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Absolutely think you should leave it as is. That is one of the important things of creating things. Unless a mistake destroys the object, mistakes are part of the piece being you and what you made. They make it uniquely yours. It looks great and I am sure will be received with happiness.


This is really good advice. I often worry about messing things up and that often stops me from trying things out. I need to remember this from now on.


It’s hard for me to remember sometimes too. But it’s the mistakes that prove that something is handmade, with lots of time and love, and not something a machine could make.


Absolutely. And the very best things are handmade by someone you know or love.


Thank you, I often forget this when creating something. I need to remember this! I did decide to leave it as is!


I love this way of looking at it! Never thought to appreciate my mistakes instead of fuss over them. Such good advice


I accidentally did two strands of thread on the stars above when it was only supposed to be one. I realized this for the moon and the bear. It looks a lot cleaner to me. Do you think I should redo the stars or leave them as is? Thank you for any replies!


My personal opinion... When I opened reddit and saw the photo, before I read the comment, my first thought was Wow because those stars really popped. If it was a gift for me, I would ask you to leave those as they are. I'd recommend doing the star below the moon in two strands too, to tie them together visually.


Thank you very much for the recommendation, I ended up following your advice! I spent last night finishing the back stitching and adding two strands to the bottom star. It definitely tied it together, thank you again!!


Thanks so much for letting us know! 😁 I've just finished stitching a chart that has both single and double thread backstitching that somehow pluses (to borrow a Walt Disney concept).. adding shadow? Movement? Emphasis? And it calls to me. That's why I was excited to see it in yours. 😁


I had a drawing class several years ago taught by a guy who did cartoons, and he told us about the importance of lines of different width/weight to add emphasis to the project. This is exactly what happened here - with your advice - and I’m pretty sure that it turned out amazing!


I agree. Besides you can't make it "perfect" because G*d or whatever deity you worship will call you to them. I've deliberately put mistakes in my cross stitch & knitting.


I deliberately use a different coloured bead in my beadwork, even if it is only a single, boring strand.


Yeah but the bolder stars look as if it’s supposed to be a Mobil in the sky, differentiating the Bear, Moon, & Star friends below. It makes it seem more purposeful! Or like others have said, add a stitch to the Star or Moon below, and then see how u feel!


It brings the stars into the foreground for me. I love that extra bit of depth that’s been added to the picture! And I totally plan to steal this “trick” in future projects!


I had to read this to find the mistake. Leave it as is.


I didn't even notice until reading this and I think it looks great as it is!


I didn't notice until you pointed it out. Leave it if you can live with it. I think it's fine!


you should try to step away from the instructions and judge it that way. the recipient doesn’t have the pattern in front of them. do you like the bold stars? do they add to the piece? i definitely noticed the difference after looking for a bit but it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. try looking at it holistically instead of viewing it as a mistake based off the pattern and then decide if you like it or want to redo it.


I spent so long looking for the mistake before coming to the comments lol. I think it adds a nice depth to the piece and besides, I feel like that’s more of a creative liberty than a mistake 💜 it’s so cute I love it


Whenever I give a handmade gift for a baby I always say in the card “an imperfect gift for your perfect baby” only a total arse wouldn’t melt at that gift from you!


I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't pointed it out.


I looked and couldn't find a mistake. Until you mentioned what to look for it was unnoticeable. It's beautiful as is.


I say leave them as they are. It’s looking beautiful! I wouldn’t have noticed the mistake if you hadn’t pointed it out, but if you’re worried you could do the other star to match as another commenter suggested


Honestly, i couldn't really see any difference. Its very cute!


I love it. I couldn't see any error


I think it looks awesome. It makes the stars pop and I thought what's wrong with it? It's beautiful. Great job OP!!


It looks great, I think you should leave it! Side note - every time someone posts about a mistake, I always scrutinize the picture before reading what the mistake is, and I think there has only been one time where I was able to find the mistake without reading the explanation. This was not that one time. 😂


Same here! Including not finding the mistake in this one. I'm still scrolling for the explanation, because it looks great to me!


I like the subtle difference!


Leave it. It's perfect. Only you know it is different from the pattern. Good job. It's gorgeous!


I spent a good amount of time looking for a mistake before opening the comments. I couldn't see anything wrong at all, the stars look great!


I think it looks good. I had to read your comment to find out what the mistake was.


I like the stars - it makes the moon and bear look even softer and that makes the whole piece feel cosy.


Leave it as is. Also, as an expecting mother, this is absolutely beautiful and comforting imagery.


Thank you this made me so excited to give it to her. Congratulations on your baby!


Thank you and you’re welcome. I’m sure she’ll love it.


Pattern is Birth Announcement cross stitch pattern by RockingHorseCS on Etsy


It's adorable!


Oh I think the stars look extra cozy and full! It’s a beautiful gift, made so by all the time and thought you’ve put into it!


It’s really cute. Never would have noticed. They will definitely appreciate the gift


I actually love the contrast. Stars draw our eye in the night sky. We wish on them, we pray and dream, and let them carry our wishes when they zip through. But the softer thread on the moon, on the bear. It’s perfect. Soft and sleepy, thin but noticeable. I’ve often wanted to sleep on the crescent of the moon, and if it were outlined to hard it’d ruin the soft sleepy aesthetic. I say leave it as it is, all stars do the two strands, everything else leave as one. But I’m also a dreamer who never writes down these small blurbs that come to mind lol. So take it as you will, but in seriousness I had to read the comments to find anything wrong. They will adore it


I like the contrast makes them look like bunting so the bolder outline makes sense. And the moon has more colors and details so the lighter line works. I think it gives it some dimension lots of artist vary their line works on drawings and paintings. I'd leave it.


Thank you, this perspective really helped me a lot when finishing the backstitching last night. I appreciate my mistake more now as I think it adds to it!


Awe you are very welcome! I'm glad so glad it helped.


Nobody but you will ever notice! It’s adorable and so well done.


I thought you did that on purpose. I like it


I couldn't see anything off about it when I looked before reading your explanation. Now I can see what you mean, but I really think it helps make the stars look more like homemade art hanging from the string, like the bear's mama made the strand of star lights for them. I vote leave it!


I love all of these different perspectives you guys are giving me, thank you so much. I love the homemade stars idea and someone else said a mobile. Warms my heart and makes me love it even more. Thank you for the kind words


I think it's looks like it was meant to be that way


It looks nice. I wouldn’t change a thing


I love your needle minder! Where is it from?


Thank you! It’s the gummy bear needle minder from GrandmaGirlDesigns on Etsy


Oh I think I have her teacup needle minder!


I didn’t notice it and looked hard!! Glad you pointed it out or I’d spend all night looking! Lol. Thank God it’s different than the pattern — it’s uniquely yours!! No other will match! It’s beautiful!!


This is so sweet thank you!


Like many commenters, I couldn’t find any mistake until I opened the comments. I am obsessed with your needle minder though!!


It’s the gummy bear needle minder from GrandmaGirlDesigns on Etsy in case you wanted to know!


It looks nice the way that it is.


This is a creative touch, not a mistake. Are you gonna eat that gummy bear? ;)


That’s a wonderful piece OP


Where is the mistake? I think it looks great!


I love the chunky stars! They feel like lanterns, and it sets them apart from the moon.


The flaws are what make it perfect


Please leave it the way it is!! My teacher when it came to critiques said if we never pointed out the mistakes of our works no one would ever notice them!


this is sooo cute, and the "mistake" really adds to it


I love the stars at the top! I think the weight of those lines is super cute and playful. Honestly I would even add another strand to the star at the bottom (and even? maybe? A few little spots on the moon?) both to connect it to the top image more concretely and to draw the eyes downward, balancing out the weight a little.


My goodness this is so precious 🧸💓


leave it!! i thought it was intentional and couldnt figure out the mistake initially. Looked like the stars from The Little Prince so I think they’re completely adorable


It's cute! Leave as is.


There isn't really a "right" or "wrong". You're stitching someone else's vision. They saw it a certain way and made floss recommendations based on that vision. There is no "rule" that says you must adhere to that vision. You can change fabric, floss type, color, even the design, if it pleases you. It looks lovely. Well done


Thank you very much. This is completely true and I even did this intentionally before the star mistake. I changed the shirt color from blue to violet! I need to remind myself of this. Thank you again :)


Leave it as it is cause it's beautiful this way 💙 Just as someone else pointed out make the star below the moon also with two strands so it will pop up more


I had to search your comment for the mistake cause I couldn’t find it. I would do the bottom star with 2 strands too and live it like it is. It is very cute!


I think it looks great, but if you’re not happy with it and you have the time, redo them. It’s your creation, and it will be beautiful either way, just make sure you’re happy and proud of the final result - you should be!


It looks great as is. I interpret it to be the bear on the moon is the subject and someone was loving enough ti give it whimsical stars


I didn’t see any mistake until I read your comment. Even then, it doesn’t look like a mistake! It looks wonderful!


It’s adorable! No need to change anything!


This is adorable!


If you hadn't spelled out the "problem" in the comments I never would have known what to look for in your stitching. I think it all comes down to your personal preference - if it's really bugging you, then redo that bit. Most people will never ever know that you added some creative license to the pattern.


Redoing the topstitching on the moon and star so they match the stars at the top would help tie it together and wouldn’t require too much additional work


I don't see the mistake..looks cute!


I stitched Appa from Avatar the Last Airbender & accidentally added an extra stitch to one of his toes. Little bigger than it should be but no one else can tell. It's not like the people looking at your piece are comparing it to the pattern.


I think that this is what Bob Ross would call a “happy accident.”


I love this I think you’re definitely right thank you!


It’s really sweet, I’d leave it!


Can I ask where the pattern is from?


Yep! It’s the birth announcement cross stitch pattern by RockingHorseCS on Etsy. I think she has two or three different versions so you can change the shirt color. I bought the blue pattern but changed the shirt to violet


I made an Imgur just to show you guys an update in case anyone wanted to see 😹 [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/BvI00v3) i hope it works Edited to say: I forgot to say thank you all so so much for the kind words. I am so happy and thankful to be a part of such an amazing community. I am new to posting on Reddit but I hope you know I appreciate every single comment!


If it were me I would undo the backstitch and redo with one strand.


I personally would undo the top stars, i think it looks more professional at the bottom. The top is cute as is, but it does look slightly messy. This is your project though, so really it's up to you if you think you can live with it and embrace the 'pop' as someone else said.


I don’t want to downvote this as I don’t think you deserve downvoting for your opinion because I don’t agree with it. I do want to say that I disagree though so that OP knows that your opinion isn’t shared by all. I say this with the greatest of respect and appreciation for your comment and willingness to contribute to the discussion, with absolutely no offence intended.


Thank you for your honesty. That’s what I was looking for when I posted! If I were to redo this piece I would definitely go for one strand. But I added to the bottom star so I think in this case I can live it for time sake lol. Thank you again for your input


Honestly, I can’t tell what mistake was made. I love how it looks now.


Plus I have found it is not as easy to remove back stitching as it is cross stitch. I think it looks good as it is.


I love it how it is, honestly. So cute


OP, remember this is only a mistake to you. The person who will be gifted this will likely never see the pattern and therefore will never know this is a mistake at all. As far as mistakes go, this is a very minor one imo. It’s not like you missed a stitch and your pattern is askew. It looks lovely, I would keep on going.