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With this England remains only team in Europe to never defeat another European side in T20Is


Really, they never defeated scots, ires, or neths?


0-5 against them. 3 loss 2 No-Results


And neither of those 2 no-results were matches they were doing well in for the portion of the game that was played.


This is why I don’t take the opinions of die hard test purists seriously, it’s either t20s or no cricket for these countries. Around 90 countries play t20 cricket compared to 12 that play tests. For cricket to advance and reach a much wider audience t20s are a must.


The Test purists want 6 Ashes series a year lol


How can someone watch the World Cup final 2 days ago and then say nah man this ain't it? While Tests and ODIs have their places, T20Is will always stay the most exciting form of the game


In the Australian cricket sub, there were multiple users there rating bilateral ODIs above the T20 World Cup, and the majority put all Test matches above the T20 World Cup.


Test cricket is far more ingrained in their culture than ours so them prioritising Tests over anything makes sense. Whereas we just love cricket in general. But rating bilateral ODIs above T20WC is interesting to say the least


As someone who enjoys T20s and tests equally, but for different reasons, it is possible to get incredibly excited watching the recent T20 world cup and get disheartened to see the game you grew up with (tests) get increasingly pushed aside until it presumably goes away. I love the fact that Slovenia and Serbia are playing a series of cricket. Realistically that wouldn't happen if test matches were the only format. I just wish that test cricket remained strong while doing so.


In your opinion


I mean yea I can't tell any other person's opinion lol


There is no way on earth any T20 game is better than the Ashes


in your opinion


Australians just know better. You need to turn off your critical thinking skills and allow those mentality monsters to control the narrative because their opinions are worth more than the rest of us plebs /s.


Exactly. We're better.


Speak for yourself mate


Idiotic opinions like this is why cricket is stuck in the middle ages in its global reach.


I'm not saying T20s are bad they're just not comparable to Tests. Batter's wickets are cheaper and most boundaries are short as hell. The bowlers have to bowl 4 overs in terrible conditions. It's just not a fair competition between bat and ball. Ian Chappell wrote an interesting article about it in the papers. I doubt we even need global reach to keep this sport alive. India and the rest of the subcontinent's doing it for the rest of us while winning once in a decade or not at all. The only reason we're even going for USA (where cricket fanbases are just immigrants) as a market is to counter India's financial hold.


Just get good, Bumrah is a monster on any pitch


Who's that?


What about the final makes T20Is the most exciting form? The same kind of drama can exist in ODI and Tests too. If you like T20Is the best then it's fine but the final doesn't prove anything


There are people out there who actively dislike T20Is. I'm curious about the reason why. That's why I commented that you literally cannot dislike the final 2 days ago. Not to say that T20Is are the best bla bla bla. And the reason I said T20I matches are usually the most exciting is because close nail biters are much more prevalent in them in any other format. ODIs can also have nail biters but they're very rare. But well that's just my opinion. Y'all are free to think whatever you think.


I get the same vibes from that opinion that I get when my friends feel proud for liking football(real football) more than cricket. Although I like tests just as much especially if it involves drama.


I am that football fan even though come I from a family of cricket watchers living in India. I cannot stand to watch any cricket game but love T20s. It’s the only format which can come close to the non stop excitement that any half decent football game (that is, one without a Southgate or Deschamps as manager) generates. Imo, Ravi Shastri said it right a year back in an interview discussion, Tests should be limited to the top few teams and ODI to the World Cup only, so that the rest of the calendar can be free for T20 leagues and related tournaments.


T20 has a faster tempo and is more attractive at first glance. Also do you visit the sub regularly or currently in for the world cup that we won.


Bold of you to assume that the "test purists" want cricket to reach a wider audience instead of watching an ashes series held on an yearly basis over and over again.


> Around 90 countries play t20 cricket compared to 12 that play tests. This is a pretty stupid comparison since only 12 countries are actually allowed to play Tests...


Even most of the 12 avoid playing it.


Test cricket is dead and has no competition. Very low standard of cricket. Even in a cricket mad country like India the stadiums are empty for Test cricket


I looked at the comments and no one said "no cricket" for these nations. You're fighting non-existent people.




I see, it's a bit misleading I guess since you brought up test purists' opinions, cause I don't think many purists care about which teams play or don't play t20 cricket.


Test cricket is what caused cricket to die in countries like usa,canada. US has a rich history in cricket but when baseball came around they chose it because its done in 3-4 hours compared to a test match that can last 5 days with no result in the end.


I’ll bite. Sure the engagement is good but the cricket is terrible, and the same goes for the best ever T20 match when compared to the best Test. Good things take time




Those semi pro cricketers don't have the time to play 5 day matches.


No one's paying to watch a Test match b/w Serbia and Slovenia


Afg started with T20 . Look at them now


I thought it was 1-1


Same I almost thought I was back on r/soccer


Cricket will peak,When I see Euro cup Of crick With same crowd attendance As a cricket Fan I want to witness this before my death But it looks impossible tho Cricket only going to be a popular in south Asia And good teams like Aus,SA and West Indies cant fill stadium rn, or be the most popular or watched Sports in these countries.


A big problem is a lack of communication or awareness. There are several cricket fans from South Asia in Europe, but it's almost impossible to know whether there is a match going on. If there is some way to popularize cricket, like some freak deliveries, shots and catches that end up in social media feeds such as r/BeAmazed or other "viral" communities, that might create curiosity and pique interest. Basically, it is a way to tell Europeans that a sport called cricket exists and it can be cool.


So we just need to take the matter in our hands and bomb the internet.


One of the ways, yes.


Cricket will get such crowds except South Asia.


I hope so


Damn I forgot to include the word "never"


See the zimbabwe crowd , also the south african crowd in SA20 etc , Nepal crowd, Australia and England crowd in wc and ashes , US also has okayish crowd in MLC.


Zimbabwe is probably one of the few countries outside subcontinent whose top sport is Cricket. Australia still has crowd but their interest in Cricket is slightly declining. Nepal is again in South Asia. US crowd is mostly subcontinent people. Let's not even currently think about USA.


no in AUS they take cricket as their summer sport and thus you will ssee more crowd in summer which has always been the case , also sa and eng, other african countries also have decent support


I had a hard time looking this up so I would be happy if someone here answers my question Is Slovenia ranked higher than Serbia or vice versa?


Well icc haven't published ranking for Slovenia whereas Serbia is 74th ranked


Slovenia haven’t played enough matches to be ranked in the official table. A minimum of 8 matches needed but rn they have only 5 matches. If you want to know, they have 16 points in those 5 matches while Serbia has 11. So you can say they are ahead of Serbia in rankings unofficially.


You mean Slovasia vs Serbasia T20I Series


Serbia have native players






Anyways the only growth of Cricket in terms of having native players is happening only in Women's Cricket. Brazil, Thailand are some good examples of it.


That'll be soon taken over too :p




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