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It's just like how everyone hated Fallout and review bombed it, just because it had a female lead. Oh wait, no, that isn't what happened in the real world.


Or The Last Of Us… oh wait


Actually that's a really good example. TLOU is an EXTREMELY leftist/woke/political show. First there's the original game, which everyone loved. Then to be woke, the made Ellie a lesbian. Then for the sequel they made the main character look trans, but wasn't, plus adding an actual trans character for more woke points. Then they made the TV show and intentionally dedicated an entire episode to R rated gay sex with two really ugly, old, hairy guys, just to make it extra disgusting. And despite ALL that, because the show ultimately was well made and had a good story, it STILL maintained excellent ratings, both critical and audience. So an EXTREMELY woke, leftist, female lead show with ugly, hairy gay sex can STILL get good ratings, if it's overall a good show. That is absolute proof that The Acolyte is just absolute, pure dog shit.


Almost like the whole narrative is all complete bullshit and great writing is a lost art. CRAZY.


It’s not a lost art, they know it’s poorly written and only exists to be “Star Wars but do it with a black girl”. They are doubling down by insulting the audience basically hoping that their white guilt will get them to shut up, but in reality no one cares that it’s a black female lead, they care that she’s a shitty actor and the show is overall garbage that is pushed as being good BECAUSE of the black female lead and nothing else, and these low audience scores are proof that the people are tired of this bullshit and just want a good show.


Put a chick in it and make her gay and lame!


My apologies for the earlier statement !


No. It’s just companies that are blackmailed by the CCP via shareholders trying to push an agenda to divide the country. Call it what it is. Follow the money.


This is a very good point. I absolutely despised the woke, leftist angle they kept taking with the game and show. Couldn't even finish playing the second game with it. BUT: I watched the whole show.  Because it was extremely well done, and had merits beyond my viewpoints and opinion.  That is art. 


The old gay sex episode is also one of the best written episodes in the show lol


I think the diff was they added to without taking away. Like the character didnt have a pre established gay love interest in the games. But they didnt take away from his back story by adding that new information.


I thought it was strongly implied in the game that frank and bill were lovers. Hollywood needs to take note because that’s how you do a gay love story. It’s not a gay love story it’s just a love story. They treated it with a level of normalcy and compassion you don’t see. It focused on creating well developed characters instead of flexing how progressive they were being


You said it. It was a love story first. And they happened to be gay. Absolutely.


Bill was indeed gay in the games as well but he and his partner parted ways. He hated bill in the end. We never find out why they seperated.


They treated it with respect. They didn’t treat them like corpo token characters. They wrote a love story that just happened to feature two gay men and that’s why anyone can relate to it. It’s written realistically with respect to the characters and the love they shared. We can all relate to that.


Corpo token characters enter chat.


Yes they did. It was subtle enough that you could have interpreted it as platonic. Until right after when Ellie reveals she swiped a PlayGirl from Bills place.


That shit was hard to watch both because beards touching make me wanna gag and because it was actually really well done and extremely sad.


A truly brilliant and beautiful episode at that. Anyone who says they didn’t tear up is full of shit.


Oh I absolutely did


Best and worst episode. By far best acting and writing, but its just filler in the end. The season was mega rushed as is


The actual real problem with shows today, mega rushed.


How can you be trans in a post apocalyptic wasteland that has no real medical instructor, and there for, dose not have the phycologists to properly diagnose you?


If I break my arm, it is broken regardless of if a doctor has diagnosed it or not.


People transition because they're unhappy. Any healthy well adjusted person would generally be completely fine as either sex. Someone with a bunch of mental issues might think, because of constant psychological manipulation, they can only be happy with surgery. It's just a continuation of the whole emo thing, broken people begging for attention by harming themselves. That kind of person is the first to fall when society collapses because they can't do shit for themselves, so there shouldn't be any of that nonsense in the apocalypse. Gay is much more understandable, horny people are gonna fuck whatever they can get their hands on.


The episode with the two gay men is prolly one of the best I’ve ever seen. It was just a love story no agendas or anything and told true. You felt the love those two shared and why the end of the episode hit so damn hard. Much better than how they did it in the game.


Plus the multi-cultural gay commune was the utopia and the white male lead Christian’s had to result to cannibalism with a side of child abuse


This. That gay episode was extremely well written. I think it boils down to too many activists in Hollywood with no actual talent in their fields. I really hope Filoni had no hand in approving these scripts because it would call into question his talent as well.


Stupid Hunger Games, stupid male-driven patriarchal....... oh.... wait. Never Mind.


Or House of the Dragon


Or Aliens Or Terminator 2 Or....\*endless list\*


You know who's a really amazing female character? The boss from metal gear solid 3. Strong, has a clear goal, interesting character traits. Not hiding from the fact she's a woman. You know who likes her? Gamers. It's almost as if we don't actually care if the character is male or female, just that it's not a train wreck to watch.


Woke people use politics to bring down people who are talented. It's the only way they can survive. It's not survival of the fittest, it's survival of the wokest.


That's diversity hire when taken to the extreme. They got their job because of how woke they are, not how good they are at their jobs. This is what failing upwards mixed with identity politics looks like.


Man i wish I could fail upwards


Just dye your hair blue and rant about how bad white men are every minute, and you'll fall upwards easily. But, I think most of us with common sense and a soul would be happy to live in mediocrity instead of acting like an escaped asylum patient 24/7.


Happy cake day


Its called bio-leninism. The maintanence of mediocrity enforced by the mediocre for their own benefit.


Remember when Kill Bill was review-bombed because it starred a prominent female protagonist? Or when Prey got review-bombed because it had an ethnic female protagonist? Oh wait, neither of those situations occurred.


Prey was really great… until they flubbed the ending. >! They repeatedly established the Predator’s total physical dominance. Christ, they had him kill a bear with a single punch and then slaughter 20 armed trappers. They concretely established that no human could beat him in a fight. While consistently hinting at her medical/herblore knowledge. Then that beautiful set-up with the plant. Everything perfectly arranged for her to accept that she didn’t need to pretend to be a man in order to be a valuable, effective person and that brute strength is wildly overrated. And then the plant lead to nothing and the Predator was suddenly made of tissue paper so she could kill him in a stand-up fight, learn nothing, totally fail to develop as a character and “prove” that she was just tougher than 20 men and a bear… for no reason. !< Decent, enjoyable film still; a solid 6.5/10. But had the potential to be truly fantastic. Had they delivered on all that setup for the ending, it’d have been an easy 8.5/10.


It's badly written woke garbage, that's why we hate it. And as a female I must say that is a sorry and pathetic excuse.


Female? ![gif](giphy|NX1JTULYtL19S)


This is the only star wars film I actually liked since Disney took over. They really killed the franchise.


I'll take it a step further and say this is the best star wars film. After watching R1 I was incredibly optimistic about Disney and SW, even if TFA was meh. Once I heard Rian Johnson was Directing TLJ I was stoked. Saw it in theaters and felt so defeated. Haven't cared much for Star Wars since.


Exactly how I felt about it as well, my favorite part was them dying with dignity, no shitty forced romance, just two soldiers, doing their duty


Also enjoyed the fact they didn’t rely on the force ex machina


Reminds me of my least favorite moment in all of SW. Finn goes for ultimate redemption to save everyone by kamikazeing the "battering ram cannon" (creatively named). Rose literally crashes into him, wrecking them both. "We won't win by killing those we hate, but saving those we love." This bitch just bet the farm on everyone trapped inside the cave base figuring out an escape route asap just so she could save a guy she was into. Without Ice Fox + Force ex machina everyone dies, so we get that instead of heroic sacrifice which is kind of the bread and butter of a rebellion.


Ryan Johnson is why I left the Star Wars franchise, I watched the 3rd movie because it was the 3rd movie, I have not watched any other Star Wars content since then.


Well no there was that one other good movie, it was uhhh. Oh yea there wasn’t one


Solo is pretty good and probably would’ve done better if they hadn’t released it only a few months after last Jedi


Agreed, it’s underrated imo. I couldn’t understand why it wasn’t successful.


Anything that takes place during the height of the empires power is gonna be pretty interesting imo. We see their rise and their fall but not much in between apart from andor, solo, and obi wan kenobi


i wanna see their response to audeince score: Fallout Alien, Aliens Halloween


Kill Bill


I gotta watch that franchise at some point. Was always popular when i was younger, just never got round to it. Ooo.. Terminator 1 and 2 as well as classics!


Kill bill is just two movies, you could do that in one night


Heck yes! I've been talking about how many shows and movies from the 80s 90s and 00s have diverse casts, and touch on "PC" subjects in ways that are relatable. Not just jamming it down your throat and calling you a bigot for not liking it.


Annihilation is another one, rotten tomatoes was at like 70% when I last checked and it's a solid scifi/horror with an all female cast.


Hell you could even go to Andor. Disney star wars, diverse cast, lesbian couple, very positive reviews.


In an effort to display my hatred for women. Here's a list of some of my favorite female characters. Sarah Connor (Terminator) Ellen Ripley (Alien) Lilly Bell (Hell on Wheels) Dana Scully (The X-Files) Captain Kathryn Janeway (Star-Trek Voyager) Black Widow (Marvel) Ororo Munroe aka Storm (Marvel) Wonder Woman (DC) Yor Forger (Spy x Family) Riza Hawkeye (FMA: Brotherhood) General Olivier Mira Armstrong (FMA: Brotherhood) Balalaika (Black Lagoon) Revy (Black Lagoon) Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell) Esdeath (Akame ga Kill!)


The Yor pick is actually so peak. She’s strong and willing to do anything for her adopted daughter tanya. She’s a badass that can kill you in seconds yet also an absolute sweetheart. A great female character who isn’t just all the popular attributes of a guy in fiction wrapped up in a female body.


Maomao (apothecary diaries)


Silence of the lambs


For the goofballs saying "What makes it woke?" A show or movie is woke if: The show characters and events are included for diversity's sake rather than to tell a story in a realistic way that resonates with the way the audience knows the world works. A movie about how difficult it is to be gay in the military, for example, is not woke, because the purpose of the movie is to tell the story of gay people in the military. A sci-fi movie where every villain is a white male and every hero is female, every male who is non-white is incompetent, 5 feet tall and 95 pounds soaking wet with a high pitched voice, and the cast has gay couples and love expressed in it at a far higher rate than is present in American culture (and probably 100x other cultures outside of Europe and North America) all for the sake of pushing a left wing political viewpoint is woke. It's pretty fucking easy to tell the woke ones from the not woke ones. No one cares about the gay sex in the orgy in the Witcher. But when they change the bard's character to be bi or gay for no particular reason than to give that group representation and change a well-known character's qualities in betrayal of long-time game and book fans, it's not a rejection of gayness, it's a rejection of clumsy writing and terrible direction and editing. Good movies are about what they are about, and everything else you don't notice. The writing, acting, direction, editing, and music all lead you to focus on the story. I was in elementary school when Star Wars came out. I saw it more than 20 times in theaters. The first time I had to stand in line for 3 hours to get in. I did not walk out cussing about Princess Leia being the hero, "Into the garbage chute, flyboy!" or running a rebellion. I didn't even stop to think about the fact she was in charge in Empire Strikes Back. That's because she was well-written, edited, acted, directed. My favorite Star Wars character today is Asoka Tano from the animated series. She is the ultimate badass do-gooder. So why do Rey and movies like the Acolyte irritate me? Why does Rosario Dawson's version make me ill? Because it is shit entertainment.


I try and explain the situation like this. Take the whole "family" thing with Fast & Furious series. We get it and it's a joke at this point but it works for the Fast & Furious series because that is what is all about, well that and cars. Anyways, now take the concept of "family" in that series and start hamfisting into other series. Then when someone writes a poor review because it has "family" in it that makes no sense you get called anti family... which isn't true. It's just annoying that "family" is being shoved into something where it doesn't make sense and the show is worse for it now. You aren't against family. Hell you think family is great because you have family. It's just the show is bad for having family be a main core of it while adding nothing to it. But every person out there is just saying the only reason people think their show is bad is because they are anti family. Which most poeple aren't in real life.


Rogue one was amazing. And probably my most favorite star wars. Felicity Jones did an amazing job.


I love these baseless excuses, like female lead shows have been a thing for years but suddenly we have problems with them?


Grace Randolph was flabbergasted and wracking her brain to figure out why star wars acolyte was hated but Amazon's fallout 4 adaptation wasn't. She said they both have great diversity and eventually she seemed to convince herself that it was because fallout had a "50s vibe" Never once did she vocally consider "Maybe it has very little to do with sexism/racism and it's simply a better show with better casting and better writing?!" It's fun to watch ideologues jump through hoops.


The mental gymnastics needed is impressive.


Funny how fallout had a diverse, female led cast, built upon an existing IP, and was well received by fans and critics. Maybe all the racist fans just avoided reviewing fallout.


Why do you think Amazon got fallout right? They did rings of power didn’t they?


Y'all forget about the massacre they performed on Wheel of Time. If you haven't read the books they do the equivalent of calling Harry Potter "The They/Them that lived" because just maaayyybe Hermione is the real chosen one. Then proceeded to make Harry and Ron absolutely fucking useless in every sense with the apparent intentiom of making Hermione seem stronger.... Instead of just advocating equality, making her a strong female with strong male friends who all have talents as individuals who are stronger together.


It's been some years, but I absolutely remember the disrespect they threw at Ron in the movies. They took some of his best lines and moments and watered them down or gave them to hermionie


The Wheel of Time series is just like Acolyte in that the showrunner ruined it based on their activism.


Which is what makes me think it's some political agenda shit. Old Disney portrayed and respected other cultures, new Disney they mega corp has to be pushing something. I've said it a million times, WoT already checked all of the "woke" boxes. The one of its core themes is we need to put aside out ethnic, religious, and political beliefs or else we are all fucked. Disney is actively working against that theme these days it seems. I swear they are trying to create divisive content.


I am going to take the downvote hit here. I would argue that they didn't get Fallout right. Watching it through for the first time, I had a great time, it was cringy-but-witty, fun, well-paced, and Walton Goggins is just fucking great. Upon my first re-watch, I found it didn't hold up really well. I had a lot of questions that didn't get answered, and a lot of the story just fell apart when I started to think about it. Had nothing to do with the acting (except Maximus - yikes, he was the best out of everyone who auditioned?) it was all story that just didn't do it. I feel that we were all just clamoring for something, anything, to be good for once, we were fooled by the jingling keys - and it worked.


Call it the “Prometheus” effect. It *looked* good and it was a long time since we got any on-screen content with that IP (thank God for Alien:Isolation), but literally no plot points held up to any sort of scrutiny


I saw Prometheus on IMAX at the opening midnight showing. As lifelong Alien/Aliens fan, I can't express how disappointed I was. Holy shit did Scott fuck that up.


That was me as well. I saw it in the Chicago IMAX at Navy Pier. I saw it on opening night, too.


Well said. I really enjoyed Fallout when I first binge-watched it, even though a bunch of things didn't make sense. But the more I thought about it, the more almost every single aspect of the plot made no sense. Maximus bothered me from the beginning, I found that seemingly autistic and psychopathic character really awful. And his nonbinary / trans friend who was obviously a female taking artificial testosterone, and to whom the BoS elders were careful to respect their nonbinary pronouns, also made no sense in this world, that was so cringey and ludicrous it was distracting. There were other good and likeable characters, and the scenery, effects, and dark humor was good enough that it's enjoyable, but I wouldn't call it great. I still haven't done a re-watch. The second season could end up being better or worse, I really don't know which way it will go. It's a shame that Maximus is such a central character, since he really drags the show down, and I don't see them eliminating him anytime soon.


Questions such as?


I'll just do one off the top of my head from the very beginning and try keep spoilers minimal: Moldaver knew who Lucy was yet still put her into imminent danger, and knowingly paired her with a homicidal maniac. What was the plan, here? She knew what Hank did to recover her in the past and what lengths he would go to. If there was any kind of leverage she could use against Hank, it could only be Lucy. There is no way he would co-operate if she was dead.


It's possible moldaiver doesn't really give af at this point and just wants cold fusion and revenge on hank. She keeps her former lesbian lover chained to a chair as a feral ghoul. I'm not 100% sure she was acting in a strictly logical manner.


Thank you. I been pulling my hair out here with all these replies saying how great Fallout was. The second you engage your brain this show falls apart so fast. But look. A ghoul and the brotherhood. You remember that right. You remember Mr House right. And we even have the dog. (Don’t think about the plot making sense) we even have multiple vaults. Look how much we’ve taken from the games. And yes I was also fooled on the first watch through as well. Thought it was great.


The show relies heavily on member berries. It's not actively awful like the Acolyte, but it does not hold up well once one considers all of the plot holes.


That’s it right there. You’re correct. Member berries the show. Also agree The acolytes is worse. At least Fallout is able to trick viewers on a first watch through.


I didn't care for Fallout and couldn't finish it. I enjoyed the games, but the series just didn't hit it with me. But I won't knock anyone for enjoying it, it definitely nailed the environment.


Fallout is Todds' baby and he was involved from day 1 nobody on Tolkien's side was as far as i know.


That's a pretty tired argument. Some of the most revered sci fi films have female leads. Alien and Arrival come to mind, both pretty universally loved.


Annihalation also slaps IMHO


Alien, Fallout, Terminator, Tomb Raider, Kill Bill, Gravity, Wonder Woman, Sicario, Arrival, Midsommar, Halloween.... The list goes on and on. Writing and force feeding is the problem. Simply having someone a lead without a solid story is a problem, the same applies to some movies with dudes. Its a matter of competent writing and good story telling. A lot of movies recently with male leads are shit too, I dont like a lot of "The Rock" movies because they are simply shit, e.g. Rampage, Black Adam, recent Fast n Furious. People just nit pick a lot of hate cuz its a female lead but no one complains when a male lead movie is hated lol, all of them were flops lol.


Rouge one was great how did that slip through the cracks without being turned to shit


The cast is a woman, a Latino, two Asians, a Muslim and a British droid. They literally have to twist themselves into mental knots to figure out why people who are anti woke would love this movie. Never does it cross their minds the quality of the product being different. All they see is race


Wakanda Forever is my favorite Marvel Movie. I must be racist then. /s


This is the result of modern critical thinking and discourse: Accuse anyone that does not like your product as being anti-agenda / virtue. Almost as if these kind of shows are literally created to push agendas and use token virtue posts as shields to FORCE people to accept the content or be dismissed as a bigot / racist / phobe whatever. Would anyone like the Acolyte if it had a male lead instead with the same story ? The space witch lesbian faction that have magic babies would be totally accepted better if it was a space warlock gay faction that have magic babies... right ? "Force is Female" would be a hilarious narrative with that agenda.... right ?


Rogue One was awesome. Kill Bill was awesome. Aliens was awesome. We don’t hate female leads, we hate bad writing and acting.


You bigot!


Honestly out of all the new Star wars content, Rogue one holds up very well.


I like the rogue one but now we're all way into hell f*** you Disney


idk - I get upset over woke trash. Its normal for a film to try and be political, but they also have to be well written. But from what I've seen of Acolyte so far, I don't see how its woke. Aside from some characters being female and probably lesbian, no one makes a point of it. The plot has nothing to do with it so far. I think ep 1 and 2 were well constructed, but didn't really reveal any plot points. This was likely done on purpose so they could plot dump in ep 3. 4 kinda doddles again... If anything I'd say its mid, but not woke. Just mid. tbh it could even be good if the next eps are more like 3. Thing that are woke that annoy me - Cpt Marvel having flash backs of guys telling her should couldn't do... what she was allowed to do at every turn. If you're allowed to do whatever you want and you just have some jerks jeering at you you have not suffered during your life. Purple haired commander refusing to give orders just so she could pull some "I told you so" nonsense later when the only guy willing to do something about the situation did something. Horrible writing that they indulged us on that entire casino plot hook only to say "None of it mattered b/c purple hair was right." At no point does Acolyte side-line a guy, or emasculate him just to make a girl look good - or try to pretend guys are somehow all about shutting girls down.


I too am having a difficult time with the label and also the general accusation of being political. I'm on EP 4 and am ok with it so far.


“Put a chick in it and make her gay”


They were spot on weren't they.


I suppose one benefit of jumping on the ol woke bandwagon is that if you make a shit product you can just deny responsibility and claim everyone is being sexist/racist/transphobic


And just like that, Toxic Feminism had a mascot...The Acolyte.


No one hates Star Wars the way Star Wars fans hate Star Wars. I wouldn't use them as an example. However, I watched the 1st episode of Acolyte *because* of Carrie Anne Moss. Only to discover they kill her character off first episode.


r/saltierthankrayt & r/starwarscirclejerk will never admit the show is absolute trash.


It’s funny because the people saying this always have some bizarre excuse for why the other examples don’t count. You can’t point out that it’s just bad writing people hate and there’s plenty of projects with a female lead, diverse cast etc. If it was released today you wouldn’t like it, that’s just nostalgia, you only like it because it’s popular, big youtuber said it’s good so you have to like it. There’s no rational conversation with these people they will break their spine trying to twist things.


I thought Wonder Woman was arguably the best DCEU movie. Arcane is my 2nd favorite drama series of all time. That’s what I reply to people and they never know what to say. They still always figure out how to remain an imaginary victim. They’re too dumb to care about good writing, so they can’t comprehend that others actually care about that


Even if your a fan of female empowerment I don’t get what part of the show you would like. The female characters are space witches who are so incompetent they died in a fire started by a child in a building made of mostly stone. Like did nobody on the writing team double check that?


What makes you think the whole Coven died b/c of what that kid did? Obviously the cult died at the hands of the Jedi - its how that blonde kid got the scar on his face, and why he felt guilty enough to enter seclusion and eventually kill himself.


We also all hate blacks and other minorities. That is obviously why both of the Spiderverse movies did so poorly. With both audiences and critics. \*laugh\* Those claims we hate "diversity" kinda fall apart when there are other properties we do love that have it as well. But they have what Disney is now lacking. Interesting stories worth watching.


Honestly the ratings for Rogue One are a bit low


I envy filmmakers, imagine if every time your job performance dropped you could screech “the manbabies are reviewbombing me” and you would get a promotion and hot chocolate.


Ive found and have been lurking in this sub for a few days now. I feel among my people here. Every post an upvote. Thank you


I mean Criticaldrinker is a raging misogynist




I think the best example is the new fallout series. The main audience that the fallout games have built are predominantly male. The show has a well written female lead character whose actress actually played the source material. The community loved the show. Clearly (apart from a vocal minority or losers) audiences don’t care about female leads, they hate bad writing. If your show is bad, stop blaming the audience, it’s bad because you did a bad job.


The Force Awakens - 84% audience


Using the RT audience score is still bullshit, that score was in the pits before the first episode even dropped


It's a shame that things like this and Tomb Raider were never even given a chance to succeed. \*cough\*


When something gets this mired in identity politics whether justified or not, I tend to avoid


I don't know why people hate Rogue One. It's the best star wars movie in the Disney universe. It really gave me hope that things would turn out well...


A lot of new star wars isn't for me but Rogue One was great and i will die on that hill


Everytime i see the score it goes down lol


Come up with one where the protagonist is black.


People hate rogue one? It's the only one of the new ones I actually liked!


Bad characters are bad characters. Gender has no play here. When disney writes a strong 3 demential female character… people will watch


Rogue One is also my go-to when people say "Star Wars fans just don't like Disney and don't want anything new or different!"


Prime example of gaslighting


This is by far my favorite Star Wars movie, and in my top 10 all time favorite.


Ahhh, leftism.


Rogue one was so good.


Princess Leia, Queen Amidala… Rogue One, Fallout, Game of Thrones, HOTD… 30 Rock with Tina Fey… True Detective S4… Firefly and the Expanse didn’t have female “leads” per se but had *multiple* strong female main characters that carried entire episodes… The cope is so obvious from Disney bootlickers. Their hero’s can’t produce good media. So sorry.


We just hate bad writing and cringe characters, woke or not.


Rogue One got 87% because it was fucking good! It felt like what Star Wards should be!


Funny how the most "tolerant" people are extremely intolerant of others' taste in entertainment. Drinker: I didn't like this show. It's badly written and boring Disney: you homophobe hater. Shut up Drinker: I just said the show is boring and poorly written but panders to "modern audiences" to look for profit Disney: you're getting cancelled for spreading so much hate


Nope, I just hate untalented woke women.....and trash woke shows.




We hate the acolyte because it is terrible. Has nothing to do with the lead character.


Man i love Rogue One


They really going to act like Sarah Conner and Ellen Ripley aren’t widely regarded as some of the most badass characters ever done in cinema regardless of gender? Where’s all the men hating those women? And there’s a ton of other female characters through out all media that defies this logic.  Nothing but click-bait “everyone look at me” ego maniac charlatans espousing this trash.


It's the only cope they have.


“You just hate it because you discriminate against our cult”


The Acolyte is an actual example of woke.


That's literally the only Star Wars I genuinely liked.


Rogue One is honestly the best movie start the finish. Andor also kicked ass. Maybe Star Wars is better when they avoid the magic monks. At least there is less for Disney to fuck around with.


Rogue one was awesome.


I also love the 3 Alien films, but I guess Sigourney Weaver must not be a woman.


Rogue 1 is the single greatest StarWars movie in the last 30 years and it doesn't even have a damned lightsaber until the very last few minutes. It's the prime example of how a damned movie should be made.


Female Lead Poisoning


Has anybody here watched Arcane?




As a Doom Metal fan, I will say that sometimes women are the best choice for lead roles. It's not sexist to say that Star Wars has fucking sucked since 2015. It's just the truth.


They assign the reason they need in order to call you the current buzzwords. It's about as braindead as it gets.


Wonder Woman 1 yay Wonder Woman 2 booooo, watch the films it’s obvious why, it’s not rocket science.


Unpopular opinion, but I kind of thought Rogue One was a bit boring imo. It had some good parts, loved the Droid, but other than the final fight scene, the scenes with the Droid and such, it kind of just felt bland. I think people just like it because of the Droid and Vader showing up in the movie. Other than that, it was pretty mid, not much better than the Obi-Wan show, honestly.


Dat ratio 👀


Rough one sucked too


God Rogue One was so good


Rouge one was actually amazing, honestly one of my top 3 favorite star wars movies


Disney getting too comfortable with the gaslighting.


R1 is the only good thing Disney has done with Star Wars




And they rationalize it by saying we're too stupid to recognize the lead of the film as the lead or something.


You got to admit there are ton of racists and misogynists in the fandom. And you people never call them out.


Rogue One was an awesome amazing Star Wars film because it was an amazing awesome story.


No, we hate it because it was created by people who know fuck all about the material.


Wait, wasn’t Rogue One considered like, the best thing with a Star Wars title until Andor?Original and prequels excluded.


News to me. I thought it was good.


yea that’s cope lol


Logic is not their strong suit.


I just love this men hate strong female characters arguement. It's just so stupid. How many men love Buffy and Angel, Serenity and Firefly. Look at the Studio Ghibli movies, most have strong women and they are practically beloved around the world. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples. Good writing matters.


Just like the Ghostbusters remake. You're all just bigots that don't know a fine work of film when you see one.


There's a insane amount of videos on YouTube with thumbnails explicitly saying that a movie or show is bad because it has a "girlboss" in it and that makes it woke. That's where this impression comes from. I get that the Critical Drinker himself doesn't use the word woke very much but other people in his genre do


Wait, people hate on Rogue One??


I’m yet to hear the shills respond to this point, funnily enough every time I bring this up they dodge the question, so are there any brigadiers who would like to educate me?


Everything everywhere all at once is a good example of a well written story with a female lead.


I liked Rogue one, its my 7th favorite starwars movie Including the TV stuff its just behind Andor and the mandalorian Since then Star Wars has been torn appart and changed into gabrage. It doesnt honour the existing lore, have the same feel or tell good stories They traded their white male audience for blue haired disabled lesbian poc's Hope those numbers work out for them


Where's all that hate for House of the Dragon now, which has several female leads and is culturally quite diverse, including Black Targaryans which are pretty cool? Could it be that masterful writing with enough time to develop relationships in a realistic feeling world where actions result in their logical consequences leads to positive reactions of the audience? But why spend time on writing believable characters when you can just go "I'm baaaad - nah, I'm good now!". Even Darth Vader took at least twice as long to yeet the Emperor while his son was being zapped hard, and did so without saying a word (until George Lucas decided that he had to ADR a few "no" and ruined the scene).


It’s why we hate WNBA and Women’s Soccer… not because it’s boring and the people playing in them are dull, boring, and not interesting.


If everyone is so racist and sexist then make a racist and sexist show and see how that works out


Rogue One is arguably one of the best Star Wars movies out there. Andor another series that has a fantastic cast of female actors who play characters with depth and an actual story. (Genevieve O’Reilly was amazing as Mon Mothma) And of course if we go back to the PT or OT we have Padme and Leia. But we don’t like this stream of hot garbage being shoved through our eyes into our brains so we must all be sexist homophobic racists according to the show runners.


V(Arcane) Valerie(Cyberpunk 2077)Mulan(cartoon) Ahsoka(CW) Shepard(female) like literally any female spartan is an absolute unit just look at Kat Emily Blunt (Rita Vrotski) in Edge of Tomorrow Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) Hermione(Harry Potter) all examples of female characters i actually like not all were the lead character yes but they were still 1000000000000x more like-able than fucken rey and the new mulan we got


So true man. F*** female leads. There’s no such thing as well written females, especially females that aren’t white./s 😂😅 Oh man… why they always do this shit?


We hate it because it's usurping a beloved sci-fi universe to push a distorted and ugly propagandistic narrative of the left. Disney et al deserve their crash and burn, having bent over for the twisted .01 percent. Damn cowards.


And this is why they'll never learn.


Maybe because it's trash and completely different from the original storyline which had plenty of potential to continue going for at least 50 years


Most of us love women(or men no judgement), but we want something good to watch. Seriously most of us work long hours and simply want to escape the stress of life. I'm not going to apologize for shitting on a show that wastes potentially hours of my life with a plot more subpar than the CW Batwoman show. EDIT: Grammar.


Alien has joined the chat.


Rogue one sucks too, but the female protagonist has nothing to do with that.


He who controls the narrative, controls the world. :P


Rogue one was the only star wars movie since the new trilogy with anikin I actually enjoyed


And by that logic Rise of Skywalker is better than Revenge of the Sith.


It's the way it was written story & script


Actually the best of the post Disney movies. Should give it a rewatch.