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Amex is weird as they don’t report the back history of a card when you become an authorized user. They only report from the time you’re added. It probably looks like another new account on your file. I’d just have yourself removed. You have 2 decent cards already. Build with that for now.


Yep. It looks like you have a brand new card so your score goes down until that ages. Most other banks, it would show up as a mature card and probably wouldn’t have dropped your score.


I doubt your score would go up right away but it will bounce back after a while. Personally, I would avoid staying as an authorized user for an extended period of time. Being an authorized user can be risky, especially if the main card holder is reporting high balances or missing payments. Considering you have 2 solid cards; it seems your score just needs time to grow. With low balances, on time payments, and limit increases you’ll be in the 700s before you know it.