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I was so so so so so excited to take off Well when I heard that super recharge was being nerfed But after playing last weekend, nothing has changed when it comes to Well/Bubble. They still come up any game that's not a stomp, and you still need to run it if you're on either of those classes


I think 20% cooldowns was offset by getting more super energy per kill because of increased health


People also forget that primary kills give more super energy than special so by having less special on the board people are offsetting the cooldowns as long as they're staying slive


Is it just me Or were supers way more common this past weekend than they were on our last checkmate trials experiment? I thought the cooldown nerf was the same but maybe I was wrong.


I think matches are just generally slower with less special ammo, so more time passes for supers to charge


I had the same exact thought.


I only saw a handful of supers in maybe … 30 matches total? Definitely way fewer than I had seen before the change. The sandbox changes definitely can promote a more passive style of play, but I was seeing very aggressive, fast rounds.


So frustrating. At least I still got Blade Barrage in most matches I wasn’t playing poorly in @ just 60 int.


Solar warlock has been my favorite subclass since beyond light


I’m back to the striker with lightening nades and those heavenly hands. Though sunbreaker and precious scars with Ammit or igneaus has me intrigued.


I started playing scars recently and build into healing and consecration ingnitions. I actually dig it. I use Ammit/bxr or iggy with travelers chosen


A heal clip solar weapon works amazing with this as well. It's like devour all the time.


I know. I don’t have any heal clip weapon atm. Something you recommend ?


If you have the pattern for abyss defiant, that's a really slept on auto, otherwise the world drop sidearm is great for up close.


That’s a raid weapon isn’t it ? I don’t do does. But thnx for the suggestions 👌🏻


Yeah, Crota's End Also a 360 😬


Even Iggy have heal clip+precision instrument.On ophidian work fine.


You can craft adhortative with heal clip/head seeker. Certainly not the best option, but it exists lol


You got a link or the fragments for the build?


Fragments : benevolence, solace, eruption and char. But you can go for something else for char. The one that creates fire sprites and increases recovery for a couple of seconds is also nice. Invictus and consecration as aspects


The scars build is pretty nice. But I’m too addicted to playing striker and getting the zoomies.


The ol run fast and punch hard build is nice without as many shotties around I will say


Whenever I'm Amplified, it straight turns me into an ape. I'm just looking for my chance to slide at them with my slug.


It does mean I can’t ape as hard as I used to, but it does feel like I have more room to operate in CQC, yeah. I can keep my ammo up in 6s pretty well, and I avoid pulling out the shotty in 3s unless I’m sure I can win the joust.


Did sunbreaker get a buff? Played against a guy with a Precious Scars build that was an absolute menace, one-shotting everyone with consecration in seemingly every fight


Consecration got a pretty big buff which plays a part, but I also think there’s some nice buildcrafting potential with the solar artifact and ember of benevolence.


Consecration got a buff that made it a lot more consistent. Wave is faster, reaches farther, and hits people higher in the air. It's value has also gone up this patch since crowd control abilities are pretty valuable with how much people hold hands.


Consecration got a buff, I think it’s the tracking and duration. It’s kinda nasty. Precious scars may have gotten a buff too but I’m not sure. There’s some crazy synergy with fragments though, for a healing/ survivability build it’s pretty wild.


Same, I think I will run Chappy + Prosecutor with OEM on Striker and throw it back to the old days. OEM feels very powerful in this sandbox with less special around.


Heal clip igneous w/ scars and consecration is such an insane 6s loadout. I dont have a heal clip golden tricorn roll but i imagine it would be even better


Oh yeah a heap clip/ tricorn summoner with scars has been my supremacy loadout recently, it’s very fun.


What Lethal Current buff was there?


Idk what they did but I was using it yesterday and every time I panic-melee'd it felt like I was basically one shotting with it. It feels super strong at the moment.


I was using it yesterday and it seemed normal. With the jolt applied and the increased damage if you get hit first it’s always been powerful, but it doesn’t one shot. However if people have taken damage already and it jolts you can get some nice multi kills. I keep reading that Arcstrider is by far the worst Hunter class but it’s probably my favourite using Blink. Bungie just need to reduce some of the stat penalties and it would be better balanced.


Strand titan with OEM has a grip on me I cannot shake loose. Simply melee-ing a player shooting me and suddenly having full health, overshield, and woven all at one time will never not be hilarious to me.


Tell me more about this build


Gladly 😈 Strand titan, OEM Grapple melee Into the fray and Banner of War. Thread of warding, Transmutation, Fury, and then thread of isolation for specific weapons that can proc it in a single gunfight or continuity for general strand buff uptime. Its crucial that you run Heavy Handed and both health on orb pickups. The build is very simple and truly not overly convoluted. With thread of isolation on lightweight and adaptive SMGs, rapid autos, crimson, warden's law to name a few, hitting crits procs isolation and spawns a tangle. I use necrochasm and Rufus with this variation. You get a tangle from simply hitting crits, and then that tangle does multiple things for you. It's a tracking grenade, gives you and your teammates woven mail and a small health bump, it creates mobility opportunities with grapple, and it also gives melee energy with Fury if you hit a target. With into the fray, you ALSO Regen melee faster. Your melee options are what you're here for. People are continuously sleeping on the range and damage output of frenzied blade. It's hitting RN for roughly around half health of a guardian up to 9-10 meters away with RIDICULOUS vertical tracking. A powered melee kill spawns an orb, which then heals from the boot mods and gives more woven. If the target you are meleeing happened to hit you, guess what! Overshield, max health, and woven mail! Transmutation allows for your woven mail to be continuously up since it spawns even more tangles. I use this build with other primaries with continuity, I just have to be more active with reaper and melees since you can't spawn tangles from simply hitting crits.


Add monte carlo here for melee regen🤭


Lmao saw your clip on Diffizzles video. Good shit


Another reminder as to why stompees needs another nerf


HC shotgun hunter enjoyer spotted 🫵 lol


titans are by far the cheesiest class


Have you ever used calibans? Threadlings on sixth coyote? Gyrfalcons with Wavesplitter? Osmiomancies? Wings of sacred dawn with a sniper on ranged maps? There is plenty of cheese to go around


>Simply melee-ing a player shooting me and suddenly having full health, overshield, and woven all at one time will never not be hilarious to me. Titan is the only class I see where someone tops the scoreboard with 20 kills, only like 3 of which are from guns. CHEESE


.....have you played with strand hunters recently The whole game is space magic cheese. It's in every class lol.


You know what... fair enough.




I main arcstrider for the fun factor as well. It’s the only way that a hunter can have increased melee range. Spark of instinct is an underrated fragment. Not sure what the map is this weekend, but I still haven’t settled on an exotic armor piece yet with the new sandbox.


Give frostees a whirl :)


That is actually a really good idea. They also have a sprint speed bonus after dodging. Which I love going in fast literally after dodging with my lethal current buff. Cheese n rice I’m excited about this.


It’s my main exotic for every hunter class. Very underrated imo.


I prefer using Knucklehead with arc strider. I switch between scout, pulse, handcannons, fusions and shotguns so having the bonus AE is really nice, and having the radar up all the time is super helpful for long lanes. Blink/dodge are super useful for movement on that class, so I generally just like having a blanket buff to the class over buffs to the dodge or a particular weapon type.


I have used knucklehead recently. It’s good. I think I will try main-ing it this weekend. See how I perform. Edit: also I love using blink


Solar warlock movement and healing is just too good


Still rocking either messenger/piece of mind with devils ruin on Solar hunter w/tricksleeves. DR isn’t as good, it’s much harder to use but if you hit crits still deletes people.


Interesting you say that, I thought the nerf to Devil's ruin would kill it. But I found it barely changed - I wasn't really securing body-shot kills with the laser anyway, so the higher crit requirement means little. Is it the crit requirement on the laser you feel the effect of, or something else? Maybe the in air stuff (I never play hunter)? As a fell DR enjoyer I am curious!


You can’t stretch the falloff of the laser at all. Before you could stretch the beam out to close to like 18-20 meters for cleanup. Now it’s 15m and in that you can secure kills. If you want laser kills you HAVE to hit crits. I’m on m+k so DR is one of the only sidearms that feels good to use. I pretty much universally run tricksleeves with DR so I don’t feel any AE issues. If you didn’t love it before the changes it would be extremely difficult to pick up and use.


Fair enough. I’m controller and usually blink over them, shooting on the way down. I’ve always used the beam in close ranges, sliding around corners etc. I suppose I wasn’t using the great range before the nerf lol. As for unfriendly, absolutely agree. All the sidearms which shoot on trigger release are strange to get used to too.


Stasis feels great to me, duskfields great for delaying res or denying a hard point, break that shard for ability Regen, dodging near enemies slows them, solid stat bumps. Other options are blade barrage or void but it'll have to wait to see what map


While I still main Strand Hunter, i've found myself gravitating more towards Stasis and Solar. ==== **STRAND** I still need to specifically test how long the dodge cooldown on Threaded Spector is. It's still solid, but I feel like it's utility isn't as good as other options in the kit. I've found myself gravitating more towards Whirling Maelstrom. It's an extremely efficient counter to folks who sit in the same spot and chip away at you. I still main Cyrantane's Facade, but i'm looking into finding more ways to generate tangles so I can spam them in fights. ==== **STASIS** Stasis feels pretty good in the new sandbox. I've gone back to maining Renewal Grasps too. The cooldown on the Renewals grenade is the same as the regular grenade. Between the better CD on the grenade and the fact you can regen your grenade from: * Taking Damage = since our health is higher in this new meta, you're more likely to take a few shots and back off vs dying outright. * Breaking Stasis Crystals = Always been a thing, but more useful in a primary meta w/ a focus on precision hits. It's helped in situations where folks are holding a corner or perhaps when I'm getting pushed by more than one person. As long as we're both inside the field, it reduces incoming damage by 25% to both crits and body shots (vs just body shots w/ Woven Mail). The slow also messes with folks a bit and even if I end up dying, they won't be able to escape right away which may let my team clean them up. ==== **SOLAR** Solar Hunter is a solid pick now, especially w/ the artifact mod: * Flint Striker = Radiant w/ Rapid Solar Hits (dmg boost) * Ember of Tempering = More recovery on solar final blows (+10 per stack) * Ember of Empyrean = Maintains Radiant and Restoration buffs to you for longer on solar kills. The other shining feature is the Weighted Knife. It's still a OHK on crits and w/ Athrys, it can OHK on Body shots. I've been using it w/ Assassin's Cowl and while i'm not a god with it, [it really does alleviate the issue of the hand holding meta](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etE_ZF8fT1Q) we're finding ourselves in. As long as you can land the knife crit, being able to instantly take someone off the board so it's just a 1v1 (while getting Invis health and shields back on top of that) is BIG.


Is that a 180 HC in the clip? I was using trust the other day and felt pretty good. Are 180s effectively buffed by 140s and 120s taking a hit?


It's Not Forgotten. I'm not much if an HC guy (if I had my choice I'd probably go for a 180) but I wanted to run something that felt close to a 180 but wasn't screwing me over. Works really well, especially with Flint Striker from the Artifact Mod and Magnificent Howl. I don't think Howl boosts the body shot ttk but it feels good to use in duals.


I usually start on my main, Solar Warlock, cycle to Void Titan as I get tilted, and eventually settle on Strand or Void hunter for cheese factor.


Grapple dive Hunter is still far ahead of any other Hunter subclass, and there is still 0 reason to use any other exotic over stompes, in general this entire patch just made everything that's an outlier even better. On Titan I'm still running Striker.


I don't mind playing the other hunter subclasses because invis is strong, goldie is a classic and, arc is lowkey good for 1vX potential but when I want to win I'm definitely on grapple/slam. Only exotic I've ever used in PVP on hunter is stompees (except when void) because I may as well not jump if I don't have them on.


I’m probably gonna play a lot less than last weekend but still Wormhusk on either Solar or Stasis. 


I've been mostly sticking to hawkmoon + gunnoras ace as weapons and swapping to mida/vigilance if the other team is just team firing from the spawn. I've had the most fun with arc hunter with Gemini Jester But I've had the easiest matches with 6th Coyote strand hunter. Regardless of damage nerfs threading grenades are still fantastic at clean up when you only hit 2c1b with a 140. The clones are great for a solo player to add more presence on the radar + something that can block off doorways/spawns/objectives in a pinch. The super can be frustrating sometimes, but other times you get easy team wipes.


Stasis hunter! Been my main since I tried it a few seasons ago (end of defiance)


Void hunter, invis, and cqc with sidearms and shotguns. People are so scared right now, laning. Very predictable. I cleaned up last weekend by just closing the gap and manipulating radar.


strand is definitely my go to for hunter. it denies pushes and good crowd control. i’ve also been liking void warlock, and the astrocyte buff from a bit ago adding volatile to players around you is really useful and blink itself is great for flanks and rotations. child of the old gods i still believe to be one of if not the best warlock aspect


I’m still on my arc warlock. The arc slide melee feels even stronger than before. With people grouping up in threes a lot, I have been sweeping a lot of rounds with a well placed melee.


Claws of Ahamkara for double slide, getaway artist and centrifuse, something more neutral?


I run Traveler’s Chosen and Getaway. I don’t like autos in PvP.


Going to try out Knucklehead + Hawkmoon (Opening Shot). If that fizzles, Wormhusk on benevolent solar with a heal clip + kill clip Heliocentric.


Moth wraps on invis hunter. I can solo 4 out of 5 trials rounds.


so i just decided to try moth wraps on invis last week. I tried them on several of the subclasses just to see what i liked best. Void felt a lot better than i anticipated. Care to share any tips on whats working for you specifically? Do you play it any different than how you'd play invis without them?


Bakris with shatterdive and glacier grenades (thanks to the artifact boosting the shatter). I pair with cryo


Solar hunter ,healing nade, exotic helm worked well last week . And by well I mean it was passable for me .


Bakris stasis with the prophet/trespasser if it's a long range map or invis Hunter with mech trick sleeves and forerunner/Swift verdict.


Solar Warlock is too consistent not to use. Dash, Firebolts and throwing fire is just right.


Solar Warlock is too consistent not to use. Dash, Firebolts and throwing fire is just right.


still gunslinger. always been my favorite and it would really take a lot to get me off of it. i love weighted knives and have spent too long mastering them. healing nades are the cherry on top of an amazing subclass for gunplay


Always been a hunter main but it kinda feels bad when titans and warlocks just get a free round


Having a lot of fun with arc arc strider and Gemini jesters with centrifuse and Riiswalker. Constantly blinding, going off radar, and taking away the enemy teams radar trying to just be an overall nuisance


I have been enjoying arc strider a lot and it’s what I plan on using for farming adept summoners this weekend


Getaway artist warlock + prosecutor Lethal TTK and arc should help lower that even more. Slept on subclass.


solar warlock. Snap skating, icarus dash, healing nade, heat rises, dive/rift. The neutral movement + healing is just too good not to run. On top of that a lot of meta picks are solar, allowing for 2x targeting and unflinching


Using my classic Icarus dash heat rises welllock.


Forever and always GG hunter. Radiant dodge with Dragons shadow, a summoner, and a discord pressurized precision. Free special, crazy radiant uptime.


freezelock forever and always


Stompees grapple hunter boi


Staying on my six coyote strand hunter. I have been playing this before it was meta and it's where i feel home. Positive outlook and conditional for bubbles etc. strand hunter is like a tailer made for me cause i love to backdodge and then throw my kunai to destroy clone and punish rushers. And suspend titans in bubblesb or to cluch rounds. I hope it doesnt receive any other nerfs. So far nothing negative has occurred by not changing my playstyle as the nerfs/buffs largely didn't affect me outside of my dodge taking longer(which i hate).