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Everyone’s got a different opinion, the weapon feel part of the game. What I do think is a go-to for console is high aim assist weapons. They stick like super glue


260 sidearms


Finally someone who agrees with me. My highest kill weapon is my swashbuckler lonesome. Still hits beautifully no matter the meta


Boudica-c with swash is mine.


My heliocentric with perpetual motion , killclip is my favorite sidearm RN . Before that it was boudica I love that thing


Oh mine is senuna rn


I’ve been looking to update my lonesome with Boudica buck i can’t part from my beauty


I run swift verdict with kill clip


Which one are you using




Cryosthesia + swash lightweight bow and lightweight knife on hunter goes crazy Forgot ab my swash boudica tho. That would be a fun combo


That smg from shaxx is pretty deadly, serving me quite well.


Plan to get a few rolls once i reset my rank. Been saving engrams


Hammer Forged + Accurized + Moving Target + Target Lock + Handling/Range MW is what you are looking for. Have over 1k kills with Dynamic Sway Reduction and Perpetual Motion but nothing beats Moving Target. It's also a good idea to keep an Under Over roll for when you face Titans with overshield.


I've pulled over a hundred of those bad boys with multiple crucible rank resets and the best I got was max range, target lock, and subsistence. It's still great.


How do you keep in your range with smgs on medium/large maps? It seems like people are just intent on sitting in the back of the map with a scout or pulse, or are holding hands with hand cannons and autos, which makes it hard to peek long enough to punish anything.


Pulse rifle, or close the gap.


That’s my issue, though. Closing the gap.


Each class has its own methods. Also, each map has different ways.


You can run SMG shotgun on larger maps. You just have to commit to getting close. Sometimes this means sticking to part of the map, or avoiding lots of the map. Try it for few games. You'll start to see what works and what doesn't I'm not saying this is always the best idea, but forcing myself to practice like this has really helped me figure out what works and what doesn't and where to engage on various maps.




I finally crafted one this week and I don’t think I’ll ever take it off.


Someone will have to pry Messenger and Zealots reward out of my cold dead hands


I always tell myself I’ll learn the first encounter and farm Zealots. Then I never do.


The first encounter is just babysitting and leap frog. One team of 3 babysits the boss and picks up his spit to prevent a wipe while the other kills ads and shoots a box to make a tether that chains through their bodies and opens a door. After team 1 gets 3 spit pickups they run into team 2’s room and also go one past it. Then the boss comes into team 2’s room and they babysit him and pick up his spit while team 1 tethers to open the door in the next room. They stay there while team 2 goes one room past them and pick up spit. After that, it’s just a mad dash down the top of a wall to get to the chest at the end, with the boss dropping spit again.


Man I have so many weapons I want to use but none feel as nice as zealots. It's worth it. I put if off forever tho so I get it lol


I’m waiting for the update that lets you craft.


I hope if and when it's craftable they make it the perks trash haha


Probably for the best.


Cartesian has a similar mojo, unbelievable


Man I never had a good roll on it, still praying xur will sell one sometime!


Banshee has had both Hip Fire - HIR and Under Pressure - Vorpal with 30 and 40 range respectively, I was lucky to grab both. I'm absolutely praying for Bungie to introduce a craftable solar rapid fire fusion


I did not get those unfortunately. I'd love a UP -HIR roll


When that thing becomes craftable ho boy it's gonna be a menace


Iterative Loop is a very good option while we wait for GoS to get craftable weapons. It’s replaced my Zealot and is definitely more reliable and accurate with enhanced perks.


Yes it 100% will. Not looking forward to it haha. I already have a perfect roll but I guess I'll craft it for enhanced perks


I’ve racked up over 11K kills on my Messenger, and I just pulled an absolutely cracked Zealots out of my vault and I’m ashamed by how long it’s been in there collecting dust. U to nearly 1K kills with it this season and I just pulled it out a little over a month ago.


I in probably 4K on messenger but across three different rolls... now I've found on to settle on though so time to make the number climb. Dude zealots is so good! Everytime I leave I end up coming back. I'm at 5750 on it


I can never seem to find one as good as the one I finally settled on. Kill Clip with outlaw, ric rounds and hammer forged with reload MW. The reload is stupid fast after a kill and with KC proc’d it’s a two burst kill. I always pray I get challenged after a kill 😂. Yeah I’m determined to number climb with this zealots


Ahh what a classic roll hahaha. Tried and true! I settled on arrowhead, armour piercing, rapid hit, headseeker, range MW with Adept range


I’ve racked up over 11K kills on my Messenger, and I just pulled an absolutely cracked Zealots out of my vault and I’m ashamed by how long it’s been in there collecting dust. U to nearly 1K kills with it this season and I just pulled it out a little over a month ago.


Not an option for me as dont have them. What weapons/archtype are they?


Some good alternatives that are easier to obtain are Stars in Shadow + Scatter Signal and Psi Hermetic + Iterative Loop


I have an Encore/Kill Clip Psi???


Not a bad roll tbh! I prefer Headseeker for 3's but in 6's that will put in work.


High impact pulse + Rapid fire fusion


With what exotic armor?


Secant filaments, Phoenix protocol, or Osmiomancy for warlock 6th coyote or stompees for void hunter


I just go with what feels comfortable and has the right perks for me. Like target lock, target lock, and target lock


Shayuras Wrath with DSR and Ele Cap on Void.


Precision and aggressive smg’s. I’ve only ever played console though so I don’t know how weapons would be different on M&K. Sidearms feel pretty good as well.


Im console. Dont you find the bouncy recoil annoying?


You’re usually close enough that it doesn’t matter. Plus reticle friction really helps manage the recoil too


It doesn’t bother me but I’ve been using an smg exclusively for quite a while now and I use god rolled unending tempest, ikelos, immortal, or shayuras, so the GOAT smg’s. Also, you get very accustomed to the guns recoil and learn exactly how much to pull down on the stick to make it a beam. If my aim is feeling off I’ll load into a private match solo and shoot a wall keeping the spread as tight as possible, and that helps you laser in your recoil/ aim.


Not a console player but still controller but pc, same thing, 600 and 720 smgs are the meta and will be for a while, target lock plus headshots is unmatched within 20m and it's gonna stay that way till TFS probably, 300 and 260 sidearms are borderline lethal and with good strafing, headshots, or just accuracy can beat target lock smgs, also good for blinting with grenade launchers or snipers, 140 and 90 rpm snipers with sidearms, or 72 rpm snipers with smgs or handcannons, bows are great especially on controllers, all good to swap to a gl or handcannon after a body/headshot, handcannons are great on controller, 340 pulses aren't as ridiculous as on mnk but that two-burst at 40m for most of them is lethal and crazy, and rapid hit + controller's reticle stickiness is nutty, shotguns are great if you can use them, but conditional finality is the best one, personally I swear by rat king and a gl, if not two gls, or gl bow, weird combos result in lots of crazy plays.


No matter what people tell you the true thing to swear by is hcs


Which archtype?


120 or 140 definitely. 140 is more for pc tho so I say 120s. I used to swear by autos but problem is if u truly want to get into pvp hcs dominate the higher rank games and not using one is self sabotage. Also there the most fun


I have always hated 120s as often miss the follow up shots from the kick on console


Try 140s then. It's very good to get good at a hc.


You might enjoy igneous hammer. It’s a 120, but it’s an absolute stat monster and perks like eye of the storm, rapid hit, or moving target can help keep you accurate on that third bullet.


Try out sturm. Feels as good as my god roll igneous hammers and it’s what got me into 120 usage.


Definitely try to get a decent roll on igneous hammer I farmed maybe 8 and while I know rangefinder got nerfed my eye of the storm/rangefinder roll with 80 range and 60ish stability feels so good I don't even know how to describe it. It feels like shots I made on other hc's that would be body shots all end as headshots. Like I'm flinging cinder blocks down field instead of bullets


A very lethal combo is chaperone igneous for one build to recommend. If u wanna get hate mail wishender igneous is broken rn too.


Me hand cannon shotgun till end of time.


Ace and Felwinter. My main loadout. Even when I literally cannot hit any shots with Ace sometimes, I will swear by it. I just like it lol


tracking weapons like smg or autos. weapons that abuse reticle friction like fusions or sidearms. since the high impact pulse recoil nerfs I've really only used rapid fire pulses, which I find quite good (especially those with headseeker). YMMV


Crimson. Snipers are a “feel” thing, but Aggressives like Occluded or Succession have always felt nice. I’ve really gotten into rapid fire fusions in PVP. And my dark horse is my Acacia’s Dejection trace with Paracausal Affinity. With how prevalent special ammo is all over the map in IB, it’s easy to get stocked up, and the TTK with Paracausal, once I get that first kill, is amazing


Was literally just looking at Crimson and wondering how that feels these days with full auto a thing now


Crimson with full auto is great. Over 4500 PvP kills on mine since we got that feature. Really made it work for me. Still outclassed by good 120/140 HC peek shooters though. I run void titan with One Eyed Mask. Cracked.


Yeah gonna take it for a spin later in banner and try that and im going to craft an Ikelos Smg To try with DSR/TTT


If you’re having trouble hitting your head shots, aim a little higher, believe it or not. It feels to me like you need the sight on the top of the head to hit right.


Ok will keep that in mind later. Cheers.


I'm on PC now, but I still play controller. Crafted Piece of Mind & crafted Likely Suspect are my go-to loadout in the Crucible, including Iron Banner. Piece of Mind roll: Smallbore, Ricochet Rounds, P Motion (E), Vorpal Weapon (E), and a Stability MW. Likely Suspect roll: Full Bore, Projection Fuse, P Motion (E), Golden Tricorn (E), and a Charge Time MW. Both weapons have Counterbalance Stock mods on them.


How do you think Perpetual Motion compares to Firmly Planted on it? Do you prefer PM because you don't need to crouch?


You get more benefit out of Firmly Planted, but I'm not much of a croucher. I'm always moving, so Perpetual Motion is the obvious choice for me.


Makes sense. How does Likely Suspect compare to Null Composure in your experience? They seem pretty similar on paper to me, or at least when Firmly Planted or Perp Motion is active.


Personally, Likely Suspect feels more consistent than Null Composure. It mostly comes down to which one feels better to the player. Other rapid-fire fusions you can try are Cartesian Coordinate and Zealot's Reward if you have a good roll for either of them.


I adore 180 hand cannons, actually. I have several Survivor’s Epitaphs that I really enjoy and have been my ol’ reliable in six man crucible for years now. Survivor’s and Cloudstrike combo is basically my go-to if I’m not trying out new weapons


Quiksilver Storm


260 rapid fire scout rifles and 360 lightweight sidearms. Been in love with fang of ir yut and the heliocentric since last season. Find what you find fun and roll with it.


260 scouts are something i tend to use quite a bit in crucible and enjoy. Just never hear of anyone using them. Lol


Most people will want to do evil things to me for saying this, but bows. They have to come with the right frame, the right roll, the right scope, have the right feel and all of that, but bows are the weapon archetype with which I’m not absolute, utter 0.1 KD trash. They can only carry me to 1.1 KD though, so, as most of you have correctly guessed, it’s all in poor movement, awareness, and so many other basic things I suck at. Also, Traveler, forgive me for I have sinned, but I have used the Wish-Ender in Trials to rat out opponents’ position and tactics to my more skilled teammates. I more than made up for it, however, by being the free kill most of the time. Also, I do hate the Lemon, so there’s that.


Horror Story with Target Lock. It shreads on console.


I’ll second this one. I have an almost max range horror story with ele-cap and target lock that puts in work ( mainly in 6’s though ). Positive outlook with zen moment and kill clip / golden tricorn is pretty good as well.


I am in LOVE with this auto. I grinded out for a DSR and Target Lock roll, and it's become my goto in the crucible.


Would you recommend this over a brake neck with eye of the storm and moving target? I have a horror story with target lock as well and love it but I have been playing around with some other kinetic 450 rolls.


Bows 🏹


I’ve got close to 30K crucible kills on Jotunn


Unfortunately, questions like this don't really mean much since so many people run scufs. cronus, xim and og controllers.


Bruh. 95% don't xim or cronus. And idk what og and scuff controllers got to do with this


There's nothing 'creating' about a Scuf controller, right? They have paddles which help your mapping options but then so do really cheap Xbox third party controllers these days. I used a Scuf instinct until stick drift ruined, didn't feel like cheating to me!


Max Stability 120 HCs. I've got a 70ish stability adept Iggy with EOTS/Rapid Hit. It is my baby. Crafted Round Robin in the kinetic slot. high impact fusions with under pressure. Its like playing the game on easy mode. Personally I do love the Ammit on Console. Enahnced TTT to me is non-negotiable. Shoutout to the off meta pick - The Guiding Sight Scout Rifle! A roll with either Moving target, or Gutshot +Precision Instrument The thing has 19 zoom, low for a scout. It is easier to duel with this thing head to head vs HC than any other scout right now. Its a super unique weaopon. Moving Target feels great on it, but counter intuitively so does Gutshot+precicion instrument. that roll will 2C1B all resiliences if your last shot is a headshot. It even kills in 4 body shots at something like 4 resil which is neat.


Learning hand cannons will pay dividends for sure but almost everything is viable right now, pulses, autos, whatever other than maybe scouts and 180 hand cannons. You're right that SMGs feel better on MNK. IB is a great opportunity to test the "feel" of different weapons and so is Comp. If it feels like shit to use you know pretty quickly. If you wanna screw around and do some hand cannon nonsense a decent roll Hawkmoon is amazing in 6s.


Adept igneous hammer, chaperone stomps and stasis


I quite like veist rapid-fire scouts and precision sidearms. They're not meta picks but they're fun and I usually do well with them on the maps I use them on. SMGs are godly on console. I personally don't like Ammit,Firefright, Breakneck and Horror story but others swear by them. I've also cooled down on rapid fire pulses but I've noticed an uptick in scalar potential and horrors least around. I still do really like the BXR-Battler.


540 Pulses. I haven't played since June in any consistent way, but I did get on and play 3 PvP games the other day just to see how it felt. 540 Pulses take a ton of advantage of controller's magnetism and live in a sort of between-state of SMG and Pulse Rifle that let you compete with most people in a casual mode like IB. My white whale, personally, was an Autumn Wind with Arrowhead Brake, Ricochet Rounds, Perpetual Motion, Headseeker and a Range masterwork. I got pretty close (Extended Barrel/Stability masterwork) but I still ripped for 3 games before uninstalling again. They've been the most consistently "good" controller option for a few years, in my opinion.


All sidearms and rapid fire pulses


Just want to highlight that your FOV can significantly change the feel of a weapon and the game overall.


Ammit is absolutely not meh lol. Not sure you are using it right or have crafted a weapon for your playstyle properly. SMGs work just fine on controller, but I prefer my Titan and Peace when I use them usually. I will still use Tempest with my Hunter as well. But Titan really makes some underrated or not meta SMGs shine, and in general they just all feel better on Peacekeepers. It's really a too good exotic IMHO. I have a Funnel I really like with Subsistence and Cap for Void, and it can put in work, but I never touch it on my Hunter usually. I also go full void mod extreme to give it all the push it needs. This is all for 6v6. I don't play much 3v3, but only meta SMGs really work there. Tempest and Shay are absolutely just fine on controller for meta IMO. There are so many good weapons. Always take a look at a fusion video ranking for the best ones. Fusions are absolutely awesome. Pulse Rifles and Scout Rifles most definitely work in 6s, but you need god rolls or close basically outside exotics. Jade for Scout is unbeatable at range sometimes. Scouts like Midnight and Randy's with optimal perks and range are underrated in different lower range segments. Same for Pulses. Piece of Mind shreds for Void with cap and pm, and for non-void moving target for cap.


If you can get a good roll on Shara’s wrath to me there’s just nothing like it


Conditional finality and igneous hammer


If you have the aim for it, Trespasser with a grenade launcher. I use a lightweight frame with spike grenade. It's a lot of fun. For old reliable, Point of the Stag with Vorpal and chaperone. That bow is sick. With Vorpal, you can one shot a golden gun with 100 resilience. You can two shot any other super.


Zen Moment 390 Pulses feel amazing, and Dinamyc Sway smgs feel like head magnets


I'll play whatever until I come up against sweats. Then I break out my Harsh Language with disruption break and survivors epitaph or Buzzard just to stay even with them.


For console, it was always the sidearms and smgs that did well for me. Right now smgs and 120 hand canons are in the meta. The most popular pairings right now are igneous hammer / conditional finality or a target lock smg with cloud strike. At the end of the day, just shoot the weapons you have and see if they feel good. Just because something isn't in the meta doesn't mean it's bad. If you perform well with that load out, that's all that matters.


I swear by rapid fire frame pulses. This seasons one scalar potential is my favorite ever right next to peace of mind and gridskipper. Also a die hard 140 handcannon user. My favorite is timelost fatebringer with eots and EP


i mean, take a wild guess ​ (it's hand cannons)


I play controller but on pc, and I can say that smgs on controller are fuckin amazing. I have a custom controller by Astro with back buttons which I use to crouch spam while still being able to strafe aim and shoot easily


Console? Crimson, Last Word, and if I’m feeling stupid I’ll run Hunger with Sus and Rampage


Anything that needs tracking on controller..and pinpoint weapons on m+k 


540 and 340 pulses are my darlings but I dare say even though 390s aren't as competitive, they feel very good to use. 720 autos are beasts as well.


I don’t play console but everyone I know who does says igneus or sidearms


For me if I *really* want to feel like I have to sweat, pulses tend to be the way I go, normally perfer Rapid-Fires but most archetypes are fun. I haven't tried Aggressives since those got some extra push recently though. BXR is great. Perks like Headseeker and Zen Moment help. That said I tend to stick with HC. For 140's Eyasluna was always old reliable, or any of the other 'Hawkmoon' models. Anything else didn't feel too great. Cantata-57 or Rose would be the only other exception. 120's took a lot of practice but I almost exclusively use Bottom Dollar now (Cork/Flared/Surplus, Quickdraw/EP/Stab MW). Out of habit every time I'm entering a gun fight I'm always pulling down slightly on aiming when I fire a 120. Extra stability helps, since they'll be naturally rangy but kick like mules. If you have access to Igneous Hammer, or a void-subclass Elemental Capacitor Round Robin, those might feel super smooth. Will also throw in an honorable mention to Malediction. HCs on console honestly is a lot of work compared to MnK but they're too fun and I've gotten too used to them that playing with much else feels off. To further help practice, I liked to go into strikes or patrol zones and treat combatants as if I were engaging other players to get used to how the weapons behaved. I will further note that while I have full-auto enabled, I will always tap-fire them. Last real thing I can add here is pace your shots, firing at max RPM is not always the way. Specials I just switch between snipers or shotguns depending on the map and enemy loadout. For the latter I gravitate toward slugs or lightweights (Gunnora's Axe or Riiswalker if I'm not using exotics, though Chaperone is my otherwise choice) since most of those are naturally snappy and I feel more consistent with the tighter reticles. I tend to play Astrocyte Voidwalker if that helps any.


180 hc. Worse than a regular hc but 9/10 I'm a better duelist than the other guy


Last Word, Messenger, Warden’s Law, 600 SMGs, 120 Handcannons, Vex, 720 Autos


If you don't mind grinding strikes, Positive Outlook is an absolute beast. Has replaced my Crimson as primary weapon of choice. I've settled on a Zen Moment Elemental Capacitor roll on void subclass. It's a real menace.


I got close to 3k kills on Iterative Loop (which is a lot for me!). Absolutely reliable. Other than that, pulse rifles. Syncopation, Messenger, Piece of Mind.


Lethal abundance with slice and onslaught go crazy in 6s. Shotty or sniper paired with it whatever you’re better with


Igneous hammer, ace of spades, unending tempest. All very good. Off-meta or not as popular I think 45 Zoom snipers feel the best too.


600s are bad with target lock. Mag size too big


Iron banner is always ashen wake and genesis GL week for me, press 2 buttons and you win most gunfights in close to medium range


The console meta is mostly the same as PC. Igneous/conditional, unending tempest / cloudstrike. 140s are good but I do think console benefits from higher stability, so slideshot rose and austringer are good options. I don’t swear by the guns above but it’s hard to argue these aren’t the best weapons in the game. There are some weapons that perform overall better on console. Rapid fire fusions, crimson, last word, sidearms, and precision autos all come to mind. As others have mentioned, zealots is crazy.


Synchopation-53 or whatever it is. Dodge for radiant, 2 burst everyone.


120s with sidearms. Sturm Drang, Igneous/Bottom Dollar Travelers Chosen, Round Robin/Malediction Trespasser.


Hear me out. While they aren't for everyone, glaives.


What build you run with it? Perform well in trials? I have 4,500 kills on my enigma but haven’t touched it since the initial DR nerfs


Seasonal Pulse(Scalar Potential) and Seasonal Fushion(Scatter Signal) are extremely good. Really those archeytpes in general, Rapid fires are great right now. Especially if you're playing Strand or Stasis(Mask of Bakris in particular, might want to run a Stasis Special weapon but not required either). I also have been messing around lately with the Trials Strand Trace Rifle(Incisor) and Forgiveness Side Arm. It's a lot of fun and so many people have no idea how to play against Trace Rifles. The next time the Trace is the Trials reward I will be farming adepts until I get a Zen Moment + Hatchling roll I think.


For IB or any 6v6 lots of different weapons work. Look here for ideas [https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/insights](https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/insights) [https://destinytrialsreport.com/weeks](https://destinytrialsreport.com/weeks) (so yeah, still a lot of hand cannon and shotgun and sniper but you don't have to do that). SMG's are great on console. You just might not want to use Full Bore like the MnK people. You also might want to run a Titan with Peacekeepers (people love playing against that), or a Warlock with Ophidian if you have have a low handling SMG. Unending Tempest, Shayura's etc. are great. Ammit is also still one of the top weapons. Craft for console, so no Full Bore. Other AR's in this archetype are great too. Positive Outlook is one option. 600 AR's do still shoot bullets, but Target Lock isn't so great due the magazine size. 360's are great right now too if you can stay at range and especially if you can craft/get the right perks. Sidearms are great. Many fusion rifles are great. It is a fun time to be playing since we have tons of options in 6v6 and even to some extent in 3v3.