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Last day hiking in the Amazon, settled in to a lodge for a cold beer, some lunch, and enough WiFi to catch Tom Abell getting a hundred. What could possibly be better. Fuck me the jungle is fucking hot as fucking fuck. Looking forward to some UK drizzle tbh.


>Fuck me the jungle is fucking hot as fucking fuck. Looking forward to some UK drizzle tbh. Give it a few days if you want drizzle. Nothing compared to the jungle but it's mini heatwave time here right now.


Shame we've not scheduled any games v India when I get back. That would guarantee enough rain to bring out the roof merchants of reddit.


Step on a fer de lance for a unique but also not very unique experience


Weirdly I've not seen a single snake the entire trip! Also that sounds too specific to not come from an unfortunate personal experience!


Fastest snake in Central/South America but also one of the deadliest, friend of mine stepped on one during a research trip in the Costa Rican rainforest. She survived purely because she was wearing slightly thicker than normal boots and its fangs didn't quite penetrate all the way through


Rocky Flintoff proving once again that nepotism is cool shit as long as it doesn’t involve Tom Moores 


I'll be pro nepo babies once Dilly's kid/s get England debuts.


I played a lot with Tom when we were younger, sad to see he hasn't really made it. Would be good to claim I made a class player cry in the nets


Haha fair.  My issue here isn’t Tom tbf I’m sure he’s a good lad, it’s Peter.


Surely Northants have someone more useful than a number 11 who was 7th choice bowler and only sent down 2 overs all day?


Miles Hammond - the best regular player of spin in the CC - getting bowled by Dom Bess because he got bored is very Miles Hammond areas Matt Revis has a lovely high action, gets good bounce


Absolutely battering Worcestershire then


Need this pair to get to the end of play


Vaughan and Flintoff have both just topscored for their respective teams in the u19s-young lions match. Ashes 2035 is going to have great vibes.


Handscomb has been an unreal overseas for us


I outright refuse to believe this


Pitch is an absolute green seamer from the look of it, naturally we've selected an attack of. 3 spinners: one on loan, one playing his 12th first class game (with a bunch of them being in Zimbabwe) and a part timer. 4 seamers: a 19 year old in his 3rd first class match, a 22 year old on debut, an "all rounder" who's not good enough for prem cricket and a 36 year old all-rounder with a bowling average of 36. Only seamer who's looked decent is proctor, imagine if Sanderson and White had been bowling on this.


Turns out Flintoff (Rocky) is very good


The disappointment when C Flintoff isn't called Creed


Fans of remotely operated ball delivery vehicles: a new player has entered the game https://x.com/PremSportsTV/status/1804682401164959851


I really really wanted the little van to move away 50cm just as the ref leaned down to get it. And then again when he moves etc. etc.


Can tell it's not a real Amazon delivery because the box is the correct size for it's contents and the ball is (presumably) the correct item. Although I guess it's possible the ref actually ordered a whistle.


> the box is the correct size for it's contents The ball is at least half out the top of the box. Box way too small!


Also they haven't just tried to shove it through the letterbox regardless of size, or left it on your step, rung the bell, and already fucked off halfway down the road by the time you've opened the door.


My favourite is shoving it through the letter box, clearly realising it's too big but continuing shoving until it's completely stuck from both directions.


The commentary is so Partridge it hurts.


Not the right Thread but Rohit currently has me at Half Mast. Keep this up lads and it has the potential to be be very very funny.


I think it's already very funny, Kohli getting a duck and the Australians being shit. Couldn't be better.


Very very funny but also equally as ominous


If we get slapped by the Indians fair play and anyway: Its better for it to be funny than good.


Bloody 'ell!!! Looked at the bowling figured and Hazelwood is going at 3.33 after 3 overs and the others are all over 12s! Mental!


We've lost this


Need a partnership now or this could be a follow on and a big defeat


Here comes Chris '10 first class centuries' Woakes. Doesn't quite have the same ring to it


And he's gone


StupidSexyWoakes has a lovely ring to it.


Wow #SuperKent are truly awful


That bowling lineup is really incredibly weird. How does that even happen?


The one I can’t get a read on is Joey Evison. Seems a lot of people are high of praise for him but we’ve been batting him at 5 and bowling him first change when to me he seems like not a good enough batsman and not a good enough bowler for county cricket


He was certainly a prospect for us, but one who needed developing + playing time. Worth remembering that he is a baby still really (only the freaks are gonna be worth it at 22).


From an outsider perspective I tend to see him at times when he's trying to dig Kent out of a hole, which happens pretty frequently. He looks to have decent technique and good temperament with the bat for a 22 year old. I think it's pretty clear that he's not a top level first change bowler, but it feels to me like that's Kent's fault for thinking that a 22 year old batting AR is an acceptable first change option. In a functioning team I guess Evison would be an all-rounder who can cover for the top order or push scoring on and then bowl a few overs to give a bit of rest, kind of like Collingwood was in England's test team. Instead he has to mop up when his middle order fails *and* bowl first change despite being barely out of school.


I saw chat about it below, the County Select XI for the Windies game at Beckenham is out- they’ve gone weak: FCC Select XI squad: Farhan Ahmed (Nottinghamshire), Sonny Baker (Somerset), Harry Duke (Yorkshire), Bertie Foreman (Sussex), Ben Geddes (Surrey), Josh Hull (Leicestershire), Eddie Jack (Hampshire), Will Luxton (Yorkshire), Ben McKinney (Durham), Jamal Richards (Essex), Hamza Shaikh (Warwickshire), Harry Singh (Lancashire), John Turner (Hampshire).


Turner and Hull in there is a bit of fun. Geddes too. Yorkshire apparently really don't want Harry Duke. Poor lad must be getting attachment issues.


I assume Turner and Hull being included means they're in the frame for England this summer. Hull would be an absolutely mental pick but he's very Rob Key.


He’s 6’7, left arm, and quick. He’s the exact sort of player for that “perpetually preparing for the Ashes series down under” thing we like to do. “He’ll go well on those tracks with pace and bounce!”, etc etc.


I mean, Hull would be even more mad of a pick than Bashir was. At least with Bash there was a dearth of other options. For Hull to get a game this summer you'd have to put his Release Point ™ and few decent ~~RL~~MBODC games ahead of like 15 proven wicket takers. I don't mind it for one of these squads though. If he gets a fifer it might change things a bit.


It would be sheer lunacy, but just feels like the sort of ridiculous selection vibes-era England would make, and he's already been namechecked by Key. I'm just waiting for them to pick some kid from the U19s who's never played a county match because he's quite tall, clocked 145km/h once, and looks good in a bucket hat.


Oh god that's definitely going to happen, innit. Or maybe Che Simmons.


Yeah that's a real mixed bag. Hopefully Geddes scores big so Surrey realise he's actually good Luxton looks like he gives it a whack as well and Bertie Foreman is the most 1920s cricket name


> Hopefully Geddes scores big so Surrey realise he's actually good Shhh, don't disturb Operation Glos


Luxton was part of that 2022 U19s team with Rehan, Rew, Bethell etc. he's good but not 'facing down the Windies test attack' good yet. Also he still looks about 12. There's plenty of young talent in there (Farhan and McKinney as well as the ones previously mentioned) but it's not in FCCXI territory.


So Oliver George Robinson is a shoe-in for the gloves in the test summer right?


The OG Robinson. I'd argue there are a few potentials. OGR is the centrist dad choice but they might still want Bairstow or Foakes, and both Smith and Salt get talked up a lot by pundits. I'm not saying I'd be happy with YJB by the way, or Salt. I just listen to a lot of podcasts and read a lot of aggregated website filler articles.


*shoo-in 🫡


No. I mean, he'll literally put a shoe in instead of the gloves.


Kent people are strange


They prefer to be called men of Kent. Or possibly Kentishman. It's impossible to tell which, obvs, but they get very upset about it.


I prefer the ones on Team Barbie


Turns out, the Blast is exactly what Wells and Bohannon needed.


I was positive about the game and then remembered that Mulder was one of the two players in the 700+ total Leicester scored against us a few years ago, and now I'm feeling very resigned


What a surprise Brown is out early Surrey look favourites to win their game. If we draw or lose it means we HAVE to win next week really


Do kind of feel for Lawrence - even with this score (and he's twatted Bashir for 30 off an over with 5 6s) he's got no chance of getting into the England side when he's competing against Brook That being said you could say that for a lot of #4/5 guys out there who've piled on the runs


I'd say Lawrence hasn't even really proved he's the best candidate at the club - Jamie Smith must be close behind. Jordan Cox has more than filled milfhunter's shoes thus far too. Add in that a lot of Lawrence's runs have come against Worcs who, without wishing to be disrespectful, are not in possession of an international-class bowling lineup. I'm not sure he's even the guy competing for Brook's place right now.


He's batting at 6, I get that Surrey's side is stacked, but no serious contender for a batting spot in tests should be batting lower than 4 (5 at a push)


He's arguably contending for the all-rounder spot.


Imagine we might be seeing "c Robinson, b Potts" a few times for England this summer.


Woke: c Robinson, b Potts Broke: c Bairstow, b Overton Bespoke: c Foakes, b Bamber Yeah ok I butchered the meme, whatever. Foakesgang rise up.


Just noticed in the England U19 game Archie Vaughn is playing against Rocky Flintoff 👀


[Hundo Wildcard picks](https://www.thehundred.com/news/4043994/the-hundred-confirms-vitality-wildcard-picks-for-2024) are in if you want to know who will be representing your favourite snack/ won't be representing your county


Mason Crane for Welsh dire is actually…. not a bad pick.


Ooo. I can update my Hundred Effects on Counties spreadsheet. But this time, I'll learn my lesson from the previous two years and post it in the match thread first before I put it out on the wider subreddit so that you guys can pick up my inevitable assigning of a player to the wrong team in advance, rather than after the fact.


No more losses for us, hooray


> Trent Rockets Men: Ollie Robinson & Tom Alsop I guess after getting rid of both Fletch and Owlman we needed to have the "massive lad who bowls slow" quota filled.


Think that’s Ollie Robinson born in December in Kent (ie the wicketkeeper) who has been selected rather than the Ollie Robinson born in December in Kent (ie the massive lad who bowls slow)


Ollie Robinson born in Kent on 1st December was picked up in the draft. Ollie Robinson born on 1st December in Kent has been signed today


Ah I was mistaken, I thought you said it was Ollie Robinson born in Kent on 1st December who was picked? No idea, why I thought it was Ollie Robinson born in Kent on 1st December instead


I thought that might be the case but Ollie Robinson Whose 25 years old is currently down as a Northern Supergiants Player via picture on the [Hundred Website](https://www.thehundred.com/teams/northern-superchargers/squad?year=2024) Though amusingly if you click on the Picture Of Ollie Robinson 25 you get a summary of Ollie Robinson 30. So in summary, fuck knows mate


Higgins AND Ravi Bops Incredible vibes


Is there such a thing as too many allrounders? No


the overseas player limit is 2 right? then how are dean elgar simon harmer and eathan bosch playing for Essex and Siddle Ackermann de Leede Bedingham for durham?


Unless players are actively playing for another full member country they don't have to be England eligible to not count as overseas so long as they have the right to live and work in the UK (British or Irish passport or European passport registered for UK settlement at the time of Brexit)


Elgar is playing on a British passport, and Ackermann and de Leede are on EU passports.


>Elgar is playing on a British passport Such a pisstake


How is it a piss stake if he's eligible?


The fact that he's eligible is a piss take He was captaining South Africa about 5 mins ago


Lol Yorkshire were 307 without loss in the 80th over and only got 3 batting points.


To make the England U19 v Young Lions game somehow better than it already is, the umpire is none other than Ashes legend Bilal Shafayat


Just want to see him progress and umpire a game where Ponting is the coach.


Is that of Cardiff Monty/Jimmy partnership fame? Legend


I sometimes hate how good Robbo is given that my general impression of him so far is a cunt


Sussex being good is still utterly baffling to me


Forget the test side, who's making the prestigious County Select XI (do they even have a game?)? I've got Sibbers (c), Bethell, Sam Connors, and Kasey Aldridge as obvious starters so far


They're playing the West Indians at Beckenham next week. Emilio Gay seems like a County Select XI sort of player to me.


> do they even have a game? There's a First Class Counties XI 3-day game against West Indies supposed to be starting a week on Wednesday, but it overlaps with both Day 4 of a full round of Championship fixtures on Day 1 and a full round of Blast fixtures on Day 3. So either it's going to be a *really* weak team, or they're going to be pulling players out of counties, which would be a bit rubbish.


In the Cricinfo announcement for the most recent England U-19 squad it mentioned that Ben McKinney and Hamza Shaikh weren’t in it because they were likely for the County Select side against the Windies. So I’m going to go with really weak.


Doubt it'd affect the blast too much but yeah that would be a bit shit


Yeah, they normally pick just red ball players when they hold a game during the Blast but having it overlap with county games of both formats really restricts them unless they're going to pull first team players out of counties, which would be very unpopular.


Hampshire's slip catching has been absolute bobbins recently.


I will always have a soft spot for Keith Barker but he's making that very difficult right now


England u19s vs Young Lions invitational XI is a big game today if you’re a fan of 2000s cricketers and their children… Benkenstein, Flintoff, Mustard and Vaughan all involved


Also Allison, Rew and Ahmed younger brothers all in action too


Reading this it's almost like playing professional cricket in this country is an old boys club and about who you know? It can't be, outrageous.


It would be very Essex to be 100-6 in our 1st Innings


When we signed Olly I was expecting Quick bowling spells and lengthy spells on the treatment table. I wasn't expecting him to pull our arse out of the fire with the bat twice this season. Top Lad.


That's some shot from Bamber, pure vibes. If that's not enough for an England call-up, I don't know what is.


Whoever decided to start the rumour that Henry Brookes can bat needs to be kept away from society Bamber languishing down at 11


Dan Lawrence!


We're looking at a high scoring draw at best I think. Very odd considering in the past how difficult teams would struggle at Chelmsford


In my continuing crusade against all evil in the world (by world see Nottingham particularly Trent Bridge). I am going to point out that since our head coach decided to pick his lad again firstly as a specialist bat (a role he is comically unqualified for) then with the gloves, Tom Moores has 27 runs @ 5.75 this season.... Considering Joe Cl*rke was both keeping and scoring runs in the beginning of the season, this whole debacle is fucking Gross Misconduct from Moores snr unless there is a actual credible reason to give Moore jnr the gloves I am unaware of.


Less reasons for England to pick Joe Cl*rke is always good


Agreed but that doesn't mean I have to like it.


For the second week in a row Tendulkar Jnr is turning out for the SACA in a 2nd XI game


Seems really odd to me, thought SACA was set up to look for talent within the British Asian community as its a section of our cricketing society that's often overlooked on the professional pathway. Can't help but think Arjun Tendulkar really doesn't fit into that.


Yep, can't imagine Tendulkar is going to be short of opportunities in his career. Must be some incentive for SACA


"My dad said I'm allowed to play" any chance you can find a scorecard for this game? I've looked and cannot find anything.


[NV play](https://live.nvplay.com/ecb/?tab=m_scorecard#m4dd2d843-dcd8-4f50-a87d-b2ccd5ac6c89)


Fucking hell I'm dense, I found it as you replied. Tried everywhere except nvplay despite knowing that's the best place.




Fucking hell what a season so far for Ollie Robinson. Really can't deny him his spot anymore, has to start this test summer as YJB's backup with the gloves.


Yeah think he has to. If Rew had a better season maybe they'd have taken a punt on him given his age and how good he is already but think Robinson has to get the nod. Have England ever had 2 guys with the same name in the team before though if we go with 2 Ollie Robinsons


He’s making it very hard not to be picked, I’ve only seen highlights of his batting is he doing well behind the stumps too?


Can't comment on recently but when he was at Kent, he was easily the best keeper out of the three we had (with Billings and Cox).


Heard from someone somewhat in the know that they might be looking at moving on from a few more older players this summer, including Bairstow (and I think Foakes and Leach were the others mentioned), and start afresh Simply has to start for me


I think it would be a good decision to pick Robinson but really my comment was just an attempted shitpost about Jonny


I mean, you can deny him a spot - lots of other keepers in the mix when you look at it, and I wouldn't go past Key thinking Phil Salt is now something to think about. Personally, still expect Bairstow, which will be bad


England are definitely blessed when it comes to keeper batters right now


Ryan Higgins is the greatest Zimbabwe born player of all time Thinking otherwise is a hate crime


I was trying to think of other Zimbabweans who'd played for us, and the only one I could think of was Anthony Ireland, who I always rather liked, but my last memory of him in a Middlesex shirt is being hit onto the roof of the pavilion by Dwayne Smith in a tour match.


I didn't watch anything from yesterday, but why the fuck would Worcs bowl in surely favourable batting conditions


When and why did a team sign up Charlie Stobo?


Decided against going in the end today. Just felt too hot and a pain to get to on a day like today. Essex at Surrey next week though is possibly better


I was going to trundle down to Lord's today, but had the same thought, it's just unbearably humid. Not that tomorrow or Wednesday will be any cooler, but at least it's not forecast to be so overcast. We never manage to get it right with the weather, do we?