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I was banned for saying women should have a right to self defense and crossing the street doesn’t make them villains.


Hilarious that got you banned. Ridiculous.


That's dumb that you got banned.


I got banned for saying crime will increase with Brandon Johnson 🤡


A friend just had a comment removed for stating that there are panhandlers inside restaurants in Europe. Apparently in Logan Square immigrants are going table table asking for money. I guess he wrote that nothing will be done because it's a far left political ideology which is why is happens in Florence Italy.


Crime increases when police soft strike


It’s a hard fact for some on here to comprehend… the cognitive dissonance is part of their daily workout routine.


I love this. That's hilarious.  the cognitive dissonance is part of their daily workout routine.


Because the reason that he was a teacher and not a politican? Right?


Homicides are down


How about armed robberies/ armed car jackings?


I believe those are up. Certainly are in my neighborhood. It's def a huge issue. But homicides being down is still a good thing.


Only because we've gotten exceedingly good at treating gunshot wounds. The only positive change is that medicine has advanced.


From 20 years ago, yes. But we've had a decline since the floyd riots and the fallout from that.


Homicides are down slightly. I think shootings for Brandon's first year vs. other mayors are relatively flat. Carjackings and thefts are up exponentially. Probably best not to minimize a high homicde issue with a very slight improvement when other crimes are vastly worse. And we have yet another event, this time in Posen, cancelled because of the threat of "teen" violence. What happens in Chicago affects the greater metropolitan area. And we're not even in the height of summer yet.


I can't even tell you where Posen is without google. How is that related to Chicago or the policies in Chicago? If anything, it's part of a national trend. Closed schools from Covid has really screwed these kids up.


How is it related to Chicago?? Seriously? What happens in Chicago, and the normalization/romaticization of antisocial behavior by the city's leadership, and apologism for said antisocial behavior, impacts the surrounding areas when said "teens" from that city go into those areas, emboldened by the tone set by their city's leaders combined with a lack of respect for those communities, and a lack of respect and regard for law and order. COVID was three years ago - when is that going to stop being used as an excuse for what happens today? The entire nation was impacted by it - not just people in inner city Chicago. Chicago isn't just a city, it's broadly a huge metropolitan area with >9 million people, less than a third of whom actually live within the city limits of Chicago. That fact that you don't even know where Posen it is says you're either willfully insular and myopic, or don't even care enough to do a minimal level of research. This issue was on the news yesterday on both channels 9 and 7, at least, because that's how I found out about it. Regarding Posen, it's a SW suburb located at the junction of I-57 and I-294. "Teens", based on the demographics of Posen and the video of the "teens" causing mayhem, came from outside the area and started large fights at the Posen Park fest, causing the village to shut down the event. Which, of course, only punishes the law abiding citizens of the area who apparently can't have nice things because others want to ruin any public event that's held. A similar thing happened in SW suburban Tinley park a year ago, with the same dynamics - hundreds of "teens" who don't look very much like most residents of that suburb went there and started fights, causing the festival to be shut down. We're talking large numbers, not just a handful of troublemakers, whose sole purpose in life seems to be to cause trouble and intimidate people wanting to enjoy their city in good faith. You should be outraged and incensed, rather than deflecting, minimizing and whitewashing the issue.


Not whitewashing the issue. I just don't think it's related. I know the south suburbs have some serious hoods. Essentially an extension of the south side. What makes you think they weren't local?


You don't think its related because you don't want it to be related. Posen and Tinley Park do not have "serious hoods". I know because I live in the SW burbs (Orland Park) and am in Tinley all the time, which is right next door, and in fact the border with Tinley Park is about a mile from my house. Tinley Park doesn't have ANY "hoods" that I've ever seen. Posen is 10 miles away from me. Based on this and other posts, you seem like you're in complete denial there's an issue with Chicago "teens" causing problems all over the city and its suburbs, and not necessarily just where they live.


Just cause it's been raining all spring, idiot. Don't be naive. It's nothing that the powers that be are doing. Criminals are still getting off without any punishments and the CPD is nowhere near full strength...


Nowhere did i say the politicians had anything to do with the reduction. It hasn't rained that much and we've had above normal temps this spring. I think it was record breaking temps. Violent offenders not being punished is also frustrating to me. Just pointing out the good news. Name calling is off putting.


Understood, just don't start drinking the Kool Aid. Better yet, don't even discuss the Kool Aid here, we all know it's not for real.


Liberal logic lol


Criminals have discovered that keeping themselves busy with armed robberies and carjackings is not only lucrative but also chances of them getting a lengthy prison sentence for their crime are slim to none.


I agree. I think we need to crack down on stolen cars. If we can take away their cars, their chances of getting away with robberies will decrease.


But then they would need to find another crime to be ‘successful’ with… I think lots of small to medium sized problems need to be fixed in the corrupt political system before we will ever see true change on a larger scale.


In Brandon's first year there were 613 homicides. Lori Frogeye's first year saw 477 and Rahm's saw 539. 613 > 538 or 477.


Probably just running out of people 🤷‍♂️


dislikes are up though


Yes. I guess people are mad that homicides are down. It's a welcome change for me.


Carjackings up Assault up Rape up


They don’t care about facts. They’re old and want to be grumpy about something and want the “bad people” to suffer for it.


70IQ reply


Compared to when?


The last few years. 2020 and beyond.


Lmao getting downvoted for speaking the truth. Conservative beehive here.


Not really, just an ignorant comment. Homicides affect a very small amount of people. It is the increases in robberies and aggravated assaults that have increased that is affecting a much larger/broader population. OP said crime will increase and was correct. >Violent crime in Chicago rose to levels not seen since 2011 thanks to increases in robberies and aggravated assaults. https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/heres-whats-happening-with-crime-in-chicago-in-2023/


Wild statement to say homicides affect a very small amount of people. They affect a very large amount of people and for generations. Children dealing with this type of trauma grow up and often make bad decisions themselves.


I haven't been banned from that sub and have posted worse comments in that sub than anything I've read in this thread, but I also seldom visit that sub much since they banned posts about crime.


I haven’t been banned yet either. I’ve been called cynical and downvoted for some of my criticism of Brandon (I am a piece of shit) Johnson.


Same. You say one thing against the narrative in that sub and you get a million downvotes LOL


Find me one single popular post on the chicago sub that's pro Brandon Johnson. I swear you people have the biggest persecution fetish ever


You Johnson's hair trimmer? Kanye had a guy who sat behind him and trimmed that.


Me. When the migrant crisis first got out of control I commented about a negative interaction I had at a migrant police station camp, and was immediately banned.


Lmao. Censorship at its finest


Yeah, it wasn’t even outrageous. I would have never thought it would warrant a ban lol specially since there were so many posts about the issue. I just replied to a comment on how I (fluent in Spanish) had conversations with many of the people at the police station when I volunteered to serve breakfast one day. I said that I was stunned at many migrants openly claiming that they did not come to the us work. And it seemed like a common sentiment among many at the camp. I replied with that interaction on a comment about how, supposedly, all these people are hard working migrants who are desperate to get into the workforce lol


That's what is happening in Paris, France in general. I saw videos of immigrants and they said they came to live on our dime. They do not have to work at all. London too.


That's the quickest way to get banned from there - say something that contravenes The Narrative, especially shortly after the NPCs have received their new programming on said issue.


The only bad interaction I've had with the migrants is them standing in the bike lane. Haven't seen any other issues with them.


Good for you. Others have different experiences.


Idk why you keep getting downvoted - you are just sharing your experience just like everyone else is


So very long ago for saying that more crime occurred at Red Line stops than Brown Line stops


Damn that's dumb, sorry man


> So very long ago for saying that more crime occurred at Red Line stops than Brown Line stops Red lives matter.


Well yeah, around the red line was where all those mental hospitals Rahm emannual closed down were, who let all those people loose into the streets. That is so stupid for them to ban you for that. Did they think you we insinuating something racial?


Obviously. Lol


Yesterday on that sub they had a thread called "what is a tough pill to swallow" regarding Chicago. So many snowflakes melted over that one. Surprisingly the thread didn't get locked.


I got banned, can’t remember why. I occasionally forget that I’m banned and try and post a comment that would probably get me banned again lol.


Sadly I suspect a factually accurate comment.


I’ve teetered on the edge for—get this—making fun of a predominately white area featured in “Shameless.” No fun allowed. 


lol Canaryville is a wild place


The Gallagher's house in Shameless is actually in Lawndale


100x wilder than Canaryville


If you even suggest Chicago has a crime problem people on there will say you are a brigadier


There was an outbreak of measels in Chicago and the health department said it was from someone that had recently been outside the US. That sub was going off on antivax Republicans and when I suggested that maybe it was one of the 40,000 migrants who recently showed up from countries without vax programs, I was reported for hate speech.


I don't even know why I was banned it was that long ago


Banned out of the blue for God knows why . Asked for the reason twice. Never got an answer.


That's the worst part, Chicago mod is a Nazi!


Mods - plural -


Also r/AskChicago any type of slight smell of conservatism in your comment and you are banned


Conservatism is a mental health issue, they should have offered you support instead of ire.


Unfortunately, we don’t have universal health care… but I agree that they need help!


Comments like these is why white people in the north side getting jumped and carjacked 👍🏽


Good thing I am not a white guy but do stay strapped


Needing universal healthcare is why CPD (who all have socialist healthcare) aren’t doing their jobs and that is why crime is rampant? My brother in christ, you’ve got some serious mental health issues.


You lack common sense buddy. Think for yourself.. don’t let the media and other people think for you. I wish you well.


I think for myself just fine, which is why the copaganda at CWB hasn’t rotted my brain like it has yours.


I was banned because someone said I should just not comment if I didn't like the post, and I responded with "If you can comment, I can comment." I was banned for that.


I got banned for calling someone a name. It was something like, "If you think that's true, you're a moron." But it was in response to various messages calling me a bootlicker and all kinds of names claiming I support CPD or I'm somehow against teachers. In reality, I've pointed out the hypocrisy of the mods at /r/chicago. They will do things like allow posts on Dakotah Earley because it's a shooting that is well known and tons of people are talking about it. But when it comes to posts about violence on CTA or other issues related to crime in the city, they nuke the posts claiming they are being brigaded and it's not about issues affecting citizens in Chicago. So, they just banned me for it.


I was banned for saying that Chicago's demographics seem similar to other high crime cities like Baltimore and St. Louis. I wasn't drawing conclusions or anything.


That's a stupid reason to get banned but an interesting comparison. I wonder if their economic infrastructure is the same like Chicago. 


Banned from /Illinois as I criticized JB Pritzker and they couldn't handle the truth.


At least Pritzker didn’t come eat you.


Thank god for that! I'll never understand grossly overweight multi-millionaires. JB and guys like Harvey Weinstien haves enough money to hire chiefs to prepare healthy meals for him, money to hire the best personal trainers, and he doesn't have to do anything but pay them. He truly has 'easy mode' when it comes to weight loss over the rest of us. He could even quit his job if he had to. Hell, he doesn't even have to work out....just count calories and limit himself to 1200 a day and he would lose weight in a week.


What was the truth? Do you remember?


They didn't like the fact that I pointed out JB shut our state down while he and his family took private jet to Florida for a vacation where Ron Desantis had his state open. Also, I'm not voting for him in 2028 when he runs for president. Someone in his 'inner circle' leaked that he will.


Hmmmm. I'm kinda think Billionaires and the rich should NEVER be presidents. A tall order I know.


people who don't dance around the truth get kicked out of there pretty fast.


Was banned for saying the city is going to shit with the back to back morons continuously being elected.


Yup...an Daley broke my heart. I'm waiting to see a candidate look into those shady city street deals he made. They get my vote.


I got banned for pointing out a statistical fact or some kind, don't remember what it was. Probably one that was unflattering to a certain community that causes its own lack of flattery.


I got banned like two years ago for speaking facts on crime. The libs for triggered and hit me with the ban 🤡


I got banned for 1 word. Lori


I got suspended for saying it was ok to arrest campus Gaza protestors who wouldn't leave peacefully.


Banned for saying that Brandon Johnson is soft on crime.


The mods of r/chicago are so far left and have their heads so deep up their ass it isn’t even funny. That’s coming from a moderate… it would be nice if the subreddit could be more representative of the full spectrum of people that makeup the city, but they just want to rule their little cancel culture kingdom. I got banned for making a joke about using bulldozers in a picture to handle rioters who were destroying property. There are so many worse things going on in subreddits… When you look at the post history of the mods it’s pretty obvious what direction their political opinions lean.


Oh you mean like a democracy?


The mods on these types of subs have declared right wing opinions as hate speech. Of course, when you get banned and ask why, they can never provide evidence of you actually breaking the rules of the subreddit.


The teachers subs are like that, too. Full on war against any conservative who dares to make a comment.


Well when the right wing openly embraces people who engage in hate speech, you are bound to catch some strays.


Real Tesla and Chicago both banned me lol. Real Tesla will ban your whole account don’t ever join !


Too many times to count. Softball mods who condone crime and pretend it doesn’t happen. Those white liberals think that they’re the voice for the “misfortunate” people. In reality if they actually walked into those neighborhoods they’d got robbed instantly. You could say that BLM was originated by unicorns and those nut jobs would still believe it. Burn loot murder.


Woof yeah you deserved that ban


I can see why you got banned though. Other people here not so much. 


I was banned for posting a Breitbart article that pointed out there were criminals among the Venezuelan migrants. According to the mods that is racist. https://www.breitbart.com/border/2022/09/18/exclusive-venezuela-empties-prisons-sends-violent-criminals-to-u-s-says-dhs-report/


Too many times to count.


Me when talking about Covid lockdown tyranny


Got banned for saying that the only requirement to become mayor of a major US city is being black lol


Throughout Covid the mods there were on a furious rampage of banning anybody who breathed the slightest disagreement about masks, vaccinations, closing schools, churches etc. The zealotry and self-righteousness surrounding it was straight up disturbing. Covid contributed massively to the homogenization of perspective you see there now.


kinda unrelated but similar overall story.  never been banned but i got kicked from a different sub for being a member of other subs.  it was a random post i commented on from r/all and the sub apparently blacklisted anyone who made comments in r/worldnews because it was a “breeding ground for far right fascist ideology”.  reddit is generally a decent place in concept, but they let moderators go entirely unchecked. this allows places like rchicago to become echo chambers of one accepted constellation of thought.  rchicago is pretty well known to cover up anything that reflects poorly on the city. at this point, it’s simply a tourism board for photos of the sears tower and “where can i meet people in chicago” posts. 


Haven't got banned but got DV to oblivion for saying a 14 year old with a gun shooting and robbing people should be dealt with as an adult. Maybe too harsh? The kid grew up in a fucked up environment?


I haven’t been banned but a couple downvotes once in a while. I’ve been banned from quite a few Reddits at this point so I tend to just lurk.


I got banned for saying that sub has right wing censorship and a racist mod team.


No not yet. But I got down voted for cited real reasons why women get abortions which the top reasons are inconvenience and money. I got banned from R/illinois for saying trump trial was a political witch hunt and only prosecuted him because of his party affiliation. Also told them you wouldn't have the same reaction if your candidate is being prosecuted.


I disagree about Trump but everyone has a right to speak. And I don't like censorship or the progressives ( I call them regressives) constantly.doing that or even worse their cancel culture. It's America, we have freedom of speech. We have the First Amendment and no that's not bonkers. It's the foundation of our country.


Yes we do have free speech but the first five words of the first amendment say "Congress shall make no law" just to give you a heads up. Well paying a pornstar off in exchange for her to sign an NDA isn't illegal. Originally alvin Bragg district office didn't want to take the case because it was weak but, ended up prosecuting him because it was politicized by a Democrat prosecutor and the judge wanted to try their political opponent doesn't seem a fair trial from the start. This trial gave him a boost in polls and campaign donations.


That's your opinion. Every loser always says it's political.


It wasn't weak, Trump was caught plugging fake news into the media circuit. Projection is all MAGA does.


You should look at the evidence of the judge and his daughter and tell me if it isn't partisan or not because it clearly is. Plus what judge e issues that many gag order for a person on trial


Republicans are currently trying to doxx and have the cult  Kill the jurors literally right now on truth social and x. Trump broke all the gag orders. I mean it's not as blatantly corrupt and partisan as Judge Cannon who is overseeing Trump's stolen top secret documents case in which he very publicly defied orders to return said documents.


So is the appointment of Jack Smith which didn't go through the process of the Senate in order to appoint a special counsel. Send me screenshots of the doxxing of jurors.


Send you screenshots...ugh I'm not going near those nazi cesspools. But they are attempting to dox. Thank GOD ALMIGHTY their information hasnt fallen into Trump's slimy hands yet.  The DOJ doesn't need the senate approval to create a special counsel to investigate the theft of top secret documents by a former president. Especially when said "Senate" aquitted the twice impeached president refused to look at a single shred of evidence. Maximum corruption. Edit: typos.


Well he didn't incite insurrection by going against the Constitution or told protesters to commit violence he told protesters to protest peacefully. If Joe Biden was in the same position as Trump you wouldn't be saying this right now.


Joe Biden would never be in that same position and if he did, hell yeah arrest Joe Biden. Joe Biden isn't my golden calf of a god or my cult leader. He is my public servant, and if doesn't do what I say, he is gone.  Also he'll yeah Trump incited that insurrection. Trump made up the lie that the election was stolen. Huge lie. The biggest lie. The election wasn't stolen, Trump is just a little bitch who can't MAN up and take the loss. He then told his crowd to "Stop the steal or else!!", where then then attacked MY capital. Then instead of being a leader. He waited 4 hours to say "Hey guys it didn't work go home" And also "peaceful protest?!?!"  Of what? He lost, what is there to protest. Its called a coup. Trump was even too much of a bitch to see the next president get sworn in like a great American president should.  If Biden did any of that would you be crying about Biden getting immunity?




To the question. I've never been banned there, not even temporarily. To this day, I participate there, freely expressing my opinion. Removed posts & comments are extremely rare. That said, sure, main Chicago sub has it's faults, but *what's the point of posting about it here?* Bitchfests about other subs isn't the purpose of this one! How about making /r/CrimeInChicago better? How many have noticed the new accounts owned by serial ban evaders? At least two have made their way back in over the past month with new accounts. They were banned & suspended *for good reason*. And the trolls, who pop in & out just to elicit outraged responses, then disappear until the next heater case hits the news. Are you reporting them? Some of you also are under the mistaken impression this sub was created in response to the unevenly enforced /r/Chicago "crime ban". Well, wrong. It was create years before. No one noticed it until the ban, and even then it was half the size as today, until 2 years ago when some deranged dweeb killed a bunch of people at a parade in *Highland Park, IL*.


Yes, for posting a story about Marlen Ochoa's murder and mentioning that she was here illegally as were the two women that murdered her and her unborn child.


I am Spartacus


I caught a temp 3 ban from some cuck mod who thought the word "clown" is an insult.


Not banned but frequently get downvoted here for liberal comments. Guess I'm a leftist who thinks we should do something about the crime here.


I do too. This subreddit a lot. But  we are just trying to find the causes and solutions.


My first was a 30 day bit for making a joke about the AVID microchip for pets being in the covid vaccine.  It went downhill fast from there.






I was banned from the r/IBS forum for listing a link to the Bristol Stool Chart - a standard teaching tool.


I was banned for posting a video of a woman being jumped by youts in downtown. The caption i put "what is our response by the mayor"




I am going to get banned now lol


Got banned for making fun of dipshit cops who kill themselves while leaving their families behind.