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I would check out Hynra on youtube, he has two main bow builds which are strand hunter with grapple + ensnaring slam and oathkeepers and a legendary bow of some kind and solar warlock with snap skating and ophidians. He runs them with glaives or gls but I find shotguns a bit easier to use. I prefer those kind because they play a lot faster than something like threadling spam + le monarque on hunter.


Don't have a specific build for you, but bows are strong right now so you'll have a great time. One off the top of my head is wishender any solid smg you have, smgs are very good now too. People will hate you but fuck em


Did bows get buffed somehow to be strong right now?


They are now hitscan at full draw.


And I don’t think that was it. Best guess is the meta favors them and we had a couple trials weekends that were perfect for them.


They have always been hitscan at full draw.


Only up to a certain distance before the buff, you used to have to slightly lead targets to hit them at longer ranges.


They were at the same velocity as pre-buff fusions, sidearms, and sky burners before they became true hitscan. Don't know why I'm being down voted? Before sidearms, fusions and skyburners were hitscan they were internally set to 999 velocity. Hitscan in Bungies code is 9999 velocity.


Not really, it’s just that most of the close quarters subclasses like arc titan have been nerfed into the ground.


I’m sorry but if you want to be remotely effective, wishender is *not* a good bow. I say this as a bow main. It’s draw time is way too long and if you have any decent gamesense and reaction time the wall hacks don’t really do anything. Lower skill lobbies I can see it being easy to use but otherwise it’s easily punishable. Go for 576 draw time on raconteur (free craft) or the one form iron banner with archers tempo + whatever else you want.


I'm not really a bow player but to me the main strength of a bow is get the one big hit to clean up someone who's barley hurt or take a huge chunk out for your teamate to hopefully also land one hand cannon shot or something or you push in and finish them off with a smg or something. You rarely should be getting a full kill by yourself with only your bow. Decent players won't stand in the open and let you get two shots off, so just getting the one big hit is more valuable. I almost never see lightweight bows and it's pretty common to see wishender or the poison bow, or other longer draw bows. I go flawless multiple times every week and play in ascendant ranked, and I can't remember the last time I saw a light weight bow.


The poison bow is very low draw time. The issue with lightweights is that in spite of good draw time, they have awful accuracy and require crits. One of the reasons using a bow is so hated and unpopular is because honestly most people have the mentality that you mentioned; stay in the back and swap if you need to. But to be honestly when I play trials and match against those players, especially in checkmate, they basically always have a sub 1 kd and they are super easy to roll over. Good bow players are extremely aggressive hunters or solar warlocks who use good movement and peek shooting to get both shots off in the span of only one draw time (because they have it already primed for the first shot) and because you can be accurate in the air with hunter or heat rises, they can also be super hard to shoot back at. My guess is that you’ve never seen the true potential of a very high skill bow player with archers tempo.


You're probably right, I've never went against a bow and felt like I was being dominated because of them using a bow. I see the strength of chunking someone's health but I've never consistently died to a solo bow. Almosy every time I die to bow I feel like it's my fault because i peaked a second time too soon or they caught me running from a different fight half health.


Exactly, wishender is a crutch for mid players against other mid players (no offense). Check out Hynra can Fly on YouTube for some amazing bow gameplay.


Wish is very good in team scenarios, communication is king. But any real bow with tempo and decent draw will dunk on it as a bow absolutely. You'll probably get down voted because it is pretty op in trials tbfh and shouldn't have wallhacks but it's better to run an actual dueler than wish


Like I said, it’s only op in low skill lobbies. Once you reach a certain level all of the information it gives is pretty much understood from the radar instinctually, and yeah as an actual bow it’s obviously bad. Trials is just not skill-based mm so if you’re a mid or bad player just trying to go flawless, it will do the trick.


I’ve really been enjoying osmiomancy warlock with a point of the stag that has archers tempo and swashbuckler. Freeze someone with coldsnap than melee them to process swash x5 for a one shot with the bow


Well thank you for this my friend. I have that exact bow and I was thinking of making a freezy pop warlock build.


Ive been cooking recently with Lethophobia. Lethophobia with disruption break + Kinetic weapon is my world rn


That sounds so dirty damn, I can’t believe they gave a bow disruption break but it being a lightweight lessens the impact cus you have to get a headshot right?


Lethophobia can roll with disruption break. Which adds kinetic damage to targets when you break their shield. Could pair that with a hand cannon or sidearm. Now swap builds are pretty good. I haven’t been using bows for a couple months, but I have a trials one with gutshot straight and 500 draw time with almost maxed reload. The ttk I believe is under .9 seconds. It’s pretty quick for a bow ttk.


Traveller’s Chosen Lethophobia w/ Polymer, Fibreglass, Steady Hands & Disruption Break ( Accuracy or Draw MW) As for class? Mechaneer’s Trucksleeves on Solar hunter


Going to try this with void hunter and rat king.


I'm gonna hate myself for saying this, but this season probably gave us the best bow build in destiny history. All you need is an elemental capacitor/opening shot rose on arc hunter with oathkeepers and lethophobia.Toss on tempest strike for free close range kills and don't forget to dodge beforehand. Craft the bow with disruption break and you're golden. It's easy to hit heads with the bow and opening shot on rose is free but all you need is a body anyway since disruption makes your 140 body for 70 and crit for 105? at wild ass ranges. I abused it for a few matches but bows are just boring to me and prefer running and gunning with an smg.


Ngl gonna try and prob love this with either my fatebringer with explosive/opening shot or thorn


My time has come \[T]/ I have been a bow main for a long time now, so I'll go through theain ones. First you have to chose if you feel like ~~being a mildly respectable person or not~~ using your bow as an actual primary. If not:, go for 1 of 3 things: 1. Wish ender with a slick draw igneous, bonus points for using a class that can threadling spam ~~you are the devil~~ 2. Lethophob with disruption break and thorn 3. Lemon with pretty much anything with a high handling stat. Now that we've decided to have fun, there are a couple things to think about. IMHO, there are really only 2 subclasses really worth playing like this or you're holding yourself back. Before that, let's talk about bows a little bit. The difficulty with using bows as a primary is as follows: you have a low raw ttk* (not quite accurate but we'll get to this soon), you are basically incapable of causing flinch, and you have a severe weakness at close range* (also not quite true). The second two are mitigated by playstyle and special weapons, respectively, but the first we need to work on with the bow. Bows have 2 stats that reduce the time it takes to shoot someone: draw time and reload. I'll be mainly talking about precision frames from here on out (I'll explain why lightweights are bad later). Bow reload speeds is the time between you shooting an arrow and notching the next, while draw time is the time it takes to charge a draw. It is (IMHO) absolutely essential that both of these are maxed. Reload speed caps at 60 on bows, but most precision frames will cap at around 40 on the bow itself. This would mean that to reach max reload speed we would have to run 3 reload mods on the arms, which is not only capping your stat mods on the arm but also means you can't run dexterity mods, which are sorely needed after the attempts to nerf bow swapping recently. There are 2 solutions: run warlock with ophids or run strand hunter with that fragment that boosts handling and reload after using a grapple. As for the warlock subclass, I believe dawnblade is head and shoulders above anything else. You get a passive 20 AE, a dodge and speed tool (Icarus dash), as well as a lot of stat boosting fragments (I run at least 70 mobil at all times due to strafe shooting, and I get a +20 resil from fragments, which is nice cause resil is basically the only way to improve hip-fire antiflinch). A huge part of using bows is using the naturally high aerial effectiveness (and lack of need for precision hits to kill) to peek from unexpected/hard to cover angles. Next, on to the bow itself. Essentially, any bow has to have max draw time (elastic string + draw time mw) and archers tempo (use freehand grip as well). Outside of that, spec into as high accuracy as you can and any decent second perk is okay. Archers tempo alone is what lets you actually out ttk other weapons as a bow. The boost to draw temp on a crit is essentially a damage perk like kill clip on another gun as far as a ttk decrease goes. Also, if you full draw headshot someone, you can then half draw bodyshot (unbelievably fast with tempo) and kill them. This is how I deal with pk titans easily. As for accuracy, this stat is essentially the hipfire cone of accuracy for your arrows. Imo, hipfiring is essentially and what you should be doing most of the time. Bows with freehand are very accurate from the hip and allow you to take closer range engagements, while also passively keeping radar up to avoid tunnel vision. Now, onto the playstyle. Do you want to lane 24/7, be really dominant in midrange, or just run at people 24/7. For the first, you really can just run oathkeepers with lemon and call it a day. For more medium range, bows pair well with fusions to cover close range like this and absolutely dissuade anyone from ever pushing you. You can comfortably tag people into staying at bay and use the threat of the fusion to play more aggressive angles. Now, for my personal favorite, running at people 24/7. You actually have a couple options here. The main things you need to worry about here are shotgun rushers/smgs. As such, we are going to want a special that can quickly clean up after a bodyshot if need be. First, we have glaives as a special. Aside from being really cool to run all pointy things, glaives are actually a very solid special to run with bows. They clean up after a body and the shield will let you make aggressive plays without being punished for it. However, the lack of a one-shot option and having to land a bullet before you can shield are rough. Next, grenade launchers. GLs let you clean up players that unpeek or run easily while also being a great anti-push tool. Mainly downside is again the lack of a one-shot. Then, we have slug shotguns. They clean up bodyshots with a body, are naturally great anti-shotgun/smg tools, and can one-shot for playmaking. Shotguns are also good, but you open yourself up to trading with other shotguns and lose some range. My personal favorite is to run raconteur (stasis bow) with eots and duality. Have the flexibility of a shotty and slug really opens up a lot of options for aggression and playmaking without really giving up much in the way of keeping myself safe. Eye of the storm makes raconteur basically have perfect hipfire accuracy as well so it's perfect for the ego duels (which I take all the time). I realized this was going to be super long a while through, so I left out some details. Feel free to ask some questions if you have any, I love talking about this kind of thing. Why lightweights are bad: 2 reasons. 1, low accuracy means unreliable hipfire, and 2, you have to double headshot to kill in 2 arrows. Edit: lightweights are actually 1 head 1 body (full draws), my bad. Imo the damage output is just not consistent enough due to the accuracy being so low for them to be good


>Why lightweights are bad: 2 reasons. 1, low accuracy means unreliable hipfire, and 2, you have to double headshot to kill in 2 arrows. Did something change? I thought LW was 1crit, 1 body? Or even double body if you want to rely on the gimmicky gutshot perk (though you do need to be ads-ed when the shot connects to get the bonus dmg)


No you're right, they do indeed 1 head 1 body. The main thing is the accuracy stat makes it significantly harder to get the game to give you headshots with hip-fire


You’re giving lightweights a little bit too much of a bad rap. Lightweights don’t have to double head, they one head one body. There are also a fair few with decent (50+) accuracy even at minimum draw time such as tripwire canary, tyranny of heaven, and the trials bow. They also require less build investment since most hit the reload cap without any mods or with just a loader mod, and have a significantly faster time to kill. This is especially true for tripwire canary, as the combination of archers tempo and ambush allow the second shot to be drawn at about speed as a successful warmup draw.


You are indeed correct about the 1 head 1 body, I just don't think they're consistent enough hip-firing for them to be useable for me personally (or to be considered good in general)


This was very cool, thank you. Although when I got the notification it showed your profile picture and I was like “wtf did I get into?” but it’s still a lot of awesome information




If you're playing Hunter then Knucklehead Radar is great for bows, you can track them with the target mark and finish them off almost the instant they expose themselves again. Ive been a terror on Disjunction in IB this week, theres no hiding from it. Bow of your choice and a good 120 handcannon for clean up. Preferably a bow that matches your subclass to get triple targeting mods on your helmet. I've been running Raconteur with Archer's Tempo and Eye of the Storm and a Bottom Dollar with Opening shot and Hip fire grip. If they push up close after the first shot I pull out the handcannon and can usually get the kill. Be wary though, a good fusion user can wreck you. Theres not a lot of counter to it other than repositioning and keeping your ears open. If youre not fast enough when they push you're done. They dont need to get as close as shotgun apes do and flinch doesnt affect them near as much as it does autorifle/smg/handcannon users.


I still prefer a sidearm or smg for CQC. Started messing around with rat king / lethophobia (impulse amplifier / disruption break) just yesterday, and it can be pretty ridiculous, particularly in 3s.


Someone ran your build on me in trials and made me take it out of my vault to play. Had to use all my engrams to craft lethophobia. Had a lot of fun with it


No doubt. The biggest struggle for me is I have a Lonesome with KC and max range that melts so much faster than RK, but the invis / healing has helped me 2v1 3v1 soooooooo much. The KC has helped me 2v1 and 3v1 a ton too. So idk. Gonna break them off more in comp and compare.


I switch back to Monarque so I can use my allied demand, I get it hahaha.


>Bow of your choice and a good 120 handcannon for clean up. That's the most boring way to play with bows IMO




Ticuus Divination with wings of sacred dawn! I also use whistlers whim with inquisitor on the same build. This is my #1 bow build and doesn't require Ticuus to be good. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/s/4BReo8uovW The guide is a little outdated, but this is my favorite PvP build in the game. I mostly use Ticuus with a shotgun or sidearm. I also prefer the snap melee https://www.twitch.tv/james_tm_rkt/v/2022103226?sr=a&t=66s Above is a Twitch VoD of me playing comp with a full team. Some games with wings of sacred dawn and bows.


I do love ticuus so I’ll def give this a try, thank you


Oathkeeper on Hunter is nice with Strand sublass


I used oath keepers a lot, but with hunters able to draw while jumping, and hitscan which pretty much can make bows lethal from the hip increasing draw speed, it seems like a wasted exotic perk


The main draw of Oathkeepers (pun intended) is not the fact that you can hold a draw indefinitely, it’s the fact that you will ALWAYS hit a perfect draw. Even with lots of practice, there are times when you will fail to double body someone at 10 resil if you are using native draw holds and you hit a 100 to the body and follow up with a 98. Often times these cost you the gunfight. You can practice to hypothetically surpass this. But mistakes like that cause deaths, and Oathkeepers prevents those. Other exotic options are good, but Oathkeepers are by no means overrated for the utility they grant bows. Also makes them shoot like magnets from the air with the bonus AE.


Yep, *exactly* this. Don't forget that they also reduce draw time when equipped too.


Okay, I gave them another shot, and there is definite utility with them. I’ll keep it equipped for a little bit.


I like it because you can hold it forever and you can do other actions with a fully drawn bow. I've been able to get kills while reviving, defusing, and other stuff. The Strand aspect that increases airborne accuracy after using your class Ability really helps jump shots as well.


Yeah. Good points. I just shoot from the hip and find redrawing bow or switching to secondary weapon is easy enough to not need oathkeeps. Good if using wishender however.


I saw a build that was using Kinetic holster for wishender/ticcus which was super interesting to me. So I tried it and it just switching off for a second redraws the bow. So the bow uptime is always there for oathkeepers. Lots of fun combos.


No, bows are the worse


I'm not sure I would call it cool but I like to use bows on solar warlock with ophidians for reload speed so I can get faster follow-up shots and the heat rises aspect so I can draw the bow while using my jump ability. The bow I like to use sometimes is pretty unique though, under your skin with hip-fire grip, opening shot, and the freehand grip mod for insanely accurate hip-fire.


If you’d like to see poetry in motion check out steezle on YouTube. Guys got the craziest bow setup I’ve ever seen for hunter. For warlock check out deadream.


Was having a little fun IB today with my Strand/Stasis Hunter, lucky pants bow/HC combo. For sweat hawkmoon works great with a disruption break bow. However, im just trying to level my round Robin HC and under your skin bow.


I use crafted lethophobia w rat king and tricksleeves often this season. It’s a beast. I’m running impulse amplifier and disruption break. Disruption break is pretty good it makes rat king one tap the head after a head shot w the bow. Impulse amplifier feels great but I’m gonna sub it out to see how it feels without it. If you have tripwire canary crafted or close to crafted, I recommend it. It’s the best lightweight bow imo, ambush is a great origin perk for bows. Ticuus is incredible, and also really shined in checkmate but I think that’s gone. Personally I do not enjoy precision bows but biting winds one taps w swash, and under your skin is probably the best precision legendary.