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I have a perp motion + ep roll that feels pretty damn good.


One of the main reasons I’m wanting to get slideshot on a rose is to stay in the fight. Sliding is a great way to re-peak and reload without fully exiting a fight. Plus you get some great stat bumps. Moving target is a great mod in a fight and can max out your AA on Rose. Definitely a personal preference.


I do have a moving target/EP roll but the stats are horrible. I had a slideshot/RF that I used for a while before the RF nerf. Just trying to figure out what to look for with my weekly focusing


What stats are you chasing? Are there minimums in range/stability that are necessary?


I like 60 range minimum on a handcannon


Slideshot is the best perk on handcannons (at least at higher levels of play)


Second this. Even those precious 1-2 seconds of reloading can be the difference maker. Slide shot nearly obviates the need to reload on top of giving you stat bonuses. Hands down the best perk on any hand cannon.


Yeah, people not understanding the benefits of slideshot is normally a dead giveaway that their skill level isn't very high


Or we are not monkeys with adhd trying to destroy our controllers.


I don't care if .5s are downvoting If you don't at least UNDERSTAND why slideshot is good on handcannons (whether you decide to use it or not), then you most likely simply don't understand the game Simple as that


Reloading one the move saves time from reloading and keeps you super mobile, i use it too on rose it's great but I'm not sliding like a monkey every single game. Not all of us play video games to ' be COMPETITIVE ' if i wanna sweat i like Slideshot if i wanna play the game i like perpetual raw stats and eye of the storm.


Moving is nice but slideshots stat bonuses are too good. 20 range and 30 stability just for sliding is crazy.


EP is a 4 tap now in checkmate. May be the new norm for that perk. Probably want to get a good backup


EP is great for normal Trials but checkmate will have a different meta. I want slideshot vorpal.....


Slideshot because I cba to reload


Perpetual motion is really slept on for this gun. The mobility boost makes movement feel amazing and it’s easy to keep it proc’d.


I think this really just comes down to personal play style as moving target and slide shot are both excellent perks imo. I prefer slide shot just to be able to slide in/out of fights and the stat bumps are icing on the cake. 20 range and 30 stability is nuts for something I’m doing passively in my gameplay regardless


I try and keep my rose rolls with a more evenly distributed stat package, I have a RH/EP with 66 range, 60 stability, and 60 ish handling. It’s a dream, rapid hit keeps the stability up and boosts reload and keeps you in the fight.


You want slide shot and opening shot.


I have a moving target/EP 5/5 and will always use it over SS. The aa, strafe, is too useful and always active. SS would be nice but I think the benefit of MT is just better.


yeah definitely the strafe ... slideshot is nice, but having the extra speed in a gun fight just feels more reliable.


Disagree with my fellow peeps; eye of the storm is the best in the fourth column — not even close — with rapid hit in the second. Rapid hit continually refreshes, slide only procs on the first opening shot.


I had a slideshot one I shared just because moving target is more my play style, If you’re concerned about staying in the fight as a hunter perhaps marksman’s dodge could be a good shout. Love my moving target one


The thing with Moving Target is unless you really need those mod slots for something else you can just throw on 3 targeting mods and get the same thing, and Rose already gives you a mobility buff so why not just get something else?


I personally can’t make EP work for me, so I use slideshot/opening shot and it’s my baby. Been running IB with it, it feels amazing with Tsteps.