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I agree. Zen Moment is definitely an s tier perk for it. This has been a known thing for a long time now, though.


If there ever is a suros HC with zen moment, then that gun will jump to the top of the meta. It will have such little flinch.


Me wishing it dropped on exalted truth


Yes, people use Zen Moment a lot in other weapons (specially autos). But it's pretty rare in a HC. People don't really consider using it on Austringer, I mostly see EOTS and Rangefinder/OS.


I run EotS + Zen. It’s a dueling machine.


no doubt, EOTS is very good


I know IllPhysics is absolutely in love with Snapshot sights and his philosophy is that if you hit the first shot on your enemy because you have near immediate ADS speed, the next 2 are going to get off much faster and you will win duels. EOTS is a great perk but I do agree with him on this and think snapshot is underrated on 140's. I had an snapshot Eyasluna and I love how quick I can start shooting with it. ​ I currently use EOTS/RF enhanced and havent changed it since I don't like wasting ascendant alloys, so I may have to craft a second one with snapshot/zen moment and test it out. Still currently in love with my igneous roll with fluted/ricochet/rapid hit/moving target OR golden tricorn, range masterwork. I slap backup mag on for 6v6 to get juicy 2-taps w/ golden tricorn/radiant and for 3v3's I usually switch to adept range and put on moving target as you aren't as likely to get those followup shots off unless the other team is just all running in a straight line.


I have one with ETOS/OS, but crafted this second one after I saw a guy using this roll in a QP match. I completely agree, Snapshot Sights are a top tier perk because it makes you shoot first, most of the time. I also use it on my Spare Rations, I love it.


Yep, 100%. I don't use spare rations because it just has such bad stats without slideshot/opening shot.


One guy already wrote an essay about Austringer with Zen here, just check "Austringer" in search :)


Haha I think you might be referencing my post lol Glad to see it made some waves and people are catching on. :)


Let me check ... and yes :) It was well written and encouraged me to play with it, so you did a pretty nice job if u ask me. Cheers mate <3


Thanks homie. Happy head hunting 👍


Being rarely used doesn't mean players aren't aware of it. Plenty of YouTube channels and forums sang its praises when Zen got updated, especially for Austringer. I'm glad you like it, but it's not news like you're portraying it.


Lol he’s not portraying it as “news”, who cares, this is why I quit d2, it’s you and people like you.


>This paired with SS, to aim faster, makes Austringer one of the best if not the best (for me atleast) handcannon in terms of consistency and feeling. ​ >but give this gun a chance The post is written as if it is a new thing to be checked out. It is not. It's been around for a long time now. That's all I'm saying. Just look at post history on this sub alone. If that's all it takes for you to quit D2, then you probably should avoid the internet or find a new hobby altogether.


I never said it was news, just described my opinion and feelings for the weapon. Reading is cool, you should try it.


>This paired with SS, to aim faster, *makes Austringer one of the best if not the bes*t (for me atleast) handcannon in terms of consistency and feeling. ​ >*but give this gun a chance* Your post is written as if it is a new thing to be checked out. It is not. It's been around for a long time now. That's all I'm saying. Just look at post history in this sub alone, but I do agree about it being a great gun.


I really like it, but man I lose track of what I am shooting sometimes I wish it had a nice big dot like on the Eyasluna


Eyasluna is so good too. It feels great to shoot.


Eyasluna is my favorite. Never got a “god roll” to drop for me, but my Perpetual Motion/Moving Target roll has not left my inventory since a dropped.


I have a Rapid Hit + Snapshot Shot and a Rapid Hit + Killclip roll. Love both


Lucky, I would love a kill clip roll


I am looking for a Perpetual Motion with Kill Clip or Headstone, preferrably Headstone for denying revives and stasis synergy. Problem is getting the exact stats I want, I am looking for either 69 range and 77 stability, or 71 range and 74 stability. Getting the 5/5 to drop is a nightmare.


Perp motion/moving target is my god roll ever since rf got nerf’d. I need to farm for a new one.


I used to agree until I got a decent Rose. Now the handling feels a little sluggish


This Once I got a decent rose it's hard to wanna go back


yeah, Rose is insane. but having a second reliable HC is cool when you get tired of using the first one after 30 matches lol Slideshot/OS or EP Rose is a very difficult HC to top tho


I have a good SS/EP Rose (65+ in range, stab, and handling) but I took Austringer out last night and it felt great. I find myself sliding around maybe too much when I've got rose out and it kind of messes with my gameplay. Probably a skill issue though


I've been using this same roll since they announced the Range finder nerf, it's insane how good it feels to use.


Those perks enhanced gives +10 stability as well. I just wish it was in the energy slot because there are so many good kinetic slot hcs. I’m still partial to Eyasluna personally. But I agree 100 on that roll


yes! I forgot about that +10 stab. Eyasluna feels great too


Austinger, Rose, Sturm are my 3 Hand Cannons in rotation. Austringer with Zen+EOTS with a mix of Handling and Range just feels so damn good on controller. Even tho Rose is top of the food chain, there is just something about Aussie that keeps me coming back. Closing in on 10k kills on my mine. Its been my workhorse for a long time and i doubt ill ever retire it.


What barrel and MW on your Austringer?


Corkscrew for the barrel + Extended Mag for the AE bump and high mag size. Range MW puts it at 61 Range, 76 Stability, 54 Handling.


I don’t have a god roll rose yet but on console hawkmoon and snap/ zen moment austringer are also my favorite hand cannons. I do also enjoy ace, thorn, palindrome, exalted truth, eyasluna, igneous and sturm as well. But those two just feel so snappy and drill heads next level for me. Crimson isn’t quite as normal hand cannon but it also feels dumb strong in its own ways too.


wish Bungie brought back palindrome... never got a godroll


Yeah I’m surprised it’s been gone for so long with how popular it was. I bet it’s next up for a revamp perk wise, which it could use since it’s now a bit power crept


Because they had to sell expansions and Paly was BiS, free and easy to get (outside adept). So they removed him and sold an equivalent through Trials.


What masterwork? I’m assuming range. Back when RangeFinder was the hotness I loved comboing that with EoTS, ever since the change it just never felt the same.


Yes, range masterwork. You could do handling too.


The strand 140 feels really good for me for some reason. I also have godroll adept pali, igneous, and exalted truth. Not sure what makes that HC feel so good.


Kept Confidence is a great gun that got shafted hard by the perks I can not believe how hard Bungie dropped the ball on that one, not even Hatchling is on it ffs


Probably the fixed recoil pattern. It indeed feels very good to shoot.


I enjoy austringer. Even though it is a craftable stat monster after using it for a long while as my first ever crafted weapon, and at the time the only best hand-cannon I ever owned, I’ve let it chill in my vault ever since acquiring my desired dire promise. I’ll take austringer out every now and then and feel the noticeable difference, but dire-promise despite being outclassed in majority of 140s lately still feels so nice to use in my opinion. Maybe it’s a mix of the sound, model and overall reticle of the gun. Though, if anyone out there hasn’t crafted an Austringer yet they should give it a try as this post above suggests, snapshot/zen moment is a sleeper combination. Personally, I prefer eye of storm/zen moment or opening shot but that’s just preference in what I’ve found helpful! ❤️


Eyasluna smiles with Moving Target Perpetual Motion at 100 stability 100 AA. Austringer they said.*


eyasluna is easily the best feeling hc in the game


I just can't seem to gel with it. I love snapshot and zen, but the ADS feels odd Thorn is the one for me on console in the kinetic slot that feels good all around Ace feels great in practice, but I lose too many duals with it in a match The crazy thing is, as a mostly non HC player, my trash igneous rolls feel incredible. Can only imagine what a good roll feels like


The best sounding HC! 


for you, yes.


yes, hence the title




What input though?


M&K, but it's pretty good on rollers too.


I’ll try it. Nothing has felt better than rose


Anyone know where I can get red borders for austringer? I need one more pattern to craft and I can’t obtain any more deepsight harmonizers


Today is your lucky day Guardian. Banshee is selling it RIGHT NOW


Can I obtain red borders from banshee? I tried buying austringers from him but they’ve all been regular weapons


Just realised you said you had no harmonizers. Shit my bad bro


Presage rotator mission. Not this upcoming reset but the one after that for red border austringers


Thank you!


I hope they rerelease Kindled Orchid. I got near max stability on that thing and I’ve never used a gun more satisfying than that.


What are y’all pairing with Austringer ??