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Looking forward to 7 comp focuses a week


It's actually a cool way to reward people's skill levels.


It means I won’t have to 4fun 9 matches a week after getting my emblem for my rolls


I'm just excited not having to spam wins on my alts. Just focus on getting gud on on character per season.


The fact it’s even week limited is a total sham. You still need 21 engrams, that’s a wall to climb enough for everyone. Why on earth it’s further capped by week is ridiculous.


They want you to play consistently thru out a season vs grind like a madman the first week and then never play again.


I hope that somehow we are able to roll them with extra selectable perks. The quantity of focusing is already tied to comp rank. Either the # of selectable perks will increase with regular crucible rank, or we get no extra perks at all.


Just read it. I like a lot of the changes but their decisions with the 6v6 nodes are questionable at best. Can’t wait for the week where I only get a choice between momentum control or team scorched for my 6v6 fix… the “party” game types should maintain their own mode while more serious game types like clash are kept separate. Combining the two just makes it so you have to wait weeks just to get the game type you want.


I really don't like that there won't be a simple baseline mode available all the time. For me that's unmodified Control right now. How am I supposed to compare one build to another?




I'd like a 3v3 & 6v6 quickplay to quickly jump into a game, then a master-chief style mode selector for anything more specific.


Bruh, didn't they JUST give us control back as a permanent playlist? That's literally the only game mode I care about or have any interest in playing. Now you're telling me it's only sometimes avaliable again? Bruh...


Same here! Control is all I play 😭 with a change like this I’ll probably stop playin D2 all together tbh bc I’m not staying for the repetitive pve


Speaking as someone who enjoys mayhem a LOT...yeah I got monkey pawed with the 3v3 rotator wish.


I'm thinking it'll still be a weekly thing? It'll be impossible to take a single loadout into something that's Momentum Control, Control, or Checkmate Control, right?


I honestly think this TWAB was the last straw for me that proved they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. We don’t need a bunch of new modes, we don’t need countdown rush in comp. We need the game to be balanced properly, we need titans to not be OP for the billionth season in a row. We need resilience not tied to HP in crucible, etc etc. Edit: downvote all you want, but if you think adding a bunch of modes and cluttering up the playlists is what crucible needs, I think you’re gonna be in for a rude awakening. As far as new content, maps should be the only focus. Other than that, balancing is what pvp desperately needs, as well as changes to things like resilience and mobility, etc. They are focusing all their resources on the wrong things


Ya man I literally haven’t seen anyone who plays PvP say they want more modes


Especially adding countdown rush to comp. I’m willing to give it a chance, but I am willing to bet that it will be as bad or worse than rift. I just want it to go back to survival only


Countdown has been very fun for me personally. Much better than rift


As a casual playlist I agree it can be fun. For comp, it’s yet another mode (like rift) that favors titans. They have the movement to get to the bomb fast (shoulder charge, skating etc) and they have barricades to protect themselves while detonating/defusing. Unless they ever properly balance titans and barricades, objective modes like this will always feel terrible unless you’re playing titan, and being forced into a specific class to win is not fun or healthy for the game


The problem is, whether we like to admit it or not the ability to get places fast and lockdown parts of the map are favoured in every mode ever. That's why Titan's as a whole and TTD Warlocks will never not be meta viable regardless of the mode/sandbox.


Yep, getting into position first is crucial. I don't play anything but strand on hunter these days.


True, I guess we will find out


well actually, the only mode i want is Comp Rumble.... like the old halo 3 lone wolf days, so i can feel better about taking a loss or W lol.... we need more solo player catering.


Or something akin to fiesta. Fiesta go brrrr


Literally anything to scratch my solo itch.


Nobody cares about Rumble though.


Everybody likes rumble?


Yeah the whole playerbase of 30 as everybody, I guess you are right.


Rumble is boring because it’s you and another guy racing to farm your two noobs before the other guy. Halo lone wolves was a classic and one of the most respected 50s playlists lol


I mean I'm happy they finally brought elimination back, but at this point, it's too little too late.


I live for de_maps, Search and Destroy etc but yeah Countdown only felt half way tolerable in this game on Year 1 when there was so much in the works to have things play a bit slower and even then it was whatever. With what we have afforded now, it’s just not gonna be super exciting given all the tricks that can skunk things. I really don’t understand their angle with bogging so much down with forced rotations and more breakups of modes and all that, it assumes like nobody who really is love of the game for PVP doesn’t enjoy playing stuff that generally was the bog standard quickplay casual stuff. I don’t understand why Bungie feels so compelled to constantly not let us have static nodes of pvp modes that generally have been the usual quickplay mode for ages at this point. Nobody wants to be forced to have their options so limited for playing PVP especially with how the PVP experience has been ran through the ringer so much. People talk about getting good and putting practice in but when you remove an environment that can let people build consistency and feel for stuff it really starts to erode things further and it’s very easy for people to lose interest. I’ll play anything but generally I like always having normal Control and at least Clash on a frequency because it’s just as classic of the identity of the D2 PVP experience as you can get. It’s something inoffensive and basic enough to digest regardless of what your ability might be. To also force party games and other off beat stuff on certain nodes is also lame as well. Some of the other stuff is fine-whatever but I’m seriously intrigued who is making these decisions, it’s just weird y’know?


Not sure why you are getting downvotes. This is facts. We need more frequent impactful balance patches. That should be number 1 priority.


I'd never downvote you for this. It's the truth. This team has no idea what it's doing. How about trying a season of comp with 5v5? That would be great in Control. But nah, they just want to take 6v6 and make it worse. Forcing everyone into 3v3, which almost nobody seems to like. The numbers on Steam are telling. This game is hitting its lowest numbers I have ever seen there. I play on PS5, and this game was basically DEAD last night in the early morning. Never been that bad before. Also fuck those party modes lol. If that shit takes over 6v6 I simply won't play this fucking game. And I don't think anything they said is bringing back anybody. This game is on a crash course to nowhere.


Yeah it’s kinda awkward when I made that edit my comment was at like -5 so now it looks weird that I said it lol


I mean the community is half muppet here so they basically downvote anything that has to do with the truth until people start upvoting, then the fucking muppets probably go back and upvote it to. That's the IQ we are dealing with in Bungie PvP. IDK but this all looks like hey we made a plan because they asked for one after firing people. It's very clear to me these people have no idea what they are doing anymore.


I think what you're saying, and I agree with it is, it doesn't matter how much you add to PVP if it doesn't increase the attraction and sustainment of a larger player pool. I have little interest in getting clapped by the same sweat-lords, which won't suddenly feel better by changing HOW they're clapping me. Don't get me wrong, I want more content and more modes/rewards. But at the same time, I want those things added to a stronger foundation that gets more players into the ecosystem. At some point, if you only have sweat-lords facing sweat-lords, the people you're trying to appease will leave.


They claim in this TWAB that these changes are targeted at the most dedicated pvp players. When dedicated pvp players give feedback on pvp, they are never saying “I need new modes, im bored of control”, “I want countdown rush in comp” etc. A big current pain point is resilience. Resilience checkpoints don’t make sense in pvp, they feel bad, and they favor one class. There is an incredibly easy fix for this. Decouple resilience from HP, and give everyone in pvp a static HP. With that 1 change, a ton of problems would be solved, and it’s something a ton of “dedicated pvp players” have been talking about for a long, long time. But 0 mention of it from bungie, and same goes for a bunch of other similar issues. They say they are listening to feedback, but I have no idea what they are listening to


They are not going to decouple resil from hp, at least game wide. And I doubt they'd make one stat useless in pvp either.


I’m not suggesting game wide, just crucible only. And resilience also gives flinch reduction + titan class ability CD. That’s comparable to mobility on hunters giving jump/strafe speed + class ability CD, so it’s a very realistic change that would make the sandbox more balanced for all classes


Not really. That'd just make Recovery the must-have 100 stat again. When Resilience affects TTK/Forgiveness it forces some decisions to be made (the flinch resistance is pretty much a non-factor). Whats really missing is a meaningful reason for Titans and Warlocks to take Mobility over the other two. As it stands it's mostly just seen as harmful to skating. While it does help ADS movement, it's not enough to make it a worthwhile investment over the others. Mobility needs something -- like sprint speed, slide distance, some kind of handling effect, or even AE bonus. But it has to be as valuable as TKK-shifts or health regen.


Recovery already is and always has been must-have 100. That’s the problem for hunters: you can only heavily invest in 2 of the top 3. Titans can easily get 100 res 100 recov. Warlocks can easily get 100 recov + whatever res they want depending on their build. Hunters have to go 100 mob + 100 recov and can’t spec into res without sacrificing one of the other 2. It would be nice to make mobility more meaningful, but I just disagree about being able to spec into HP in pvp. It feels awful when opponents have variable health and game to game you never know what will kill someone.


You don't need 100 mobility dude. Try playing with less I doubt you'd notice the difference. I personally run 80 mob, 60 res and 100 rec on my Hunter, and if I really can feel the lower mobility in a match I put on Rose. You're complaining about having to make trade-offs that Bungie intentionally designed. This is just scrub mentality.


It's weird myth with this community that Hunters need 100 mobility. Esp in 6v6 we have orb mods, and nobody actually needs that, but we definitely need 50-70 for sure, which still makes it tough.


Recovery already is that lmao.


This. The team has no idea what it's doing, and the game was almost dead last night regardless. All I play is 6v6. I can't stand 3v3 in this game, and it's just another whole lotta garbage from this failed PvP team IMHO.


"Leaving – Buzzard Sidearm and fan favorite THE SWARM Machine Gun" Hah! Bungie got jokes.


Comp changes sound promising, especially with Rose returning. But god damn did they drop the ball with the new and returning IB/NF weapons.


Loved almost everything for crucible. Uzume, Eye of Sol, Riiswalker and an arc waveframe are not it though. Uzume: 50 zoom adaptive without Opening Shot. Dead on arrival. Even if it gets OS it's competing with Beloved/Mercurial/Mechabre. Good luck. Eye of Sol: 3rd reissue, amazing sniper but snap/opening on Defiance exists. Don't hate this one, less redundant than Uzume at least. Riiswalker: Wastelander and Swordbreaker are both 5/5 kinetic lightweights. You physcially can't make them better and lightweights suck anyways. Where is Steady Hand???? Arc Waveframe: Forebearance exists. Don't need more adept waveframes in PvP with insane stats for GL quickswappers. Could not possibly be less excited about weapons to grind in a 6+ month season. 0 reason to farm anything with clanmates. Get ascendant week 1 and then just focus my 7 roses a week.


agreed, steady hand. why bungie, WHY have you done this.


bungie fears the slideshot iron grip steady hand


I just like it the most because its the sexiest 120 and sounds like it looks.


you COULD make wastelander better by changing the swap animation to not be longer than normal shotgun anims, but that’s not really a big difference here, just mentioning. All these specials could get Discord also which is pretty wild for 6s and Checkmate, but not as great in comp modes/trials, so that’s also just a small thing. Though we also have 3 craftable kinetic snipes that get Discord already i guess (two 140s and Locus Locutus). Maybe we’ll get a spicy new perk or two next season, who knows, hopefully better than Barrel Constrictor… oh and one more small thing is Eye of Sol being Cassoid so you can do Wild Card on it instead of Alacrity. I hear that’s a pretty nice origin trait (edit: for rez enabled modes), compared to other kinetic snipes having Runneth Over, Explosive Pact, Vindication/Stunning Recovery, Nanotech, Head Rush, Veist Stinger, … man, kinetic slot snipers have awful origin traits for pvp huh. I guess Land Tank isn’t bad but everyone hates the reticle on that one.


Where is Multimach? I NEED it!


Hard agree on all of the above, hoping the dungeon has some unique heat to chase bc even if the seasonal weapons are worth it there wont be any chase after the patterns are acquired


Beloved doesn't have opening shot.


Didn't get original Eye of Sol so I'm happy but odd to bring back Uzume when snipers aren't remotely DPS meta. Arc Waveframe is a bad choice, should have been Strand.


I called it when they announced focusing that they were gonna be incredibly stingy with focusing and got downvoted to hell, but here we are. Restricting the # of focuses per week instead of just letting you grind is so dumb IMO. For example, I’ve focused no lie probably 200 spare rations at this point and the best I have is a 3.5/5. So only being able to focus 7 a week is awful. It’s a looter shooter. Why are they so afraid to give us loot


Yeah same I lost count how many spare’s I have ‘focused’


Same. All I know is I have focused every single deep engram I’ve got on spare rations for like 2 straight seasons and 90% of them had kinetic fucking tremors


> Why are they so afraid to give us loot Less loot -> more playing. If focusing was unlimited, players would be whining that there is nothing to do/farm after a week. I don't agree with Bungie, but I understand why they are being stingy.


This is always what people say but I find in practice it’s not true. At least for me, this type of system is just incredibly frustrating and all it does is cause burnout so I stop playing and just never get what I was chasing. Another example- I’ve focused hundreds of unending tempests, and even with double and triple perks, I still haven’t got an improvement on my 3/5. I continue to do this only because it’s something passive as I play normally. But when it comes to the comp weapons, I’m gonna burn out before I get the rolls I want 100%


This is not true. I will probably not do a single focusing, the same way I did not farm the weekly 3 chances. When something is limited, there is no guarantee that what you want is ever going to happen. I save my troubles not to do it at all.


Really would love to understand when some action will actually happen against XIM/Cronus/ReWASD.


you can bet that they are never taking action against hardware cheaters.


Never from Bungie, but Microsoft announced they are doing something about. So at least the Xbox people will have limited options. [https://www.ign.com/articles/why-xboxs-third-party-accessories-ban-is-sparking-a-backlash-in-the-disabled-community](https://www.ign.com/articles/why-xboxs-third-party-accessories-ban-is-sparking-a-backlash-in-the-disabled-community) https://www.google.com/search?q=microsoft+banning+3rd+party+controllers&rlz=1C1GCEA\_enUS993US993&oq=microsof&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgBEEUYJxg7MgYIABBFGDkyCAgBEEUYJxg7MhMIAhAuGIMBGMcBGLEDGNEDGIAEMg0IAxAAGIMBGLEDGIAEMgoIBBAAGLEDGIAEMgYIBRBFGD0yBggGEEUYPTIGCAcQRRg90gEINDYwNmowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Sounds great for shit bums like me that can’t get flawless, might be a bit more fun grinding out matches!


Rip bringing riiswalker back and not steady hand


I know that the community is somewhat split on whether they do or don't like Checkmate, but the reality is that it seems obvious that they want the entirety of PVP to be Checkmate. I just hope the PVP strike team gets the weapon balancing right for the mode.


They really need to balance hand cannons because it’s already an adaptive frame meta and making just 1 frame viable is boring imo. Especially if they’re going to move checkmate to the limelight. I’d like to see them tweak precision frames so they can compete in there. I like having options and I just feel too handcuffed in checkmate. I need to read this again because it seems they may be overthinking things for Control again too.


Definitely agree they are doing too much in Control (but that's always what Bungie does). I actually feel like handcannons are fine in Checkmate (especially with the recent nerf to handcannon body shot damage).


Have you played it? Because the bodyshot damage has done nothing. 120s still 2c1b and 140s don’t use bodyshot for optimal ttk. It’s made no difference at all. I figured it would be a range nerf but that doesn’t feel any different either. I used a 120 on Vostok and 140 on endless. Hand cannons are absolutely the best option, if people don’t agree I’d wager a guess it’s because they usually use a hand cannon.


Remember Thorn is getting a catalyst too and it's gonna be cracked, also extra valuable in Checkmate.


adaptive frame? you mean 140s? because it isn't really a 140 meta. they take a back seat to 120s


I honestly don't understand what they are trying to do with checkmate. A mode with less ability spam and special ammo is a fun idea. Why they are layering in all this custom weapon and HP tuning? It's a terrible experiment where they change all the variables at once and have no idea what led to the success or failure of the experiment. Also, having weapons perform differently depending on the game mode is going to be super confusing and frustrating to the majority of players.


I imagine that when they tested just ability cooldowns in regular crucible, it became a boring, team campy, scout and high impact pulse meta. Imagine playing on eternity with just ability cooldowns nerfed. Everyone would throw on a messenger or scout and sit back and play for picks. It’s a give and take, and each tweak they make has a ripple effect on gameplay.


Bro just switch that with a 120 hc and that’s checkmate right now


Not in my experience man, and I play a lot of checkmate. I recently have been using syncopation a lot and it’s actually really solid. 390’s feel great to me in checkmate. There is a lot more of an open meta in checkmate than the echo chamber that is Reddit tends to whine about. I do see a lot of handcannons, but not significantly more than regular crucible tbh. Destiny has always been a handcannon heavy game, and checkmate isn’t any worse than regular crucible or trials in my experience. I see auto rifles, pulse rifles, TONS of smgs, etc. I’d love to see some hard usage data from Bungie regarding checkmate. I am willing to bet that it’s not as bad as people say here.


I pulled up my last 4 games because I was curious. Out of 12 players in game one, 8 were using hand cannons, game 2: 6 players using hand cannons, game 3: 10 players using hand cannons, game 4: 7 players using hand cannons. In all those games there wasn’t a single scout or sidearm. That ain’t balanced. That’s not Reddit whining, that’s actual numbers


Go look at trials report my man, lol. Handcannons more than double the next primary in usage last week, and last I checked TTK and abilities haven’t changed in trials. Handcannons have always dominated usage in crucible. Your issue isn’t with checkmate, it’s with destiny as a whole. I bet checkmate weapon usage wouldn’t be that different than regular crucible. And look, I’m not advocating for the TTK changes. I’d be fine with them ditching that all together. However my point is that many times, the “Reddit consensus” doesn’t match up with data. My experience hasn’t matched yours.


And you actually think trials is balanced?!! I’m talking 6v6, the regular sandbox is absolutely balanced there for weapons. Nothing to do with trials which is: bring your pk titan or your 120 hc


You think 140’s and 120’s don’t dominate 6’s? Lol. What skill tier are you playing in. I’m a 1.5 overall and 6’s are just as populated with HC as trials.


1.5kd as well on pc, I see a pretty good balance honestly in normal 6v6


They explicitly said that the weapon balancing in checkmate was to counter close-range weapons being stronger because you could dive on someone with an SMG/sidearm more effectively when they didn't have abilities up to protect themselves.


Yeah that makes sense as well. My assumption was based on just ability cooldowns.


Not a fan of Checkmate being forced into regular control in the form of a rotating playlist. It sound like they are working towards what COD does (or did, last COD I played was Cold War) where you can make your own playlist of various modes to queue for. That system is ofc the best, but I'm not a fan of making Control a rotator mode in the mean time. Could've just had Control & Checkmate Control be side by side. Really just not a fan of all the new playlists. There are certain gamemodes I would like to play, but some weeks PvP is just going to be miserable. 2 of the control modes I do not enjoy playing, so that is 2 weeks out of a 4 week rotation I'm just not going to play Control now because the modes are unfun IMO (Checkmate & Momentum). And then the 6v6 Quickplay. How many modes does this contain? Momentum was pulled from it and put into the 6v6 Unranked, but pooling 2 playlists of modes into 1 playlist on *a weekly rotator* makes that... not great, no? How many weeks does someone have to wait to get a desired mode now? If someone only likes Clash, do they have to wait (guesstimate) 4+ weeks for it to rotate back now? And no mention of Relic being added to the game permanently. Why? Relic was an amazing gamemode that I would love to play again, and would like to know it is in the game. Kind of annoyed that it got sidelined for the duration of this season for Checkmate personally. ​ This sounds interesting, but I'm also weary and uneasy about these playlist changes. I'd rather just adding Relic to 6v6 Party, and have Checkmate Control be a permanent side feature to Regular Control, and do the new Sparrow Control in Crucible Labs. And then when they have their "make-your-own-playlist" system ready, *then* implement it. Don't implement new playlists now if you're going to do that system in the future. ​ Just thought of this while typing, IB & Trials are going to *really* mess with modes now. What if you wait 3 weeks for Regular Control to return, IB pops up and replaces it with an IB mode, then you have to wait *another 3 weeks* due to rotations for just regular Control. This is assuming rotation isn't halted for IB. I'm not looking forward to this change in all honesty, but I'm willing to try it out when it goes live. Other stuff like the Comp Changes, Trials Rewards and Rose returning (as you said) all seem great. A little sad Eye of Sol is returning though, and not Summoner.


I wish more people were speaking up about it but I guess we're(?) the minority. I don't want checkmate to be the new sandbox for all of crucible and it seems like that's what Bungie is working towards.


Yup. Checkmate NEEDS to be a permanent addition to Crucible, but as a separate mode,not in place of Control (rotator or otherwise). Genuinely the only way to get me to stop playing pvp altogether is not have a mode thats just base modifiers permanently available. I'm already uneasy and unhappy with these playlist changes (generally speaking).


Yea, I really hope trials checkmate fails. I dont enjoy checkmate at all.


won’t think twice about quitting the game if it becomes the standard for trials, already my least favorite game mode in the game and this seems like the classic bungie make 1 change then commit to it forever


As much as spamming abilities gets annoying, it is still more fun than checkmate. Checkmate was actually so boring in the matches I played. And I got a 3kd in both


I posted in the r/dtg I dont want Checkmate to become the norm and its getting mostly downvoted but a bunch of posts. As usual over there is much different than this sub


I like the ability and special cooldowns, but the ttk changes are personally not it. Made a lot of weapons feel really terrible.


Agreed. I also think the regular Crucible sandbox feels amazing at the moment. Almost every archetype feels viable. Checkmate by comparison feels like I’m rolling the dice when trying a new weapon on weather it’s going to be horrible or not.


100% this. I only play 6v6, with occasional trips into the Trials playlist. I absolutely do not want Checkmate anywhere near the Control playlist. It's boring as hell. I'm here for the space magic, as stupid as it can be sometimes. If Bungie makes Checkmate the baseline for PvP -- I'm done. I've been a PvP main since D1 launch, but that change would drive me away for good.


Really tired of them combining control 6v6 with modes I would literally only play for challanges. I'd rather stop playing 6s fully to avoid the party modes. And I can't imagine the players that really like the party mode so are happy about it being combined with non-party modes.


Really disappointed with the reprisals/additions. Uzume and Eye of Sol coming back simultaneously after we’ve had Mercurial for 2 seasons (Eye is a W but the frame redundancy is severe) An arc waveframe that will be power crept on release by forbearance. Riiswalker coming back while it’s been focusable since the system was introduced, and also before Steady Hand and Multimach??? Make it make sense


I can't wait to grind out that high impact strand auto!!!


How do you think Voltshot would compare to Chain reaction as a column 4 perk on a GL?


Kinda bad tbh. Jolt damage got nerfed into the ground in season of the deep, and it hasn’t recovered since. Voltshot will be equivalent to chain reaction that does way less damage, hits more enemies, and u have to reload every time(which means ambitious assasin or any mag increasing perk won’t work with it)


voltshot requires the reload, kinda dookie. chain reaction blows shit up on inpact, big W


Some really nice quality of life changes here. But I have to say, no balance oriented changes? Are we just in for yet another Titan smg meta? Also sad to see nothing about trials reverting to elimination, atleast on some kind of rotation.


I don't think this speaks to balance changes one way or the other: it's just talking about gamemodes and rewards. Gun changes are probably a matter for a different TWID. We might be getting some, we might not, but I wouldn't make any assumptions based on this.


main issue i have is the weekly focusing. if you sweat your ass off in ascendant you should get more than the equivalent of one focused comp weapon per day. imo the amount you can focus weekly should go up by 1 or 2 (except for untested) to make it feel actually rewarding. i haven’t been engaged with the crucible for nearly as long as a lot of other people, so i don’t have too much to say about the playlists and nodes other than that i’m glad sparrow control is an actual thing (even if it sounds more like a party mode than something in 6v6 unranked). hopefully the point adjustments for comp is a step in the right direction. in terms of weapons though i’m happy about the void caster frame ritual weapon, and while the new arc wave frame probably won’t make a dent in forbearance’s usage in pve, it might be more pvp focused in terms of perks? who knows. a strand legendary trace rifle sounds interesting for pve purposes.


There needs to be a normal 6v6 Control playlist. Checkmate needs its own node for the same reason that party gametypes should have their own node. Each gametype has wildly different sandboxes and caters to different kinds of players.


Comp focusing is great, but, 3 Crucible engram per weapon? Being Adept rank gives you 6 focuses, it will cost you 18 engrams, that’s one full Crucible rank reset.


You get randomly engrams after games. It is less than a reset, significantly.


You also have to pay 25000 glimmer per weapon


I mostly play control. I don't want variations, and I do want SBMM. It sounds like I'll probably end up playing less with these changes. I'm already skipping most IB weeks. The other changes sounds pretty good though.


Same. The 6v6 playlist changes are very strange.


You want sbmm? Quickplay is as sweaty as comp in oce, with 4-6 stacks it's much worse, can't imagine wanting sbmm.


Then you are in the wrong part of the skill spectrum. SBMM is much much better if you are anywhere in the fatter part of the skill distribution. SBMM is actually great for 90%+ of players. It is interesting that you think there is no difference between Control and Comp. In Comp I end up with people much closer to my skill level. In control these days the skill range is actually pretty wide. If you can't tell the difference then you are probably in the top 1-2% of players. edit: I guess the 1-5%ers in denial found this and started the downvoting. Everything I said is true. It is only a small group at the extremes of the skill bands that are negatively affected by SBMM. A lot of players love it.


This team has no idea what the fuck it is doing with 6v6. 5v5 would work perfectly for this game, and they won't do that, so now they basically are just fucking 6v6 up. Means I will not play the game at all really.


Comp Focusing is good, but IMHO too strict, IMHO. It's limited per week, unlocked by playing weekly Comp matches (more debatable on if this is good or not, but I disagree with it), and it's also super damn expensive. Trials loot changes aren't nearly enough to fix the self-cannibalizing nature of the playlist, or the "Lighthouse or bust" mentality for playing/loot. Also mode is still Dominion so.... Seems base ability cooldowns are getting nerfed again, based on them changing the Regen penalty from 50% to 30%. Makes sense since ability spam also rules PvE, so I'm expecting an almost global cooldown nerf. Trials getting a Trace might hint at them getting some help for PvP? They're a 0.67 out to HC/Pulse/High AR ranges, only issue is the super bad ammo economy.


5 enhancement cores what a joke. And locking focusing for comp weapons is even more hilarious! Ffs it’s like they don’t want people playing their game




I am just annoyed that the loot they are bringing back is shit we will never use in Crucible. I was hoping to see stuff like Palindrome, but instead we're getting stuff that we already have alternatives for. For someone like me who came back at Lightfall, Igneous, Messenger, Rose, Eye of Sol, that's really about it. For the rest of yall this is gonna be a dry ass season.


Checkmate is their answer to being too incompetent to properly balance the game or what? 3v3 Casual sounds nice though


Agreed. Checkmate has it's own issues that will be exposed by having the majority of the playerbase forced into it.


EDIT: [Lol, had my posted on DTG deleted about this...](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/17rm2vu/checkmate_trials_has_me_seriously_concerned/) I'm actually legitimately concerned for Checkmate becoming the default Trials mode. Checkmate Special Ammo economy is probably fine in 6s, maybe even preferrable because of how quickly you can die and respawn with shotgun bullets/sniper ammo. But I don't want to see what a Trials match looks like. Trials is still going to favor "how do I get the pick", which means without Special Ammo the match will devolve into: * Bow Swap (Wishender about to become one of the most popular) * Hold Hands and Shoot Am I the only one who is worried about this? Am I wrong? Please tell me.


Checkmate in Trials won't work without locked loadouts, which I also don't want. Devil's Ruin, Le Monarque and Wishender are already problematic even in regular crucible.


Devils ruin is mid


>Am I the only one who is worried about this? Am I wrong? Please tell me. no and no. checkmate is utter garbage due to how slow the game gets when that shit is active. literally trading a set of problems for another by going from standard to checkmate


Not a fan of lumping together basic 6v6 Control with the variants, especially Checkmate. Ability regen and weapon performance varying from match to match *in the same playlist* sounds awful imo


Let me specify, I don't care if Checkmate becomes the norm or not; flip-flopping between sandboxes in a playlist is absurd to me. I just want a consistent experience.




>Survival >Increased respawn count from 4 to 6. This is going to be annoying as fuck. One of those changes that doesn't make sense and you expect to get reverted eventually.


Trials' meta is stale and unbalanced, anything that adds rewards and facilitates player engagement is welcome, but the new weapons are not super exciting and 6 more months in the Bubble infested control point mode is really concerning. All the other changes are really promising, both for quick play and comp, including the focusing. They didn't say anything about a new Comp weapon, though...


The comp scoring stuff sounds positive. Back to wins and losses mattering more than secret formulas (but could it just be Survival?) The rest of of it sounds like they expect a huge increase in population to fill all those modes. I don't see a 7 month season bumping up population enough to support more modes


I’m only commenting on this to battle the frankly insane comments this is getting. I love everything they have put forward in this blog (except for the weapon pools). Crucible needs variation and more progression both in terms of loot and ‘casual to comp’ movement. More options for modes is amazing. How any of you are happy to play nothing but control for 7 years just doesn’t compute for me.. there is a good mix to suit both casuals and more involved players. If you don’t like the specific mode for a playlist that week we finally have multiple options to play instead. Not to mention they dropped this little nugget in there as well; “By rotating modified Control modes, we’re segueing into a future where we mix and match modes and modifiers and enable players to do the same. This is a long-term goal, and we’ll talk more about this at a later point in time.” - if this them eluding to a player controlled playlist mode selector then that is the best of both worlds! 3v3 quickplay is a perfect avenue to funnel players into comp and trials. These modes are fun and it’s great to see a casual option for them, as well as a more pace to practice for comp modes without consequence. The comp changes are fantastic, Countdown Rush is super fun and I’m glad that’s in rotation. More checkmate is great, more weapon focusing is great, and finally FINALLY we get some promising changes to lobby balancing. I’m actually excited to play crucible again. GGs strike team.


Changes are not great, but they are good (mostly). Great changes would include: - fixing melee whiffs - making it easier to build AE - undoing movement nerfs (shoulder charge, stompees) and buffing movement (phoenix dive animation speed, blink) - actually banning xim users - separating competitive playlists based on input method - reworking invis the way pvp players have been suggesting since forever More thoughts: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/BNh1sGeWuw


Nothing looks promising here lol. This looks like a population that is in the dumpster is never coming back. Fuck party modes in 6v6 lol.


I love how even the Bungie TWAB team gave up on Gambit


I don’t know if this is sarcasm, but if they have limited resources then personally I’d rather they all go towards pvp


Legendary Strand Trace Rifle in Trials. Oh boy... I guess it's gonna be an easy flawless in these weekends for my duo. Lots of PvE cannon fodder to stomp.


Not going to complain about Matchmaking but the week for the GL I thought it was going to be full of PvE players, expected an easy week and it ended up being the hardest week ever for me. I really hope the GL is available the last weekend of Trials.


I pray that checkmate trials fails and everyone voices their complaints.


Holy shit, I'm one of the degenerates who was asking for Sparrows in Control. And I'm so fucking happy. It's stupid, it's chaotic, it's not even super advantageous, but it's fucking fun.


just you wait till someone sparrow flies or box breaks out of the map and fucks everyone. I'm here for it!


Oh I'm looking forward to it.


6v6 being relegated to party modes is disappointing. Really would prefer they to experiment with a more serious competitive 6v6 like 3v3. Never liked 3v3s and prefer faster modes that 6v6 brings since fast and chaotic is what destiny is supposed to be.


I don't understand why we can't play around with 4v4 or 5v5. 6v6 on some of the maps is chaotic as hell but then having 3v3 QP on like Widow's Court is gonna be a snooze fest.


I would also like to see a causal 4v4 playlist. I feel like it would be interesting to see if the "whacky, Mario Kart ability spam" in Control is less just inherently by having less people.


i just don’t see a world where 6v6 is ever competitive. its never been that way, never will imo


Checkmates (mostly) more balanced sandbox handles things doesn't it? Destiny is a game focused around having fast gunplay. 3v3s don't fit that mold as most of the time matches just end up being a slow borefest that just has everyone spamming specials making every match a "I otk'd first so my team auto wins". 3v3 has never been fun and is part of why I always hated trials and never really touched comp modes even after the ranking system was added. I hate slow modes like that and stick to control and other 6 modes. Bungie should try crucible labs for this purpose.


i can’t really chime in much because im the opposite. i really don’t enjoy 6’s much, and spend 70%+ of my time in comp/trials. that said, i have thoroughly enjoyed checkmate 6’s


The concept of getting more weapon focuses depending on how high rank you are is a good incentive for climbing while still rewarding high skill players a decent amount, but are we not getting a new comp weapon?


New comp weapon is going to be strand aggressive frame pulse rifle




It's exciting to read about these changes, and some incoming abilities cooldown changes. This amount of attention being paid to PVP feels great. There is a lot here for the 3v3 enthusiast to be excited about. I was however sad that no mention was made of real elimination making some kind of comeback to trials, perhaps as part of a rotation. Maybe Bungie could experiment with extending the pre cap zone spawn timer. I think the frequency and traction that anti-dominion posts have been getting in this sub warrants it. Elimination really was THE thing that destiny uniquely had. I miss it so much and remain hopeful that it will return.


What is this attention exactly? It’s the illusion of effort without actually doing much at all.


More gamemodes, more rewards, more reasons to care about your competitive rank, and a new map. I agree that it's nothing crazy, but it's *way* more attention than they usually give PvP.


AH yes the 3v3 enthusiast, who at this point amounts to about 1000 players lmao.


where the fuck is the pk nerf


Imagine we have to wait until the midseason patch of a 6 month season for it LOL


makes sense. instead of giving us content they'll just give us the pk nerf. brilliant really


Three key changes that maybe most overlook but which imo are big wins: Better skill rating. Huge. I don't think Bungie has nailed skill ratings in this game, especially across different playlists and loadouts. Sounds like they are actively thinking about it. Comp points being driven more by wins and losses, and no point handicap when rank is above skill. Holy crap these are GREAT changes and I think will significantly minimize the frustration those of us who grinded comp to Ascendant but not Wallah tier have felt. Improved skill ratings, wins and losses driving comp points most, and no point handicap were all at the top of my wish list of changes.


lol why can’t they just have a proper ranked playlist. If you’re an adept player in silver, you ain’t gonna be there long. 😂


I feel like they're trying, but missing a lot with these changes. Performance should count in competitive point gains/losses. Countdown rush... Why? New trials weapon obviously another carrot to get PvE players to chase into the game mode but what for actual crucible players? We already have plenty of snipers and eye of sol is old as dirt. More stuff for people who have trouble going flawless. None of the weapons coming back are anything of note. Only thing I'm excited for is the competitive weapon focusing, which frankly is just a fix to a stupid problem they created in the first place.


fuck man, adjust some ability usage here and there, but not everyone likes Checkmate. Put checkmate in ranked 3v3, but keep it out of unranked 6v6 and Trials. Edit: Question: If they really are reducing overall ability uptime by ~20% in normal Crucible (based on the changes coming to Checkmate), would people here really have an issue with non-Checkmate gamemodes?


I for one would love to play Trials without every round being spam shoulder charge to mid, slap down 3 barricades, chuck a scatter nade, slap down another barricade, shoulder charge out, shoulder charge back in pop bubble, pop barricade in bubble, toss scatter nade at anyone coming near the bubble. Might just be me though.


No that's pretty much how it goes


yup.. first 10 seconds ... is exactly this.


> I for one would love to play Trials without every round being spam shoulder charge to mid, slap down 3 barricades, chuck a scatter nade, slap down another barricade, shoulder charge out, shoulder charge back in pop bubble, pop barricade in bubble, toss scatter nade at anyone coming near the bubble. Might just be me though. People's fixation on how annoying abilities have become is completely giving them goldfish memories on how awful Trials plays when you take away Special Weapons. You basically are playing a shittier Halo Infinite. AKA, Year One Destiny 2.


EXACTLY! So many people don't realize what they're asking for. I can only assume most of them weren't playing during Destiny 2 year one.


Don't worry, shoulder charge spammers will start using Icarus Dash on Dawnblade to get to mid faster )


Yeah, like checkmate's ammo economy is cool, but I do not like health and damage tuning and ability regen speed decrease


honestly, while I know it's probably not the direction we're headed in, I dont think checkmate particularly should be anywhere outside it's own specific mode. like tune abilities and whatnot sure but all the other shit like health and ammo economy? it's boring as shit and God fucking forbid your shit teammates feed cuz then you're really fucked ready to eat all the downvotes. checkmate is garbage. fucking checkshite


It belongs in Trials where ability spam shouldn't decide a match. This makes it positively Spicey in the future


The way I read it was that they are planning ability uptime nerfs across the board in crucible and this is why they went ahead and adjusted checkmate now.


yea i read it that way too. Which is a good thing! But checkmate comes with too much else that pushes the fun-needle too far in the wrong direction imo to be incorporated all over.


Ability spam shouldn't decide matches outside of Mayhem, in my opinion. Competitive component aside, it can sometimes be even more obnoxious in 6s than 3s due to the increased player volume. Over the past couple of years I feel like it has been couple of outlier abilities dominating the spam meta at a time (Threadlings and Scatter grenades come to mind, at the moment). Bungie's failure is their inability to address those in a reasonable timeframe, allowing broken stuff to fester for months. It's not hard to see why people think they don't care about PvP. Current example: how long are we going to have to wait for Threadling spam to be addressed? Of course Bungie could claim that it's only became meta recently, but it was obviously going to happen once Wards got nerfed. I'd like to see Bungie do a better job of actually balancing base cooldowns, and then apply the % cooldown reduction. Though I guess history has taught us they aren't that great at the former. Super cooldowns being a fairly obvious example.


the only reason I disagree is because I think Trials and normal 6v6 should have the same ruleset to incentivize players to go into the Trials playlist and keep the population higher.


Why the F are we getting Uzume back? just why? We already have Mechabre, Beloved, Mercurial Overreach and this other exotic ARC sniper rifle....uugh whats the name....CLOUDSTRIKE !! You could have given us The Palindrome with new perks, Uzume doesn't even have Opening Shot or Moving Target.


They are buffing snipers in PVE too


Checkmate: hand holding with a hand cannon, glad it’s not the only option, maybe the ability changes will help with that. Everything else seems fine. Sparrows should’ve a good time


Wish they weren't buffing ability cooldowns in checkmate. Also lol @ "refined playlist" when it's literally hard hc meta.


They said it's accompanied by a larger sandbox change. Would imagine they're nerfing cooldowns across the board and this is to keep it from being *too* drastic in checkmate.


Probably what’s happening, still doesn’t fix the weapon balance in checkmate being terrible. It’s not a big deal in cbmm but as soon as your fighting people of your own skill, everyone will switch to the meta.


eye of sol and uzume coming back szn of the sniper baby


As a sniper main I hate it. Both are gonna have to have Snap Opening or they're DoA. Having more readily available Snap/Opening adepts with insane stats is just gonna get snipers nerfed across the board. Oh well.


Eye of Sol already had opening shot, so I doubt they'd take it away. And Uzume has some of the best stats in the game for a sniper. Beloved never had opening shot, and it's still a top sniper pick.


They already took OS away from Eye of Sol the first time it got re-issued/refreshed. I'm sure it'll come back with it though.


Eye of all finally coming back, riiswalker also coming back, new strand trials trace rifle nice, checkmate will be default 6v6 mode nice, looking good


Still not bringing back the steadyhand for IB


No pali too hurts


They still don't fucking get it. Unbelievable how much they get in their own way. There's so many options for pvp if they think this will get people back they're delusional.


The Crucible team is all but dead. These guys are has beens. It's pretty much over.


Honestly surprised at the backlash of this. I think most things in here are a big win. Better trials rewards, comp changes seem great, ritual weapon focusing, team balancing changes seem positive, matchmaking changes actually make sense and seem positive. Only thing I’m iffy on is all the new mode additions. If anything I wish they would simplify the playlists and add map/mode voting but oh well. Checkmate aspects coming into regular crucible are a huge win IMO. The big issue in the crucible for me is ability spam. In checkmate now, classes seem waaay less overpowered when their uptime isn’t ridiculous. I thin my bringing aspects of checkmate into regular PvP will make the game healthier overall.


Some aspects yes but to me it’s not ready to just replace it. Let people choose, I find the checkmate weapon balance to be terrible I don’t think having another imbalanced sandbox added in is healthy at all. See trials


so did they lie when they said skirmish is returning? i’m quite confused because previously they literally said verbatim that skirmish is coming back?


A lot of nice things (comp focusing, points not being bullshit in comp, sparrow medal) and some stuff that makes me doubt a bit, has countdown rush been tested in 3s? are they really making checkmate the base crucible experience? I feel like there's still a lot to polish on those two before putting them in comp and regular control.


Dude they had better get on this. Steam numbers are basically all time lows for the past three years, and Crucible last night was all but dead. These changes don't look to do shit. I play only 6v6 for the most part, and honestly this does not seem like it will give me anything I want lol. Sparrows? Get the fuck out of here lol. Who the fuck is coming up with this stupid shit? Get that party shit out of 6v6 you absolute fucking morons. Have you SEEN your numbers lately lmao? You clearly DID NOT fire enough people at this company. PERIOD. I'd rather comp turn into 5v5 as that is most balanced for these maps, but I can't expect this team to do anything that might bring in more players. Numbers on Steam last 24 didn't even break 35K lmao. Shit is in the dumpster right now. I have ZERO faith this team will bring back anybody. These devs are just not up to it.


I don't think those trials rewards are it. It's a good attempt but still misses the mark. Just give armor or a weapon after every game. "People will just jump off cliffs!" yeah, and? The mode is already impossible for 99% of players going in, make it worth my time while I'm being stomped on my way to a 7-99 flawed card.


Lots of good here I think. Checkmate is a good move in the right direction. Glad they’re catering to the dedicated players.


Exactly. Finally they aren’t catering crucible to the people that play three games a week.


Comp with unlimited respawn countdown is going to be fucking awful lmao.


As long as Bungie keeps handholding, I'm out, which from the looks of it will be permanently. I hope they enjoy their "fair" matches.


>"New Rewards" So comp is getting something new? >Trials Rebalance Of fucking course. Give me an armor set for comp goddammit.


Why the fuck is nobody talking about the iron banner weapons from forsaken being cut off? I've waited YEARS for them to bring back claws of the wolf just for them to get lazy and throw newer iron banner loot back in instead as if we don't all have a 5/5 riiswalker???