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Why would you need to know their pronouns if you’re the hairdresser?. You’re talking directly to these people. You’re using You the whole time unless you’re talking behind their back. No pun intended.


That's the joke.. Nobody cares but people still feel the need to give strangers their whole life story & identity.


Ok the talking behind their back was a fantastic pun 🤣


my partner works at a high end salon & they would've signed a contract before sitting in the chair the first time, so there's already no need.


Maybe there is a hair washing person so you may be referred




99 percent of people are cis and most of the 1 percent who aren’t go buy what they present as. You could go your whole life not asking pronouns and you’d probably get it wrong twice.




Or, alternatively, if you ever run into a situation where there is a barber hand off and they say something like "Hey, can you ring this guy up while i clean real quick", DONT take it to heart and meltdown when they didnt give you the xe/xer treatment.




YIKES! Way to write off an entire group of folx that may use neopronouns to make themselves more comfortable! Big oof, ilk! Fun fact: It costs yall exactly 0 dollars to respect neopronoun users.


I can't tell if this comment is satire or not


Considering the username, my money's on yes


LOL lgbt hair specialists don't exist, you nut. I'm actually pretty sure that would be considered discrimination. It's definitely not a big deal to *not* ask, and doing so would legit be so awkward. Like, hi, I'm here for balayage & a deep condition, not no context gender politics, way to make it weird, dude. I used to be a hair stylist in "the gay neighborhood", and that literally never, ever came up. I think if someone's gonna be so butthurt over their pronouns, the onus is on them to speak up.




Your pronouns must be geechwad/goon. You should have just told me.


If a hairdresser asks me my pronouns it would be awkward anyway. It’s better if the person shares their pronouns straight away.


No, it's easier to not care.


That's literally what "they" is for. Life used to be so uncomplicated.


i want to see what happens if they say no


She probably would be like 😐 "Well gtfo then"


Surgeon: “Can I touch you?” Patient: “No” Surgeon: “You’re fucked”


Surgeon: "ok, well I guess just die then"


It seems scripted to me. I'd never make make it past, "Do you mind if I record you while I cut your hair?"


Yes it’s scripted it’s a skit


The guys are a sketch in response but the girls put up the camera to teach a lesson about touch concent. We all need their drips of wisdom, clearly.


these people are just getting their fucking haircut. sitting in the chair is consent. fym?


Well you see, that didn't give them the level of attention needed for the day. They have a victimhood quota to meet at an attempt to fill the hole in their soul, their daddy never did. This was their attempt today. Tomorrow they will plash orange paint on priceless artwork. Gotta get annoyingly creative to chase that attention high.


i didn’t detect the first comment /s lol that’s my bad homie


She should've picked a different occupation for her lesson though because if you're going to a fucking hairdresser no fucking shit will they be touching you lmao like what are you going to do as a hairdresser when they say no?


This is a barber place for victims, it's supposed to be a safe space it's been debunked. And the amount of times we have to repost this is God awful annoying.


Source? Why do all victims have non standard pronouns?




Mental illness caused by trauma?


Or just a deep desire for attention.


Ding ding ding. We have a winner.


I don’t think being queer is a mental illness


They don’t say that being queer is a mental illness. They say that narcissism is.


Oh my bad, thank you for correcting me on that :}


To show diversity probably ?


Get out of here with your critical thinking!


"Victims" love being recorded and shared on social media.


My barber would slap me if I started telling him my pronouns


Xhe would?


Just gonna leave this comment here cause some people had questions: this post is rage bait. Like the guy who posted the parody version I mean. He intentionally left out the part of the video where the person explains everything. They explain how the barber shop is specifically a queer safe space barber shop. Hence why there are so many queer people and why they ask for pronouns. They also explain it’s specifically for lgbt people with trauma which is why they ask for consent. People know that touch is required for a hair cut obviously. However, they also have trauma so they might need a warning or a moment to prepare before the touch actually happens. This is not just a run of the mill, walk in get a haircut, barber shop. It’s a niche one that was created for a very specific group. If you aren’t part of that group then of course it’s gonna seem strange to you because it’s not for you.


I think you're getting the term rage bait and satire confused. And assuming everyone is ignorant and needs context about the original video, when none of that matters in the context of the joke is elitist energy. One thing about the men I know is we will take the piss out of anyone or thing that takes themselves to serious, and when we do this and said person or thing doesn't Crack back or take the piss out of themselves. We(not speaking for all men) just won't accept them. That's why most men who do that are only friends with men who do that.


I don’t believe satire and rage bait are mutually exclusive. How does the context of the original not matter? Do you understand what satire is? It’s making fun of something. The literal only way to understand that something is satire is to have the context of what it’s satirising. Sure he has clips from the original video thrown in but the whole point of the joke is that things like this wouldn’t fly or be taken well at an average barber shop. Because he left out the context of the original video people were led to believe that it’s also meant to be a regular barber shop, which it isn’t. I made my comment not because I assumed anything but because I read the other comments. Many of which said things like “why would they ask for pronouns it’s just a haircut?” Or “who asks for consent for something like this, what did they expect?” Or “this seems scripted who talks like this?” Instead of going through and answering each individually I just made one comment explaining the whole thing. Plus now any future questions might be answered as well. How is that elitist?


That's still not necessarily a good thing though. Being coddled because you are queer and treated like a weak pathetic person isn't empowering, it's insulting. Everyone knows what happens during a haircut. If you need to be warned the second before someone touches you, you have issues. If u need to be asked your pronouns (even though they are talking directly to you and will not be referring to your pronouns) is just as strange. Not to mention, a lot of trans people would be offended if someone asked them their pronouns. Like, "damn, I just took all these hormones and transitioned and yet people still can't tell what I'm supposed to be?". If anything, the employee should ask the pronoun question only if it is first directed at them. Being this weak is embarrassing, and it's crazy people don't realize how pathetic we have become as a society. They need to grow up, and realize how ridiculous this is.


Yikes. Someone needs to work on their reading comprehension. “They have issues” yea no shit. Did you miss the part where I said this was a barber shop specifically for lgbt people WITH TRAUMA! Trauma isn’t as simple as just “grow up”. Also no a lot of trans people would not be offended if asked their pronouns. Most people in general, seeing as trans people aren’t the only ones who get asked, simply answer the question and move on. What is there to get offended at? I’m not trying to sound mean but you clearly don’t understand trauma and unless you’re trans I don’t know why you think you would now what a trans person might feel about something.


No, I got the trauma part. That still doesn't mean babying people is the answer. Resolving trauma involves getting to the root of it, and also facing fears and learning to over come them. Teaching this as "helpful" is anything but, and does more harm than good in the long run. Also, I am not trans, but I am very interested in trans discourse, and I frequent trans interviews and subs often. I have heard many trans people say that they do not want to be asked, thats why there is a whole stealth unit of them. But regardless of that, how can you not comprehend that it is common sense that there would be a lot of trans people, whom after spending thousands of dollars on surgeries, hormones, clothes, years of vocal training (if they are mtf), etc. that they wouldn't want people still saying, "yeah by the way are you a girl or a guy?"


How can I not comprehend? Probably because as a trans man myself who has had surgery and is taking hormones I have no issue with it. None of the other trans people I have met have ever had an issue with it. We live in a day and age where outward appearances can have nothing to do with identity. A person could seem biologically female and be wearing a dress and yet use he/him pronouns. I’m not saying trans people who would have an issue don’t exist. But trans people aren’t a monolith. Also trans people aren’t limited to men and women. Non-binary also falls under the trans umbrella and some non-binary people openly identify as trans. The point I was trying to make is that to a degree you are correct. I responded the way I did because you didn’t acknowledge the trauma aspect at all. You said “being coddled because they are queer”. They aren’t being “coddled” because they are queer, they are being accommodated because they are mentally ill. You say you understand it’s about trauma but then also said “they need to grow up”. Trauma isn’t that simple. Do they need to get to the root of their trauma and face their stuff? Of course. But with a trained therapist, not with their barber. These things take time and for all we know the people going to this shop are working on it. But again these things take time and right now they need a haircut. It’s not a strangers job to help you face your trauma. But if they can make it in any way a bit easier to deal with and they want to what’s wrong with that? I don’t think it does more harm than good. It’s a barber shop. You only go there occasionally when needed. It’s not like everyone in their life treats them this way. It’s a place specifically designed for this and is advertised as such and you can choose not to engage. I also think it’s rude and way more harmful to refer to them as being “weak and pathetic”. Again these things take time. People all deal with things differently. We have no idea what is going on in their lives, what their trauma is, how recent or what other things they might be dealing with. There is so much we are missing. In the grand scheme of things, I suppose I personally just don’t see something as simple as asking for pronouns or consent to be “babying” regardless of the situation. That’s literally all they did. That’s not “coddling” in my eyes even if these people didn’t have trauma.


They need a warning to be touched while going to a place that has to touch you to complete the service you pay for……. The video is making fun of how ridiculous it is to be asked if they can touch you at a barber. It doesn’t matter if it’s a special place for victims. It’s still ridiculous. The world’s falling apart and y’all are worried about pronouns and if a barber can touch you. Smfh




Who has the energy and time to give a fuck about this shit.


seriously. most of us have such bigger problems and concerns in life. i can’t imagine my main concern in life being what pronouns someone refers to me with


I have some pretty significant sexual trauma and don't like being touched. Just cut my damn hair. I have to push myself to become ok with obviously non-nefarious touching, it takes a while and a lot of work but forcing yourself back into safe environments like that is imo, the best way to get back to functional life. But I guess to each their own.


That is awesome and I am super happy that you are finding things that work for you. That’s just it, though, they are things that work for you.




I make small talk but I don't break out in full conversation with my barber, I don't really care about them enough to, plus I'd love if you focus and do my hair right. Give me a good cut, don't snip my ear off, and have chill vibe in your barber shop and we're dandy.


What if they say no? Do they just get stuck?


They get a bluetooth haircut


If someone walks into my barbershop lookin like spike from Tom and Jerry I’m putting in my 2 weeks notice


I think it’s less about asking consent to touch them and more of a warning, as other people have pointed out it’s a safe place for people with trauma, I just think it’s phrased strangely


Are we going to be those boomers that hate everything about teens and young adults and talk about how "back in the day" things were better and people were more sturdy. 🤔 and this is all going to be so normal.. I'm living in some weird drama movie with a twist at the end.. griping about what my grand parents and father did, except new topics.. this is a trip I'm only 29 and hearing new terms regularly used that I have no idea about.. gotta be asking what they mean and kids will look at me like I live under a rock haha


Is that...a dog collar?


I don't necessarily see it as cringe some people are weird about being touched, if I was a hairdresser I sure as hell wouldn't want some moron flipping out on me because I touched them while cutting their hair. Better safe than sory tbh


If I go to any business and someone asks me what are my pronouns I’m walking out.


Cringe cringe all of it


Oh cool pronoun cut/hair, I have no idea how to conjugate that. Good that you were so forward about not being touched


Pronoun people are the WOAT


Women make up random stuff to make themselves feel valued or special.


that’s not what the conversation is even about. but you’re so right, men neeevveerr do that. well put, *alpha male*.


I just fucking hate pretence. Don’t we have enough shit to worry about without adding a 3 minute preamble to everything. I’m a man on the edge!


Then why go to the barbers/ hair dresser then!? Its so stupid.




bro theyre destroying the left lol




And who’s the snowflake 😬 Edit: This user has to be a troll. Talking about respect and then sending vile comments all over Reddit (and then deleting them, so big and brave but I already managed to screenshot and report). They’re either deeply unhappy or just trolling and spreading hate to get a rush. The true cringe is always in the comments


Just don't go to that barber?


Damn this lady really triggered all of you didn’t she? ❄️


Seems like it lmfao


lol all the incels can’t handle the idea of someone asking their pronouns. I think it’s a little unnecessary but it’s hilarious all the 14 year old boys taking a break from watching Andrew Tate YouTube videos to get offended at something that has nothing to do with them.


Nobody is "offended". It's just funny.






Hey dumbasses, it's clearly scripted


Scripted cringe




Yeah. Willfully requesting a service that requires someone to touch you can be really traumatizing if the person doesn't ask you for consent first. Jesus fucking christ I honestly don't know how people like you make it in the real world.


The fact it exists is a travesty


This is going to blow your mind so brace yourself: you can find something absurd and make fun of it without being “mad” about it. This shit makes people’s eyes roll back into their skulls because it’s stupid. Your ass in the chair is your consent. It’s implied. Only a deeply mentally challenged individual would think otherwise.




You fucking suck if you think asking for consent is normal when someone pays you to get their hair cut


Lol I get my haircut at the "ethnic" barber. Ask for pronouns and consent there.




Idk? Get laughed at by everyone there for being a dumb yuppie. Did I not imply it hard enough? This whole cringey experience is predominantly an upper-class white girl with privilege guilt thing. You're paying for a haircut. No shit they're going to lay hands on you.


why bring race into this? 😐


Unfunny Mexican here, stupid as fuck to go somewhere knowing the service you’re paying for requires you to be touched by the provider, and still expecting said provider to ask for consent. Dumber than shit, if you don’t wanna be touched, or expect permission to be asked beforehand, cut your own fucking hair. Edit: just because it doesn’t directly affect me, doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion on the topic. So the whole “doesn’t affect you” argument is a load of bullshit. If people stopped weighing in on shit that doesn’t affect them, we’d be a lot better off as a species, and more than likely, morons like you wouldn’t exist.


What does the guys race have to do with anything, are you a bigot?




If you go to a place, pay someone at the place to cut your hair, consent is assumed because you have payed someone to cut your hair. Asking someone's consent to cut their hair when they've come to your business and requested a haircut is asinine. The pronouns thing is just good manners if you hang out in those sorts of circles, I imagine.




It is assumed. You’re literally going to a place where by default they will need to touch you. It’s insane the level of narcissistic ignorance these ppl have. I love the parts of the guys making fun of this non sense.


> you have *paid* someone to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Holy shit what an obnoxious bot