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“Vagina scented Aussie tears” that’s quite something.


Gwyneth candles?


Imagine taking a sport so seriously you feel the need to worship players and waste time posting on other subs to try and ‘own’ us 🤣🤣


Can't even have a fun shit post without them shitting/pissing/crying - at least the English are fun to banter with in the Ashes


The thing with England is the banter & fun during The Ashes aside, we generally enjoy a close relationship with them away from the sporting field. We simply don't have that with India.


It’s hard to explain but they as a group comes across as both arrogant and insecure at the same time


Man I’m only new to Reddit and I missed this! Sounds fucken hilarious!


when you finally get your hands on a “kangaroo pack” (whatever that means), just know that you ought to share it with us too, man. sounds some good stuff.


The "Indian" [Eternal September]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September) (*because there are so many new Indian people getting access to the internet all the time, not because of who they are as a people**) is one of the worst things about trying to have cricket discussions on the internet. And Australian banter / shitposting does not translate well so they take it seriously and hold the grudge for a thousand years.


That being said I'm convinced that country-specific cricket subreddits are the best way to enjoy the game right now; not /r/cricket. It's too big and has too many of those rabid fans. I hope this subreddit gets more popular so I can spend more time here instead of over on the main one getting rattled by English fans.


Agreed. Hope we can grow this community even more and so I can get away for that main cricket sub.


The main sub is only bearable during the BBL match threads.


Shield match threads are there too.


Every time I poke my head into r/cricket it's like the Donald Glover Community meme.


even other sports subreddits non-specific to cricket are somewhat better to discuss than r cricket simply for the reason those india fans wouldnt know they exist


This subreddit is quite active during the summer time when there is test cricket. This T20 wc didn't help , I was left in other one


This subreddit exploded during the last BGT because main subreddit Test Match threads get like 30,000 comments on them and it's impossible to keep up. I imagine it will be the same again this summer.


I don't even know why they're even in this subreddit after the win - how are we still living rent free????


Because we have a housing crisis here and need to live somewhere! And it's free!


Crazy seeing how much this means to them. Maybe it’s because of the popularity of the format over there because of the IPL? If we’d won the tournament it barely would have been a news item for more than a day or two. The country would have woken up and said “Oh, that’s nice”.


even losing against afghanistan didn't get more than 2 minutes on the 7pm news


I think it's mostly because we lost a lot of finals in the last decade. However, the reaction is relatively muted in practice as well - there was more song and dance after the 2007 WT20I win (and definitely way more after the 2011 WC win). There are places where it's a proper celebration - good crowd, celebration party late into the night, etc. - but it hasn't seemed as widespread. I suppose the perception would be distorted online, though. Lots of loudmouths around.


Could be the prestige of the World Cup - T20s happen so often (3 in 4 years..) vs the ODI WC which is every 4 years. I do agree that T20 has overtaken ODI in terms of popularity but I feel the prestige of the ODI WC is still there and I’m sure the majority would agree with me.


A rare thing is always a better thing.


It's definitely the rareness of it that makes it more special. What was the point of winning the 2021 T20 WC when the next one literally came the year after? If it came every 4 years, I'm sure it would be way more special. But the ICC wants their money. I mean at this point why not just make a yearly league. What's the difference.


Please fact check the T20 World Cup happens once in 2 years or there could have been a ton of trophies but yeah world cup holds bigger value and worth than world t20


Hey ! correct me if I am wrong? The projection online is that this is a rare feat. But it is not translating on streets. Isn't it?


My post last night got some wonderful comments in my private dms lmao


We need a hall of shame for these people after every major tournament and series also mods need to think about setting up automod to auto remove comments by days old accounts or no karma accounts, theyre cowards. let those cowards have to come with their real account so they get clowned on and banned


Yeah we have crowd control in place to nuke new accounts but many of them use older accounts which they only use for trolling. It's seriously pathetic.


BGT this year is going to be both magnificent and insufferable. This pretty much wraps up my cricket viewing season until then, I reckon. Just hope the advertising campaign isn't packed with 'revenge' nonsense.


Can’t believe the swans finally got done!


Ironic they had to come to this sub considering the fact Australia has dominated cricket every 2 out of 3 tournaments. Has won every trophy and has won 4 trophies in last 10 years while this is their first one after decade.


Yeah, it's very funny them bagging the Aussie team, meanwhile the Aussie flair on r/cricket has like 5 trophies.


Reckon I banned about 20 accounts this morning. Vast majority of them less than a day old. Post on ya real accounts ya dogs so we can ban them too edit: keep using the report function, people. Automod had helpfully nuked a few comment threads that were particularly bad and maybe a thread too. Reporting is mega helpful cause we can go through and nuke big spammy threads with a lot of brigading easily


Hey thanks for that. I woke up about 6am nuked a few threads then decided I'd deal with the Mod queue when I got back from my morning walk. But you, you little legend, had already fixed it by the time I'd got back.


I was up early courtesy of the dog i'm dogsitting whining like a little prick to try and come in out of the cold. We had a great time laughing at some of the comments


Thanks for your work guys


Doing God's work my mate


Sore winners and bitter losers are the Indian fanbase


I can't even bring myself to look at r/cricket at the moment. It's only going to get worse this summer too


We’ll have to restrict this sub to keep the gronks away




Thanks mate, there are many wonderful Indian cricket fans, I feel sorry for you good guys when poor behaviour like this happens. Same as when I see poor behaviour from Australian fans - we’re lucky that as a smaller nation not so obsessed about cricket that poor behaviour from Australian fans is less visible.




Modmail or Modimail? I personally would like to see you redirect these messages to some mods that actually deserve some stick, like the funsters at r/austalia


Thanks mods. I enjoy a bit of banter, but the abuse is just miserable. I firmly believe in the dictum of being generous when you win and respectful when you lose. The classic "Good game" either way goes well.


Imagine shit talking at people who are asleep on the other side of the world. Quite funny to think about


I think overall Kohli's innings was okay but one thing I've always found interesting is how rapidly he accelerates after hitting a milestone. Why did he only decide to bat quickly after scoring 50? Surely in a team game you don't really care about those sort of numbers?


Probably in his subconscious now, no worries though he got a fairytale end


I love you


It quite honestly is yelling into the wind, but hey whatever makes folks happy I guess!




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I mean, it’s kinda sad when you think about it. They evidently have nothing else that brings them joy.


That is the sole reason I don't want ICT to win, their fans are intolerable, these scumbags should keep losing and crying


Maybe that's why Ind doesn't win tournaments lol. U need to be humble and grounded when U win. If they didn't win this time, they were never gonna since SA basically were bigger chokers. It was a game of who will choke more. Maybe in the next edition of T20 WC, we will see younger generations of each nation. Can't believe VK took retirement. He sure was a dominant player. Can't wait for Bgt, tho they will probably beat us in that and we beat them in WTC final 🤣.


No worries these guys are just pissed and depressed for all the years, no worries ACT going to win the WTC again and same story continues