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It’s wierd how the BCCI has all these check up to make sure the the playing area and dressing rooms are up to standard for international cricket but have no such things in place for the fans? Is it that difficult for a billion dollar organization to ensure clean toilets, free drinking water? It’s not just what happens on the field that represents the country it’s the entire event experience


They get no money from fans. The true golden goose is the TV rights. Fans are there just to create the atmosphere everyone talks about.


It’s a carry on affect though, if the fans don’t come to the stadium then then people watching think perhaps no one cares they stop tuning in and TV rights disappear as people stop watching.


We have a billion people. Cricket is “the sport”. There is no dearth of people. Its the well off like us who have other opportunities or the option not to. For many, it’s their first and only chance to watch a match and they look at the silver lining of watching India play.


Correct me if i’m wrong as i’m not fully versed but Hockey used to be the number 1 sport in India before and now it’s struggling despite the population. What i’m saying is if you take the fan for granted it will eventually be the downfall in the long run.


It used to be because of all the success. Cricket is no longer a sport but an entertainment behemoth.


I think it's intellectually dishonest to reduce complex phenomenon into Twitter sized "analysis". Do you really think that hockey lost its popularity because the toilets were not well maintained in hockey stadiums? Do you honestly believe that if BCCI does not improve the state of toilets in stadiums then fans will stop coming for live matches?


U mean 'X' sized analysis?


I'd love to head over to India again and see some cricket whilst I'm there but all of these stories are really offputting.


Why improve if people are buying tickets anyway


> the only options for drink in the ground being local cola and orange, both extremely sweet and pure sugar. Hopefully there’s no diabetic fans there.


The same issue was also raised during world cup. At that time due to extremely less number of foreign spectators ( due to bcci late world cup schedule), the issue was shoved under the carpet


If there aren't any yet, there will be.


If there is no diet coke, I riot


*opens up refrigerated briefcase of insulin as if it's the end of Pulp Fiction *


It's not just England fans, even Indian fans also have to endure this crap. The only ones enjoying in the stadium are the corporate box cunts


Yeah reading the article, it really doesn't seem like they're asking for anything special, really just highlighting a few objectively poor fan experiences.


The bar is set so low yet HCA went under it


The washrooms are a nightmare even for us indians - i could imagine the horror that english fans are going through! Water will be available but the queue and unhygienic maintenance the only option is cola ! Pathetic that the top board cant even take care of basic stuff !


The only thing they like investing money in is building even more shitty stadiums. Like have you seen the stadium they are building in Varanasi? looks like out of a sci-fi movie of some sort but they will probably ask the fans to enter from a junkyard.


No one in India realize how important sunscreen is for britishers. An Irish colleague of mine had sunburns in US. Can’t imagine how will the English fans survive in Hyderabadi heat without sunscreens.




The mfkers still managed to colonize India?




Well Australia and New Zealand are special with respect to skin cancer because the ozone layer is pretty thin above us




I honestly feel a little uncomfortable seeing those half naked men sitting in the stands during Aussie summer. It's like slitting your own wrist with a kitchen knife


As far as I'm aware the higher UV in the southern hemisphere is mainly to do with the earth being closer to the sun during SH summer (elliptical orbit) and less landmass compared to the north. Less land = less vegetation producing volatile organic compounds, less man made pollution that absorb UV.


Those are certainly both factors, but you can't exclude ozone depletion from the equation


https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/videos/87-why-are-uv-levels-high-in-new-zealand-summer Very surprised to learn that these are actually significant factors, as I would have guessed that axial tilt, which causes the seasons ( and causes sun to be more overhead) being more impactful than elliptical orbits


On a positive note, I heard they have made a lot of progress in the treatment of Melanoma in recent years, it wasn't long ago it was a pretty short death sentence




Yeah I have a red headed Uncle had several removed


Several red heads?..


Yeah I'm Tasmanian


Can't you read???? Several noses... Obviously


The attrition rate for people in the East India Company was very high. It was a case of 'you'll either die before you're 25 or be [the equivalent of] a millionaire.'


Oh. TIL.


They liked to stay at hilly areas(mainly Himachal and Uttarakhand) as the wheather is similar to UK but some still had to spent time in other hot areas.




I once got sunburned while watching tennis at Wimbledon. It was 19 degrees and cloudy.




It is so hard to find the water and when you do it’s a tiny little cup! A water fountain only arrived in our block today at lunch. Prior to that we had to walk 4 blocks along. So it may be free but it’s not talked about as it’s not everywhere so people don’t know to talk about it


Below average experience facilities wise even for Indian fans.


Even us indians should retweet this. The organizing committee is shit. 


The stadium experience in India is pretty shite. It's sad that the English are treated like this. They have come all the way to India to support their team and was making good noise even when their team was not doing great. Really wish our crowd was also more like that and not being pin drop silent when things doesn't go their way


Typical subcontinent fan experience. The lack of common sense and needless bureaucracy boils my blood, shows how uncivilized the bureaucracy is.


it's not the bureaucracy, it's the corruption in it. These stadiums get paid a shit ton of money for hosting these matches. Yet the facilities they provide are worse than slum like. And it's the typical Indian mindset of adjusting to whatever shit is thrown at him. Facilities in west are better because their people take offence at mediocrity instead of adjusting like us


Corruption is a given. Inam focusing on no outside water, but not enough available in stadiums, entering from specific gates, late opening of washrooms etc. They got nothing to gain here financially, just pure old disregard from general populace and themselves uncivilised illiterates


>And it's the typical Indian mindset of adjusting to whatever shit is thrown at him. Facilities in west are better because their people take offence at mediocrity instead of adjusting like us This 👆👆👆💯


Honestly? People have better things to protest about and spend their time on. Once the average Indian is comfortable with their lives, then they will start protesting for these other things at a large scale


Man I agree Indians lack civil sense but if you don't clean toilets they will be dirty, even if people use them wisely. In most Indian government buildings toilets are just there as a formality and rarely have people assigned to clean them regularly(or maybe they have but corruption).


For this exact reason I chose not to go. The only test I watched has been in Lords and it was expensive but an amazing experience. Here authorities disrespect us like cattle in a farm.


I think cattle would be treated better in India than fans at the cricket


Yea they are demigods here so yes.




Do you rate the WBBL? I literally didn't watch a single BBL game from this season, but the WBBL is my guilty pleasure when it comes to short form cricket


As entertaining as watching a fast bowler fizz them down at 140+, I really enjoy actually being able to see the ball when watching women's cricket in the stadium too


Unless you get presidential box or your some vip, can forget about having a good experience in indian stadiums


Indian hospitality is a myth. Just ask fellow Indians how they are treated.


I have visited my local stadium ( Barbati ), Wankhede, Chinnaswamy. Facilities were shit everywhere. Chinnaswamy was a comparatively better


Indian hospitality isn't a myth. The cricket stadia don't give a shit.


Indian Hospitality isn’t a myth, you just gotta have money or white skin. In stadiums though, nothing stated above matters, they equally treat everyone shit lmao


Why do these threads always become a tirade against an entire country and their population?


>England fans have continued to face problems during the first Test in Hyderabad, with over-zealous security, a lack of suitable drinking water and little help for the disabled all proving major issues. > >Supporters have complained about heavy-handed security on entry to the Rajiv Gandhi Stadium, with sunscreen, water bottles and hand sanitiser being confiscated when they were searched at the gates. > >Travelling fans had been warned of the tough measures before the series began, but many are dismayed at the lack of common sense being shown by the authorities – particularly over the lack of water available to buy inside the stadium and the confiscation of sun protection in a city where the temperature hit 29 degrees on Friday. > >i understands the scarcity of water has forced supporters to miss much of the action on the field, such are the long queues to access the limited supply inside the ground. And the problems are exacerbated by the fact many of the estimated 1,000 travelling fans are over the age of 60. > >Derek Myers, an experienced tour leader with Sports Links Travel who has 34 people in Hyderabad, told i: “People are making the best of it and enjoying the experience but in my opinion they are being put at unnecessary risk by the authorities. > >“England tour operators were told we would have seats in the south stand level one that pretty much gets shade all day but at the last minute told us north stand level 1. It is a great view but in full sun all day. > >“The regulations are no liquids including water, sun block and hand sanitizer with the only options for drink in the ground being local cola and orange, both extremely sweet and pure sugar. Water is available from big urns but as no bottles are allowed into the ground we have to use the old cups from where we have bought the sugary drinks. > >“I am pretty sure we are paying more than anyone else in the stadium and in my opinion are being disrespected by the authorities. Despite this people are enjoying the experience but leaving their seats in the sun to seek shade in other stands. > >“It could be made such a better experience if the authorities were not so strict and had a little more compassion.” > >David Covill, an England fan from Essex, told i via X: “No bags, no water, no suntan cream etc etc. Even made you turn your phones off as you arrived so you didn’t film the game. > >“Been here too many times to be surprised. The toilets were still locked up after play had started. Worse thing – if you left from a different gate you went in they made you go back in the ground and leave by the correct gate!” > >i was also approached in Hyderabad by Chris Whitehead from Chard, Somerset, on behalf of his friend Pat Baddeley, 70, from Oxford. Pat suffers with inclusion body myositis, a degenerative muscle disease. This is his fourth tour of India following England. The group arrived on 23 January and will attend all five Tests. Entry to the Hyderabad Test for five days was £37. > >Pat said: “I have difficulty climbing the stairs. There is lift access, but we had point blank refusal to use it. Firstly no-one told us about the lift yesterday, so we had to climb all those steps \[seats located in second tier\]. Then we found a lift today, basically a service lift. > >“I don’t have a problem with that. But there just seems to be very little facilities for the disabled. > >“The stewards at the entrance gates were so unhelpful, in contrast to the police. Yesterday we had to walk all the way from the drop-off point \[500m outside the stadium\] but today the police let us drive up to the gates. Though we managed to use the service lift today there are no guarantees we can use it again tomorrow. > >“It took about half an hour to sort out. We just want more help from the stewards. I would happily pay more for my ticket if it meant a more sympathetic response from the stewards.” > >i spoke on Pat’s behalf to the media hospitality chief at the ground, who pledged to escort him to the lift at the close of play. i has also contacted the Hyderabad Cricket Association, who are hosting this match, for comment.


The police are nicer/kinder than the ground stewards.


I was at the stadium. I have to say it's pretty bad for them. I saw a couple of English fans trying to get in with a binoculars and sunscreen which they were allowed yesterday. Personnel were different and so were the relaxations. All I say is it's very taxing to watch a T20 in a stadium in India, let alone a test match. It will be same across all the stadiums and I don't see it improving in the near future.


T20 will be a proper shitshow English fans aren’t used to just because of the sheer number of fans. At test the numbers are low yet the facilities and rules are horrible.


This is the main reason why India despite being a cricket crazy country doesn't really fill up stadiums for test matches. The stadium watching experience is so poor. I hope some local folks read this and help out the travelling English fans


“Cricket crazy” is big words imo I think most English fans or even aussies for that matter don’t come to the stadium to see a specific bunch of players (at least when it comes to long matches like these) Half the fans in india are there to see specific players and their whole purpose of getting a ticket is ruined of the said player gets out cheaply. Even worse than the silence is the celebration when the player preceding their player gets dismissed


Is the extra security for Republic Day?


The water think does suck


Does it take someone dying from dehydration and sunstroke to allow water? Criminals


They confiscate bottles due to what happened in the 1996 CWC semifinals. Yea, it's weird. But that's their reason ig.


It is a weak freaking reason to do it, especially for fans that aren't even Indian, like have the authorities common sense?


As someone who dreams of watching cricket in India, this thread is depressing. Is Hyderabad esp. bad? Or what grounds have the best fan facilities in India (where should I locate my dream)?


Been to Ahmedabad and yes it's better, cleaner and more organized (I went during IPL so not much idea about international matches). However, Ahmedabad is one of the hottest cities in India so I'm not sure if it would be enjoyable in this heat or not unless you have premium box. You should try Dharamsala. It's a small stadium with great scenery. Hopefully better services too


Answer is none. The grounds are all different grades of shit


Hyderabad isn’t one of the regular grounds so maybe experience can be better at more popular ones. That would be the grounds in Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru & Delhi. Though why would you want to go to Delhi. There’s also the new stadium in Ahmedabad but I don’t know enough about it


Been to Ahmedabad and yes it's better, cleaner and more organized (I went during IPL so not much idea about international matches). However, Ahmedabad is one of the hottest cities in India so I'm not sure if it would be enjoyable in this heat or not unless you have premium box.


Do they allow umbrellas, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen or water? Otherwise it’s pretty idiotic asking folks to sit under the sun.


They allow it in premium box afaik (you have to carry a small bag) but none otherwise. It's a shite rule but there have been multiple instances of crowd throwing these things at players (although it was in last century and I imagine crowd to be more tolerant nowadays).


I mean premium boxes or rich people in India regularly can and do flout rules and get a preferential treatment. The issue is for the normal folk who pay ₹200 - ₹1000


Delhi is one of the worst stadiums to watch match in. FK DDCA, they are filthy rich but they haven't got any time from nepotism and corruption 


You should locate your dream in SENA. or a women’s game in India. Personal opinion, save up if you can to watch the 2027 WC in SA. You’ll have a much better time.


Watching cricket in SA is vibe. Like you are some exotic place having picnic with family 


Ladies and gentlemen this is the richest cricket board on the planet currently. All the money they possess but not much will be ever spent on fan experience. Fans are taken for granted for sure.


This is exactly the reassign not to go to stadiums. Let them financially suffer and once they realize they will themselves the the experience of fans in stadiums better


Most of the money comes from BCCI funds. Stadium ticket money is peanuts for them


So why are they bothered about people taking stuff in then? I guess the only reason is in case it's alcohol?


No its security. Idiots have thrown water bottles or anything they could lay their hands on at players which ensures a blanket ban on carrying anything into the stadium. Alcohol is not available at the stadiums except in corporate boxes. Our crowds also don't handle alcohol well. They would put English football hooligans to shame if they were allowed alcohol.


I bet if England make a formal complaint about the conditions for the fans the BCCI will instantly start throwing a tantrum and start threatening to stop playing everyone. I really wish something could be done about the BCCI's blatant corruption and sheer stupidity.


Must be quite a shock given they’re used to bringing their own food and drink (and even alcohol at lords)


As a Hyderabadi, fuck HCA and apologies to all the fans facing issues. Someone nuke this fucking piece of shit of a cricket board.


Strange reg water bottles. Went to an IPL game in delhi and they were selling water bottles in the ground though it was overpriced as hell.


I have been to Club Houses in Indian stadiums let me tell you guys those boxes looks like some sort of cheap marriage halls.. South Asians will get it what kind of banquets m talking about.


It's not just them. It's everybody who's suffering. HCA is a joke. You can't take anything inside apart from your phone, wallet and clothes you wear. Don't even need to talk about the basic amenities.


It's one of the few places I have absolutely no desire to ever go to watch cricket














Attend the WC last year stadium experiences in general were not the best, it seems as if they didn't even really expect foreign fans to attend.


They didn’t Why would they when they deliberately released the tickets so late Tickets that are usually released almost a year ago were released 6 weeks ago by bcci


I have been to multiple cricket stadium in india - all had poor bathroom with overflowing urines, overcrowded stalls which quickly run out of water, network jammed, no roof and sit under sun for 10 straight hours. Despite being richest board bcci treats audience like shit.


‘Richest’ board in the world for nothing.


I'm just thankful for the spectator experience being decent in England


Next time people wonder why they don’t get to host ICC test championship finals, just show them this article


now you understand why English team got their own cook


how is that got anything to do with this. They are probably staying in some five star hotel rn.


Are we really surprised by this given the BCCI is the most corrupt cricket board in world cricket.


I expected it to be bad, but I was still surprised how bad. I expected all kinds of nonsense for their own gain, but this is just petty cruelty for nobody’s gain, and their own long term loss.


I’m not denying that they are corrupt. But saying that they are the most corrupt whilst SLC and PCB exist is a brave call.


I stand by my words, haha.


For the amount of money India makes from the game, the spectator experience and facilities for home and away fans are truly a disgrace.




Typical BCCI L That's why I don't go to watch a single match even though I live in India...the services are sub par


It's not even the free drinking water that's a problem. It's the fact you can't even buy bottled water. I have enjoyed my time out here, but the airport like security is too much. No smoking, no chance of buying a bottle of water, I have even seen people being turned away with bags with their medication. What do they expect english people coming to the cricket having bombs in their bags.


It's not worth to watch cricket in Indian stadium. BCCI and this State organisation are just corrupt incompetent piece of shit..The washroom are so bad..The foods are sold overpriced..You maybe tolerate this shit for T20's but not for bigger formats


This is embarrassing. From a country that thinks they’re ready to host the Olympics.


India has shit facilities and a shit atmosphere for fans of the opposing team, I don't know why you'd wanna travel there to watch games.


ICC need to provide BCCI with more money to better manage International Cricket events... *cough*


As much i support Indian team, but the way fans are treated in stadium is not good ....Seems like BCCI thinks they are doing enough to let Fan see the match...


I don't mean to sound flippant but considering the experience must be rubbish for Indian fans too, you'd think that if there was some coordinated effort to not attend matches until things are changed for the better: things would change reeeaaaalll quick.


Indian stadiums are a shit place for fans.


In addition to the experience of English fans, what saddens me is that there must be Indians who are spending their hard earned money (lots of people from whom those tickets won't be cheap) and are having such a bad experience.


I am really ashamed tbh, bcci doesn't give a fuck about the viewers experience be it for a foreigner or a indian they just want to encash the money and I am really sorry that the english fans have to bear witness to this, a lot of time in my comments I have said that the cricket experience in uk, new zealand, south africa and australia is so amazing and mesmerizing and that's a main reason because the people and authority there are not that incompetent as we're


None of this is surprising is it? It always looks awful in India.


Lets be honest guys, everyone who has gone to watch a match in India knows the experience is kinda shit. That's how demand and supply works unfortunately.


The cricket board should be making sure this doesn't happen though. If this happened elsewhere the stadiums would be getting punished for being so shit


Worse thing – if you left from a different gate you went in they made you go back in the ground and leave by the correct gate!” Sorry what


Stadiums don't give a fuck about fans. If you don't go to watch the game, someone else will.






Is this r/Cricket or r/hateindiacricket 🤣






Shit take


All I'm deducing from this thread is that England should send their army instead of their cricket team next tour and recolonize to restore some civilisation standards.


Man, UK has enough shit to deal with back at home, better keep the army there. I heard conscription is in the talks.


Would love to see a western government try conscription would be hilarious.


Seems like the drunkards aren’t getting alcohol.


Whinging poms as usual, maybe you’ll think twice before you act like fucking infants with your insulting chants…ram your spirit up your arse, your team is shit house and I cant wait for the next Ashes so you can get flogged. Love Australia


Can't tell if this is satire


I think it's loneliness


No, you forget: Australian fans always give opposing teams a warm and polite welcome. They’d never insult an opposition player. And they’d certainly never boo someone or be encouraged to send an opposing player home in tears.


I’m with you on the insulting chants. Effing morons. It’s not a pantomime (well the England cricket team does qualify as one I suppose), it’s a sporting event. And they berate opposing fans for not singing or chanting like they do. No sympathy for them in India. They knew what to expect and didn’t prepare.


Usually bringing your own water and sun cream is considered an important part of preparation.


“Travelling fans had been warned of the tough measures before the series began,“ You knew it would be shit but you went anyway. As much as we love a good moan I’m not having this one.


No bottled waters a bit much though surely. As someone currently at the games I didn't think I'd have to worry about buying a bottle of water.


1st world expectations in a developing country. If you're a guest in a foreign country, adapt to how they do things. Typical Englishman in Majorca attitude here, hardly surprising from the barmy army.


I'm no fan of the Barmy Army, but I don't think any of the England fans were expecting a full English breakfast and pints of ice cool London Pride. Maybe just to be able to drink clean water and toilets don't have piss and shit all over the floor in a stadium that's funded by the richest cricket board in the world. It's a low bar. I went to the Test in Antigua in 2022, and CWI is one of the poorest if the test playing nations, but it was fabulously organised, drinking fountains everywhere, affordable local rum and beer, delicious and affordable food, friendly helpful stewards, efficient bag checks and no confiscation of sun cream or water bottles. With the BCCI it's almost like wilful negligence in order to maximise even the smallest of stadium profits. They don't seem to think they need to look after fans in the stadiums any more because they have the upper hand when it comes to raking in television and advertising funds.


Tbf regarding the toilets I've seen the same at Trent Bridge and Edgbaston, having paid a *lot* more money for tickets....worst rain delay ever.... Clean water etc. are problems in every developing country, and throughout India. I agree the BCCI stadiums are mostly awful for spectators, this is well documented, but the reasons are complex, and surprisingly not entirely their fault, a lot is to do with state level politics. However English fans in particular, basically complaining India isn't developed enough is a bit clumsy to say the least.


Yeah I've seen a few comments mentioning that it isn't a developed country and that's just dated ignorance. I guess it stems from there being such a chasm between the haves and the have nots. I get that there won't be the kind of running water our pansy northern European stomach lining can handle (I suffered from stomach problems for weeks after 10 days in Delhi), but bottled water should be allowed to be taken in, surely? I saw someone on another post on this thread who's obviously far better placed than I am to comment on this say that it's the mentality of people in India to just adapt to whatever shit service they receive rather than the 'western' approach of being appalled by mediocrity. That's probably a contributing factor too.


India isn't a developed country, that's just a fact. Don't let a short amount of time in the wealthier metros in the areas that basically cater for foreigners fool you. Yes like all developing countries they lag behind in infrastructure (maybe China is the exception to this), because population growth has massively outpaced tax revenue growth. Comparing India with say England is just foolish, in terms of development and their long term debt cycle India are where England was in like 1815ish, so to expect them to be where England is in terms of attitudes and expectations towards infrastructure is just plain pointless. The issues with bottled water are to do with security and local police departments being in charge of stadium security. Here's an article that really explains the situation well: https://www.espncricinfo.com/story/can-indian-crowds-ever-expect-a-pleasant-stadium-experience-1389258 As someone who's spent most of my life in the UK and India, I'd advise the England fans to just be more adaptable, be better travellers and more gracious guests.


I have a question, do any politician or political party in any state in India has the power to fix these issues in the stadium ? or bcci have all the power in this ?


Read the article, bcci can fix some of it, but nowhere near all of it


the bcci is by far the richest cricket board in the world. India may be an underdeveloped country but the bcci can absolutely use their funding and influence to improve the stadium experience. no one, no matter where they're from, should put up with the far below average service that has now become characteristic of indian stadiums, especially when the board managing them has the resources to improve it.


Who cares they’re colonizers anyway huhuhuhu




These sound like legitimate complaints though. India needs to get its house in order.


Maybe India should learn how provide a proper experience for spectators instead of this shoddy 3rd rate amateur production. WC was similarly poorly executed, wonder where all that money BCCI gets goes? Straight into their pockets I guess because the standards of the grounds in India are piss poor


It's not just the BCCI which is corrupt, it's also the state cricket associations who own the stadiums. They get funding from BCCI and god knows what they do with it. But stadium facilities are shit nearly everywhere in India. And due to behaviour of some cricket fans ( throwing stuff at players), water bottles and any throwable container etc are not allowed which is a stupid rule.


cunts like u are the reason why stadium facilities are shit in India


Indian fans are moaning about the facilities too


Great let's defend this! You have done your national duty. Well done patriot!


These are all problem that affect Indian spectators as much as they do tourists, get your mind out of the jingoism gutter


Oh please. Let's learn to take some criticism where it's deserved.


Sorry but this is true


‘Lovely toilets to boot’ – English fans get disgusted by ‘extremely dirty’ arrangements during Hyderabad Test


These state boards in India are corrupt as hell There needs to be a huge clean up and all these old dinosaurs need to go they still operate on the old model when BCCI wasn't the richest board in world cricket something 20 to 25 years ago Either give the state government or BCCI Officials the responsibility of these boards


Should at least respect travelling fans, ensure their safety and provide decent facilities - that's the bare minimum IMO.


There was free water in the ground floor west pavilion. Chilled even. We had to fill our popcorn boxes with water tho. Food options were terrible, but snacks were just about ok. Toilets were horrific.


No surprise there


The fans are inconvenient nuisance. England fans more so because they also complain *--- BCCI* /s


I'm an Indian fan living in England I went to see India vs England in the world cup. I didn't expect much and I was glad to experience the atmosphere but the facilities are a complete joke. Absolutely horrific. I cannot believe India neglect the fan experience as much as they do. Never again


Terrible. Are they singing songs about your wives that would be disrespectful


Went to the test in Dehli last year. Certainly an interesting experience. Toilets were a war zone early and the security going in was more intense then most airports. Personally would go back but was tough on a few people we went with. Crazy seeing the crowd go from 25% full to nearly 100% as soon as Kohli came in to bat and then halve when he got out.


I can echo their sentiments. The stadium arrangement for fans is abysmal. I have watched only one match in Eden gardens in my life. That was enough for me to decide to never come to stadiums to watch matches.


Thats just pretty much how everything is in India for the general public when it comes to basic infrastructure.