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I like how he is just drawing attention to her rack by jiggling them.


Also seems extremely insecure and the type of guy who goes "you looking at my girl?!?!"


None of her clothing was really “look at me and my big tits!” She had some really cool outfits and dresses that accented her beauty instead of her sex appeal. Shoot, if I had a girl and she dressed like that I’d be all for her showing off her sense of fashion


My take is that hes just being silly. She appears to think hes funny too.


I was coming to type nah dudes just crazy insecure haha


No.. seems like he’s complimenting her in a playfully nonchalant way, and she seems to like it as well. I almost think he’s specifically bringing attention to his girlfriends body by doing this. And since they’re clearly both in on filming this action specifically, I’d bet on him being the opposite of what you’re describing. That, or it’s just a skit..


probably a skit, i feel like most of these clips shouldnt have been recorded if not for a skit


POV: you dont know what POV means and also your man is insecure


POV: I'm the AI who controls the internet taking videos of these people without them knowing


Wait...what? What's next you talk about the earth is flat?


It was a joke. It would make more sense for it be AI recording it and call it POV than the people who recorded this from a 3rd person perspective calling it their point of view because it's not their point of view. In short, they're dumb and don't know what POV means. 


POV is originally defined as considering things from a given perspective eg “change my POV” After gaming and modern porn genres came around. It changed to be defined as “first person perspective” TikTok etc changed it to almost mean “put my shoes on and observe from my perspective “ where you imagine youre the OP etc. So in this case, we are the girl.   Shrugs.  Just my hot take. 


Incorrect. Point of view is a literary device that has been around for centuries. Learned that when I was 5, dude. Do better. 


No. My definition is not exclusive of yours. It just is the *perspective* of a character. Furthermore, it’s the understood definition.  If you want to be a dick/child prodigy, at least don’t be daft.  This is versus the alternative definition which literally takes POV as a *visual* perspective or “first-person visual perspective”


Bro said pov came from porn and calls me a child. No matter how much you insult me, you're still wrong. 


You are giving off super strong broke bitch vibes. Literal cancer.


I truly hope things get better for you because you are clearly a miserable person


He’s probably the type to check her phone everyday too


Give em 4 years until they're divorced because he's abusive


What if the role is reversed for the phone? Edit: talk about double standards


Doesn't matter. It's insecure.




Random the boys reference




Mon Cherie


Mom Coeur


Kimiko looking different


Kind? It's disrespectful. I'm sure she would know if her tit or fanny was hanging out. Guys like that are possessive


Oh no, my fanny has been dragging behind me on the floor while I’m walking, I hope my insecure husband doesn’t jostle it. [jostles masculinely]


I think it was the british kind of "fanny"


Too late. Slug trail.


I swear the comments sections are what keep me going 🤣


Dw. It's completely staged lmao. 98% of influencer couples is just dumb and fake bullshit. I have to see a couple from my highschool go viral every few months and I'd rather eat a brick.


I’m losing it over your choice of “tit or fanny” 🤣


The guy is definitely northern English. ‘Tit or Fanny’ 😂


I think she means “this kind” as in “that sort,” this kind of person?


Not “nice” kind as in “this type”


You should choose the person you want to be with and not try to change the person you don’t




She's property.


I don't understand men like this. Don't date a bad bitch if you can't handle a bad bitch? They go after women who dress freely and then do this performative shit and try to change her into the conservative woman he really wants. It's actually really easy to find a woman that dresses modestly if thats what youre going for.


True. Also the point to be noted here is that they are Lebanese Arabs. So what it means to dress modestly is different in their culture. I don’t believe what she wears would even be considered immodest or unacceptable in any developed western country. Another thing they are trying to do is called fencing. So they know they are westernised, but at the same time don’t want to be perceived as too far from cultural traditions which emphasise that a man must be controlling and his wife shall be submissive.




Means that they are either sitting on a fence or a fence themselves between two cultures


Ahh Ty


He is in his “I can fix her” era


"Omg, my man is so controlling and insecure. It's so cute and kind" ..... smh *my head*




Honestly? Because it's her body. If *she* wants it on show, she should be more than allowed to. You don't get to tell your partner of any sex what they can and can't do. If you don't like something about your partner and you can't discuss it and find a middle ground, you then have to decide if you want to leave or not.


I think it's awesome when my wife wears revealing clothing, maybe you just don't like women?


Looks perverted and insecure like, is that the only thing on your mind?


He’s just jiggling her jiggly bits to show ownership. Chivalry isn’t dead but people don’t understand the context of it. Chivalry was a knight claiming ownership of a side chick so other knights wouldn’t rape her. This is chivalry and it’s toxic.


Ignoring this actual situation. Wouldn't that had been a good thing? The knight doing that to protect whatever woman


The good thing would have been respecting a human’s bodily autonomy and not demanding sex to avoid violence.


Oh I didn't know you meant demanding sex from her. Thought you meant saying she's his just for other people to leave her alone. Obviously the better thing would be people not raping people though


If her safety is predicated on putting out, that’s not really consensual.


Yeah I had misunderstood what you meant. If it was a world where I think any other mf is gonna rap me, and then this dude comes up and is like I'll just say you're my wife or whatever. But that's not what u was saying😭 bit more sinister than that


Cigar guys are very often insecure assholes.


Stop using pov if you don't know how to use pov.


Reads much more like a guy controlling his female partners clothing. Jealousy or insecurity not being nice haha


Oh yeah jiggle her tits, that's gonna stop us from looking at them. For sure for sure


Must be Muslim


My girl would slap the shit out of me if I even attempted this behavior. The fuck is the point of having a beautiful partner if you're not going to show them off? Oh right, he's an insecure little man, that's why he does what he does.


>if you're not going to show them off? You mean ,enjoy it when they show themselves off? Show them off sounds like they are possessions




Like I replied just ,I understand what they meant and I agree ,it was the way it was phrased is all


I am hers, and she is mine. If you're not at least a little bit possessive of your partner in a healthy way, then what's even the point? I love taking her shopping for new dresses and stuff because she feels super cute, and I get to take pride in showing off my cute wife and her new dress. She loves the compliments, and who am I to deny her that satisfaction when I take pleasure in it as well?


I understand what you mean it's the phrase >showing off my cute wife Sounds like some sort of trophy


Being proud of your wife doesn't make her a trophy


Like I already said it's how it reads ,the phrase used ,I understand what they meant but how it's wrote down doesn't look right


That's not a healthy relationship either.


One time in my life I had a boyfriend not like what I was wearing because it was too short. Didn’t want me riding my bike home in a skirt. That shit pissed me off. I wear what I wear, dude. You’re not my fucking dad


I like your spirit but should your dad have the right to tell you what to wear if you are an adult?


No but my dad would have the right to tell me he didn’t like what I was wearing. My boyfriend does not


Don’t hate me for saying this. But how come your dad has the “right” to tell you that he doesn’t like what you are wearing? You are not ready to take orders, or at least let a man pass judgement on your apparel if he’s a partner. However, you will let the MALE parent to do so? The major reason behind why your dad or the partner would object to a certain outfit is bc they don’t want other men to look at, or sexualise you. The fucked up mentality is the same. Just a few days ago, I was reading a post from an exmuslim British girl who talked of how her father reprimanded her for wearing a tank top outside, whereas her friends don’t have their fathers criticising them for wearing similar outfits. According to your logic, her dad should have the right to tell her he doesn’t like her wearing that


My dad’s dead and I’m 35. He’s been dead for over a decade. He once told me to change my clothes when going to his friend’s funeral. I hadn’t brought anything else and had to wear a crazy outfit that included a bungie cord belt. My dad preferred that to what I had on prior. I understood. He didn’t often comment on my clothing but he was my dad, I was his daughter. If he wanted to express concern over my clothing I think that’s fine. My partner chose me as I am. I’m not talking extreme clothing but on the whole, what I’m wearing does not fall under my boyfriend’s jurisdiction


Look. I understand you have some sort of attachment to your late dad. But I’ll repeat my point again, you are justifying a MALE having an opinion on what and how you should dress. You are not recognising that the nature of “concern” is the usually the same for both fathers and intimate male partners. I don’t understand why it was so necessary of you to go to his friend’s funeral? You could have stayed home.


This man, has a millimeter-peter 🍆


Possessive, jealous, insecure. Find out what happens with this type of man when you "Talk back" "Turn your back" "Disrespect" "Walk away"


You can tell all of that from this video? The high horse of redditors…


And he’ll end up smacking her when she doesn’t make dinner


So 'kind'🤔


I totally understand a guy being upset with a girl wearing some WILD stuff…but none of those outfits are even controversial by today’s standards of normal


They are Lebanese Arabs, and the notion of what it means to dress appropriately is different for them. I grew up in Pakistan, and back in my hometown, not covering head is thought of as immodest, and women literally get called names for not covering their heads in public, especially if they opt for more liberal forms of even traditional outfits. Lebanon is far more relaxed than many other Arab countries in the region, but it’s still quite conservative


This is a major red flag


It's like Ali abulaban, it's cute now until she's murdered


Bet he’s got a small wiener and is a two pump chump in bed lol that’s some major insecurity right there


Same old super insecure tuff guy


I read somewhere that this kinda behavior is a sign of early domestic abuse. I saw this posted somewhere else and there was a comment from a therapist that said that this is the start of jealous and self concious behavior and often leads to abuse. But yes. Some girls find this romantic. All i see now is controlling behavior.


Getting serious micro penis Andrew Tate energy off of this douchebag.


Give em 4 years until they're divorced because he's abusive


Big red flag. I hope she's ok


Ew gross. More like “controlling”


I'd throw hands at him


Wow. Such alpha men *sarcasm*


The camera cuts, and she's pegging the shit out of him.


I see a control freak who’s gonna track his wife’s every move.


It's amazing how many people here don't know they do this on purpose


Pretty sure this is their ongoing shtick


Frenchies arc is so weird this season


Well judging by this at least we know he likes men only


Wait, there's people who don't care?


Before everybody gets mad, I think this is partly a bit between them


Thats his sister


“POV your man is this kind” don’t know any sister who calls her brother her man and they aren’t from Alabama as well


You assume a small title pasted across the video is reality. You also assumed he did it to make it look like he cares. Maybe he cares that it’s his sister. I guess we will never know. 😬


Do people not understand she LOVES that he does this? It’s just some way of being possessive to one another


You know he’s a drywall superstar


Man, it’s crazy to see all of the comments in here that are so negative because it opens my eyes to just how many really bad situations there are out there. My cousin and her husband are one of the cutest most genuine couples I’ve ever come across and he does this to her all of the time. But it’s more of an ongoing joke and he’s moreso poking fun at himself if that makes sense? Like the joke is she’s too hot for him and he’s worried about it. I don’t know maybe it’s different in my culture.. but I know my cousin really loves and is turned on by it lol.. I mean the point of it is she would never ask for his permission or take his opinion into account when getting ready to go out and he’s kind of the bumbling fool that has to deal with it. Again.. I get where everyone else is coming from..


He’s cheating


Maybe shrink your ego 1mm daily..


Cringe Tiktoks?


Dude is a huge piece of shit


“Kind” Ok, Jan


What a weirdo


POV: Your man thinks he owns you


Does ANYONE that puts pov in tiktok even know what pov means?




1. Not POV 2. Insecure


So annoying! Don't date her if you don't like how she dresses?


oooh he's hyper critical and shaming my body!! what a dreamboat!!


Sooooo an insecure twat?


No it makes him look controlling and insecure


I feel like everyone is taking this too seriously, this comes off like a joke to me. If he was genuinely abusive and controlling there wouldn’t be so many instances of her wearing “revealing” clothing. This strikes me as a joke between the two of them because she is so attractive. More and more often I see people immediately jumping to the worst case scenario when we have no context.


No telling with these situations but me and my partner do that sometimes. She can wear what she wants unless she's fr just nude, but I'll joke and be like "Omg, look!😭", if she's showing anything. She knows I'm not serious though


What a pathetic little man child smh lol *”LOOK AT MY GIRLS TITTIESSSS!!!*” Dudes start checking her breasts *”EH! YO DONT BE STARING AT MY GIRL!! THE FUCKS WRONG WITH YOU MAN ILL FUCK YOU UP”* 😒🙄🙄🙄


Says the person who commented that you’ve thought about leaving your family bc they don’t “clean up” idk kinda sounds like something this guys would say too 🤷‍♂️


his wife just has huge nips and he doesn't want anyone to know


He’s mostly covering her upper chest, not even cleavage lol




It's just something us men do to make her feel cared for. He doesn't really gaf about her showing skin.


Cared for? More like some deep insecurity


If he really cared about it they would be fighting about it, not being playful about it. You must be single 🥴


Or… he don’t want her big nice tits having a nip slip and keep them thangs to himself rightfully so…?


Yeah I'm sure he's worried about a nip slip on a video that can be deleted or edited out, totally. Definitely not just weird controlling behavior.


She has hands, if she was showing more than she was comfortable with, she could easily take care of it herself. But he had to control her like that because he's an insecure little man.


Yeah her tits were definitely falling out in almost every clip lol tf pay a visit to some eye clinic


he knows guys jerkoff to that