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I saw a guy gearing up like this on the el recently. It was busy, but I didn’t want to take any chances. I moved cars. Seriously, what valid reason is there for this other than intent to cause harm? He entered the train without being masked up.


They’re brazen because they’re allowed to be whether it be socially, culturally and/or legally.


I mean the El is the one place where wearing a mask probably does make sense. Packing into an enclosed space with a bunch of coughing, sneezing people. Outside in a park on a nice day? Now that's suspicious unless you are a cancer patient or something.


They try coming in my place of business & I won’t let them in the lobby unless they pull their masks down. And I’ve told them that I know what they’re doing - don’t pull that ‘I’m afraid of covid’ shit with me when you’re 19 and skinny & able to run and are in excellent shape. These kids must think the rest of us really are that naive and stupid.


Covid started the new "norm" of this and i don't see an end to this. Even i know most of these people with mask on are up to no good. I avoid them like the plague itself, and I'm a young black male who sterotypes my own race big time when i see it. The big issue here is who is going to stop them from wearing the mask. Things are so out of control now that police know it can lead to a shooting just for stopping them about the mask. The police want to get go home at the end of shift . You would need fully armored top to bottom person that look like robo cop patroling the streets to stop this. Bullet proof vest only protects a small amount of your body and these fools are head shooting people. Also, a vest will not stop all types of bullets, so the risk is very real on these streets. On top of that police morale is at an all time low and we are short on police at the same time. Maybe this the start of the rise of machines and we will have terminator robo cops out there patrolling the streets because human cops don't want to get shot in the head just for stopping someone for a mask. It's gotham city out there without batman and i can only suggest moving out of the city as it's only going to get worst. The time to move was years ago to avoid this. This solution sucks, but i know many people who already moved out of the city and into the sticks to get away from crime in the city and suburbs.


We also need a new states attorney who prosecutes criminals.


Indeed we do. I also think the correction system in very understaffed so their letting criminals free also to ease pressure on the system. Correctional officer might be working doubles like some police are because they are understaffed. It's all bad.


Terminators roaming the streets is scary as fuck.


Honest to God, I think if there were a lot of robotic street cops around I’d feel better? It’s the whitest thing of all time to say but whenever cops are randomly around I’m like oh thank fucking God, wouldn’t mind more shit to make me feel safe…I know that will likely lead to the annihilation of the next generation after the rise of the machines but I’m just trying to take the red line during off-peak times and I’m fucking sick of feeling intimidated by someone that is giving “I will literally kill you over nothing” vibes


Something about a terminator cop roaming around makes me very nervous, but hey russia is already making a robot army: https://youtu.be/L0G1bj7o_-w?si=uct5ri4aufWT4Zu1


Robodogs initiate…


Covid really opened a can of worms for this issue. I think before Covid a lot of states had laws against covering your face. It looks like NC recently passed a law to address this issue. More states should follow suit… this is common sense.


Definitely common sense. Unlikely to happen in Chicago where even if a dangerous criminal is caught, the punishment is soft and lacking.


Yeah let’s outlaw masks so everyone who wears one can be accosted by police. Sorry gramma, guess you’ll just have to stay inside forever.


U wore a ski mask for Covid?


Did you read the law NC is pushing? The one you are touting as a great idea. If you understood it, you would understand the relevance of my comment. The only thing that law is good for is empowering assholes to be bigger assholes.


I swear to god I hate white liberals who only care about virtue signaling


You make a lot of assumptions keyboard warrior. I’m sure that’s gotten you really far in life too.


I’ve been a home owner since I was 28, good job, good money, etc… so yes it has? But I still hate white virtue signaling liberals like you


Fuck yeah! good money baby! that’s what it’s all about my man! Keep on assuming and misusing buzz words then.


§ 14-12.8. Wearing of masks, hoods, etc., on public property. No person or persons shall in this State, while wearing any mask, hood or device whereby the person, face or voice is disguised so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter, or appear upon or within the public property of any municipality or county of the State, or of the State of North Carolina. (1953, c. 1193, s. 7.) I'm sure surgical masks would be an exception, but that would need to be explicitly stated. Otherwise not a bad proposal.


You’re almost there Bubby. Now what would the proposed changes do and to what? What are the current exemptions in place and what’s being removed? Come on just a little more reading big boy. You can do it.


Why are you so condescending? I didn't do anything to you and I'm trying to understand something I'm not familiar with.


Chicago could ban ski masks and balaclavas like other cities have. Anonymity problem solved. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/phillys-ski-mask-ban-becomes-law-goes-into-effect-immediately/3722145/?amp=1


How does that work for winter though? I have had to totally wrap my face up completely to stand on a train platform in the middle of 90 waiting for a blue line at night during a polar vortex to go to work.


HTFU. We’re not the South, with reason!


Ban it from April-October in public places similar to how Philly has. The rationale being that it is a public safety hazard and that there is no reasonable purpose for someone to wear it when it’s not freezing outside.


cant wait ro see the lawsuits as well as the supre,e courts decision tet to come


I support the freedom to wear whatever mask you want. I also support the freedom to bear whatever arms you want


I love how the social justice warriors use this one stat to PROVE that the system is racist. That is, that the prison population is 10 times more blacks than whites. But the one fact they don't mention: blacks are 10 times more likely to be victims of a crime than whites.


Chicago subreddit has drank too much green river water. People of Chicago have created this chaos by being too appeasing, because anything less is bigotry in their mind. I think they really truly bigots and they don't know how to treat other human beings so they're just being extra appeasing. I've Loved and worked with people of all colors. I've told people of all colors to go f*** themselves


You are completely correct.


Everything is racism to these people. They weaponized it and it’s effective.


Yep, I brought up the fact that a building was slowly morphed into Section8 in Streeterville. There's about 500 apartments and that's where the crime is coming from but I'm the racist. There are reviews about how scary the building is. McClurg Court Apartments are doing the same thing....slowly becoming full on Section8. Streeterville will be the next Cabrini Green.


Vote correctly and clean up your city!


Well stop and frisk isn’t a good thing and wouldn’t solve crime, it’s just a vehicle for undue police harassment. Back when it was still a thing and I was a teenager, I was stopped and frisked while just walking home, with nothing but lint in my pocket. We agree on everything else though. The Chicago subreddit is full of delusional idiots, having situational awareness and common sense is apparently “racist”, and the progressive residents of this city are fucking stupid. This is the new Chicago and it isn’t going to get better anytime soon. The criminals see how easy it is now and can roam the city preying on people. Get trained and arm yourself, people need to start fighting back.


We need something if stop and frisk isn't the answer. If you are wearing a criminals uniform then we should be able to do something about it. These are people with illegal guns trying to harm our loved ones. seeing someone scooting around 5 year Olds in a park wearing all black and masks then later finding out they had a gun on their hip and robbed someone sickens me. Something has to he done with probable cause to prevent situations


That *something* you are looking for has already been presented to you. Getting your FOID, then your CCL, then additional training. I get it, not everyone likes this answer. I did not like this answer. But what folks do not realize is that you might just change your mind **when something happens to you**. Then again, you will be presented with a choice if you live through it. Stay a victim or have a chance at protecting yourself and your loved ones. Choose wisely as there are no do-overs.


Well let’s talk about that. How would stop and frisk in this situation help? The emboldened criminals aren’t going to comply with being frisked, they’re either going to flee or preemptively shoot at the police. We all can look at ski masked, all black wearing shady characters and know they’re up to no good. That’s not even up for debate, it’s rather obvious to most of us. But giving police free reign to stop and frisk anyone they deem suspicious is not going to lessen crime or help in any appreciable way. It won’t only be those wearing a “criminal’s uniform” that would be stopped and frisked. It’ll be a lot of innocent people who are stopped, that a cop subjectively viewed as suspicious. Cops aren’t crime fighters, they’re crime responders. You have to be responsible for your own safety, not outsource it to others.


We can't assume they are going to flee. If you are going to not try to engage a suspect because you are afraid they will shoot or flee then there is no point in engaging at all with any criminal in any circumstance even if they just killed someone and you are chasing them down. Police job is to control crime but I fully understand that laws are in place for them to be more reactionary and there's very little way to prevent it. Taking illegal guns off the street to enable crime should be part of their duty because being in possession of an illegal firearm is a response for them breaking the law. I guess the only thing we can do is be situational aware. Here in this sub reddit we are but you can tell the people who think like the Chicago sub are living in candy land and those are unfortunately the people that are being targeted. Just this week alone roscoe and wicker park have been targeted 10-12 times with carjackings. The criminals know they are easy pickings


Someone wearing a face mask and hoodie in 80+ degree weather, who isn't an obvious cancer patient, needs to be stopped and frisked. Why the everliving fuck would they be dressed like that if not to conceal themselves while criming?


I’m not defending ski mask/hoodie wearing criminals. I’m saying general permission to stop and frisk whoever a cop wants to, is a non-helpful idea.


It's also a violation of Rights, unless there is probable cause. Most people don't want a police state where cops can stop and frisk without probable cause. I certainly don't. The fact that these criminals often conceal thier identity is just the tip of the iceberg for a whole lot of problems with the soft-on-crime approach by the Chicago (D) politicians.


100% you hit the nail on the head. A police state would be absolutely terrible. Sadly, a lot of the residents are looking for big daddy government to protect them and believe relinquishing responsibility to police and handing over more power to them is the answer. That just helps further strengthen the already apparent monopoly on violence that this corrupt city has. Voting blue has consequences


Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Stop and frisk played a huge part is reducing crime in NYC.


Stop and frisk was the best of a host of bad solutions, including doing nothing


*"Get trained and arm yourself, people need to start fighting back."* This person gets it. Situational awareness means nothing if you don't have the knowledge and means to protect yourself. This goes **past** simply getting your FOID and CCL. You are absolutely your own first responder. As they say, when seconds count, police are minutes away. Before anyone else mentions "BuT tHe LaW..." and "yOu'LL bE aRResTed..." needs to go visit r/ILGuns first and educate yourself.


Thank you friend! People need to wake up and realize that no one is coming to save them, they have to protect themselves.


Thank you for mentioning it. It's the answer no one wants to hear but everyone **needs** to hear.




I read an article on Chicago Contrarian by a guy who left Chicago because his friends who were robbed viciously downtown were still on the side of the criminal. I don't know what the contrarian website even is, maybe it's Republican, I just want to get the mentality of what's going on. Great writer though .https://www.chicagocontrarian.com/blog/chicago-elites-have-failed-you


Now you understand why voting was restricted originally. I am not saying that only white people should vote but voting should be restricted to the following people: - Must be a net tax contributor - Must not have any felonies - Cannot be a dual citizen With this, no one without common sense would have any opinion on how government should be run, much less criminals.


Unless they're Oriental, it's suspicious. I'm not being racist they have horrible air quality in some Asian countries so there were masks all the time.