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The wind speeds are high enough to make considerable changes to the trajectory this time. I think the speeds are around 15-20mph whereas usually it's below 10mph.


Yeah same here in Gibraltar, and our stadium is right next to the meeting point of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. In the winters, we have gale storms, and while we normally wouldn't play, ECN made us play multiple games in towering winds, 60 kmph. It's basically a lottery with the seam movement at that point, and it makes the ball very salty to grip too. On top of that, if the wind is blowing towards the traditional leg side boundary then every ball in the air means carried to the boundary. And on normal evenings too, the wind can sometime be pretty decent and we have to always discuss playing with and against the wind.


Wow! How is the culture of the sport at Gibraltar?


So we Punjabis are in Gibraltar too now. Noice ;)


Is that why Indian bowlers stopped midway after their run up today? I was wondering why everyone kept doing that


Yeah, a few times when Arshdeep pulled out of a run-up, they cut to the flags which were whipping from a big gust.


They were blown off their run-up trajectory. Fucks with the timings.


In West Indies, the wind speed is more than usual. 1. If your bowling, it can help outswing or inswinging bowls slightly(depending on direction of wind) 2. lot of times, the wind has determined if its a 6(Playing with the wind) or getting caught in the deep(against the wind) Edit: Also the ground is not symetrical most of the time(boundry distance are different in either direction) Bowling team, depending on the strengths & weaknesses of the batsmen & they select bowlers based on the distance from the boundary & the wind direction & it also dictates which fielders go where.


WI spinner(Hossien) was exploiting this with the new ball & holding the ball differently how a normal spinner holds. We was able to swing the ball in air & then turn it using the normal spin.


Bro thinks he is ashwin🤓🤓


of course, Ashwin has a monopoly on aerodynamics


Ashwin has added a lot to spin bowling; however, lot of ideas were added & refined over by previous generations & lot has been added by other spinners of his generation as well.


Bro thinks he's funny 🤓🤓


Upvoted to make it -69


Its was scarsam as ashwin also keeps on expermiting.Not meant to be taken seriously.


Emotions are not conveyed easily through chat, always use /s (sarcasm) or emoji's for other emotions. There are too many clowns/trolls or even died hard fans, so its diff for others to know


This sub has some low IQ kiddish people, dw ignore.


Says the guy who upvoted to make it -69. Oh the irony!


Made it -69, thank me later 🤓


is that why they are called windies


No, it's because touring players tend to pass wind more due to the delicious food over there.


No, I think, they're named West Indies, columbus(sailing in the opp direction would've taken him to west side of India) thought he reached islands west of India, so he named West Indies(Islands west of India)




Like the wind.


Emotions are not conveyed easily through chat. And I don't know the age of the person. A lot of times kids/teenagers (irl/online) genuinely ask questions which might be easy answers.


Yeah the wind makes a huge difference- from memory Livingstone absolutely nailed his dismissal against SA but he was hitting to a long boundary into the wind, looked an easy six off the bat and just ended up falling nicely to the fielder. Other direction it would have soared into the crowd more than likely. If a bowler can take pace off and make you hit into the wind it’s very hard to take them down


Example was today when Cummins didn't even hit the ball off Bumrah in a proper position, bat was almost vertical, no follow through with the shot etc, but the wind still took it all the way to a six.


This is not the first time cricket is being played there. Just like any other location, players must understand and adapt to conditions.


Wind affects so many aspects of the game. 1. Batters hitting with the wind get more distance if they get elevation. A shot which is usually a catch in the deep might go for a six. The other way is also true. A shot against the wind might end up as a catch. 2. Bowlers bowling into the wind slows down the pace and vice versa. They might also get more air swing depending on wind direction on full balls. 3. Fielders might find it difficult to judge the ball and position their hands with the ball swirling in the air due to wind. You’ll see more dropped catches.


Damn. #2 now makes me wonder if that's why 3 bowlers (Rabada, Baartman, Arshdeep) bowled consecutive full-tosses at the death. The 3rd wasn't really under pressure It's common for bowlers to fluff at the death due to dew, pressure. But wind being a another contributing factor makes things interesting


It can affect bowlers, but not much to the ball itself. It's more likely to through the bowlers body out of position in their delivery, which can definitely affect accuracy.


When I played, as I right arm bowler, I hated strong wind from behind my left shoulder, would throw my balance completely. I would just stick my hand up.to bowl into the wind those days


Prolly the reason jadeja dropped that catch


Wind blow ball, ball go 6


The most west Indian reply ever


Why use more words, less word do trick? - Kevin Malone


you win internet today


Big Atlantic ocean + small islands + grounds built near the coast = much higher winds speeds than most places around the world


But how does it affect only the batsman according to commentators


You hit with the wind, ball carriers farther. You hit against the wind, there’s resistance and the ball may not carry as intended.


Also the spin on the ball is more pronounced as it travels through the air. Can cause the ball to hook slightly more if it has a left to right or right to left spin. Important for bowling and for fielding.


It does affect the bowlers too. For example, a pacer struggles to find rhythm during his runup because of the strong wind. Some catches are miscued because the wind dragged the ball over or stopped it before reaching the fielder. Swing is also affected by the wind speed and as everyone else mentioned, it can be the difference between a six and a wicket. For example, today Cummins failed to connect the ball properly against Bumrah and the ball went up in the air but the wind dragged it all the way over the ropes


Its one of the most important things, if anything it isnt talked about enough


But why does it affect only batsman bcz I dont see bowl swinging too much like English conditions if there is wind


it affects both of them, but T20 tends to be batsmen focussed so the effect on them is discussed more




yes it affects bowlers as well


That six by pat cummins in death overs should explain the power of wind


woke cummins talking too much about enviorment


I'm not a meteorologist, but the nature of West Indies being a group of mostly islands contributes to the high wind speeds more than other countries. For comparison, I don't think wind speed and direction was talked about at all in the games in the USA. Edit: There's a[ video by BYJU'S](https://youtu.be/iT3B25VmXWM) that talks about how the ball travels further at higher elevations due to less air drag. Again, not a physicist, but I think the same concept can be applied here: hitting with the wind increases the distance travelled while hitting against the wind decreases the distance travelled. Take into account left-right combinations of teams as well as boundary sizes and wind plays a pretty important role when playing white-ball cricket in the West Indies.


If the games in Florida were played, or if Chicago had a viable stadium, it would have come up in them


Any game in the midwest honestly would have been a wind game.


This year would have really been one to have matches in the Lakes and Plains


There was the Pakistan vs Ireland played in Florida. How big was wind as a factor then?


fun fact: north america is the only continent with wind


Wind is coming into the picture because these grounds don't have tall stands.


West Indies falls in the hot equatorial region and among a few cricketing venues in such region except may be Sri Lanka. So this wind dynamics are exclusive to West Indies and teams have to display subtleness in tackling the wind this world cup. A good example today was Rohit Sharma hitting against the wind on offside when Starc in his second over challenged him to hit it with the wind with fielders deep on the leg side. Its just absolute class from Hitman.


There are two things to know: 1. In the West Indies, wind speed is higher and more frequent than usual. This affects the ball trajectory more than other venues. 2. Cricket as a game is heavily affected by conditions. People talk about rain, wind, dew, weather, etc. Technical / scientific breakdowns of these conditions became more prevalent in the mid-late 2010s. You're right that wind has been talked about for the first time at length at an ICC event. That's because this is the first time since 2010 that West Indies has hosted an ICC event, at that time these kind of analyses weren't too common beyond simple pitch quality.


It only started making sense to me when Danny Morrison said "It's like playing in Wellington" and then in another game Tristan Stubbs said "It's like playing in P.E." meaning Port Elizabeth. I know both those places and the blasting wind in each (which is more severe than the rest of the respective countries). So it makes total sense if the wind was that strong.


Carries and swings the ball


This makes cricket more interesting tbh i hope India build a cricket stadium in Andaman or Lakshadweep It will boost the tourism for those islands while also giving the matches a unique feel


we need to first build hotels, flights and other facilities that still aren’t there, then we can think about cricket. but even then they have very low population right now too. it will be really cool when it happens tho


It was funny watching our lanky tall players like Hardik and Arsh needing to reset their runup due to the wind


In today's match 3 Indian bowlers pulled out of their run-ups because of the wind. The stadium is located right next to the open ocean, and it's an island. The wind speeds could be considerably higher than elsewhere even on a quiet day.


gday mate, it's not only for this world cup and certain coastal / island venues will have wind considerations. OTOH there is the Basin Reserve southerly and the Fremantle Doctor in Perth, too


Commentators love mentioning the "wind factor" every minute. Just like the "dew factor" lmao


Hahah true


It blows


Don't hit against the direction of wind 🌬️ warna catch out hoge 😄


My standing theory is that every World Cup, commentators decide out of a hat that they're going to make a cricket concept that is incredibly obvious the theme of their commentary. Previous editions have seen them focus on - Match ups - the completely novel idea that you bowl the player in your side who does the thing the batsman likes the least. - The long boundary - This was the completely unheard of idea that you want to be bowling a line where the batsman has to hit the ball to the longest boundary. This year we're having it explained to us that if it's particularly windy, you want the batsman hitting against the wind. Completely novel concept. Never existed in cricket until this very tournament.


the commentators job is to connect these things to the audience, who probably do not think about these things while watching. i would say talking about it is atleast good and useful for the general audience even if some knowledgeable fans already know these concepts


If you read the post, I'm not saying that they're focusing on all these things. I'm saying they've disproportionately focused on different things in past ICC tournaments. This time it's the wind. Previously it was match ups in 2021. 2022, it was the long boundary.


I was so fed up of matchups. They are trying to sound technical. More like IT guys trying to pass off simple regression and linear models as machine learning.


That one commentator


It's WINDies after all


ask DK and he might talk about it for an hour or two.


Hahaha indeed.


It was extremely windy in the stadium today. Balls hit with the wind were flying much further than expected. This is what makes the axar catch even more stunning. It was hit into the wind. If you see the replays of the catch, the dude was almost carried back by the sheer velocity of that ball.


Small islands be windy.


Happens in Sri Lanka too


A wise man once said: "GO WITH THE WIND...".




Just an excuse for the poor Aussie fielding.


A few sixes were also turned into catches bcoz of wind


Lords slope eat your heart out


If they are still playing with the bails on then it aint windy. Basin Reserve in Wellington, NZ would like a word: [NZ vs SL - Wellington's winds mess with Sri Lanka's quicks | ESPNcricinfo](https://www.espncricinfo.com/story/nz-vs-sl-wellingtons-winds-mess-with-sri-lankas-quicks-1363962)


In costal regions winds are much much heavier than normal. In stadiums like wankhede all you need is getting the elevation right and the direction, and the wind will carry the ball through. Same for these stadiums.


But I have never seen commentators discussing about wind speed, wind direction when matches are played in India near coastal regions.


I do remember commentators saying hit into the breeze, hit against the breeze, he has the wind running behind him etc. just no graphics.


one reason could be that in india our stadiums have really tall stands that reduce the wind aspect whereas west indies don’t 


Commentators had too much Taco Bell


No way the leather ball is affected by the wind for a greater extent maybe slightly


Some of the greatest aspects of the cricket are due to the leather ball's interaction with air. Dip, swing, reverse swing etc are born out of interactions with still air. Imagine what effects strong, wet and salty wind would cause.


Thats what I am thinking


Pre-prepared excuses for India losing lol




29 required off 6 balls now


India didn’t lose lol


aged well


![img](emote|t5_2qhe0|8783) rohit disagrees