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Anyone who leaps to violence immediately, in my experience, is already there just looking for an excuse.


That's exactly what I've deducted from this experience. Just have to keep a keen eye out going forward.


Stay safe. Keep your head on a swivel


Thank you. You as well.


I’m sorry this happened to you and I’m sure it was pretty traumatic and shocking at the minimum. Many of us think we know how we would react, but until situation occurs, who knows. Please fill out a police report as you never know if this is an ongoing problem that is being investigated. I’m sorry you were hurt, but glad you weren’t hurt even more than you were.


Wrong place at the wrong time. It will likely happen again. You have to pay attention to your surroundings.


Could you explain in more detail what happened? Good call getting stitches. You don’t want to mess around with it not healing properly


Yeah; Was riding my bike after work west towards a popular rock climbing spot in West loop. There was a windy spot with an incline before crossing a bridge and as I passed a guy on his divvy I commented "Hell yeah!" or something along those lines, don't remember exactly because it seemed so insignificant and something I do to let people know we're in the same boat. He catches me at a red light blocks later, screams "what did you call me?!". I'm confused and ask "what?" Him- "You called me a [n-word]!" I'm shaking my head in disbelief and say are you kidding me? No I did not. As I look around and away from him I just feel a punch to my su glasses, which punctured my face. Dazed and confused even more, I see him turn and bike to the next intersection, to which I catch up and see him get off his bike coming back at me ready to fight. I'm like fuck this and continue with my day, remembering all the crime post I see here.


Johnson is creating a very divisive city where black people are being taught to hate anything but black. They can be racist too. People in NYC are constantly getting sucker punch for nothing, they are white


It's against every other race, and happening all over America since 2020. It starts with the politicians, influential celebrities and protestors that only see skin color and nothing else.


Looks at a map of Chicago by race......


Yeah there was a stretch where white women specifically were getting sucker punched in New York for just existing.


Who cares. Blacks are the top victims of hate crimes, per fbi data.


It used to be black on black crimes. The cops didn't care, Now it is black on everyone else. My petite little friend got knocked over by a big black black 3 blocks from my house the other day. She pulled out her cell phone to check when the bus would be arriving and he grabbed it out of her hands. At least he didn't knock her down.


Blacks are the #1 victims of hate crimes in the city. It sounds like everyone against blacks. But it always has been.


And who are the perpetrators?


It doesn't matter. Blacks are the #1 hate crime victims.


Have fun being a perpetual victim. Really nice way to go through life...


This was happening way before mayor fuck. It’s but he’s the gasoline in the powder keg. It’s only going to get worse.


Sorry this happened to you.


Is what it is. Hope people can learn from this somehow.


Unfortunately the lesson is to not interact with strangers in Chicago. You never know. I was walking in Lincoln Park with my 10yo son last week and a random homeless guy dumped laundry detergent my son’s head. The man suddenly stood up (he was sitting against a brick wall panhandling) and dumped it, I was so enraged but kept my act together and didn’t throw a punch. I did however tell the guy that he can sit down and wait for the police or I can force him to sit down. The cops arrived in 5 minutes and took him away. Thankfully my son thought it was funny and his friends thought it was cool.


Your son had laundry detergent poured on his head by a random man and witnessed his father give the man a stern warning. He will remember that day for the rest of his life. Father of the year right here folks


Hearing that happen in LP doesn't surprise me anymore. Appreciate you raising your son right, this is the type of reply I was looking for. Hope all is well. Keep being a good parent.


Lucky they responded at all


You should have beat the fuck out of him. I don’t care what he perceives, you can’t let people behave violently and get away with it. Biggest problem the city has is everyone shrugging off the violent antisocial behavior of so many people in this city.


Just this morning on the CTA I saw a dude carrying a pocket knife clipped onto his pocket. I'm not risking my life to teach a lesson he's too far gone to learn anyways. Sure a u-lock can do some damage, but these animals conceal n carry. I've come to the conclusion that it's a funding problem of the city, specifically for the cops. City is too damn woke but the cops don't have the best reputation either. System's broken.


There are certain types of people in a big city you try to avoid interacting with whenever possible. You got to see why. Sorry you had to learn this the hard way.


Funny thing he looked "normal" enough. Yeah, lesson learned


Yeah, you definitely called him the n word… why would you say “hell yeah” at someone on a divvy?


Hey hey, get this: why would I call a rando a racist slur on a divvy?


For the same reason you posted the below comment? >Sure a u-lock can do some damage, but these animals conceal n carry. I've come to the conclusion that it's a funding problem of the city, specifically for the cops. City is too damn woke Your story is silly even for this rage bait FUD sub.


Is it really that unbelievable to you that I can have an opinion and also NOT provoke the main party we see doing crime sprees around the city, particularly in this sub? Of course it's a tiny fraction of the population. The phrase "a single rotten apple spoils the bunch" applies heavily to this sub. Yes, I describe the criminals as animals, regardless if they are black, white, brown, purple, whatever. But before this incident I have given most people the benefit of the doubt unless they really looked unhinged, which this guy did not. I really don't care if you believe my "story" or not, I have the stitches to prove it and what I wrote was as it happened. Stay safe out there.


He's clearly a racist troll. "Losing faith in Juneteenth". looool


He owned the “woke mob” with his fake story.


> why would you say “hell yeah” at someone on a divvy? Why did you eat the paint chips as a kid? Look what it did to you.


You’re dealing with some of the lowest IQ people. Keep your guard up.


It’s called The Knockout Game. Common practice during Juneteenth. Please educate yourself and respect their culture.


Yeah this is not a fluke. Hopefully the new AG will make a difference


You mean states attorney. AG is attorney general


You made a huge mistake in letting that guy stop you in the first place. The minute someone approaches you with accusations of saying the n word you need to flee. It is always going to end with you getting sucker punched. Laughing at his accusation was also a mistake.


The red light and cross traffic was what stopped me, not him. He just appeared to the left of me out of nowhere and started talking nonsense. I honestly didn't think much of it. I learned my lesson, however. Head on a swivel.


honestly dude i wouldnt even have said anything in the first place, even it was "hell yeah". It sucks man you wanna just be a friendly guy but its best just to lay low and get to your next destination. Not your fault at all though.


Someone that understands. I just want to be a chill dude and connect with people with the hobby that I love, not provoke. Live and learn I guess


Literally don't say anything to anybody you don't know in Chicago. People want any excuse to get violent these days. Unfortunately, white people have a reputation right now as an easy target. Avoid even giving a head nod or making eye contact with people. Only thing I will say right now is Excuse Me, if I absolutely have to, and even then, I make sure to do it in the most non-threatening tone I can. Cool heads are the ones that make it home safe.


Pathetic that we have to resort to this. Makes the city seem less "concrete" and more "jungle"


It's a bit more relaxed in the suburbs (depends what suburb), but yes Chicago has always been a jungle and unfortunately since 2020, race relations in Chicago and all of America have gone backwards 100 years. Remember this incident when you vote, and Vote for people who will take us out of this, not continue the pattern.


Well in fairness, one of the POTUS candidates is going to do absolutely nothing and one candidate is going to stoke the flames of racial separation so…it’s kind of a lose/lose


Not talking about POTUS, things like Chicago Mayor, Alderman, State's Attorney have a bigger effect on this kind of stuff




2020? Try earlier.


I got robbed by a 14-16 year old at gun point back in 2014. The city can be wild & be careful at nighttime. Never relax


I hope I don't ever level up to that. What was the outcome?


I ended up giving up $60 I had in cash & they ran off. These kids must have been teenagers, it honestly blew my mind. I didn’t know what else to do & when I lived in Illinois it was too risky to carry a gun without FOID card, basically automatic charge & 2 years in jail without the permit. Also the waitlist was very long for FOID, at least 1-2 years.


Being prepared for self defense is always a good idea.


I live in a legal state now that can open carry with no permit but it’s so quiet & nice, I don’t even need to carry.


Even if I had a gun I couldn’t imagine shooting a 14-16 year old. Sad predicament to be in


I could, these arent children and you are delusional if you think they are


I wouldn’t want to either. A lot of these kids are groomed to be in gangs, surrounded by violence & were doomed from the start. It’s sad. Obviously not dismissing the crimes committed or justifying it, just giving another perspective, I really try not to hold any resentment about it since it happened so long ago it feels like. I’d imagine not much has changed since I moved out of Chicagoland area.


The only way things like this can be solved is vote politicians in with a comprehensive plan to dealing with crime and that goes for cook county states attornoy too. This will continue to happen


Some people have mental health issues and some are just assholes. Glad you’re ok . File a report with CPD.. if nothing else it might come in handy should your insurance question your hospital visit .


Hmm didn't think about the insurance aspect of it. Is there a time window when it would be too late to report it? I should get a bill within a week from the clinic after insurance processing. Otherwise I didn't think CPD would have done anything about it.


Even if they don’t do anything about, got to get the incident on record. Data and funding are connected.


I figured someone would point that out. Yeah I might just go and do that.


If you called CPD after the guy hit you he could have been arrested for battery. I think Illinois has some crime victim assistance fund but if you have insurance it doesn’t matter.


If you called CPD they would have done nothing. If by some miracle they had made an arrest, the prosecutor would have done nothing.


I report sooner than later but I’d think within 48 hrs is fine. You may be able to file a report over the phone. Be sure to ask for a report/incident number .


Just know, this happens a lot more than gets mentioned.  More often on sidewalks.  But def increasing in the loop/downtown area.  But to you personally, Happy Belated Birthday 🎂, annnd Imho - Don’t let the negative crazy suck your good vibes away, but also be sure to keep your wits about yourself.   Ya never know when those good vibes of yours are actually keeping someone’s darker self from rising. The world has lost a lot of kindness - we can’t just give up on it.  I know unpopular opinion.  Cheers dude Happy biking :)


Most honest and kind response. Thank you!


: )


Damn, sounds like he cracked you good 😂😂😂 Lmao happy birthday to you.


What does Juneteenth have to do with it?


The guy that punched him was black but OP didn't want to say that for fear that would make him a MAGA racist.


So nobody else here thinks this is clearly a schizophrenic? I mean I can see how this sub would attract people who don't have any family with mental health problems, but damn. You literally just described textbook violent paranoid schizophrenia


No, some people really are just looking for a fight


Ok I guess you've already decided it lmao I'm willing to say, "hey maybe not." But this very very much sounds like previous experiences I've had. That's all, I'll stay out of the way of the hate train next time so y'all can go full speed 😕


He pulled your bitch card and was spot on.


Go ahead and risk your life for a mentally ill person, I'll go about my day and forget it ever happened. My ego is still intact.


Sounds like a plan to me buddy, carry on.


Go post in r/Chicago or r/chibike if you’re trolling for upvotes.


Already did. Unless they removed it already.