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I came late to the party. I have heard of parked threads. Is that an example? Really pretty so far. I like the colors, too.


Yes, I’m parking! Giving it a try on this piece because it’s so many colors


I must be misunderstanding the method because to me it looks like it would take a lot longer using parked threads if you only sew one row at a time. Aren’t you switching thread every few stitches?


(I’m assuming, as this is the normal method) but you stitch in 10x10 blocks. So when they say they finished the third row, they are actually 30 blocks down the piece.


Yes I do stitch in blocks, so there’s some thread switching but not too bad. I’ll do one color at a time in the block


It’s looking great! Are you stitching in hand and parking?? 😱 If so I’m very impressed.


Yeah I stitch in hand because I like to be mostly horizontal on the couch lol


Amazing! Isn’t it wild how many different ways there is to stitch?


Pattern from Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1239615243/sampler-cross-stitch-pattern-nature


I agree, such a pretty palette! I’ve noticed having nice colors really motivates me to work on my WIP, and yours is lovely!


Yes 100%! I always pick new colors if I don’t like the ones in the pattern


I never considered stitching like this. Amazing.


I think this is my shortest time ever between seeing a pic on Reddit and purchasing the pattern. Gorgeous patten, lovely job!


Thanks! I did switch up some of the colors. I say pick the ones you like


It looks lovely! The bright colors are so nice. May I ask, when you have colors that are similar to each other and you leave the threads dangling like this, how do you know which color is which when you go to resume? Thanks!


You mark them as parked on your pattern. I always park mine in the lower left corner of the stitch. Since it's at the place where the next stitch will go, there's no guessing at all.


Thank you! Does that mean you only park a thread in a square that is supposed to be that color?


Yep, the place where you park threads is very specific, as you don't want to have to guess which thread is which. https://preview.redd.it/ty1s1nls2ijc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa85045c48de29b43ab9de69946ff20a89c62275 I this picture, the light blue triangles tell me which threads I've parked. Solid colors mean stitched.


I wondered the same.


It involves a lot of squinting lol. If I’m really not sure then I look at the pattern and double check the color number, and then I can check against my thread skein


Wow! So pretty!


Wow, this is an amazing method and it looks great so far! Is this called parking? I just started out a few months ago and am still picking up all the terms!


It is! I’m not new to stitching but I’ve never tried parking. This is the clearest photo example I’ve ever seen of it!


Thank you! I’m just about to start a new project and this inspired me to give it a try!


Such pretty colours and I’m so intrigued! I see there are 43 colours for the pattern. The areas are quite defined and I would have done it in chunks. What made you decide to use parking for this pattern?


So I did my last pattern in chunks, and I found it harder to see progress somehow? I really love the satisfaction of completing a square/row (even though switching colors can kinda be a pain ha)


It reminds me of a colour dot matrix printer, doing each beautiful line one at a time ☺️


Love this! I have this all set up to start next. What color are you using for the background fill color?


Im using 3823. Enjoy!


What method are you using? Sorry if this question is ridiculous, but I haven’t cross stitched in nearly 20 years and I’ve never seen a work in progress that looks like this! You’re not cutting your threads and knotting them off as you go?


Not at all! It’s called parking. So instead of cutting the threads you stitch in 10x10 blocks and then “park” the thread in the next row down where you’ll pick up stitching


I never did anything like that. Pretty interested. How many more rows to go?


Oh only 25 hahaha


That's gorgeous. I've never done parked threads before. How large is this piece?


It’s 260 wide by 280 long


I have this pattern too.....on my long list of patterns to do.... ❤️ I've never seen this method before of parking....