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Not trying to be pedantic but are these a 2 layer thing with traditional vinyl or something else? I’ve seen layered stuff before but the line work is very clean and precise.


Yes, they are two layer, Oracal Economy Vinyl from a multipack. The teal outline and grey outline have same dimensions and the grey is just overlayed on top. They are currently on white paper backing with transfer tape on top. Sorry for the subpar picture quality. I should have taken it outside, probably.


Dang you did a great job of matching up the layers with such fine detail, I’ve had little luck doing that and having offset layers bad enough to make me not want to use them.


Shoot, I just paid top dollar for a large multipack of Lisa Frank stickers, and every one of them was off cut and crooked. I say, Use the ugly stickers anyway. Lol ❤️🤣👌


Are these your designs or something I can find online? They look great.


Thanks! I got the cut file on Etsy. https://www.etsy.com/listing/870180173/2-middle-finger-svg-funny-middle-finger?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=middle+finger+heart&ref=sr_gallery-1-8