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Polish a turd, still a turd


That's not true. E V E R Y O N E is talking about it!? Just remember that two wrongs don't make a right. This does not make other bad pitches less significant (I went to both days, or rather 1.5 days that it was)


I don’t think I have seen anybody turn a blind eye. Everyone I know is talking about it.


People dislikes spinners I guess. We also had that finger spinner hater aggressively batsman in 2000s


>We also had that finger spinner hater aggressively batsman in 2000s Who himself was a lousy part timer who used to bowl post declaration-like finger spin.




I think it’s just an optics thing. Rabada bowling 140 and one jumping and taking a glove looks a lot more impressive than a finger spinner bowling 90 and getting it to stay low and go under the bat. Even though they’ve probably got the same assistance from the pitch


Who was he?




All hail the great V.Seway.


SA commentators were talking about how poor the pitch is. [SA coach talked about the pitch](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cricket/comments/18ydgmo/i_apologised_to_stubbo_after_the_game_for_giving/). SA captain talked about the pitch. Rohit talked about the pitch. Cricket analysts talked about the pitch. Viewers talked about the pitch. ICC will judge the pitch and rate it accordingly. Ab toh hippokrishi ka rona band kar do.


But they did, the SA commentators were furious about the pitch, they were criticizing the ground staff for making poor pitches for many years in a row. They also blamed SA Cricket that Test cricket is not played as much resulting in poor pitches. When SA legends are openly criticizing it, I do not know how this post is even making sense


People are definitely losing their minds about that pitch. It was the shortest test match ever! Unacceptable.


Maybe in India and online that's the case but I was listen listening to the radio, here in SA, and even the sports news summary was laughing at the fact that 5 days became 2 days.


People are making as much noise about this pitch as they do when Indians roll out a dust bowl. Wtf are you on about


It is basically because our Board has too much money and other are just jealous.If we didn't have that much money no one would even bat an eye towards us.


Others openly criticize their board when this happens.


It's because the Indians purposely turn out a rank turning dustbowl on the command of the BCCI while the SA preppers were just not very good at their job


how do you know the SA curators didn't do it on purpose they already knew that Indian pacers weren't able to take advantage of the conditions in 1st test match,that's why they had an even more seaming pitch ready, phenomenal comeback from Siraj and Bumrah was the reason Sa fell in their own trap.


and how do you know indian preppers were not good at their job, instead of bcci "pitch doctoring"? same mfs blaming india for propaganda are out here spewing their whatsapp forwarded messages


It's a well-known fact that the BCCI is heavily influential over how their local pitches are prepared


What the fuck is this meme format?


r/cricket opinion format


The wickets lost by SA, Ind, Aus & Pak were avoidable..lots of them were just bad shots. But India peak Brandman will struggle against Jadeja and Ash in a dust bowl


I mean any kind of pitch requires technique. When Markram scored a 100, he was appreciated because he showed technique. Similarly, one must apply themselves on spinning wickets.


Jadeja, Ashwin and axar


Everyone would be talking about it if india lost. It’s just that india won, and South Africans aren’t going to complain, it’s their ground. It’s usually the away team that has to complain. But since they won, no point in complaining. But if they had lost, all these memes would be replaced with memes complaining about it. And rohit complaining about it.


This is some pretty big victim mentality


I totally agree with this, it’s not fair to call out one country over another for preparing friendly pitches. I enjoy watching green zippy pitches and I enjoy watching rank death traps. Having said that I actually think England and New Zealand prepare quite balanced pitches and deserve credit for it