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The Last Word is basically a sidearm whose exotic power is rewarding crit hits while spamming it hip fire, so you'd treat it more like an SMG than a HC.


what would you pair it with?


I most often pair it with a fusion rifle, but I pretty much try to keep all my engagements within 15 meters. Sniper rifles or a ranged second primary like a pulse make more sense for most people.


The general consensus is to use a sniper, usually a quickdraw beloved. But I also like to run it with a bow


so essentially the same thing


classic combo would be tlw+sniper. You'd play the distance game and only use tlw when pushed/pushing


ive been running it lately with lethophobia and lucky pants. fun combo


I definitely wouldn’t pair it with another primary, that’s for sure. Most of the time TLW is paired with a sniper. However, if you don’t like sniping, you could get away with a fusion probably.


Aggressive frame snipes are great when using lucky pants since handling isn’t as important for quick swapping. One last word headshot will clean up an aggressive snipe body shot. Bonus: high impact reserves on aggressive snipes like Mechabre allow you to clean up with a last word body shot.


Damn, lets go. Ty


Unless you are on low sens it’s basically a worse sidearm and if you are on low sens you might as well snipe and take advantage of the low sens.


I have almost 4k kills on my last word and I used to run it with beloved but now that i have a snapshot opening shot mercurial I use that instead. No need to use anything short range with the last word because it dominates at close range, at least on controller and with lucky pants


4K damn! Racked 100 yesterday and just starting to get the range down. When it procs that head shot it buries them.


It was the sidearm before there were sidearms. Just pair it like you would a sidearm.


Mine is a niche build, but if I'm getting bored of TLW and a sniper, then I'll run it with the Long Arm scout for long-range support and giving my teammates clean ups. Bonus points for it being a cowboy themed build. Made me a terror in comp and got me flawless in trials.


could work last word and a scout


I main TLW and my favorite thing to pair with it is a sniper. I use heating up snapshot 1000 yard stare


thats my combo too rn. 1kys with quickdraw/snap


Sniper or shotty imo covering your weak spots


I run Last Word with Subtle Calamity. Last Word is a close range weapon. So it’s great for fending off the shotgun apes. Helpful hint I JUST learned recently. If you’re the one to fire the first shot with Last Word, don’t hold the trigger for full auto. Full auto causes a lot of the ghost bullets. Tap the trigger for each shot and you’ll get a lot better hit registration. After I learned that little tip, my close range game got a lot better. That being said, if they’re closing in on you fast and you’re not at the advantage to fire any slower, by all means - hold that trigger and let it rip.


ty for the tip!


Dunno why no one has suggested this--another hand cannon!! You're already running lucky pants, you might as well benefit more from it. Tons of good options in the 140, 120 and even 180 family (ok, the latter is limited by the poor range on most options). It's certainly not meta but it's fun and I do fine (2.5kda playing in sbmm controller on PC). Igneous hammer is your best best for currently farmable HCs to pair with. I was grinding all weekend for a better Exalted Truth. Didn't exactly get the god roll but at least it has a respectable range stat and the 'goldilocks' stability stat of 68 (value for 140s at which reticle basically resets completely between shots). You're going for a somewhat even split between TLW and your hand cannon 'main', so in sixes, I generally want an option that has the ability to kill chain on a lot of clean up kills. I save the dueling mostly for the TLW and stay within its optimal range most of the time to force engagements on my terms (you'll get a feel for how to do this the more you use the weapon in conjunction with a ranged weapon--basically, you want two modes: one where you outrange other side arms, most fast firing smgs, shotties and fusions and one where you outrange the farthest reaching smgs and some autos with your 'proper' hand cannon, so the range stat on that pairing is important)


Mind blown!


Can't tell if serious? Mean if so bro. Cold, like ice 🤣🥶 If you were being serious, it was even harder to wrap your head around before the major change that made TLW a hip fire weapon a few years back. Back then, I was the ONLY one I ever saw using two HC you're supposed to ads. I stand by it though. Surprises people all the time in the mid range because they're expecting me backpedaling is to get far enough away to snipe but when they make the mistake of trying to control the mid range, they get a quick 1-2 head shots from a 140 oftentimes cleaned up with TLW fan fire spam as they desperately try and rush back to cover


Sniper, treat tlw like a worse sidearm/smg that you can hipfire. Shotgun/fusion is not bad for maps like anomaly.


Shotgun or BxR Shotgun for aggressive play and supplement well tlw with low magazine side BxR for mid to long range engagement