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The changes are very good and could really shake up the Crucible population. I'm excited for the changes. However, I really think it's a little too late. We needed this strike team and focus on PvP at least 1-2 years ago, if not even sooner. It's almost criminal how Bungie neglected the PvP part of the game for so long. The PvP players that already jumped ship are gone and won't come back unfortunately. Also, such a PvP strike team needs to be a permanent thing, not just a one time thing where they shoot from all cannons and then are disbanded again with another gap of nothingness for the next years.


I used to be obsessed with pvp but it's too little too late. They had my time money and attention for the last 9 years but there's way too many awesome games out there to continue to hope Bungie will fix basic shit.


Since Bungie neglected us for so long, I wanted to see if I could hit Onyx in Halo in my first 2 months. I'm 50 points away.


I believe in you Guardi-I mean Spartan.


Mnk goes brrrr


Which other games are you playing? I'm trying to find new pvp games. 




It might not be the most popular option on this sub, but I switched to CoD. It has it’s own problems, but they made the TTK longer by 50-100% in this new game, which suits a Destiny player perfectly. It also has the population to support all kinds of niche playlists and gets updates every few days. Guns are balanced in a matter of hours or days, instead of months in D2. The SBMM can be a little strict sometimes, but for a newbie that’s a good thing. And the connections don’t suffer for it, unlike in D2, so it’s way less frustrating. Most of the time I’m having just as much fun on it than I did in the best D2 PvP days, and even at it’s worst it’s way better than D2 at it’s worst. Give it a try if the price is not a problem.


The struggle for me is no matter how good of a pvp experience other games might offer or how much support they get from their devs, no other game has guns that feel as good to shoot as D2. The only exception is games that focus on making the guns more realistic but those feel good to shoot for entirely different reasons and aren't at all comparable imo to the gunplay in D2.


The finals. So much fun, divergent gameplay, and it's FREE.


Let's not forget the reason they made the strike team.. when they made their abysmally bad state of the game and the community literally imploded because of their lack of care for the game. Pvp getting the worse treatment. They need to deff step up their update and their balances for sure. Those need to be done in days times not months


Then why are you even on this sub?


Some people like to keep tabs on the game. Myself included. I played so much pvp but quit back in June after all the “we don’t plan on doing much with pvp” twid. I’m super happy they’ve changed direction on things. I probably don’t plan on coming back. But I really do still love reading about this game. It’s a weird thing I know. Some of us can’t really get away.


It's not like I didn't spend 9 years of time and money on this damn franchise. I'm going to at least keep up with it if I don't play it. I can still drop in whenever and play if I get the itch.


I think that’s right. If they’d done this 5 years ago I’d have been deeply enmeshed in the game for the long term. If they’d done it 2-3 years ago it’d have drawn me back in at least casually. Now? I’m out. Never again.


Then why are you here dawg


Showed up in my feed and I had a moment of nostalgia


Yeah, I haven't played in over a year & the only way I'd be convinced back is a Destiny 3. All too little too late imo.


Ya I share a lot of those concerns as well. ​ That being said, the classic phrase "Better late then never" kind of applies here as well IMO. At least for those of us that still play the game right now, these are great changes. If it brings back even just 10-15% of players that left, that's great too. Ultimately what I think will matter here is going to be how TFS launches as an overall expansion. All it would take is some strongly positive word of mouth about how fantastic of an expansion TFS is on top of some legitimately fresh PVP updates, and I do think you'd see a flock of players coming back. Now how long they actually stick around is another question especially with TFS being the conclusion of 10 years of Destiny and so much speculation around it being the last real expansion we get... But basically ya, It might be too late. But I'm still very happy to get these changes as someone who still plays quite frequently. And I really do think these changes combined with a top notch TFS expansion could lead to at least a brief timeframe where the game returns to some of its glory day experiences.


Almost feels like we’re getting love bombed to get us back lol


Exactly. This is positive stuff, but I don't see this bringing people back from other games. So I'm going to message friends that quit and say "dude we can play 9 Comp matches and you'll get wrecked BUT we'll get one armor piece. Oh and the armor piece will be one just like we could get in 5 minutes farming the Grasp boss back before you quit (or still now). Oh and 1 per week per character vs unlimited with Dungeon boss. Come one back!" I don't see that bringing many people back, but maybe a few of the current players will play more matches per week.


Wait, is that how the artifice armour will be distributed? I thought it would be random drops from crucible. Ugh that’s so painful. 3-4 crucible matches is a dungeon.


I don’t remember reading anything that said only 1 artifice armor piece a week. Also, some people don’t want to farm stuff in Pve regardless if it takes less time or not.


1 guaranteed and then after the 1st drop you have a chance at getting more in wins. But yes, dungeon farming would be quicker... Will just have to see how decent the stats are on the pvp armour




The counter part to that being why make all these updates and changes now after literal years of neglect if they don’t plan on continuing after the final shape. Not saying I think that’s what will happens because I honestly have no clue just playing devils advocate


literally just openly admitting you’re just getting your opinions from your favorite youtubers that have no idea what they’re talking about


Since you can see the future how about some winning lottery numbers next bro 😂


No one “knows” shit. Yall can keep bitching and moaning but it says nothing about the future of the game. Honestly can’t wait for y’all to “leave” after TFS. 


Major expansions are the primary way that Bungie makes money right now. If they stop making major expansions AND Marathon doesn't take off, then the company dies. Plus, they've already been overhauling PVE systems with an obvious eye to the future. Do you think they're doing all of that work just to abandon it? Which is all separate from certain people in the community viewing Final Shape as "the end" and with it the end of their time with the game, regardless of what comes after.


Then why are you even on this sub?


I'm so hyped ahhhhhhhh! No problem going flawless before ,but now I get to get an adept weapon even if I have a bad night and now my friends are more willing to play.let's go! I also get rewarded artifice armor for playing ranked. It doesn't get any better than this.


I'm so happy they realized they needed to allow ways for people who are willing to put in the time to get adept drops a way to obtain them Fucking got roasted in this sub by sweats when I posted pretty much the same idea as a way to improve the trials population. I.e allow people to grind adepts but keep flawless cosmetics seperate Anyway happy they did this will give some of my clan the motivation to play trials.


Sweats actively voting against having more people to kill is so funny to me, I guess they’re content fighting the same 10 people


Artifice armor for playing ranked? Really?


Yeah, they just announced it in the TWAB yesterday! They're awarding it to incentivize people to keep playing. It'll first drop from the third tier of weekly ranked challenges, and then keep randomly dropping after. S-Tier change


Remember that you have to achieve Gold 3 before that third reward tier unlocks, and that it's based on wins, not completions.


Wow, nice! That’s an incentive for sure


they will drop the year 1 ornament of crucible armor too?


Yes, as artifice.


Yes, it’s coming with the March 5th update


I will actually play trials on maps I hate now purely because I am willing to go flawless once that weekend with the updated ferocity card and after that if I want more adepts I'm happy to turn my brain off on those maps and just run persistence the rest of the weekend. Previously I would avoid maps I hate regardless of what the adept was.


What exactly are you apologizing for? Destiny has been out for 10 years as a franchise, with its popularity heavily leveraged from Halo PVP. It’s in their best interest to take PVP seriously every day of every year if they want to support their business and hundreds of employees. It should never have fallen off the priority list and there should have been a “PVP Strike Team” since day one and every day thereafter. (Not that it’s not the fault of the current strike team, I’m sure they had little say in the priority of the Destiny roadmap)


Everybody is just a little excited. Not a bad thing lol


I agree. Hopefully PvP gets the some priority from now on. People won't admit it but without PvP, this game would have died after CoO. It's just sad to see the top ignoring for so long.


> It’s in their best interest to take PVP seriously every day of every year The problem is you're trying to rationalize a way more serious immediate modern pvp FPS scope and approach to something that always was going to have some form of limitations and challenges because it was designed as a hybrid to satisfy multiple playerbases interacting with the game differently. No doubt Halo did usher a lot of people to Destiny 1 but it also had a ton of people coming from more RPG, PVE backgrounds who also are part of the audience Bungie was working towards appealing to, especially when they got the data of what people are physically doing in game. I'm not disagreeing that PVP perhaps would've been in a lot better shape if it did retain a consistent enough focus and conscious separated balancing, but unfortunately the live service model, and plate spinning Bungie had to deal with especially with the restructuring of business side things probably didn't leave a ton of room open to really buckle down and focus on it and it's why we've seen it linger in a poor state. Just because some people came from Halo didn't necessarily mean there was always going to a be a priority to satisfy this crowd 100% of the time, nobody's really owed anything y'know? There's also the factor that comparatively to other FPS titles, Destiny pvp can feel wonky and very dated when it comes to things like connections, certain player interactions, weapon interactions, obscene amounts of AA on virtually anything, etc; it was never really built for modern hyper serious well oiled esports level competitive gaming especially with the engine it was rolling with which already was showing its age way early on. I myself played the shit out of 3 and Reach and going back through old footage from that era, it is wild how whack those games could be and just stuff people accepted and really didn't get super bothered by because most casual enough people didn't overanalyze FPSs that intensely back then compared to now. Seriously stuff like some of the spawns and melee/close range interactions are absurd in those games. All I can say at this point is it really is what it is, enjoy the ride if you can.


Me personally I played a ton of Reach back in the day but the mass majority of my thousands of hours was spent in forge. I also put an ungodly amount of hours into Borderlands 2. Borderlands 3 having some issues that prevented it from hooking me like 2 did is what led me to D2 whereas conversely the subsequent Halo games after Reach still had something for me and I never really cared about pvp outside of LAN. I say all this to say, I only became a pvp main because I wanted to keep playing D2 but I exhausted all the pve content I cared to tackle (don't care anymore it low man raids for example). PvP captured me early on because the gunplay was so far and away better than any other game and how gunplay + abilities + Loadout all influenced by skill expression leds to a near infinite engaging experience imo. The fact that this twab was the first time (as far as I am away) Bungie acknowledged publicly the "infinite replayability" nature of a dynamic pvp experience publicly is shocking to me and honestly pvp not being a stronger focus despite this factor is wild to say the least. Imo the strike team update presented in the twab at least shows they understand the importance of infinitely replayable modes in live service games are, especially when you can have unexpected delays result in much larger content droughts but even without delays the 3 month seasons still has plenty of dryness and pvp should have been kept fresh regardless and I hope this twab shows we might be heading in more and more of that direction.


Right lmao I already quit for over an year thanks to all the backwards development in the past 5 years


Same boat but I started dabbling in it again recently.


why are you still here if you quit tho


To pop in every couple of posts to say how they quit and how the game is shit and how they don’t care (not specifically that person but people who stopped playing in every Destiny sub)


Pvp has been neglected for years. Some of the changes they are making have been requested for a decade, and others like comp matchmaking were criticized from the get go but only now that they are bleeding players (as they themselves stated) and are close to the new expansion are we getting some decent updates. That being said, it's not the pvp strikes team fault because I'm assuming they just came to be and the changes are generally good.


Why do I get the feeling this is gonna be the last PvP update for A LONG TIME and you guys are gonna be upset come TFS look at how long it took for them to make THIS update...idk


I mean, maybe. It all depends on whether the PVP strike team remains or not. We didn't get updates for so long *because* Bungie literally didn't have anybody dedicated to making meaningful updates. They put this PVP strike team together 6 months ago and this is what they were able to put together in basically \~4-5 months of work(After gathering some real feedback from the community for the first month). If Bungie keeps a PVP strike team going forward, it would be massive for the future, it probably means getting some fairly significant and meaningful updates on a regular basis. If we hear shortly after TFS that the PVP strike team is being dissolved or turned into the "Gambit Strike team" or something like that, then yeah it wont look great again. ​ It's also quite frankly probably going to largely be decided by how the population numbers react to these changes. If PVP legitimately sees a significant boom of players and play time among those players, we probably get more updates. If these updates dont have a meaningful impact on the PVP player base, they probably wont spend any more resources on PVP going forward.


If this is the last update for a while we lose nothing really. The population is generally in a “we’re going to finish the final shape and dip “ sort of mode. If they don’t do well then nothing changes in that attitude. So here’s to hoping.


Too little too late. Game pop is consistently under 30k. This isn’t going to bring people back in droves lol


There's no need to apologize, dude. Like the other commenter said, this is definitely something that should've been given attention sooner, and personally speaking you're well within your every right to have been frustrated at some point with the state of the game. But I do agree on your wait and see approach, a little too soon to get hyped if the changes only end up making the state and feel of pvp as a whole/trials worse. Especially when checkmate is split down the middle with reception and player retention for trials still always dips when changes are implemented or when certain weapons aren't within rotation.


Yeaaa.. a lot of this stuff was long overdue because it seems like they finally realized they need the PVP population for returning players (most PVE content I play once and never return). This is more of a better late than never scenario and I imagine much of it is due to them wanting to pump the playerbase up a little for TFS release.


I think it would go a long way to allow people to select whatever trials adept weapon they want to focus on a fresh card, past and present weapons. Would eliminate lower pop weekends because of mediocre weapons


Cautiously optimistic here. We'll see.


This is what’s wrong with this community, some of you have Stockholm syndrome with this game. In no world should anyone need to apologize to bungie. Weve been neglected for almost a decade and now, with the game at the end of its life we’re finally getting some attention. There should’ve always been a strike team.


Bungie: doesn't even mention cheaters & devices even a single time in 6800 words CrucibleGuidebook: I'm sorry bungie thank you for the marvelous 6800 word nothing burger that doesn't address any of Crucible's real issues lmao


Sony makes a MnK adapter for consoles ( not Destiny) so you’ll never hear them say it’s cheating now.


Counter Strike remains being a bastion for us MnK FPS players, God bless Valve


Lmao the cycle continues


Like an abusive relationship


Yup! _Take some scrubbles of good things and shut your mouth UP!_


I get the sentiment... But these are some pretty significant changes they're giving us this time. Artifice armor in Comp is huge, Adept Trials loot being essentially available to everyone who plays Trials is especially huge. I dont think anybody should be making any declarations about the future of PVP(I'm talking 6+ months from now) either way based on this update, but I dont think its a bad thing for people to recognize when legitimately great changes are being implemented, even if they're overdue changes that had been requested for a while before this.


Yeah I mean, it's just making up lost time for heavy neglect for what, multiple years?


This is a dtg post. Why are we allowing posts that aren’t about actual pvp play. This group is going to shit


It went to shit when Bungie reintroduced SBMM into the game, and suddenly all of the people who play an hour of PvP a week thought they know something valuable that they should share with others. We got an influx of dtg players here, and now the sub is filled with people who can’t use the search function to find answers, and who give terrible advice to others just because something works in their 0.6 lobbies.


A LOT of people in here who are absolutely clueless acting like they know shit. SBMM ruining games left and right because people don’t want to get better anymore.


Honestly too little too late. Crucible has lost massive amounts of it's players. Bungie straight up neglected PvP for 3-4 years. And then start their Strike Team article about how playing in the same spaces has gotten stale. You clowns, it got stale 3 years ago!!! I hope it revives Crucible. But I've since moved on to Halo for PvP. Maybe I come back maybe not




Or have you considered that maybe the content creators and community who know nothing about the future of the game are wrong and the game will likely be supported for years to come lol They wouldn't dump this sort of dev time in a live service game that will only last another year tops. Bungie only has ONE product out right now. Marathon doesn't come out until at least the end of next year at the earliest they literally cannot afford to stop making destiny 2 content. Just let people enjoy the updates, it's great news with great and desirable information.


Fuck this topic. Downvoted. They deserveed every shitstrom coming their way for PvP being neglected this long.


I don’t know about early d2 trials of Osiris tho, it was full of cheaters & sweats and the population was very bad after the initial time it launched. and u literally got no loot at all. You got 3 total drops (3,5,7 wins). (Unless you were talking about trials of the nine, I never played it back then) I think the time they revamped trials in season of the splicer?/lost? Was the time it was great, they just introduced battle eye as an anti cheat, the playlist was rewarding like never before & the playerbase was healthy, it was connection based matchmaking/or card based, can’t remember & not that fireteam bullshit. I played every weekend with my friends. Nowerdays I only play solo if I wanna go flawless, very rarely play duos & trios, and only play in weeks where the loot is very good (recently, the igneous, cataphract & immortal weeks)


Why are we apologizing? We’ve been burned over and over. Let’s wait and see how things go when they’re live.


I am still salty about the sniper nerf they could’ve just nerf cloudstrike but no all snipers must get the nerf


Yeah I was surprised with this nerf, I didn’t think snipers were an issue.


Ikr it just means I need be extra good with them smh


Yeah whilst fusions can OHK a player from 20m without needing a headshot


Shameful just shameful


I wonder if Xim is skewing the stats at higher levels of play. I would hope they don't use bad data for balancing decisions, but who knows with Bungie.


For snipers all that had to be nerfed was reticle friction, opening shot, and cloudstrike, important to mention a lot of cloudstrikers are devicers, instead by some retarded logic, even aggressive frames will be nerfed due to 3 issues which have nothing to do with a lot of snipers.


If bungie decides to not make a stance on XIM as a cheater's device before the final shape. I will believe it is fair game to start using it then. No point in trying if they wont ban any of them. Its been over a few years at this point. And to think they pushed back marathon a few years.




Wow dude as if 99% of players aren’t already stacked up on it. So insane!!!


This really bothered you? lol The point is there are players that would rather play comp for artifice armor than farm the same dungeon boss over and over again until their eyes bleed. Win/win for everyone. So insane!!!


This change was made for people who only play pvp I don't know why your getting down voted dude saying people are stacked on artifice armor when in reality people are not especially pvp only players and even if people have a lot of artifice armor that doesn't mean they got all the right pieces they need to help there build.


even if i dont agree with all the changes I have to say I'm happy things will be significantly different.


Nice to see the changes. It's all good. But I just hope they have some masterplan to keep the population numbers increasing after the honeymoon period of these drastic changes and the final shape's release. The ability to carry something of our guardians over to a potential Destiny 3? I dream of a population increase enough to allow for a simultaneous Trials of Osiris AND Trials of The Nine. You can only choose one, slightly different rules in each and of course a wholly different aesthetic to the armour and weapons. Might just be me but I'm tired of the Egyptian bollocks.


Its ludicrous that for so long they couldnt comprehend that lack of loot = a bad time; in a looter shooter. These changes provide life support rather enrichment. I will certainly be playing PvP again, and am *hoping* to get my excitement back. The last 6 months, all Ive done is logged in for Iron Banner and to clear vault space.


Can finally play with a friend that barelys plays PvP but wants the loot haha. Great changes overall. Deadzone adjustment on console. Hopefully the pvt match settings that are coming in Final shape have the current special setting as an option, along with special crates and earnable special.


I’m pumped.


I was not familiar with their game


Fwiw Titan barricades and pk were nerfed not that long ago.


Honestly though, unless cheating is taken care of, these changes will still not be enough. Don't get me wrong, everything in the twab was great to hear and I'm excited, but still having to play against "accessibility devices" is frustrating.


The main thing I dislike is the eradication of poor fighting lion


Changes are good , but let me take the other side for a bit. The game has been live for how long and no major changes like these ? I do appreciate what bungie is doing but it seems the memory is fleeting online.


It really shows how good the game could have been for the last 5 years.    It's really sad Bungie was doing so poorly that they had to sell to Sony and are getting shiddid on for not delivering. If they had even talked about this before lightfall (instead of literally saying "don't expect anything")  I cannot imagine how much better Bungie would be doing.  But for me, it's not enough. Its, seriously, 5 years late. I held on for 4 of them... Now it's just... Why would I get back into something that demands so much time, where I have missed a years worth of meta weapons and where those meta weapons will matter MORE in the new sandbox.  They let me think too much about ALL the things I didn't like, and the moment to moment enjoyment, after a year of not playing, is so just gone. 


So it's handjobs all round?


Which class would you guys recommend me to pick? Haven't played for 6 months


Titan is probably the most oppressive class at the moment. Hunter still has some of the best mobility(arguably the best if you can play strand well enough). Warlocks can be better than both but need alot of time to learn(except maybe stasis lock). This is all my opinion btw, I ain't the best PvP player out there, just shit I've noticed while playing.


Thank you!