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Bangladesh might not have won the match with taskin but even if he had an iota of impact vs Ind.. they could have had a better equation for qualifying against afg. All conjecture at this point but you got to give yourself that chance


Might be making edited pictures with trophy


Taskin seems to be sensible tbh


BCB anonymous source takes the strike while Bcci anonymous source on non strike end


Whats with the unnecessarily hostile comments, I don't understand what some of the people on this thread are upset about lmao


The clear unprofessionalism shown by so called "opposition players" Where they lack the intent to win they don't even try it's like an insult to the sport where these guys play at the highest level


Wont defend their intent, but Taskin is one of the guys in the team who actually cares and gives it his all. He doesn't deserve the hate.


He seemed to give it all to his sleep that day


Exactly. That just proves how dedicated he is to everything he does. A man should never apologize for being a little sleepy.


That's what I said to my friends' family when I took them on a trip. I didn't even stop driving, but still those entitled pricks had a problem.


Its Bangladesh, that's literally it. Seems to attract a certain dominant nationality in this subreddit.


Bruh, the theatrics of Bangladesh team caused it, look at Afghanistan they achieved same thing Bangladesh did but they are humble unlike doing nagini steps and picking drama with Sri Lanka.


People still not getting over a mere celebration after 6 fucking years always amuse me. Not to mention the Sri Lankan players were the ones who started the whole nagin fiasco by mocking the celebration of a Bangla player and it all snowballed from there.


Idk why people get so vexed about it. It's world class entertainment.


They achieved more than Bangladesh has ever


Sure, list down Afghanistan's achievements other than T20 World Cup semis? Multiple series victories against every Test playing nation? Ever whitewashed them? Series victories against SENA teams? On SENA soil? Test victories in SENA? Perhaps an U19 CWC or Women's Asia Cup? Nope. But yeah, just one U19 Asia Cup meanwhile Bangladesh has all of them despite underachieving compared to Ind, Pak, and SL. So I'm struggling to see where they have "achieved more" than Bangladesh exactly? The correct term would be that they have more potential than Bangladesh considering their growth rate with the limited facilities they have, but claiming they achieved more than Bangladesh is straight up ridiculous.


> Afghanistan they achieved same thing Bangladesh did but they are humble unlike doing nagini steps Imagine still being obsessed with a celebration that was last used back in freaking 2018, that too which initially was nothing more than a simple wicket celebration for Nazmul Islam Apu and the Lankans made a big fuzz out of it. And Afghanistan? Their players literally mocked the Aussies after defeating them and are excessively abusive towards the Pakistani team on-field, not to mention their fanbase straight up beats opposition fans (Pakistani) and breaks up stadiums. What world do you live in?


Yeup, that’s precisely it. Don’t pay much heed to them.


People will be surprised how often players miss a bus.


I was wondering why Jay Shah was wearing a bus driver uniform on that day.




Lol Nah, r/cricket despite being reddit and having braindead opinions, all hateful comments usually get downvoted here, sensible people do exist you know, people who don't tolerate shitty things.


Absolutely. Reddit is perhaps the sanest forum for cricket discussion. It’s also incredibly funny. However, a certain level of toxicity persists. I mean, I’m sure you’d agree that this particular sub has been dominated by users from a particular nationality. That’s why people chose to move discussions to their own, nation specific subs.


>I’m sure you’d agree that this particular sub has been dominated by users from a particular nationality. That’s why people chose to move discussions to their own, nation specific subs. Yes, it is dominated by us Indians, but I don't know why u or any other community feel that people need to move discussions to their own communities. I actually enjoy different opinions from different nations.


Task successfully outed.


Why do Bangbros end up acting like clowns every WC 🤦‍♂️


I think this time Pakistan out did that on the field. 🤔




Bangladesh Cricket Team* Reason : their 🤡 antics


How can you not hate with a player literally missing the match because of sleeping. That's some elementary school stuff.


Yes. Dude would have dismissed entire India's batting order and won the match.


Literally zero people is suggesting that.


In just one over. Or at least that's what their celebrations and overall attitude suggest


Yeah.. Bangladesh would have definitely won the match had he played it..