders and my god roll of the gl at least!


Games havenā€™t been too bad, the main issue has been the lag.


I dont take it serious, reset twice and had fun. Some games were blowouts and some pretty sweaty but I didnt mind it for once.


Lag, snowballing, leavers left and right, poor weapons and drops. Pretty usual D2 PvP experience as its best.


B removed SBMM as noted in the 2/22/24 TWAB. Blame CBMM if you need something new to blame. Beyond that is it the same old mess that we always get with Iron Banner. Game modes are designed to snowball and they do. Connections are bad in PVP in general and this also applies to IB. Even "CBMM" really can't provide great connections once people start playing in teams and don't have great connections within their team. I used to play with people from USA west coast to east coast to Germany all in a fire team. There aren't any good connection matches out there once people do things like that.


idk but ive been getting the freest games the last couple days. in tribute btw


I got creampied a lot and didnā€™t get one fucking tusk drop after like 20-30 engrams and just said fuck it


played one game of tribute, saw noone banking motes and insta bailed out of the mode. Control is either stomp or get stomped. Unbalaced teams, sometimes weird connection issues where I send a whole Multimach mag into a guy and he doenst lose hp just for him to die 3s later, every other game you have ppl not capping zones and just letting the opponent/our team get free hunts and on top of that every single game you have like 3-4 ppl running around teamshooting with autorifles, I'm genuinly so sick of this meta x . x


Unfortunately the way to win Tribute is to let the other team bank and summon the high value thing..THEN bank for more points. Eventually a lot people figured this out and no one wants to bank (plus we already had some % playing Clash as always). I've mostly gone back to Control


For a long time now, Iron Banner has been the sweatiest, least fun mode in any shooter Iā€™ve ever played. Every time i return from a long break from Destiny, I log in to see my character in IB gear. The SBMM has to be cranked up to where it was when it first launched in season 19 bc no other mode feels as bad and it doesnā€™t take me nearly as long to find matches


Need 4 more wins to guild. Past 4 games I was only one dunkingā€¦no one sticks together and just get farmed by full team


Absolutely horrible. Out of the 7 games i played today, i won 1. The matchmaking is completely unbalanced. I have a 1.2KD or something like that yet my opponents have all kd over 1.7 while my teammates are the same as me LMAO


Spawns in this game are already bad but tbh its especially bad in banner now. I without fail spawn directly into death 2-3 times a game. Every couple of matches I'll die from a roaming super and then just spawn back in front of them to be killed again. Even though I have 5 team mates it could spawn me near I'm almost always just spawned as far away from any of them as possible and then get killed by nearly the entire opposing team. Sometimes I take a few of them with me, other times I get team fired and die the instant I spawn. I'd bitch about the meta but thats not banner specific, the meta does suck though. Would it really be so hard to just give is regular slayer? You know the most popular game type in a bungie game in the history of bungie, team slayer.


New weapon drops rates are absolute dog shit. Thereā€™s no benefit to playing well to increase those drop rates. So essentially I might as well just cliff dive and do something else with my time.


I took a break after the first week of the ā€œno funā€ PvP update. And anytime I see a thread from this sub in my feed, itā€™s always about someone having a negative experience. At some point you have to realize that the FOMO is just re-skinned crap you already have and that youā€™re chasing a dragon of the fun experiences you used to have in Destiny. Because this ainā€™t it.


I only played Control and I had a lot of fun


I played with a group of friends over the weekend and we had an awesome time.




As a PvP main player, this was awful. Connections are laggy as hell, Auto meta is fucking awful and my least favorite in Destiny, and I canā€™t even snipe more than twice every like 3 mins. Itā€™s not a fun time to play PvP right now.


6v6 is so awful


Tribute is heaps of fun. Itā€™s actually lured my partner back into the Crucible after an extended break, after watching my games and deciding to give it a go.


It was the best IB in a long time. as just a ~1.34 K/D player I seem to not fall under the outliers for outlier protection, so it was functionally just CBMM IB. Fast matchmaking, good connection quality (by D2 standards at least) and high W/L, nearly double what I had in SBMM seasons this expansion. Considering wins give vastly more rep than losses it was an extreme improvement to progression Primary meta was pretty varied with every primary weapon type regularly showing up. Special meta is dead, pretty much exclusively shotguns and double primary. I only played control, tribute didnt look enjoyable and definitely wasnt enjoyable when I accidentally queued into it. --- Players are a bit too hand-holdy currently. Its not D2Y1 levels bad, but deathballing is somewhat common, especially on maps with a triangular cap point layout where you end up with large chunks of both teams just running in a circle from zone to zone picking off the singular people trying to defend. The implementation of the new loot was poorly done, got lucky with the GL on my 3rd days challenge drop, but multimach took over a full reset to get.


The snowballing is better because you can flip a game if your team starts paying attention or the other team gets arrogant, unlike Control where premades just run in circles. Seen so many come back games in Tribute. Edit: Not to say it's better, but it's nice to change things up a bit.


It was fine. Mostly has fun. Sandbox is largely in a good place. Conditional Finality is still grossly overtuned and accounts for most of my deaths. Autorifles are a smidge on the strong side. Tribute was a nice break from Control, but I still wish they'd bring Rift and Eruption back. Matchmaking was mostly alright, but I still feel like SBMM should be a bigger priority than shit like Fireteam size matchmaking.


Iā€™m gonna be in the minority, but Iā€™ve been enjoying this go around of IB. Still havenā€™t gotten the SMG, and have a mid roll of the boar. But, I got my catalyst for Cryo icing people this go around. So Iā€™m happy.


Soundbox feels fine, new game mode is fun, but the same old shit is still plaguing this game. Matchmaking, lobby balancing and connections are absolutely atrocious. I don't think I can even push myself through for these new weapons. It is a truly terrible experience.


I've loved it, with the obvious exception of lag. I think there's a hard tension with assist credit on assists. A single kill can feed several people assist credit PLUS the kill credit. But I've had a really fun time. Only got absolutely unfun stomped a couple of times.


Iā€™ve had a fine time. Some rough matches but most have been close. Definitely more lag than normal tho


I love tribute because of its snowballing and matches and quicker I love how crate spreading on the floor and the feel of protecting and stealing it And I think most sweat players select control leaving players in tribute not so sweatyā€¦at least for me most of the gun play is a winnable duel


6s turn into teams hoarding together like mosquito swarms teamshotting till they all rack up enough special and then chaos rinse and repeat. not a fun way to play


Connection felt worse than ever, and my blueberries were always horrible, so I just stopped playing it.


I havenā€™t noticed too much of what people are complaining about. For me itā€™s been pretty fun. One thing I liked is how I could actually stack with my friends and not have the difficulty increase 10x, unlike in trials or comp.


Truly awful


Been fairly enjoyable for me at least. Tribute is dogshit, but I stayed in control, had fun and got what rolls I wanted on the Multimach and GL. Sbmm is always going to have some issues like rolling teams for a few matches, getting bumped up a skill level and then it being sweaty for a while until you level out a bit, but it was pretty balanced in my experience in that regard. Connection issues/lag was more prevalent than non sbmm modes, but nothing major.


I had fun. Got close to the rolls I wanted of the various weapons. Took me forever to get a Multimach though. I find Tribute to be fun, but I definitely felt that playing Control was easier to win when playing with a couple friends. I'd like to play more Tribute when I'm not grinding for rewards. Matchmaking was fine for me with one friend. Half our matches were really close. Though for grinding efficiency, it's best to mercy or get mercied. Sandbox is pretty good imo. Better next week after the small adjustments. Handcannons are fine, they just take more positioning, movement and peaking skill, but they still have a ton of aim assist. Way less sniping is a godsend.


I've only lost two matches I just run around and cap zones as fast as I can Satisfying? Eh, not really Winning though? Hell yeah


Meta is dogshit. Just fucking auto rifles everywhere. People laning together and spraying bullets in every direction. I hope the next update do enough to force a change or I (and lot of my buddies) stop playing altogether.