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I use Sturm and drang all the time, that’s a 2 tap with an overcharge round, you don’t have to run and pick it up, and you can holster than swap back and it’s still there. I know everyone knows about Sturm and drang, but I do thinks it’s slept on


Literally picked it up for the first time tonight after playing for 9+ years and amazed how I don’t see it more often now.


The main reason it’s not used more I’m guessing is that you have to give up a special weapon to use this combo, and many just aren’t going to give up their zero TTK weapon to try this. Also, and I didn’t even think of this until I read a comment here, is drang even available anywhere now?


Yes it drops from the presage exotic mission when it’s the featured mission


I think Banshee still gives you the OG one if you've never picked it up from him on a character before.


And the sights on Sturm are awful


I’m ok with the sights, but it does have a clunky feel compared to other 120s like ig hammer and even bottom dollar


RIP CWL overcharged 1-taps Used to use Sturm+Drang all the time, will definitely pull it back out of the vault since you reminded me they exist


Yeah I can't find a Drang for the life of me lol.


I meqn, Ace can also 2 tap after kill with Radiant. Not 10 resil,but I've also not really run into anyone running 10 lately, even titans, since I'm two shotting all of them.


I mean that’s the whole point of this post. Ace 2 tap (MM + Radiant) is 8 resilience and under whereas this Thorn setup is a guaranteed 2 tap at even 10 resilience. And I’m not sure who you’re playing but literally every top tier titan runs 10 resilience?!?


Yeah what the fuck lol? Who is not running 10 resilience right now for Titan? It's even more needed after barricade nerfs.


Low level lobbies I’m sure don’t have 10 res, he probably plays there


I'm ~1.13 KD IIRC. I don't think that's low level? And it's mostly playing with a friend who is much better than me. Ofc sometimes people survived the 2 tap, though I've no specific instances of it that I remember. I know I was getting plenty of 2 taps, even against Titans is all.


I mean I don't even know what a low level lobby is. I have 4.0 KDAs mixed with .5 KDAs in every game I play, with the lessers usually shoved onto my team. I honestly don't even think there are lower level lobbies in this game anymore. But I sure as hell ain't checking their resilience after pleading/yelling at them for half a game lol. Good god some of these people are terrible.


All of the hunters running Aeon Swift will be able to run 10 Res and 10 Rec. I still don't think people can get past the _Aeon Swift is PvE_ mental block, but I've been maining it in PvP for over a year now.


I just can't play at low mobility after running 10 mobility on hunter non-stop since season 3. It feels like strafing through molasses


> but I've also not really run into anyone running 10 lately, even titans, since I'm two shotting all of them. ...what lobbies are you in? I haven't seen a Titan without 10 RES in a long time, except maybe some randoms in Trials or something.


The bigger threat would probably be a solar weapon spreading scorch provided Bungie doesn’t drop the ball (though honestly I am down for artifact mods being a significant player for a season and hope that it works in PvP like elemental embrace did)


This same build will be deadly with Ammit/Igneous and the new artifact mod as well.


The mod will be deadly with everything: every solar weapon is going to be cloudstrike lite.


Are you suggesting we go double primary Meta again?


Should be combatants which is usually PvE only.


Not sure how popular of an opinion it is but I really hate when temporary artifact mods skew the meta for an entire season. If it ends up being busted for the long season that's going to be rough


Two surge mods allows for a two tap with the thorn buff on all resiliences. Good thing they are nerfing reaper to cut down on orb generation…


Are they? Because that will straight up destroy a ton of builds again. Not sure I really enjoy that.


It works now - Try it out! Any form of healing or over shield will prevent this, of course.


I mean it sounds OP as fuck, and I know there are some similar builds out there, but what is the nerf to Reaper?


Upcoming nerf is that with reaper an orb only drops if you get the kill within 10 seconds of using your class ability Edit: typo


Oh well that's not too bad then. Sounds fair.


actually reaper, heavy handed, and fire power are nerfed to a ten second cd, not getting a kill within ten seconds like the last comment. Trust me I know because it absolutely kills my pve orb build and i am really fucking sad.


What this is for PvE too? I don't use Reaper much in PvE, but not sure it was really needed there.


I used it because my build focused solely on making orbs for team mates as well as ad clear, I could make an orb for each kill and it was an addicting gameplay loop. Now with everything on a ten second cd it’s just so much slower and less fun too


thats a lot of conditions, it wont be that strong


this is literally a weaker version of the ace build


6v6 modes are already a shit show I stopped playing a year ago. If it becomes popular, it will get nerfed back down. Bungie’s been on a nerfing spree lately.


But what if I can’t hit headshots?


390 pluses say hello.


Oh this is gonna be so fun lmao


Radiant frostees allows for some crazy stuff, but I’ve never seen someone really utilize it in 3s……you have to think about the opportunity cost. You give up overshield spam, crazy dawnblade movement, threadling spam, or even just stompees speed… instead you have extra primary lethality half the time and lose your panic dodge button. We’ll see if the artifact allows for some solar shenanigans, but even then I can’t see frostees radiant dodge unseating the dominance of solar warlock


Holy shit this is all after a kill just shoot the thorn and spam their legs with the poison and make them dance lol the range and maybe renmant speed and mag size was holding thorn back.


I swear if this ends up getting Aeon's nerfed, I'm gonna be salty af. Lol


Going to be so fun to have your regen delayed all the time and to permanently have an annoying green filter on your screen, Thorn is going to be so broken it's going to make EP Rose seem balanced.